Read The Carrier - Episode Two Page 7

Jacob looked on as the healer removed the cloth from Chev's forehead. The healer looked up, and the look on her face confirmed his feelings—she too did not know what ailed Chev.

  A knock at the door made Jacob start. Alliva strode into the room, and gently bowed, she timidly lowered her eyes away from Jacob’s stare, ‘How is she?’ she asked moving to the side of the bed and gently running her hand down Chev's cheek.

  ‘No change.’ Jacob's reply was cold and blunt.

  ‘You look tired Jacob, have you rested?’

  Jacob nodded, ‘a little, but I want to be here in case she wakes.’ Alliva moved to Jacob’s side. She was strikingly beautiful, but as always sent a chill up his spine.

  ‘You rest over there and I’ll fetch you if she wakes.’

  Jacob hesitantly agreed and moved to a chaise lounge next to a window. Before settling, he sent a silent prayer to Teanne.

  A scream woke Jacob. Chev was hard against the wall sobbing. Jacob ran to her side, trying to avoid her clawing fists. He grabbed her by the shoulders. ‘Chev! Chev, look at me! It’s Jacob!’ The girl slowly fixed her gaze on his.

  ‘Jacob?’ She lunged into a hug. ‘I’m sorry Jacob, I couldn’t stop her, I’m so sorry. All I could do was watch.’

  Jacob pulled Chev tighter against his shoulder as she sobbed hysterically. Lifting her up, he placed Chev back onto the bed where she lay mumbling to herself. Gently Jacob pulled a blanket up under her chin and pushed her ringlets away from her face. She was hot with fever.

  ‘Shh Chev, get some rest and we can talk later.’

  As he comforted her with small strokes upon her forehead, Chev slowly calmed and fell asleep. Jacob was exhausted. He looked over at Alliva who stood like nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. ‘You can go, Alliva.’

  She bowed and headed for the door. ‘Call for me, if you need anything, Jacob. Anything.’

  The cold chill once again climbed his spine.Jacob moved to the chaise and laid down, the sound of servants moving outside the room keeping him awake. He watched as the sun's light slowly moved across the wall. He looked at Chev where she lay finally asleep, but her head was tossing from side to side. He wondered what was going through her dreams. Jacob sat up as another healer arrived to check her.

  ‘Have you been here all night, Commander?’Jacob nodded. ‘You should go and eat. I’ll call you if she wakes up.’ Jacob agreed, he needed to bathe, and get food; he suddenly realised how hungry he was.

  Leaving the room, he found he was on one of the lower levels of the palace where the columns that he had seen from the city below ran around the edges supporting a mezzanine floor above. It was a magnificent palace, palms surrounded the yard and beautiful exotic flowers bloomed everywhere, a vine of purple flowers surrounded an archway leading to what looked like a vault. Jacob was slowly realising the enormity of this palace.

  A young servant girl passed by, ‘Excuse me,’ Jacob said. The servant girl stopped, ‘Where would I find food?’ the girl pointed behind her. Jacob bowed his head and smiled, and headed across the yard towards what looked to be a large hall.

  The chatter inside was deafening, but slowly dissipated as he entered; all eyes were fixed on him. He moved to an empty table and seated himself. All around there were soldiers in the same black uniform as the wall guards, and they slowly returned to their banter heartily consuming their breakfast.

  ‘So what can I gets you?’

  Jacob looked up to a rather large gentleman, who smiled revealing two missing teeth. He lightly slapped his arm with a dirty towel.

  ‘Anything you recommend?’ Jacob replied softly.

  The man’s laugh filled the room. ‘It’s all goods, sonny.’ Jacob returned the smile and shrugged.

  ‘I cooked it all myselfs, so whatever I bring you will be fines.’ His smile was infectious and the hiss at the end of his words the result of the missing teeth made Jacob warm to the man instantly.

  ‘Anything you bring, I will be thankful for.’

  ‘Yous one of them Luia folks?’ Jacob nodded. ‘How’s the little girl that took bads?’

  It seemed news spread fast in this palace. Jacob sighed. ‘No change.’

  The big man slapped him across the shoulder in a friendly manner, ‘I’m Wilfred.’

  The man presented his hand and Jacob took it respectfully. ‘I’m Jacob, it’s nice to meet you.’

  Wilfred grinned his toothless smile and yelled over his shoulder at one of his helpers, ‘Get Jacob heres the housse sspecial, and hopss to it, he be an importants man.’

  Jacob smiled his appreciation and looked around the room, a few eyes were still fixed on him. Wilfred interrupted his thoughts, ‘Don’t pay them any minds, they just not used to having two handsomes men in their presence.’ Jacob could not contain his laughter as Wilfred winked. The helper returned with a plate piled high with a green mash. He eyed it eagerly as his stomach grumbled. ‘The green mash is my sspeciality, tell me what you thinks.’

  Jacob scooped some into his mouth. It was surprisingly good. He nodded with delight.

  ‘Lets me knows if you want anymore, Jacob, I’ll be over there.’ Jacob smiled, the green mash filling his teeth. Wilfred chuckled and left him to finish his meal.

  Jacob was devouring his breakfast when a shadow cast over him. He looked up to see the Queen’s brother, Daon, surprisingly sober Jacob thought – he had heard many stories of the prince and his drunken escapades in the short time they had been in Aelia.

  ‘Wilfred’s special, huh? Don’t eat too much, or you’ll be paying for it later.’ Daon chuckled and sat down.

  ‘So, how’s your friend?’ Daon looked sincere.

  ‘She seems better, but no real change.’

  ‘The healer filled me in. I’ve heard she’s having nightmares. Seen that once before, you know.’

  Jacob lowered his spoon and took in Daons eyes ‘You have?’ A feeling of dread started to fill Jacob.

  ‘Yeah, my mother was the same. She always seemed to be running away from her dreams. It drove her mad.’ Daon shrugged and looked casually around the room.

  ‘And how did you heal her?’ Jacob asked as Daon lowered his eyes.

  ‘We didn’t. She died.’

  ‘I’m sorry.’

  Daon simply pushed it aside. ‘You should talk to my sister. She might know how to help. She’s attuned to these sort of things, you know.’

  The Queen was the last person Jacob expected or even wanted help from. Daon leapt to his feet.

  ‘Well I best get to it, I hope your friend gets better. If you would like a tour of the armoury or anything, let me know.’ Jacob nodded as he watched the prince leave, pushing past Wilfred aggressively. Jacob noticed Wilfred’s look turn serious as he approached.

  ‘What did that little blighter want?’

  Jacob was slightly taken aback by Wilfreds disregard of Daon,

  ‘He was suggesting help for my friend.’

  Wilfred took a chair and clasped his hands in front of him. ‘Be careful of that one, Sir, he’s troubles.’ Jacob smiled politely but noted Wilfred’s warning. ‘So, do you have any plans for this fine morning?’

  Jacob shook his head and Wilfred became more jovial.

  ‘Comes, my boy. Let me show you the true beauty of Aelia. I need air after being with all these lots, and you look like you could use some too. None of that pompous hoo haa upstairs.’

  Jacob smiled, scooping a final spoonful of green mash into his mouth, and followed Wilfred to the back of the kitchen. Discarding his apron and dirty towel, Wilfred grabbed a hat and led Jacob outside. The morning was turning into a bright beautiful day.