Read The Centurion and the Crown of Thorns Page 10

  'I do, but I think it’s best that you don’t know where it is.' Thinking of the crown he had hidden in the backyard of Ametrius’ house, he added, 'Not because I don’t trust you, friend Ametrius, for I’d trust you with my life. The authorities are aware that we’re best of friends, so it won’t be long before they ask you questions about me and the crown. This way, you can say you don’t know where it is, and that would be the truth.'

  'Marcus, do you think they’ll ask me if I’m a believer also?'

  'It’s certainly possible. They seem to think we’re going to support the Jewish zealots, or maybe help some of the Jews make trouble because of the crucifixion of Jesus, so you must prepare yourself with an answer. If you say you are a believer, you will most likely be told, as I was, to resign and give up all things that represent the Roman army that are in your possession. But until then, I believe Diana, Justina and Antony must stay with Diana’s family. I think they’ll be safer there.'

  'Yes, of course. Will you be joining us?'

  'No, my friend, the Roman authorities don’t know you’re here now, and most likely you’re not being watched. They’ve told me that someone has been watching me, so I think I should get straight back to my home and gather some things I’ll need. Where I’ll go, I’m not sure. Please hurry to Rae-dona’s and explain what’s happened and ask her to wait for me in the olive garden. She’ll know which one it is. Hurry now. And make sure you keep your family and Antony at your in-laws. It’s the safest place for them. I’ll be praying for all of you.'

  Chapter 33

  Marcus quickly got the things he needed from his house. Then, when he thought it was safe, he made his way to the nearby house of Ametrius to retrieve the crown of thorns. If he’d left it there, he’d be putting his friend’s life, and the lives of his wife and child, at risk.

  With the bag with the crown safely under his tunic, he left on horseback to meet Rae-dona in the olive garden just outside her village. He was sure that because of the earthquake they had not yet started to look for him. But he knew the search would soon begin.

  By the time he arrived at the garden it was dark. Unseen by anyone, he slipped the bag with the crown into the dense undergrowth at the edge of the garden. Rae-dona was waiting for him beside one of the oldest olive trees. She reached her hand out to him and he took it, thinking how good it felt.

  Rae-dona’s voice was shaking and had a tone of fear. 'I’ve been worried about you ever since Ametrius got here and told me that Tribune Octavius had summoned you. Jairus and his whole household have been on their knees praying for your safety.'

  While talking, Rae-dona continued to hold Marcus’ hand. She led him to the same wooden bench that they had sat on before, and it was only after they reached it that she released her hand.

  Marcus took her hand back into his and held it, unwilling to let go. She did not resist the gesture.

  'I’m not sure how long I can stay here, Rae-dona. I don’t want to put your life in danger. Whoever their spy is, we must have been seen together, but he or she may think you’re from the disciple John’s village. I have no idea who the spy is, but if it’s someone who hates me, they may give false evidence.'

  'Why would someone hate you?' Rae-dona asked in surprise.

  'I’m a soldier,' Marcus replied. 'You can’t be in charge of men without making enemies.' He thought for a moment. 'Perhaps my attitude would be different now, but discipline is essential in the army.'

  'Where will you go?'

  'I’m not sure. For some reason I keep thinking of a place I should go, but I can’t tell you, for your own safety. The authorities want me to surrender the crown to them, but I’ll not do it without a fight.'

  'Where is the crown, Marcus? I’ve noticed you don’t have it with you. I thought maybe they’d already taken it.'

  'I have it hidden. That’s all I can tell you. If some soldiers are here watching us, and suddenly appear, I don’t want you to be able to tell them anything about it. I have to keep it in places where friends won’t be in danger if it’s found.'

  Rae-dona didn’t ask again. If Marcus wanted her to know, he would have told her. She knew he was trying to protect her.

  'Rae-dona, before I leave to go to … the place I have in mind … I want to go over the next prophecy with you. I still have a strong desire to learn as much as I can about the man, Jesus. So, at last, please tell me where in your Scriptures the prophecy is that you call the divided garments.'

  Rae-dona again closed her eyes as she searched for the words in her memory, words of Scripture that had been drilled into her in school, and by her father when he had been a ruler in the synagogue. While doing this she let go of his hand. She did it very gently with a little smile on her face.

  'I’ve got it. It’s from King David again. He was speaking of the promised Messiah. David said, ‘They divided my outer garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.’'

  Marcus could feel tears in the corners of his eyes. 'Yes I remember that. It happens at each crucifixion. The soldiers take the victims’ garments and they are customarily kept by his executioners. But that day was different. After Jesus was crucified, the solders took his outer garment and divided it into the four parts as usual, a part for each solder. But the cloak that Jesus was wearing was seamless, woven in one piece. So instead of tearing it, they cast lots to decide who would be taking it home with them. I’ve never known that to happen before.'

  'Marcus, when you heard someone in the crowd saying, ‘Another Scripture completed,’ they were referring to what King David said a thousand years ago.'

  Marcus wiped the tears from his eyes. 'I wish I could have been like you and seen, talked and followed Jesus while He was here with us. You must feel so privileged.'

  'I do, Marcus, I do. And some day you may have the same opportunity.'

  'How is that possible?' Marcus asked.

  'Remember, Marcus, Jesus has risen from the dead. We know He is here on this earth right now. I believe He’s gone to Galilee, but He’s expected down here in Judea soon. I don’t know for how long it will be before He comes, but knowing Him, I’m sure He’s still going from village to village telling all the people how they can find the Kingdom of God that belongs to His Father. So you see, Marcus, it’s very possible that we may see Jesus soon, on this earth, face to face.'

  Chapter 34

  They held hands again as they left the garden, and Marcus walked Rae-dona back to her house. He quickly returned to the olive garden, waited a few minutes to check that he was alone, then retrieved the bag containing the crown of thorns from behind the bushes and put it under his large tunic.

  He could feel the warmth against his chest and guessed it was secure for the time being. Very quietly he led his horse in the direction of the village where John and Jesus’ mother Mary lived.

  It was still completely dark, but with enough light from the stars to help him get well away from Rae-dona’s village, leading his horse. Before long the clouds covered the sky, and he decided it was too dark to risk traveling further. Tying his horse in a small woodland he lay down on a blanket to sleep on the ground. Now that he was clear of Rae-dona’s village, she would not be implicated if he was arrested anywhere from here on.

  He started again at first light, and took his rest at the same place he and Rae-dona had taken theirs earlier. He spent some time there, his mind on their relationship, and he was encouraged even more about where it was going, even if it only amounted to holding hands for the time being. He knew that devout Jews had very different ways to those of the Romans, and in some villages women could be stoned for sexual misdemeanors. He decided he had to extremely careful not to cause offense. He began to pray in a way he had never prayed before, his mind filled with the presence of the Lord God.

  In the distance he heard a sound he recognized immediately -- the noise of soldiers marching closer and closer, probably looking for trouble-makers, zealots. Surely all they would find around here were peaceful followers o
f the risen Christ. Quickly he unhitched his horse and hurried with it to the shelter of a grove of trees a little way up the hillside.

  The soldiers, men he recognized from his own regiment, stopped by the stream. Marcus did his best to keep his horse quiet while the men bathed in the water, laughing and playing around as they relaxed.

  Marcus guessed that they were not bound for John’s village, for they were going across country. He had no idea if they were on the lookout for him, for Jesus, or any of His disciples, or were simply on general peacekeeping maneuvers.

  * * *

  The men stayed around for most of the morning, practicing fighting techniques, making it impossible for Marcus to continue, for surely he was a wanted man until he surrendered the crown of thorns.

  By the time Marcus reached John’s village it was early afternoon and he went directly to the square. Just as he thought, people were starting to gather as John prepared to speak. There was no sign of the soldiers who had gone away in a westerly direction from the stream.

  John saw Marcus coming forward and motioned for him to come closer to the front. Marcus did as John had requested and sat on the ground like many of the others, and waited for John to speak. It seemed like his mind was clear of the previous day’s trouble, and he was ready to hear about his Lord.

  When everyone was settled down, John spoke loudly while the people listened in silence. Marcus found this part of John’s talk particularly memorable.

  'I know that many of you here claim to be followers of Jesus. If you are, you will do what He does, and walk in the way He’s shown us. Behaving like this isn’t something new, but it’s part of an old commandment you will have heard before. But there is something new, a new commandment from Jesus that you need to know. The darkness that has been in our lives is passing away, because Jesus Christ, who is the true light, is now shining in our lives.

  'Hate is the opposite of love. Do you hate some people? Do you even hate your own brother? If you do, you’re not walking in the light that comes from Jesus, and you’ll keep on walking in darkness. But if you love your brother, you’ll be walking in the light. Then nothing will cause you to trip up. Don’t forget, if you’re a follower of Jesus, you now have a new life.

  'I’m here today teaching this to all of you because of the evil one called Satan, the enemy of God, who wants to spoil your faith. But Jesus has overcome the evil one. You may not feel it yet, but you must believe that you have strength to overcome Satan, because the Word of God is living in you.

  'Please don’t love this world too much, or love the things in it. If you do, the love of God the Father cannot be in you. Things around you can take your minds and eyes away from God the Father. Yes, this will happen if you’re too concerned with the things of this world. But these things are going to pass away. Take comfort from this thought. If you do what God wants you to do, you will live with Him for eternity.'

  John looked at the crowd, and continued his teaching. After he had been speaking about Jesus and new life for about twenty minutes, he said. 'That’s all for today. We’ve been fortunate that the solders haven’t come to check up on us and frighten us away, so please leave quietly, thanking God for His protection.

  'We will have fellowship again tonight and more teaching about our Lord. But not here. It will be at our home. If you can, please come and bring others with you.'

  With these last words to the followers of Jesus, John looked again at Marcus, smiled, then went over to him and shook his hand.

  'Marcus, my friend, it’s been good to see you again. Is Rae-dona with you?'

  'No, I’m sorry but she’s not. It’s not safe for her to be seen with me at this time.'

  Marcus saw the questioning look on John’s face. He told John of his summons to the Tribune Octavius, and the authorities wanting to know if he’d become a believer, and how God answered his prayer so quickly by causing the earth to shake, and how they wanted him to turn over the crown of thorns to them. While saying this he patted his chest, letting John know that the crown was under his baggy tunic, which now had a piece of goatskin preventing the thorns from hurting his chest.

  He told John how he escaped with the help of his friend Ametrius, and how he knew the Lord wanted him to return to this village, although he wasn’t sure why.

  John said, 'Marcus, come with me. You can stay in my home until it’s safe for you to return.'

  Marcus shook his head. 'No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. There’s a spy watching me. Tribune Octavius knew I was here, and knew every detail about the boy’s miraculous healing -- and all the other healings, so the spy must have been watching the whole time. There’s a risk the Roman soldiers will come and search your home. I don’t want them to find any evidence that I’ve been there. I must find another place to stay. I don’t want to put you and your household in danger.'

  John thought about it for a while, nodded wisely, and said, 'I’ll take you to a house where my brother James is staying. It’s not far from here. He and our father Zebedee are speaking in other fellowships about our Lord. They’ll be gone for a few days. I know they’d welcome you if they were here. You’ll be safe in their house until the Lord directs you elsewhere.'

  Marcus left for a few minutes and returned with his horse, then they walked to James’s home praising God and talking about the Lord. Marcus asked if John thought it was still possible that he would be able to see the risen Jesus. John assured him that he would most likely be able to see Jesus soon, and maybe even have a chance to talk to Him.

  John said he had already seen Jesus immediately after the resurrection in Jerusalem in an inner room, and then up in Galilee, and now he was down here in Judea looking forward to seeing Jesus again and spending more quality time with Him and the other disciples.

  Marcus felt excited to have this special time with the disciple John all to himself. But to have time with Jesus would be even more wonderful.

  Chapter 35

  When they arrived at James’s temporary home, John showed Marcus everything he needed to know to have a comfortable stay.

  As John was ready to leave, Marcus said, 'John, I know you’re busy and want to go to your home to rest and prepare for the fellowship meeting tonight. Please understand I’ll not be able to attend, because I don’t think it will be safe for any of us with the spy around. But if you can spare me a little time, would you please share with me more about Jesus? I know so little about Him. I know from listening to your words that you’ve heard, seen and touched our Lord. Please, I want to learn as much as I can.'

  John looked at Marcus. 'I can see the desire in your eyes and the love you have for the Messiah. Marcus, please sit down. I have a little time now. I know God wants to speak through me to enlighten you of Jesus’ ministry here on this earth. I have shared this with the followers of Jesus several times already.'

  Then John began to tell from his heart the things about the Man he had ministered with for three years. 'The Father loves you so much, Marcus. That’s why He now calls you one of His children. A child of God. Are you surprised? Well, that’s exactly what you are. It’s what we all are, if we follow Jesus. We’re children of a loving heavenly Father.'

  Marcus frowned. 'It’s easy to say that,' he said slowly, 'but are you sure that’s what Jesus told you and the other disciples?'

  'Believe me, Marcus, Jesus assures us that if we follow Him, we are indeed children of God. So, yes, you really are. Of course, the people who are not followers of Jesus don’t understand this, because they don’t know Him. But now you’re a follower of Jesus, you need to practice righteousness, in the same way that Jesus is righteous. Don’t keep on sinning and pleasing His enemy the devil. Jesus has come to destroy the works of the devil, and, Marcus, always remember that you are now born again, born into God’s family as His child.

  'I’ve heard that Roman soldiers who were once your friends now despise you. It will be the same with many of the Jews, because you’re a Roman and are associated with that h
ated army. So don’t be surprised if the whole world seems to hate you. Try to love everyone, even those who wish you were dead. But if you love them, even if you have to die for your faith in Jesus, you will pass through that death to eternal life.'

  Marcus felt a sudden relief flow through him when he heard those words. 'Please carry on,' he said quietly.

  'Marcus, don’t be surprised if the world hates you,' John repeated. 'Believe me, most of us who are followers of Jesus face rejection by friends and family who are not followers of Jesus. Because we love one another we should be ready to lay down our lives for them, in the same way that Jesus Christ laid down His life for us on that cross. Our Father God wants us to help one another. If we don’t do that, how can you possibly say that we have God’s love inside you? Does the love of God live in you?'

  Marcus thought for a moment and then nodded. 'It does, but I have a long way to go. I can sense a major change inside, but I can’t explain it.'

  'Yes, a major change,' John said. 'But we have to be careful not to love with just nice words that slip lightly from our tongues. We should love in everything we do, honestly and openly.'

  Marcus was absorbing every word that John spoke. He felt like a sponge swelling with information about Jesus Christ, whose crucifixion he had personally helped organize.

  John stopped. 'Marcus, do you understand what I’m telling you? Am I talking too fast, or giving you too much information all at one time? I know that a lot of this is new to you.'

  Marcus looked directly into John’s eyes. 'All of what you’re telling me is new to me! But I’m enjoying every moment listening to what you’re saying. I feel so privileged having you, one of the Lord’s disciples, teaching me some of the things He has taught you. I know it’s getting late and you must return to your village to prepare for tonight’s meeting. I’d love to be there. Every day I want to hear and learn more and more about Jesus. And, please, you must write down everything you’ve told me, and as much as you can about your time with Jesus.'

  John smiled at the excitement he heard in Marcus’ voice, but he had nothing more to say. Marcus knew the time had come for John to return to his home.