Read The Centurion and the Crown of Thorns Page 11

  'Thank you so very much for sharing these things with me, John. I’ll keep them close to my heart. I’ll ask God’s Spirit to help me understand and remind me each day of the things you’ve taught me today.'

  John gave Marcus a hug, and said, 'I’ll also ask those same things from God, that He will give you His mighty wisdom, and that His protecting hand will be upon you, and direct you according to His will. I’ll come back here after our fellowship tonight and bring you something to eat. We always have plenty of food left over.'

  With that, John hurried away. Marcus went back to where they’d been sitting, bowed his head, and began to pray again for the Lord’s direction in his life.

  Chapter 36

  Marcus was unsure where he was supposed to go next, even after praying for what seemed like a long time. So he stopped praying and tried to listen for God’s answer. Although it was only early evening, sleep overcame him. He tried to stay awake, but he could not.

  He was dreaming of his son Antony, when he heard the voice of God saying to him, 'Go, be with your son.' The voice was as if God was in the room with him. He woke up startled as someone knocked on the door and called out his name. Outside the window it was dark.

  As he walked cautiously to the entrance of James’s house, he could hear other voices. He opened the door to John and his mother Salome, Mary the mother of Jesus, and to his very happy surprise, Rae-dona. He wanted to reach out and bring Rae-dona into his arms, but contained himself and instead reached out and took her hand to help her into the house.

  They had brought enough food for the five of them. They said they hadn’t eaten at the evening fellowship but waited so they could eat together with him. Marcus felt very much loved.

  He asked, 'John, my friend, what did you teach on this evening?'

  'Very similar to the things about true love I shared with you while we were together earlier.'

  Marcus turned to Rae-dona. 'I’m so happy to see you, but I’m wondering why you’re here. I don’t think you’re safe if you’re seen with me. You must be very careful. How did you know I was here?'

  'While I was praying for you John's home kept coming into my mind over and over again, so I was sure that this is where you would be. I remembered you said that maybe the authorities would think that I’m from this village. So I thought if they believe I live here, I’ll be safe here. I left a note for my Uncle Jairus saying I’ll be gone for a few days to learn more about the prophecies. This way, if someone asks him about my whereabouts, he can show them the note. I didn’t mention where I was going, so I feel I’m not in danger here.'

  'I’m glad you came tonight, Rae-dona. I’ve been praying and asking God where I should go next. I don’t feel I should stay here too long.'

  ‘Yes, I’ve been praying also, and that’s one of the reasons I came to see you. I was having a little sleep this afternoon, and in a dream an angel appeared to me saying that I should go to the home of Diana’s parents, and that you’re to go with me.'

  'Praise God. He’s just confirmed my next destination through you. I also had a dream, and the Lord’s voice spoke to me and said that I was to go and be with my son. And since Antony is with Ametrius and they are at Diana’s parent’s home, then that’s where I must go. Are you sure, Rae-dona, that you’re meant to go with me?'

  'Yes, I’m sure. In my dream it was very clear that I was to accompany you on this journey.'

  John said, 'We’ll take your horse back to our village tonight, Marcus, and hide it in the stable. It’s probably recognizable, and someone might report to the Roman authorities that they’ve seen it here. Then tomorrow Rae-dona can ride it here and collect you. The ladies will be happy I’m sure to prepare the necessary things you’ll need.'

  Marcus felt humbled by the offer. 'Thank you, my friends. I’m sure the Lord will bless all of you for being so kind and encouraging.' Turning to Rae-dona he said, 'We’ll depart early in the morning, so leave John’s house when the sun rises.'

  As much as Marcus wanted Rae-dona to stay there alone with him, he knew it wasn’t the right thing to do. Besides, they would have opportunity on the ride to Diana’s family home to discuss his, or rather their, feelings for one another.

  After they had eaten, everyone gathered up the dishes and utensils they had brought and said their goodbyes.

  Marcus went to sleep not only thinking of Rae-dona, but of Antony. He started to understand how much he loved and missed his son. It was the love of God inside him now. He fell asleep with much joy in his heart.

  Chapter 37

  Early the next morning, they had not been riding together on the horse for long when Marcus could no longer contain himself. Turning round and looking at Rae-dona, he said with a little quiver in his voice, 'Rae-dona, what do you think of our relationship? What do you feel the future holds for us? Am I in your future? Have you thought about us at all?'

  He couldn’t believe he had asked her so many questions at one time. He knew he’d let himself get a little carried away, and was fervently hoping he hadn’t scared her off.

  She looked up at him, smiled, and said, 'Yes of course I’ve thought a lot about us and our relationship. It won’t be easy for us, Marcus. You’re a Roman and I’m a Jew. Many of my people won’t be happy about our relationship. You’ll be shunned and unwelcomed not only by the Jewish people, but by your people as well. Not so much by the believers, although many of them won’t be happy either. Are you willing to give up your position in the Roman army and come and live in a village like John’s, where we hopefully will be more accepted?'

  'Yes, I am. Remember, I have no future with the Roman army. I shall have to resign if I want to keep you and your people company, as Tribune Octavius ordered me. I have a great peace about it and I would even be willing to give up my Roman citizenship to follow Jesus and be with you, if that’s what’s needed.'

  'Well, that may be good for you, but what about Antony? What will his future hold?'

  'I pray it will hold love and forgiveness, and he will have a heart to serve the Lord. How about you, Rae-dona, are you willing to be shunned by your people? Are you willing to give up your traditions and family if it becomes necessary?'

  'Yes, I’ve done most of that already when I became a follower of Jesus Christ. My family now is the household of Jairus. They will never stop loving me. In fact, I’ve already spoken with them about our relationship. They said whatever I decide, they will support me. Remember, Marcus, they are truly believers, and have followed Jesus with strong conviction and passion from the moment He raised their daughter Anna from the dead. They have the love of Jesus for me that John has been talking about. I think you’ll have to give up more than I’ll have to. I’ve already gone through many rejections from friends and loved ones when I decided to become a follower of Jesus, but you’ll be just beginning. If you feel you’re ready to go through that, and stay strong in your belief, then I am sure we can have a future together.'

  Marcus assured Rae-dona that he could, with the power of the Holy Spirit. He was ready to go through any rejection that the Lord might have for him.

  For the rest of the ride together they expressed their love for each other. They laughed a lot but also had their serious moments. They promised that they would be praying for each other every day, no matter if they were together or apart. They asked God to help them overcome any persecutions they might have to face, not only because of their relationship with each other, but also because of their relationship with the Savior.

  In their prayer together they prayed that Antony would love Rae-dona and not be jealous of her, but would be happy, and that someday he would accept her as his mother.


  When they arrived at Diana’s family home, Ametrius came running out, shouting, 'Marcus, praise the God in heaven you’re here. There has been a terrible accident. It’s Antony. He’s just lying on his cot as if asleep … or dead. Hurry. Maybe when he hears your voice he’ll stir and come back to us.'

  Marcus ran to
his son. When he reached him he called out his name, but there was no response. Antony seemed whiter than the sheet he was lying on. He looked as if all of his blood had been drained from his little body. And then Marcus saw the pool of blood on the sheet.

  Chapter 38

  Marcus looked down at his son as he lay on the cot so peacefully, as if asleep. The only thing Marcus could see was a big cut on his son’s forehead surrounded by patches of blood. Marcus turned to the people crowding the room. They all looked worried, their eyes glistening as they tried to hold back their tears. Most of them seemed to have decided that Antony was dead.

  Among those in the room were Diana, her parents, her twin brothers in their late teens, and Ametrius.

  'Tell me, Ametrius, what happened, and how did Antony get this injury?'

  'I’m so sorry, Marcus. I feel like it’s my fault. Antony and Justina were playing out in the yard chasing each other. Antony stumbled and hit his head on a large rock. When he didn’t get up, Justina ran into the house crying. We went out and found Antony on the ground with that big wound on his head, and blood coming from it.

  'I picked him up and laid him on the cot. Diana cleaned the wound, but as you can see, it continues to bleed. He’s not moved since we brought him in. I started to pray. And then I was so glad to hear your voice, and I knew that my prayers had been answered.

  'There’s a physician not too far from here. We can take Antony there, to see if he can be helped. Again, Marcus, I’m so sorry this has happened.'

  'Ametrius, please don’t blame yourself. This was clearly an accident and not your fault.'

  After saying this, Marcus went to his friend and warmly embraced him. He looked around at the nine who were there. 'Is everyone here a believer?'

  'Yes,' said Ametrius, 'we’re all believers. Diana’s mother and father and the boys have been believers for about six months. Jesus came to this village preaching the way to God’s forgiveness and salvation. After hearing Him, they believed and became His followers. They were going to share this with us, hoping that we too would believe. We told them how Diana was like Antony here, not responding, and how the physician said there was nothing he could do. And then how you laid the crown of thorns on Diana’s chest and she became well, and that now we also are believers.'

  Because they were all believers, Marcus knew it was all right for them to stay in the room. He opened his tunic and took out the crown wrapped in cloth. Rae-dona took it from him and unwrapped it gently. They were all now kneeling around the cot.

  Rae-dona handed the crown to Marcus. He took it, and said, 'I believe we will see another miracle today. Let each of us take our prayers up to the Lord.'

  Complete silence fell over the room, everyone lifting up the boy’s life to their Father in Heaven.

  When Marcus took the crown of thorns and placed it on his son’s head, Rae-dona leaned forward and kissed Antony on the cheek and whispered in his ear. Then no one said a word. They were staring at the boy, expecting a miracle.

  They were not disappointed.

  Chapter 39

  A glow and warmth from the crown filled the room. Antony stirred, and everyone took deep breaths. They could feel the power of God’s Spirit. Finally the young boy opened his eyes, saw his father and smiled.

  'Father, what happened? I’ve been dreaming of a Man in a white robe and a bright light all around Him. He told me not to be afraid. He said He’d take care of me. Then a woman came and touched my head and smiled and said, ‘I love you, Antony.’'

  Antony looked around the room and pointed to Rae-dona. 'She looked very much like her. Who is she, Father?'

  'This is my friend. She’s the one who’s been helping me with the ten prophecies I told you about. Her name is Rae-dona. You’ve already met her. Maybe because of the wound on your forehead you’ve forgotten her.'

  Rae-dona reached over to Marcus and took the boy’s hand. 'It’s very nice seeing you again, Antony. Your father’s told me many lovely things about you. We’ve all been praying for you. How are you feeling?'

  'Yes, I remember you now. Of course I do. I feel like I’m waking from a heavy sleep. We first met after Father and I had been to see the wise man.'

  With that, he reached up and touched the crown of thorns. 'Father, why do I have the crown resting on my head? Am I sick or something? What’s wrong? I’m starting to feel afraid.'

  'Don’t be afraid, my son. Do you remember playing outside with Justina?'

  'Yes, I remember we were playing catch-me-if-you-can. But I don’t remember what happened. I think I tripped. The next thing I remember was opening my eyes and looking into yours. Oh, Father, I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed you very much.'

  Antony touched the cut on his forehead. The crown moved slightly. He looked at his fingers and saw blood on them. 'Is that where I cut my head?'

  'When you fell you hit your head on a rock and didn’t respond to any of questions Ametrius asked you. When I put the crown on your head its power filled the room, and very quickly you moved and then your eyes opened. The Lord has healed you, and I’m very sure it was He who told you in your dream that He would take care of you.'

  Marcus touched his son’s head and began to remove the crown of thorns. As he did, it accidently touched the wound and right before their eyes it closed up. Antony was healed immediately, leaving no scar of any kind.

  Everyone in the room again took deep breaths. Two of the ladies put their hands over their mouths, with little gasps coming from within.

  'What’s wrong, Father? Is my head bleeding again? Is the wound opening up? Why is everyone looking at me like this?'

  'It’s all right, my son. When the crown of thorns touched your injury it closed up, and now it’s completely gone. Their look is the look of amazement because of the Lord’s healing power. God has touched you for a second time. Let us pray and praise Him for His healing hands on you today.'

  This time when they prayed it was not a silent prayer as before. All nine prayed out loud. It didn’t sound confusing or out of order, because their voices were full of praise and worship. It was a beautiful sound and they felt the Lord’s Spirit in the room with them.

  When they were through, Antony asked his father to tell everyone about the prophecies he had discovered.

  Together, Marcus and Rae-dona told them about the Scriptures being fulfilled. They also told how Marcus was taken by Cardius and two soldiers in Caesar’s army to see the Tribune Octavius, and how the tribune ordered him to surrender the crown. They mentioned the earthquake, about hearing the teaching of one of the Lord’s disciples, about the soldiers charging through the town square frightening everyone, and about the special night of fellowship with all the believers; also about the many healings that took place, especially to the little boy and the leper.

  When they were through, there were sounds of amens and hallelujahs. Antony asked them to please share with everyone the next prophecy that was on his father’s list.

  Everyone nodded, excited and ready to hear firsthand another Scripture fulfillment.

  Chapter 40

  Rae-dona recited from memory some words from a Psalm of David. 'My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?'

  'I remember those words,' Ametrius shouted out, excitement in his voice. 'Marcus, we were standing next to each other. Do you remember them too?'

  'I do remember them, Ametrius. The sky had become so dark. It was very scary and we didn’t know what was happening.'

  'That’s right, Marcus. It was about midday when darkness fell on all the land. It lasted until the middle of the afternoon. About three o’clock. That was when Jesus cried out those very same words with a loud voice, ‘My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?’ I remember I looked over at my men to see their reaction to all that was going on. Some of them, I could tell, were perplexed, not knowing what had happened.'

  'It’s just amazing,' Marcus suddenly said.

  'Why, Father, why is it so amazing?'

  'Because, my son
, those words spoken by David, King of Israel, were written a thousand years ago, a thousand years before the death of Jesus.'

  Rae-dona looked at Antony. 'That’s correct, Antony. Not only this prophecy, but all the prophecies your father and I have studied were written down hundreds of years before they came true. The darkness your father and Ametrius saw the day Jesus was crucified was another prophecy being fulfilled.'

  'Amazing!' Ametrius’ voice had that same excitement in it as before. 'Just think, Marcus, we were seeing something happening that was spoken of a long time ago. That’s incredible.'

  'Father, you didn’t tell me about what Jesus said after your soldiers nailed Him to the cross. Did you forget?'

  'I’m sorry to say, Antony, I did. So many things happened that day. And remember, before I had a chance to tell you everything we had the situation with your mother running out of the house, the lightning coming down from heaven, and of course the crown of thorns. I’m sure eventually I would have told you what happened when the sky turned black for those three hours.'

  'Yes, Father, I know you would. You always tell me everything that happened to you each day. I’d wait very excitedly for you to return home each evening to tell me about your day’s events. Sometimes the next morning you’d say, ‘Antony I forgot to tell you about something else that happened yesterday.’ So I know, Father, eventually you would have explained why the sky turned so dark and why we had the earthquake. I think you were too excited about the crown of thorns to even remember it.'

  Rae-dona waited patiently for the two of them to finish their conversation before she continued. 'There was another prophet who wrote about that day. His name is Joel, and he wrote, ‘It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, blood, fire and columns of smoke.’'

  She paused, getting her thoughts together before continuing. 'It goes on, ‘The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. And it will come about that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be delivered; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be those who escape, as the Lord has said, even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.’'