Read The Centurion and the Crown of Thorns Page 4

  'I’m good with Aramaic,' Marcus said, more anxious than ever to meet this family. 'Greek, Latin and Aramaic. Like you, Ametrius, I’ve become multilingual since being posted here. We can use whatever language they’re most comfortable with.' He laughed. 'As long as it’s not Hebrew!'


  Marcus could hardly wait to talk to Jairus and meet his family -- the father of the girl who had been raised from the dead by Jesus, the man they called the Messiah. His pulse beat faster by the moment as he and Ametrius approached the village. He had a feeling that he was going to find out something about his new God, and because of that he could hardly contain himself. With all of these thoughts going through his mind he was becoming a little nervous.

  Before he could think on these things any further, they were knocking on the door of Jairus’ house.

  It took just two knocks and the door swung open and a smiling face greeted them.

  'Shalom, Ametrius, it is you. Welcome to my home. Please, come in.'

  The man turned around and called out to his wife in the local Aramaic language, 'It’s Ametrius the centurion. He’s brought a friend with him. Quickly, prepare some bread and drink for our guests.'

  Ametrius introduced his friend. 'Jairus, this is Marcus, an old friend of mine. He’s a centurion like me.'

  They were surprised when Jairus said, 'Yes, I know. I recognize him from the execution of Jesus on Friday. I heard his words, as did others who are also believers. We all heard him say the words, ‘I believe this man was innocent and that He is the Son of God.’

  'He has been the subject of discussion in many of our groups. Come in, sit down and make yourselves comfortable. Why do we have the honor of this visit? But first, Ametrius, tell us, how is your wife? We have heard that she’s very ill. Many of us have been praying for her.'

  Ametrius had a big smile on his face. 'Diana is now well. Please give my gratitude to all of those who have been praying for her. I must tell you that Diana and I are now believers because of what has happened to Diana. The God in heaven has healed her and she is perfectly fine. I also must ask you to tell no one about this. We’re new believers, and as Romans, we’re not sure what we should do at this time. We’re waiting on God, or as Marcus says, waiting on the Lord, to reveal to us what is next in our lives.'

  By this time, Jairus’ wife and their daughter Anna, the girl Jesus had raised from the dead, had joined them and were listening to what Ametrius was saying.

  Ametrius continued, 'We’ve come here today because my friend Marcus feels the Lord God is telling him to search out your Scriptures about prophecies that have been fulfilled by the man called Jesus.'

  The family all turned toward Marcus.

  Marcus said, 'It’s true. I’m also a believer now, but first I’d like to hear about your request to Jesus to raise your daughter from the dead, and what her feelings were at the time it happened -- if that’s in agreement with you?'

  Marcus and his friend had decided not to say anything yet about the crown of thorns and its power.

  Jairus turned to his wife and daughter. All three were smiling. Marcus had a feeling by the look on their faces that they loved to tell their story.

  Jairus confirmed Marcus’ thoughts. 'Please, have some bread and drink. You will find our cheese delicious. I never get tired of telling about God’s healing miracle for our precious daughter. Of course, Anna here doesn’t remember anything, so I’ll tell you what I know.'

  Ametrius explained that he would not be able to stay, as he was on duty that evening. Just before leaving Jerusalem, he had heard that some guards were in trouble for not guarding the tomb of an important person, although he knew no details.

  Jairus and his family bade him farewell, and gave him some fresh baked bread, hardboiled eggs, fish and dried fruit for the journey back to Jerusalem. Ametrius gave Marcus a hug and promised to look after Antony carefully.

  When Ametrius had left, Anna got up from where she was sitting and squeezed between her father and mother. The seat was built for two, but her parents quickly made room for her as Jairus prepared to tell of her healing.

  'Anna became seriously ill. We don’t know why or how, maybe it was very much like the sickness that made Diana so ill.' Jairus looked over at Marcus and smiled as if to say yes, God does do miracles for his children.

  'Many people were waiting for Jesus that day. I saw Him coming. I ran to Him and fell at His feet. I implored Him to come to my home because Anna, our only child, was dying. There were many people in the street and the crowds were pressing against Him.

  'I saw a woman I recognized who had a hemorrhage for twelve years. She’d tried many physicians and spent much of her money, but no one could help her. Many of us knew of her sickness and her failed attempts to be healed.

  'The woman came up behind Jesus and touched the bottom of His cloak. Immediately she was healed. Another of our Savior’s great miracles. Even though many of the people there were crowding and pressing in on Jesus, He said he felt the power go out of Him. So he stopped and asked, ‘Who touched Me?’

  'The woman fell down before Him, declaring for all to hear why she had touched Him -- and that she had been immediately healed.

  'Jesus turned to her and said, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace.’

  'Just about that time, someone from my home came and told me that Anna had died.' Jairus looked at his daughter as tears formed in his eyes. He smiled as he put his arms around her. 'He told me not to trouble the teacher anymore. Jesus heard him and said, ‘Don’t be afraid any longer. Only believe, and she will be made well.’

  'He came into my house and took Miriam my wife and me along with three of His disciples: Peter, James and John. The rest He left outside, with everyone who was weeping and lamenting for Anna. He told them to stop crying for she hadn’t died but was asleep. But they knew she’d died, so they started to laugh at Him. Jesus called it sleep, for He knew that soon Anna would be awakened to life once again. I remember He held her hand and called out in Aramaic, ‘Talitha kum!’ As you may know, that means, ‘Little girl, I say to you, get up!’

  'Right there in front of the five of us who were watching, Anna’s spirit returned. She got up, and Jesus told us to give her something to eat. It was a great miracle and we are so thankful.

  'My wife and I were amazed. Jesus then instructed us to tell no one about what had happened. We haven’t mentioned a word, although of course many knew. We thought it best to move away from Galilee, in order to be left alone. But now Jesus has been crucified, His life is no longer in danger, so we want everyone to know what He did. This is just more proof that He truly was the Son of God, just as He said.'

  'But He’s dead now,' Marcus objected. 'To my shame, I helped put Him to death. What a terrible thing I’ve done, killing the Son of God. How can I ever be forgiven?'

  'We’ve heard this morning that He is alive again,' Jairus said. 'We need to check this for ourselves, as so many rumors have been coming from Jerusalem today. But the ancient Scriptures tell us that this is going to happen, that He will rise from the dead after just three days, and that’s today. Jesus said exactly the same thing about Himself. So I think the rumors must be true.'

  'Oh, I hope they are.' Marcus wished his son was there to hear all of this. He was going to try and remember everything word for word, and share it with him just as soon as he returned to Ametrius’ home.

  Jairus said, 'There is only one way to be certain He has risen, and that’s to go to Jerusalem to find out for ourselves. We’re planning to go first thing tomorrow.'

  Marcus said, 'Please tell me about the Scriptures. Do they reveal prophecy of the other things this man called Jesus will fulfill? I’m very interested in these things.'

  'There are over three hundred prophecies of our Lord’s coming. Which ones are you interested in?'

  'I don’t know. I’ve never heard any of them before. Can you teach them to me?'

  'I don’t think I should be the one.

  Marcus heard a note of humbleness in Jairus’ voice as he continued, 'My niece Rae-dona will be here shortly. She’s a great student of the Scriptures.'

  As if right on cue the door opened, and Rae-dona walked in smiling.

  The first thing Marcus thought of was Ametrius’ words: ‘His niece lives with them. She’s very beautiful.’ He had to agree. Rae-dona was by far the most beautiful woman that he had ever seen.

  Rae-dona introduced herself, and Marcus could tell that she was sure of her role in life. Not over-commanding, for there was also a humble spirit about her, a spirit of kindness, and even meekness, yet she was strong in her presence.

  Jairus told Rae-dona that Marcus wanted to learn the Scriptures and that although he was a Roman, a Gentile, he was a new believer.

  Marcus asked her if she would be willing to teach him. 'I’m interested in prophecies that Jesus has fulfilled. Not all of them. Your Uncle Jairus said there are over three hundred. But, maybe to begin with, just a few. Like ten or so. I want to learn as much as I can about my new God so I can teach my son more about this Jesus we want to follow. He is also a new believer.'

  Rae-dona looked at Marcus, and with a smile she removed her headscarf and tossed her long dark hair behind her shoulder. 'Yes, I think I'd like to do that. How old is your son, and what’s his name?'

  Chapter 9

  Marcus told Rae-dona of their conversion and his wife’s death by lightning. He didn’t mention how his relationship had been with her, nor did he mention the crown of thorns.

  Rae-dona said that she had heard about a woman in Jerusalem who had been killed by a bolt from heaven on the day of the crucifixion, and that the people were saying it was a sign from one of their gods, but of course she had no idea that the woman was Marcus’ wife.

  Rae-dona said she was sorry for him and his son. Marcus nodded but still made no mention of the hate in his wife towards them, or that she was on her way to turn him in as a traitor so she could leave them both for one of her lovers.

  Rae-dona reminded Marcus that he still had not told her his son’s name or his age.

  He replied, 'Antony is his name, and he’s ten years old. A good boy, and he’s excited to learn more about Jesus. We know very little. I told him I’d find out as much as I could, then return and teach him everything I’ve learned.'

  He mentioned to Rae-dona about hearing some of Jesus’ followers at the foot of the cross saying that another prophesy from the Scriptures had been fulfilled, and that he’d wondered what they meant. He purposely neglected to explain that Ametrius and Diana had also become believers, since Ametrius had requested Jairus, her uncle, not to tell anyone of their conversion just yet.

  'I don’t know where to begin.' Rae-dona was talking half to herself and half out loud. She turned to Marcus. 'You mentioned that you want to know about the prophecy that Jesus Himself fulfilled. Is that correct?'

  Marcus nodded. 'I’ve been thinking that because there are so many, I’d like to focus on maybe ten. As I said, I know they’re all important. But to begin with, let me have just a few I can share with my son. That would be very encouraging to him, and also to me.'

  He paused for a moment, 'Since I know absolutely nothing about your Scriptures, and very little about Jesus, let’s begin when He was born. Is there any prophecy about His birth?'

  'That’s a good beginning.' Rae-dona nodded thoughtfully. 'I have a list in my mind of many prophecies of Jesus in our Scriptures that I’ve been studying.'

  Rae-dona excused herself, saying she’d be right back. In just a short time she returned with series of soft wax tablets and a sharp stylus. 'You’re a Roman citizen, so I take it you can write,' she said cheekily.

  Marcus joined in the joke. 'As a centurion, I can do anything.'

  She laughed to show she appreciated his humor as she handed him the broad tablets. 'That’s good to know. To be serious, many prophecies have been fulfilled, but we know there are still prophecies that haven’t been completed yet by Him. We believers are waiting patiently for these to be fulfilled. And we’re excited, because tomorrow we’re all going to Jerusalem to check out the rumor that He’s already come alive again, and fulfilled another prophecy. This will prove to believers and nonbelievers that He is everything He claimed to be.'

  'Your uncle said the same thing,' Marcus said. 'But I think it will be dangerous. Jesus had a lot of enemies among the religious leaders in Jerusalem. I’d like to go with you, to protect you.' He paused, and felt himself blushing. A Roman soldier -- blushing! 'Not just you, of course. I want to protect your whole family.'

  'Marcus, it would be lovely if you could come too. Now, as I recall the prophecies to you, write down the ones you feel God wants you to learn first. But before we begin, let’s both pray asking God to direct our paths to the prophecies He has set aside for you to learn.'

  Everyone in the room bowed their heads and waited for Rae-dona to pray.

  Marcus wasn’t sure how to pray, but he wanted to join in. He watched Rae-dona. She bowed her head and prayed in silence, putting her hands together.

  He did the same, praying silently. 'God, I’m not sure what I have to say, but please give me Your wisdom.' Then aloud, he said, 'My new Lord, help me choose the prophecies You want me to understand, and the Scriptures You want me to learn, so I can to teach my son Antony. Thank you.'

  When he had finished, he opened his eyes and looked at Rae-dona. She had a smile of approval on her face. Again he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful she was. Her dark eyes that matched her dark hair, and the perfect nose and lips. The color of her skin, he wasn’t sure, but he had once heard the words olive skin. Someone had said it was the most beautiful of all skin colors. He was sure it was Rae-dona’s color.

  Rae-dona broke the silence. 'Are you ready to begin?'

  Marcus found himself embarrassed, hoping that she hadn’t noticed him staring at her.

  'Yes, I’m ready, and also very excited to see what God has for us.'

  'If you have any questions, please ask me. As I tell the prophecies to you, write down as many as you wish. We can always make the list shorter if need be.'

  Marcus was fascinated as Rae-dona managed to recall, confidently and clearly, words that she must have learned at school or perhaps in the synagogue. Every once in a while he stopped her and asked her to expound on one or two of them.

  He was amazed, for at times it was like someone else was moving his stylus over the wax tablets. He never hesitated to write down the prophecies the Lord wanted him to learn about.

  He showed Rae-dona the tablets with his hastily scribed words. 'These are the prophecies I’m sure the Lord wants you to teach me. Tell me where in your Scriptures these prophecies are, and how Jesus, our Lord, has fulfilled them.'

  Rae-dona took the tablets and shook her head. 'These are Greek words that you Romans use,' she said. 'I can’t read them. You’ve translated my Aramaic.'

  'I’ve done it for Antony,' Marcus explained. 'He learns Greek at school.' Then he read them aloud in Aramaic so all could hear.

  1.'Birthplace of Jesus.

  2.Mother of Jesus

  3.How He came into the world

  4.Entry into Jerusalem

  5.Darkness and signs in the sky.

  6.Divided garments

  7.No bones were broken

  8.They pierced His side

  9.Tomb where Jesus was laid.

  10.Jesus cried out.'

  Chapter 10

  From memory, Rae-dona related the Scriptures from the book of Micah, saying where Jesus was to be born. '‘But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity.’'

  She then mentioned some of the things she had heard from a man called Matthew, explaining that Matthew was a disciple of Jesus who had been with Him for three years. Matthew often told the story to Jesus’ followers of how and where Jesus w
as born. Matthew said that the prophecy of Micah, telling where the Messiah was to be born, had been fulfilled.

  Rae-dona explained that Micah’s name meant Who is like Yahweh, God, and the word Ephrathah was an ancient name for the town of Bethlehem.

  Realizing that Marcus knew very little, she told him about the Magi who were wise men from the East and experts in the study of stars. 'Marcus, it was over thirty years ago, before any of us knew about Jesus. But someone who was there at the time told me there were three wise men and that they were kings. One of the wise men is still alive. It seems he’s waiting to tell his story once more before he departs from this world. He says that there’s someone special to whom the Lord wants him to tell his story. He’s now extremely old. His two friends have already passed out of this earth to be with the Lord. Maybe, Marcus, you’re the one he’s been waiting for. They say the three of them found the baby Jesus by following a star.'

  'Where does he live?' Marcus asked, sounding impatient.

  'Not too far away. Less than a day’s journey. You must leave today. I can’t go with you, as I have other commitments. But I’m sure your son Antony would love to accompany you. I’ll write down the instructions of how to get there, and give you a note of introduction to my cousin Barnabas. He’ll help you find the wise man’s home.'

  Chapter 11

  That evening, Marcus hurried back to Ametrius’ house in Jerusalem to tell Antony they would be able to go together on this journey. He knew his son would be excited.

  In the morning, Antony helped Marcus prepare their horse they were to ride on together, and Ametrius’ wife Diana gave them a basket of crusty bread, hardboiled eggs, and roasted chicken with salad, enough for two meals. They waved as they hurried off on horseback to meet with the last of the Magi and hear his story of how a star led him and his companions to the baby Jesus.