Read The Centurion and the Crown of Thorns Page 5

  When Marcus thought they were about halfway, he stopped the horse at a spot that looked like a good place to rest and have something to eat. He told Antony to stay on the horse until he surveyed the area.

  When he went to jump to the ground, he felt warmth from the crown. He smiled to himself as again that same feeling of a supernatural peace came over him. As he started to dismount however, he was suddenly thrown back against Antony who was still sitting.

  Marcus tried to dismount again, but he was thrown backwards again. This time he sat beside Antony asking God what was happening and what was he supposed to do.

  He heard a still small voice, almost a whisper, saying, 'Look before you get down.'

  Marcus leaned forward to see where he would have walked if he had not been stopped. Chills went through his body as he was gazing at a den of deadly vipers slithering around and hissing.

  The horse suddenly saw the snakes and reared up on its back legs. Marcus held on to Antony as he counted ten vipers, and he could tell that they were becoming angry in the presence of the horse. Even one bite from a viper could cause death. Two or more bites would be certain death. He took Antony’s hand. 'We’re staying on the horse. This is not where we will take our rest.'

  He gently coaxed the horse to move on slowly, so as not to anger the snakes further.

  Marcus stopped again when he was no longer in danger from the vipers. Jumping off the horse, he waited to see if he would be thrown back again by the crown of thorns. When nothing happened, he looked over the area and feeling safe, he helped Antony dismount.

  Marcus had to smile to himself as this place was more beautiful and peaceful than where they had stopped before. He was sure that God had picked this place for them to rest.

  Finding a large tree they opened the food basket that Diana had prepared for them. They ate their lunch while resting under the majestic branches which was covered with many leaves, providing them with all the shade they needed. It stood next to a stream of fresh water.

  They cupped their hands and drank the cool water. After they ate they took off their shoes and waded into the water until it was just past their knees. They talked and laughed. Antony was thoroughly enjoying his special time with his father, just the two of them, with no interruptions.

  Returning back to the tree they sat close to each other and eventually fell asleep. It was a short nap, but it was what they needed before moving forward on their journey.

  When they arrived at the village, the first thing they did was to look up Rae-dona’s cousin, Barnabas. When they asked him if he knew of the one called the wise man, he said, 'Yes, everyone in the village knows him. Come, follow me and I’ll take you to him.'

  It was a short walk to the wise man’s house. He was in his sleeping quarters, too frail to stand up. He was anxious to see who his visitors were, because he had been patiently waiting for the Lord to send him that last person to tell his story to before he died.

  When Marcus and Antony came into his room, the wise man’s face lit up. He looked up, and said for all to hear, 'Thank you, Lord. This is the one I will tell your story to for the last time, and then I will be with You. Thank You, Lord, for bringing this man and the boy to me. I have waited a long time for this moment.'

  He motioned for Marcus and Antony to come closer, and directed them to sit down beside his bed. They sat in the two chairs that might have been waiting specially for them. They waited for the wise man to speak.

  He looked at the bag Marcus was carrying. He said nothing but had a peaceful look on his face. He motioned to Marcus to come forward. Marcus got up from his chair and leaned over the man and looked into his eyes.

  The man took Marcus’ hand, and said, 'Yes, you are the one I am to tell my story to.'

  He let go of Marcus’ hand and gently motioned him to sit back down next to Antony, as he told his story of the birth of Christ.

  Chapter 12

  The wise man began his story. 'Even though it has been over thirty years, it is like it was yesterday that it all happened, for the events of that day are still fresh in my mind. I am happy to tell the story for the very last time, then I can go and be with my Lord and the other Magi. We were talking and laughing. The three of us had been friends for over fifty years, ever since we were little children.'

  He looked over at Antony. 'We were about your age, my little one.'

  The wise man paused for a few seconds. Marcus could tell he was thinking of his friends and reliving the moments they had together sharing this miracle, and how most likely through the years they had often talked about it among themselves.

  The wise man continued. 'It was amazing, because there was a star that we followed. It was like our God in Heaven was directing our way to the promised Savior. It was a comforting feeling. When we arrived in Jerusalem we went to see Herod the Great. He had come from a family of mostly Jewish people, even though they were Edomites, so we thought he would be interested in knowing that the Messiah had been born.

  'We told him with excitement how we followed the star we had seen in the east, and had come to worship the child who was born King of the Jews.

  'Now when Herod the King heard this, we could tell that he became troubled. It seemed that is was not only Herod, but all of Jerusalem that took the news badly. So he gathered the chief priests and the scribes of the people, asking them where the Messiah was to be born. They told him that one of the prophets had written down that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem.'

  The old man paused again before continuing. 'You are Romans, so most likely do not know this, but it was prophesied hundreds of years before Jesus was born by the prophet Micah. Let me recount this to you from our Scriptures.'

  He closed his eyes and slowly repeated words he had learned by heart many years ago. 'But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah, from you One will go forth for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity.'

  The wise man smiled at no one in particular when he had finished quoting the Scriptures from memory, words that Marcus remembered hearing from Rae-dona. The he continued.

  'Soon afterwards, Herod called the three of us in secret, and asked us the exact time the star had appeared. When we answered him, he told us to go and search for the child, and when we had found the child to report back to him. He said he would then also come and worship the Messiah.

  'So we left, and followed the star until it stood over the place where the child was. When we saw the star, we rejoiced with great joy for it had led us to the exact house.

  'When we went into the house we saw the child with Mary His mother. All three of us fell to the ground and worshipped Him. When we had finished worshipping and praising God for sending us the Savior of the world, we presented Him with the gifts we had brought.'

  Antony could not control himself any longer. 'What gifts did you bring to the baby?' he asked in his innocent way.

  Marcus took his son’s hand and squeezed it gently, as if to say don’t interrupt.

  Antony immediately apologized. 'Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude and interrupt your story. I love listening to you, but I’m curious about the kind of gifts you gave the baby Jesus.'

  'That is quite all right, my little friend. The gifts we gave were gold, frankincense and myrrh.'

  'Why those gifts? Why not food or blankets, and maybe some toys?' Antony had a little disappointment in his voice, and added, 'Or maybe games. I like to play games.'

  The wise man smiled again at the inquisitive boy. Marcus was still holding on to his son’s hand, but since the one telling the story didn’t seem too bothered by his son’s questions, he let Antony ask away. Besides, he was wondering the same things. They were valuable gifts, but still he wondered, why gold, frankincense and myrrh for a tiny child?

  Chapter 13

  The wise man nodded. 'That is a good question, young Antony. You see, each gift represents something special. Gold was for a King, franki
ncense for a Priest and myrrh for One who was to die. Let me explain, and I am sure you will understand why we gave the baby Jesus these three special gifts. Antony, what do you know about gold?'

  'Well, I know everyone likes it. It’s shiny and it costs lots of money.'

  The old man had to smile again at the boy’s innocence. 'Yes, that is correct. What better thing can we bring to a King than gold? Many years ago no one would be in the presence of a King without bringing a gift, so we each brought one of the three gifts that we had chosen. Gold is the king of all metals, and was a gift to bring a King.'

  'And is Jesus the King?' Antony asked.

  'Yes, Jesus was to be our King. Not king of this world but the King of the Heavens. And He would reign as King with love. So you see, Antony, the gift of gold was given to Him at His birth because He was and is our King.'

  Antony then asked, 'Is that the gift you brought to the baby Jesus? Was yours the gift of gold?'

  'I will never tell anyone. My friends and I made a pact that no one would ever know what each of us gave to the baby. We always said it was not important who gave the gifts. What was important was what the gift was and what it represented.'

  'Well then, what about frankincense? Why did one of you bring that?' Antony asked.

  'Frankincense is used in the Temple. It has a sweet smell that fills one’s nostrils with an aroma that is pleasant and soothing. We thought of it as a gift for a Priest. Do either of you know what a priest does?'

  Marcus and Antony looked at each other, then to the man lying on his cot and shook their heads.

  'I don’t know any Jewish priests,' Antony said. 'We’re Romans. What does a priest do?'

  'The work of a priest is to show the people the way to the one true God. That’s exactly what Jesus was doing. He went around to the towns and villages opening up the way, making it possible for everyone to enter into the presence of God. You see, my friends, Jesus was and is our High Priest, no matter where you come from. Now myrrh is a little different.'

  'I know something about myrrh,' Marcus said. 'It’s used to embalm the bodies of the dead. Why would you bring this as a gift to a baby?'

  'That is correct,' the man said, shifting his body on the cot. 'It is also the ingredients of the holy anointing oil, a medicine that relieves pain, and one of the spices that would be used at Jesus’ burial.'

  'Jesus was buried after His crucifixion,' Marcus said. 'Was it used then?'

  The wise man smiled. 'I am sure it was. Jesus told us that He had come to our world to live for men, and in the end He was going to die for all mankind. In other words, Jesus came to this earth to die so that we could all live with His Father in the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity.

  'So you see they were the perfect gifts to bring to the baby Jesus. Gold for a King, which He was. Frankincense for a Priest, which He was. And myrrh was a gift for One who was to die, which of course He has now done on the hill outside Jerusalem.'

  The wise man turned to Marcus with a penetrating look. It wasn’t a look of condemnation, but the man seemed to know the part that Marcus had played in the death of Jesus. A sudden smile swept over the lined face. 'And I have now heard this morning that Jesus is alive again. Friends have come from Jerusalem with this wonderful story. Of course, Jesus always promised He would rise from the dead.'

  The wise man tried to sit up. Marcus found some blankets and put them behind his back. They helped the old man to sit straighter. When he was more comfortable he looked over at Antony. 'Antony, what would you have brought to Jesus as your gift?'

  'I don’t know. I’m not sure what He would want.'

  'Well there is only one thing that Jesus would want, my little friend, and that would be you.'

  'Yes, that I can give Him.' Antony looked over at his father and his father nodded his head. 'Yes, both my father and I want to give ourselves to Jesus. That is why my father is looking and seeking and gathering up as much information about this man called Jesus, so we can give Him more and more of ourselves. Isn’t that correct, Father?'

  'Yes, absolutely correct, my son. We must find out more and more and about our new Lord, so we can tell others about Him also.'

  They turned to look at the man lying on the cot. They could sense that it was time for him to die. He looked at them, smiled and reached out his hands. They each took one, and then Marcus remembered the crown of thorns in his bag. He quickly told the dying man about the crown and its power.

  'I can lay this crown on you, and you will be healed instantly. Here, take it and feel its power.'

  'No, my friends, I do not want to be healed. I am ready to go and be with my Lord. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. The Lord had told me that I was to tell His story one more time before I die. I am confident that you two are the ones I have been waiting for.'

  With that he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Both Marcus and the boy had tears in their eyes. Then they looked at each other and turning to the wise man, they saw a smile on his peaceful face.

  Chapter 14

  Rae-dona was waiting for them when Marcus and Antony returned from their journey visiting the last of the Magi. They were excited to tell about the wonderful experience.

  Marcus introduced Antony to Rae-dona and her family. When they were all together, father and son took turns in telling the story that had been related to them by the wise man. Marcus had noted some key points on a wax tablet. Not that he needed them, as the conversation with the wise man was still vivid in his mind.

  When they were through, silence filled the little room. Rae-dona had become emotional on hearing the story. She said she knew this prophecy well, having studied it since she first heard it as a young girl. Now as Marcus and Antony told the story, it made everything so much more real to her.

  With her eyes swelled with tears, she thanked Marcus for sharing their findings. She had heard about the Magi many times before. But this time, knowing that the account was told by one of the three givers of gifts who had lived through the prophecy, brought a new meaning to the Scriptures.

  The group held hands and started to pray, thanking God the Father for the knowledge they had just received from Marcus and Antony.

  By this time, Antony said he was tired and weary. 'Father, I think we should go home soon to Jerusalem. I need to rest. I’m tired after our long journey, and from telling our new friends about our time with the wise man. Is it all right for us to leave now?'

  'Yes, of course. I should have known that you were in need of a rest. I’m sure everyone will understand.'

  As they got up to leave, Marcus looked at Rae-dona. She smiled, and said, 'Tomorrow many of us are going to Jerusalem to the tomb of our Lord, to confirm the rumor that it is empty. We’re leaving before the sun rises. Stay here with us tonight. We have beds for you and Antony.'

  'If you’re sure you have room,' Marcus said. 'Yes, Antony and I would like that.' He took hold of his son’s hand, and with the other he picked up the sack containing the crown of thorns.

  Rae-dona looked at the sack with curiosity, but said nothing. 'Some day,' she thought, 'I’m going to ask Marcus what’s in his bag that he never seems to let out of his sight.'

  Marcus caught the glimpse in her eyes and said to himself, 'When the time is right, I’ll definitely share about the crown of thorns and its power with Rae-dona.'

  Chapter 15

  Jairus and his family, with Marcus and Antony, left very early the next morning while there was only a slight glow on the horizon from the rising sun. They spoke in excitement, as this was the first opportunity they had to check the story of the risen Christ for themselves. Jesus had promised that on the third day He would rise from the grave. Although he kept his thoughts to himself, Marcus was wondering if Jesus had really done this, or was it just wishful thinking from His followers who were spreading false hope?

  They reached the outskirts of Jerusalem and hurried towards the tomb where Jesus had been buried. As they got close, they found two wome
n, one of who shouted to them in excitement, 'If you’ve come to see the body of Jesus, you’re wasting your time. He has risen!'

  The other woman said, 'We saw Him standing here in the garden when we came early on the third day! The tomb was empty. Many people have seen Him now. Jesus has risen, just as He promised. Go and check for yourselves. The large stone that sealed the entrance is rolled away, and the tomb is empty!'

  When they heard the confirmation from these two eyewitnesses, Jairus and his family fell on their knees shouting praises of worship, with Jairus saying that now he knew for sure that another prophecy has been fulfilled.

  Marcus had a feeling that he had seen these two women standing by the cross. He felt too embarrassed to approach them, and went to examine the tomb and see if he had the strength to move the large stone seal by himself.

  Chapter 16

  The sun was setting when Marcus knocked on the door of the Jairus family the next day. He had stayed back in Jerusalem overnight, reporting to the barracks and arranging two days’ leave, letting Jairus and Rae-dona take Antony home with them. He had been reluctant to let Antony stay in Jerusalem with Ametrius, for although he trusted his friend, he feared for his son’s safety from some of the Jewish leaders now that they were known to be followers of Jesus.

  It only took two knocks before the door was opened by Rae-dona. She looked even more beautiful, if that was possible, than she had when he had accompanied the family to Jerusalem. Marcus could still see Rae-dona in his mind, falling on her knees outside the empty tomb to pray.

  There had been something mysterious about her looks when the moment of joy crossed her face, as she heard those two women calling out, 'He has risen! He has risen just as He promised!' At that moment he had never seen anyone look more beautiful. But now here at the home of Jairus, with the sun setting and looking like a big ball of fire, it illuminated Rae-dona with a special light.

  The way her hair showed around her headscarf, her dark eyes shining off the glow of the sun, and her smile, it all took his breath away. He just stared at her, not moving one way or another, just looking into those beautiful eyes.

  Rae-dona broke the silence. 'Marcus, I’ve been expecting you. I noticed that when we were by the empty tomb in Jerusalem, you looked confused while we were praying on our knees. I’ve received more news about our Messiah. Let me get a warmer covering for my head and shoulders, then we can go for a walk and I can tell you about the things I’ve learned.'