Read The Chainbearer; Or, The Littlepage Manuscripts Page 10


  "O masters! if I were disposed to stir Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage, I should do Brutus wrong, and Cassius wrong, Who, you all know, are honorable men; I will not do them wrong; I rather choose To wrong the dead, to wrong myself and you, Than I will wrong such honorable men."--SHAKSPEARE.

  "This, then, is Ravensnest!" I exclaimed, after gazing on the scene forseveral minutes in silence; "the estate left me by my grandfather, andwhere events once occurred that are still spoken of in my family as someof the most momentous in its history; events, Susquesus, in which youwere an actor."

  The Indian made a low interjection, but it is not probable he fullyunderstood me. What was there so remarkable in a savage inroad, a housebesieged, men slain and scalps taken, that he should remember suchthings for a quarter of a century!

  "I do not see the 'Nest itself, Trueflint," I added; "the house in whichmy grandfather once lived."

  The Onondago did not speak, but he pointed with a finger in anortheasterly direction, making the action distinct and impressive, asis usual with his people. I knew the place by the descriptions I hadheard, though it was now mouldering, and had gone far into decay. Logspiled up green, and confined in such a structure, will last some thirtyor forty years, according to the nature of the trees from which theycome, and the manner in which they have been covered. At that distance Icould not well distinguish how far, or how much, time had done its work;but I fancied I knew enough of such matters to understand I was not toexpect in the 'Nest a very comfortable home. A family dwelt in the oldplace, and I had seen some cheeses that had been made on the very finefarm that was attached to it. There was a large and seemingly aflourishing orchard, and the fields looked well; but as for the house,at that distance it appeared sombre, dark, and was barely to bedistinguished by its form and chimneys, from any other pile of logs.

  I was struck with the silent, dreamy, sabbath-like air of the fields,far and near. With the exception of a few half-naked children who werevisible around the dwellings to which we were the closest, not a humanbeing could I discover. The fields were tenantless, so far as men wereconcerned, though a good many horned cattle were to be seen grazing.

  "My tenants are not without stock, I find, Trueflint," I remarked."There are plenty of cattle in the pastures."

  "You see, all young," answered the Onondago. "War do dat. Kill ole onefor soldier."

  "By the way, as this settlement escaped plunder, I should think itspeople may have done something by selling supplies to the army.Provisions of all kinds were very high and scarce, I remember, when wemet Burgoyne."

  "Sartain. Your people sell both side--good trade, den. FeedYankees--feed Yengeese."

  "Well, I make no doubt it was so; for the husbandman is not very apt tohesitate when he can get a good price; and if he were, the conscience ofthe drover would stand between him and treason. But where are all themen of this country? I do not see a single man, far or near."

  "No see him!--dere," answered the Indian, pointing in the direction ofthe hamlet. "'Squire light council-fire to-day, s'pose, and makespeech."

  "True enough--there they are, gathered about the school-house. But whomdo you mean by the 'squire, who is so fond of making speeches?"

  "Ole school-master. Come from salt lake--great friend of grandfader."

  "Oh! Mr. Newcome, my agent--true; I might have known that he was king ofthe settlement. Well, Trueflint, let us go on; and when we reach thetavern we shall be able to learn what the 'great council' is about. Saynothing of my business; for it will be pleasant to look on a little,before I speak myself."

  The Indian arose, and led the way down the height, following a foot-pathwith which he appeared to be familiar. In a few minutes we were in ahighway, and at no great distance from the hamlet. I had laid aside mostof the dress that it was the fashion of gentlemen to wear in 1784, andput on a hunting-shirt and leggings, as more fitting for the woods;consequently it would not have been easy for one who was not in thesecret to imagine that he who arrived on foot, in such a garb, carryinghis fowling-piece, and accompanied by an Indian, was the owner of theestate. I had sent no recent notice of my intended arrival; and as wewent along, I took a fancy to get a faint glimpse of things _incognito_.In order to do this it might be necessary to say a word more to theIndian.

  "Susquesus," I added, as we drew near the school-house, which stoodbetween us and the tavern, "I hope you have understood me--there is noneed of telling any one who I am. If asked, you can answer I am yourfriend. That will be true, as you will find as long as you live."

  "Good--young chief got eyes; want to look wid 'em himself.Good--Susquesus know."

  In another minute we stopped in the crowd, before the door of theschool-house. The Indian was so well known, and so often at the 'Nest,that _his_ appearance excited no attention. Some important businessappeared on the carpet, for there was much caucusing, much privateconversation, many eager faces, and much putting together of heads.While the public mind was thus agitated, few were disposed to take anyparticular notice of me, though I had not stood long in the outer edgeof the crowd, which may have contained sixty or seventy men, besidesquite as many well-grown lads, before I overheard an interrogatory putas to who I was, and whether I had "a right to a vote." My curiosity wasa good deal excited, and I was on the point of asking some explanation,when a man appeared in the door of the school-house, who laid the wholematter bare, in a speech. This person had a shrivelled, care-worn, butkeen look, and was somewhat better dressed than most around him, thoughnot particularly elegant, or even very neat, in his _toilette_. He wasgray-headed, of a small, thin figure, and might have been drawing hardupon sixty. He spoke in a deliberate, self-possessed manner, as if longaccustomed to the sort of business in which he was engaged, butin a very decided Connecticut accent. I say _Connecticut_, incontradistinction to that of New England generally; for while theEastern States have many common peculiarities in this way, a nice andpractised ear can tell a Rhode-Islander from a Massachusetts man, and aConnecticut man from either. As the orator opened his mouth to remove achew of tobacco previously to opening it to speak, a murmur near mesaid--"Hist! there's the squire; now we shall get suthin'." This, then,was Mr. Jason Newcome, my agent, and the principal resident in thesettlement.

  "Fellow-citizens"--Mr. Newcome commenced--"you are assembled this day ona most important, and, I may say, trying occasion; an occasioncalculated to exercise all our spirits. Your business is to decide onthe denomination of the church building that you are about to erect; andthe futur' welfare of your souls may, in one sense, be said to beinterested in your decision. Your deliberations have already been openedby prayer; and now you are about to come to a final vote. Differences ofopinion have, and do exist among you; but differences of opinion existeverywhere. They belong to liberty, the blessings of which are not to beenj'yed without full and free differences of opinion. Religious libertydemands differences of opinion, as a body might say; and without themthere would be no religious liberty. You all know the weighty reasonthere is for coming to some conclusion speedily. The owner of the silewill make his appearance this summer, and his family are all of adesperate tendency toward an idolatrous church, which is unpleasant tomost of _you_. To prevent any consequences, therefore, from hisinterference, we ought to decide at once, and not only have the houseraised, but ruffed in afore he arrives. Among ourselves, however, wehave been somewhat divided, and that is a different matter. On theformer votes it has stood twenty-six for Congregational to twenty-fivePresbytery, fourteen Methodist, nine Baptist, three Universal, and oneEpiscopal. Now, nothin' is clearer than that the majority ought to rule,and that it is the duty of the minority to submit. My first decision, asmoderator, was that the Congregationals have it by a majority of one,but some being dissatisfied with that opinion, I have been ready to hearreason, and to take the view that twenty-six is not a majority, but aplurality, as it is called. As twenty-six, or twenty-five, however, is amajority over nine, and over three, and ov
er one, taking their numberssingly or together, your committee report that the Baptists, Universalsand Episcopals ought to be dropped, and that the next vote, now to betaken, shall be confined to the three highest numbers; that is to say,to the Congregationals, the Presbyterians, and the Methodists. Everybodyhas a right to vote for which he pleases, provided he vote for one ofthem three. I suppose I am understood, and shall now put the question,unless some gentleman has any remarks to make."

  "Mr. Moderator," cried out a burly, hearty-looking yeoman, "is it inorder now to speak?"

  "Quite so, sir--order, gentlemen, order--Major Hosmer is up."

  Up we all were, if standing on one's feet be up; but the word wasparliamentary, and it appeared to be understood.

  "Mr. Moderator, I am of the Baptist order, and I do not think thedecision just; sin' it compels us Baptists to vote for a denomination wedon't like, or not to vote at all."

  "But you will allow that the majority ought to rule?" interrupted thechair.

  "Sartain--I agree to _that_; for _that_ is a part of my religion, too,"returned the old yeoman heartily, and with an air of perfect goodfaith--"the majority ought to rule; but I do not see that a majority isin favor of the Congregationals any more than it is of the Baptists."

  "We will put it to vote ag'in, major, just for your satisfaction,"returned Mr. Newcome, with an air of great candor and moderation."Gentlemen, those of you who are in favor of the Baptists _not_ beingincluded in the next vote for denomination, will please to hold up yourhands."

  As every man present who was not a Baptist voted "ay," there weresixty-nine hands shown. The "no's" were then demanded in the same way,and the Baptists got their nine own votes, as before. Major Hosmeradmitted he was satisfied, though he looked as if there might besomething wrong in the procedure, after all. As the Baptists were thestrongest of the three excluded sects, the other two made a merit ofnecessity, and said nothing. It was understood they were in a minority;and a minority, as it very often happens in America, has very fewrights.

  "It now remains, gentlemen," resumed the moderator, who was a model ofsubmission to the public voice, "to put the vote, as between theCongregationals, the Presbyterians, and the Methodists. I shall firstput the Congregationalists. Those who are in favor of that sect, the oldConnecticut standing order, will please to hold up their hands."

  The tone of voice, the coaxing expression of the eye, and the words "oldConnecticut standing order," let me at once into the secret of themoderator's wishes. At first but thirty-four hands appeared; but themoderator having counted these, he looked round the crowd, until hefairly looked up three more; after which he honestly enough announcedthe vote to be thirty-seven for the Congregationalists. So eleven of thethirteen of silenced sects, had most probably voted with the moderator.The Presbyterians came next, and they got their own people, and two ofthe Baptists, making twenty-seven in all, on a trial in their behalf.The Methodists got only their own fourteen.

  "It evidently appearing, gentleman," said the moderator, "that theMethodists gain no strength, and being less than half the Congregationalvote, and much lower than the Presbyterian, I put it to their ownwell-known Christian humility, whether they ought not to withdraw?"

  "Put it openly to vote, as you did ag'in us," came out a Baptist.

  "Is that your pleasure, gentlemen? Seeing that it is, I will now try thevote. Those who are in favor of the Methodists withdrawing, will hold uptheir hands."

  Sixty-four hands were raised for, and fourteen against the withdrawal.

  "It is impossible for any religion to flourish ag'in such a majority,"said the moderator, with great apparent candor; "and though I regret it,for I sincerely wish we were strong enough to build meetin'-houses forevery denomination in the world; but as we are not, we must take thingsas they are, and so the Methodists must withdraw. Gentlemen, thequestion is now narrowed down to the Congregationals and thePresbyterians. There is not much difference between them, and it is athousand pities there should be _any_. Are you ready for the question,gentlemen? No answer being given, I shall put the vote."

  And the vote was put, the result being thirty-nine to thirty-nine, or atie. I could see that the moderator was disappointed, and supposed hewould claim a casting vote, in addition to the one he had already given;but I did not know my man. Mr. Newcome avoided all appearances ofpersonal authority; majorities were his cardinal rule, and to majoritiesalone he would defer. Whenever he chose to govern, it was by means ofmajorities. The exercise of a power as accidentally bestowed as that ofpresiding officer, might excite heart-burnings and envy; but he who wentwith a majority was certain of having the weight of public sympathies onhis side. No--no--Mr. Newcome never had an opinion, as against numbers.

  I am sorry to say that very mistaken notions of the power of majoritiesare beginning to take root among us.

  It is common to hear it asserted, as a political axiom, that themajority _must_ rule! The axiom may be innocent enough, when itsapplication is properly made, which is simply to say that in the controlof those interests of which the decision is referred to majorities,majorities must rule but, God forbid that the majorities should everrule in all things, in this republic or anywhere else! Such a state ofthings would soon become intolerable, rendering the government thatadmitted of its existence the most odious tyranny that has been known inChristendom in modern times. The government of this country is the swayof certain great and incontestable _principles_, that are just inthemselves, and which are set forth in the several constitutions, andunder which certain minor questions are periodically referred to localmajorities, or of necessity, out of the frequency of which appeals hasarisen a mistake that is getting to be dangerously general. God forbid,I repeat, that a mere personal majority should assume the power whichalone belongs to principles.

  Mr. Newcome avoided a decision, as from the chair; but three severaltimes did he take the vote, and each time was there a tie. I could nowperceive that he was seriously uneasy. Such steadiness denoted that menhad made up their minds, and that they would be apt to adhere to them,since one side was apparently as strong as the other. The circumstancecalled for a display of democratical tactics; and Mr. Newcome being veryexpert in such matters, he could have little difficulty in getting alongwith the simple people with whom he had to deal.

  "You see how it is, fellow-citizens. The public has taken sides, andformed itself into two parties. From this moment the affair must betreated as a _party_ question, and be decided on _party_ principles;though the majority must rule. Oh! here, neighbor Willis; will you juststep over to my house, and ask Miss Newcome (Anglice, _Mrs._ Newcome) tohand you the last volume of the State Laws? Perhaps _they_ have a wordto say in the matter." Here neighbor Willis did as desired, and movedout of the crowd. As I afterward discovered, he was a warm Presbyterian,who happened, unfortunately for his sect, to stand so directly beforethe moderator, as unavoidably to catch his eye. I suspected that SquireNewcome would now call a vote on the main question. But I did not knowmy man. This would have been too palpably a trick, and he carefullyavoided committing the blunder. There was plenty of time, since themoderator knew his wife could not very readily find a book he had lentto a magistrate in another settlement twenty miles off; so that he didnot hesitate to have a little private conversation with one or two ofhis friends.

  "Not to be losing time, Mr. Moderator," said one of 'Squire Newcome'sconfidants, "I will move you that it is the sense of this meeting, thatthe government of churches by means of a presbytery is anti-republican,opposed to our glorious institutions, and at variance with the bestinterests of the human family. I submit the question to the publicwithout debate, being content to know the unbiased sentiments of myfellow-citizens on the subject."

  The question was duly seconded and put, the result being thirty-ninefor, and thirty-eight against; or a majority of _one_, that Presbyterianrule was anti-republican. This was a great _coup de maitre_. Havingsettled that it was opposed to the institutions to have a presbytery, agreat deal was gained toward estab
lishing another denomination in thesettlement. No religion can maintain itself against political sentimentsin this country, politics coming home daily to men's minds and pockets.

  It is odd enough that, while all sects agree in saying that theChristian religion comes from God, and that its dogmas are to bereceived as the laws of Infinite Wisdom, men should be foundsufficiently illogical, or sufficiently presumptuous, to imagine thatany, the least of its rules, are to be impaired or strengthened by theirdissemblance or their conformity to any provisions of humaninstitutions. As well might it be admitted at once, that Christianity is_not_ of divine origin, or the still more extravagant position beassumed, that the polity which God himself has established can beamended by any of the narrow and short-sighted devices of man.Nevertheless, it is not to be concealed, that here, as elsewhere,churches are fashioned to suit the institutions, and not theinstitutions to suit the church.

  Having achieved so much success, the moderator's confidant pushed hisadvantage.

  "Mr. Moderator," he continued, "as this question has altogether assumeda party character, it is manifestly proper that the party which has themajority should not be encumbered in its proceedings by the movements ofthe minority. Presbytery has been denounced by this meeting, and itsfriends stand in the light of a defeated party at a state election. Theycan have nothin' to do with the government. I move, therefore, thatthose who are opposed to presbytery go into caucus, in order to appointa committee to recommend to the majority a denomination which will beacceptable to the people of Ravensnest. I hope the motion will be putwithout debate. The subject is a religious one, and it is unwise toawaken strife on anything at all connected with religion."

  Alas! alas! How much injury has been done to the cause of Christianity,how much wrong to the laws of God, and even to good morals, by appealsof this nature, that are intended to smother inquiry, and force down onthe timid, the schemes of the designing and fraudulent! Integrity isever simple and frank; while the devil resorts to these plans ofplausible forbearance and seeming concessions, in order to veil hisnefarious devices.

  The thing took, however; for popular bodies, once under control, are aseasily managed as the vessel that obeys her helm; the strength of thecurrent always giving additional power to that material portion of theship. The motion was accordingly seconded and put. As there was nodebate, which had been made to appear anti-religious, the result wasprecisely the same as on the last question. In other words, there wasone majority for disfranchising just one-half the meeting, counting theabove man; and this, too, on the principle that the majority ought torule. After this the caucus people went into the school-house, where itwas understood a committee of twenty-six was appointed, to recommend adenomination to the majority. This committee, so respectable in itscharacter, and of so much influence by its numbers, was not slow inacting. As became its moral weight, it unanimously reported that theCongregational polity was the one most acceptable to the people ofRavensnest. This report was accepted by acclamation, and the caucusadjourned _sine die_.

  The moderator now called the whole meeting to order again.

  "Mr. Moderator," said the confidant, "it is time that this communityshould come to some conclusion in the premises. It has been agitatedlong enough, in its religious feelings, and further delay might lead tounpleasant and lasting divisions. I therefore move that it is the senseof this meetin' that the people of Ravensnest ardently wish to see thenew meetin'-us, which is about to be raised, devoted and set apart forthe services of the Congregational church, and that a Congregationalchurch be organized, and a Congregational pastor duly called. I trustthis question, like all the others, will be passed in perfect harmony,and without debate, as becomes the solemn business we are on."

  The question was taken, and the old majority of _one_ was found to be inits favor. Just as Mr. Moderator meekly announced the result, hismessenger appeared in the crowd, bawling out, "'Squire, Miss Newcomesays she can't noway find the volum', which she kind o' thinks you'velent."

  "Bless me! so I have!" exclaimed the surprised magistrate. "It's not inthe settlement, I declare; but it's of no importance now, as a majorityhas fairly decided. Fellow-citizens, we have been dealing with the mostimportant interest that consarns man; his religious state, government,and well-being. Unanimity is very desirable on such a question; and asit is to be presumed no one will oppose the pop'lar will, I shall nowput the question to vote for the purpose of obtaining that unanimity.Those who are in favor of the Congregationals, or who ardently wish thatdenomination, will hold up their hands."

  About three-fourths of the hands went up at once. Cries of"unanimity--unanimity"--followed, until one hand after another went up,and I counted seventy-three. The remaining voters continued recusant;but as no question was taken on the other side, the vote may be said tohave been a very decided one, if not positively unanimous. The moderatorand two or three of his friends made short speeches, commending theliberality of a part of the citizens, and congratulating all, when themeeting was adjourned.

  Such were the facts attending the establishment of the Congregationalchurch in the settlement of Ravensnest, on purely republican principles;the question having been carried unanimously in favor of thatdenomination, although fifty-two votes out of seventy-eight were prettyevidently opposed to it. But republican principles were properlymaintained, and the matter was settled; the people having solemnlydecided that they ardently wished for a church that in truth they didnot desire at all.

  No complaints were made, on the spot at least. The crowd dispersed, andas Mr. Newcome walked through it, with the air of a beaten, rather thanof a successful man, I came under his observation for the first time. Heexamined me keenly, and I saw a certain air of doubt and misgiving inhis manner. Just at that moment, however, and before he had time to puta question, Jaap drove up in the wagon, and the negro was an oldacquaintance, having often been at the Nest, and knowing the 'squire formore than a quarter of a century. This explained the whole affair, acertain mixed resemblance to both father and mother which I am said tobear probably aiding in making the truth more apparent.

  Mr. Newcome was startled--that was apparent in his countenance--but hewas, nevertheless, self-possessed. Approaching, he saluted me, and atonce let me know he understood who I was.

  "This is Major Littlepage, I s'pose," he said "I can see a good deal ofthe gin'ral in you, as I know'd your father when a young man; andsomething of Herman Mordaunt, your mother's father. How long is it sin'your arrival, Major Littlepage?"

  "But a few minutes," I answered, evasively. "You see my wagon andservant there, and we are fresh from Albany. My arrival has beenopportune, as all my tenants must be collected here at this moment."

  "Why, yes, sir--yes; here are pretty much the whull of them. We have hada little meetin' to-day, to decide on the natur' of our religion, as onemight say. I s'pose the major didn't get here until matters were comingto a head?"

  "You are quite right, Mr. Newcome, matters were coming to a head, as yousay, before I got on the ground."

  The 'squire was a good deal relieved at this, for his consciencedoubtless pricked him a little on the subject of the allusion he hadmade to me, and my own denomination. As for myself, I was not sorry tohave got so early behind the curtain as to the character of my agent. Itwas pretty clear he was playing his own game as to some things, and itmight be necessary for me to see that this propensity did not extenditself into other concerns. It is true, my mind was made up to changehim, but there were long and intricate accounts to settle.

  "Yes, sir, religion is an interest of the greatest importance to man'swelfare, and it has b'en (Anglice, been) too long neglected among us,"continued the late moderator. "You see yonder the frame of a meetin'-us,the first that was ever commenced in this settlement, and it is ourintention to put it up this a'ternoon. The bents are all ready. Thepike-poles are placed, and all is waiting for the word to 'heave.'You'll perceive, 'squire, it was judicious to go to a sartain p'int,afore we concluded on the denomination. Up to _that_ p
'int every manwould nat'rally work as if he was workin' for his own order, and we'veseen the benefit of such policy, as there you can see the clapboardsplaned the sash made and glazed, stuff cut for pews, and everythingready to put together. The very nails and paints are bought and paidfor. In a word, nothing remains to be done, but to put together, andfinish off, and preach."

  "Why did you not erect the edifice, 'and finish off,' as you call it,before you came to the test-vote, that I perceive you have just taken?"

  "That would have been goin' a le-e-e-tle too far, major--a veryle-e-e-tle. If you give a man too tight a hold, he doesn't like to letgo, sometimes. We talked the matter over among us, and concluded to putthe question before we went any further. All has turned out happily, andwe have unanimously resolved to be Congregational. Unanimity in religionis a blessed thing!"

  "Do you apprehend no falling off in zeal, in consequence of this work?no refusing to help pay the carpenters, and painters, and priest?"

  "No much--a little, perhaps; but no great matter, I should judge. Yourown liberal example, major, has had its influence, and I make no doubtwill produce an effect."

  "My example, sir! I do not understand you, Mr. Newcome, never havingheard of the church, until I heard your own allusions to it, as chairmanof this very meeting."

  'Squire Newcome hemmed, cleared his throat, took an extra-sized chew oftobacco, and then felt himself equal to attempting an answer.

  "I call it _your_ example, sir; though the authority for what I havedone came from your honored father, General Littlepage, as long ago asbefore the revolution. Wartimes, you know, major, is no time forbuildin' meetin'-uses; so we concluded to defer the matter until peace.Peace we have, and our own eends are fast approaching; and I thought ifthe work was ever to be done, so that this generation should get thebenefit of it, it should be done now. I was in hopes we should have hadpreachin' in the house afore your arrival, and surprised you with thecheerin' sight of a worshipping people on your lands. Here is yourfather's letter, from which I read a paragraph to the people, half anhour sin'."

  "I trust the people have always been worshippers, though it may not havebeen in a house built expressly for the purpose. With your permission, Iwill read the letter."

  This document bore the date of 1770, or fourteen years before the timethe building was erected, and five years before the battle of Lexingtonwas fought. I was a little surprised at this, but read on. Among otherthings, I found that my father had given a general consent to credit histenants with five hundred dollars to aid in the erection of a place ofworship; reserving to himself, as my guardian, a voice in the choice ofthe denomination. I may add, here, that on examining the leases, I foundcredits had been given, in 1770, for the full amount; and that themoney, or what passed for money, the proceeds of work produce, cattle,butter, cheese, &c., had been in Mr. Newcome's hands the whole of theintervening time, no doubt to his great advantage. Thus, by a tardyappropriation of my father's bounty, the agent was pretty certain ofbeing able to finish the job in hand, even admitting that some of thepeople should prove restive under the recent decision.

  "And the money thus appropriated has gone to its destination?" I asked,on returning the letter.

  "Every copper has thus gone, major, or will soon go. When the FirstCongregational, of Ravensnest, is up, you can contemplate the house withthe satisfaction of knowing that your own money has largely aided in thegood work of its erection. What a delightful sentiment that must awaken!It must be a great blessin' to landlords, to be able to remember howmuch of their money goes for the good of their fellow-mortals."

  "In my case, it certainly should, as I understand my father, and indeedhave myself seen, by the accounts rendered to me, that not one dollar ofrent has ever yet left the settlement, to go into the pocket of theowner of the estate--nay, that the direct outlays of my grandfather wereconsiderable, in addition to the first cost of the patent."

  "I do not deny it, major; I do not deny it. It is quite probable. But,you will consider what the spirit of Public Improvement demands; and yougentlemen-proprietors nat'rally look forward to futur' generations foryour reward--yes, sir, to futur' generations. Then will come the timewhen these leased lands will turn to account, and you will enj'y thefruits of your liberality."

  I bowed, but made no answer. By this time the wagon had reached the inn,and Jaap was getting out the trunk and other luggage. A rumor had goneforth among the people that their landlord had arrived, and some of theolder tenants, those who had known "Herman Mordaunt," as they all calledmy grandfather, crowded around me in a frank, hearty manner, in whichgood feeling was blended with respect. They desired to take my hand. Ishook hands with all who came, and can truly say that I took no man'spalm into my own that day, without a sentiment that the relation oflandlord and tenant was one that should induce kind and confidentialfeelings. The Ravensnest property was by no means necessary to mycomfortable subsistence; and I was really well enough disposed to lookforward, if not to "future generations," at least to a future day, forthe advantages that were to be reaped from it. I asked the crowd in,ordered a tub of punch made, for, in that day, liquor was a necessaryaccompaniment of every welcome, and endeavored to make myself acceptableto my new friends. A throng of women, of whom I have not yet spoken,were also in attendance; and I had to go through the ceremony of beingintroduced to many of the wives and daughters of Ravensnest. On thewhole, the meeting was friendly, and my reception warm.