Read The Chainbearer; Or, The Littlepage Manuscripts Page 11


  "Bear, through sorrow, wrong, and ruth, In thy heart the dew of youth, On thy lips the smile of truth."--LONGFELLOW.

  The ceremony of the introduction was not half through, when there was anoisy summons to the pike-poles. This called away the crowd in a body; araising in the country being an incident of too much interest to beoverlooked. I profited by the occasion to issue a few orders thatrelated to my own comfort, when I went, myself, to the scene of presenttoil and future Congregationalism.

  Everybody in America, a few inveterate cockneys excepted, have seen a"raising." Most people have seen hundreds; and, as for myself, I believeI should be safe in saying I had, even at that day, seen a thousand. Inthis particular instance, there were great felicitations among theyeomen, because the frame "had come together well." I was congratulatedon this score, the hearty old Rhode Islander, my brother major, assuringme that "he couldn't get the blade of his knife, and it's no greatmatter of a knife either, into a single j'int. And, what is more,'squire"--as the sturdy yeoman was a major himself, though only in themilitia, _that_ title would not have been honorable enough for hislandlord--"and, what is more, 'squire, they tell me not a piece was evertried, until we put the bents together, this a'ternoon, ourselves! Now,down country, I never see'd sich a thing; but, up here, the carpentersgo by what they call the 'square-rule;' and quick work they make on't!"This speech contained the substance of one of the contrivances by whichthe "new countries" were endeavoring to catch up with the "old," as Ilearned on further inquiries.

  It may be well to describe the appearance of the place, when I reachedthe site of the new "meetin'-us." The great body of the "people" hadjust taken their stands at the first bent, ready for a lift, whiletrusty men stood at the feet of the posts, armed with crowbars,broad-axes, or such other suitable implements as offered, in readinessto keep those essential uprights in their places; for, on the steadinessof these persons, depended the limbs and lives of those who raised thebent. As this structure was larger than common, the danger wasincreased, and the necessity of having men that could be relied on wasobviously so much the greater. Of one post, in particular, for somereason that I do not know, all the trusty men seemed shy; each declaringthat he thought some one else better suited to take charge of it, thanhe was himself. The "boss"--that Manhattanese word having travelled upto Ravensnest--called out for some one to take the delicate station, asnothing detained the work but the want of a hand there; and one lookedat another, to see who would step forward, when a sudden cry arose of"the Chainbearer!--the Chainbearer! Here's your man!"

  Sure enough, there came old Andries Coejemans, hale, upright, vigorous,and firm-treading, though he had actually seen his threescore years andten. My ancient comrade had thrown aside nearly every trace of his latemilitary, profession, though the marchings and drillings of eight yearswere not to be worked out of a man's air and manner in a twelvemonth.The only sign of the soldier, other than in his bearing, I could traceabout my brother captain, was the manner in which his queue was clubbed.Andries wore his own hair; this his early pursuits in the forestrendered necessary; but it had long been clubbed in a sort of militaryfashion, and to that fashion he now adhered. In other respects he hadtransformed himself entirely into a woodsman. He wore a hunting-shirt,like myself; leggings, moccasons, and a cap of skins that had beendeprived of their furs. So far from lessening in any degree the fineeffect of his green old age, however, this attire served to increase it.Andries Coejemans stood six feet, at seventy; was still as erect as hehad been at twenty; and so far from betraying the inroads of age on hisframe, the last appeared to be indurated and developed by what it hadborne. His head was as white as snow, while his face had the ruddy,weather-beaten color of health and exposure. The face had always beenhandsome, having a very unusual expression of candor and benevolenceimpressed on features that were bold and manly.

  The Chainbearer could not have seen me until he stepped upon the frame.Then, indeed, there was no mistaking the expression of his countenance,which denoted pleasure and friendly interest. Striding over the timber,with the step of a man long accustomed to tread among dangers of allsorts, he grasped my hand, and gave it such a squeeze as denoted thegood condition of his own muscles and sinews. I saw a tear twinkling inhis eye; for had I been his own son, I do not think he could have lovedme more.

  "Mortaunt, my poy, you're heartily welcome," said my old comrade. "Youhaf come upon t'ese people, I fancy, as t'e cat steals upon t'e mice;but I had titings of your march, and have peen a few miles town t'e roatto meet you. How, or where you got past me, is more t'an I know, for Ihaf seen nuttin' of you or of your wagon."

  "Yet here we both are, my excellent old friend, and most happy am I tomeet you again. If you will go with me to the tavern, we can talk moreat our ease."

  "Enough, enough for t'e present, young comrate. Pusiness is standingstill a little, for t'e want of my hant; step off the frame, lat, andlet us get up t'ese pents, when I am your man for a week or a year."

  Exchanging looks, and renewing the warm and friendly pressure of thehand, we parted for the moment; I quitting the frame, while theChainbearer went at once to the foot of the important post, or to thatstation no one else would assume. Then commenced, without further delay,the serious toil of raising a bent. This work is seldom entirely freefrom hazard; and on this particular occasion, when the force in men wasa little disproportioned to the weight of the timber, it was doublyincumbent on every man to be true and steady. My attention was at onceattracted to the business in hand; and for several minutes I thought oflittle else. The females had drawn as near the spot where theirhusbands, brothers, and lovers were exerting every muscle and nerve, ascomported with prudence; and a profound and anxious quiet pervaded thewhole of a crowd that was gay with rustic finery, if not very remarkablefor taste or refinement. Still, the cluster of females had little in itthat was coarse or even unfeminine, if it had not much that would be soapt to meet the eye, in the way of the attractive, in a similar crowd ofthe present day. The improvement in the appearance and dress of thewives and daughters of husbandmen has been very marked among us withinthe last five-and-twenty years. Fully one-half of those collected onthis occasion were in short gowns, as they were called, a garb that hasalmost entirely disappeared; and the pillions that were to be seen onthe bodies of nearly all the horses that were fastened to the adjacentfences, showed the manner in which they had reached the ground. Thecalicoes of that day were both dear and homely; and it required money toenable a woman to appear in a dress that would be thought attractive tothe least practised eye. Nevertheless, there were many pretty girls inthat row of anxious faces, with black eyes and blue, light, black, andbrown hair, and of the various forms and hues in which female beautyappears in the youthful.

  I flatter myself that I was as comely as the generality of young men ofmy age and class, and that, on ordinary occasions, I could not haveshown myself before that cluster of girls, without drawing to myselfsome of their glances. Such was not the case, however, when I left theframe, which now attracted all eyes. On that, and on those whosurrounded it, every eye and every anxious face was turned, my ownincluded. It was a moment of deep interest to all; and most so to thosewho could only _feel_, and not act.

  At the word, the men made a simultaneous effort; and they raised theupper part of the bent from the timber on which it lay. It was easy tosee that the laborers, stout and willing as they were, had as much asthey could lift. Boys stood ready, however, with short pieces ofscantling to place upright beneath the bent; and the men had time tobreathe. I felt a little ashamed of having nothing to do at such amoment; but, fearful of doing harm instead of good, I kept aloof, andremained a mere spectator.

  "Now, men," said the boss, who had taken his stand where he couldoverlook the work, "we will make ready for another lift. All at oncemakes light work--are you ready?--H-e-a-ve."

  Heave, or lift, the stout fellows did; and with so much intelligence andreadiness, that the massive timber was carried u
p as high as theirheads. There it stopped, supported as before, by short pieces ofscantling.

  The pike-poles next came in play. This is always the heaviest moment ofa lift of that sort, and the men made their dispositions accordingly.Short poles were first got under the bent, by thrusting the unarmed endsinto the cavity of the foundation; and a few of the stoutest of the menstood on blocks, prepared to apply their strength directly.

  "Are you ready, men?" called out the boss. "This is our heaviest bent,and we come to it fresh. Look out well to the foot of eachpost--Chainbearer, I count on _you_--your post is the king-post of thewhole frame; if that goes, all goes. Make ready, men; heavealtogether--that's a lift. Heave again, men--h-e-a-ve--altogethernow--he-e-a-ve! Up she goes; he-e-a-ve--more pike-poles--stand to theframe, boys--get along some studs--he-e-a-ve--in with your props--so,catch a little breath, men."

  It was time to take breath, of a certainty; for the effort had beentremendously severe. The bent had risen, however, and now stood,supported as before by props, at an angle of some fifteen degrees withthe plane of the building, which carried all but the posts beyond thereach of hands. The pike-pole was to do the rest; and the next tendegrees to be overcome would probably cause the greatest expenditure offorce. As yet, all had gone well, the only drawback being the certaintywhich had been obtained, that the strength present was hardly sufficientto get up so heavy a bent. Nevertheless there was no remedy, everyperson on the ground who could be of use, but myself having his station.A well-looking, semi-genteel young man, whose dress was two-thirdsforest and one-third town, had come from behind the row of females,stepped upon the frame, and taken his post at a pike-pole. Theuninitiated reader will understand that those who raise a buildingnecessarily stand directly under the timber they are lifting; and that adownfall would bring them beneath a fearful trap. Bents do sometimescome down on the laborers; and the result is almost certain destructionto those who are caught beneath the timber. Notwithstanding the dangerand the difficulty in the present case, good-humor prevailed, and a fewjokes were let off at the expense of the Congregationalists and the latemoderator.

  "Agree, 'squire," called out the hearty old Rhode Islander, "to let insome of the other denominations occasionally, and see how the bent willgo up. Presbytery is holding back desperately!"

  "I hope no one supposes," answered Mr. Moderator, "that religiousliberty doesn't exist in this settlement. Sartainly--sartainly--otherdenominations can always use this house, when it isn't wanted by theright owners."

  Those words "right owners" were unfortunate; the stronger the right, theless the losing party liking to hear of it. Notwithstanding, there wasno disposition to skulk, or to abandon the work; and two or three of thedissentients took their revenge on the spot, by hits at the moderator.Fearful that there might be too much talk, the boss now renewed his callfor attention to the work.

  "Let us all go together, men," he added. "We've got to the pinch, andmust stand to the work like well-broke cattle. If every man at the framewill do his best for just one minute, the hardest will be over. You seethat upright stud there, with that boy, Tim Trimmer at it; just raisethe bent so that Timmy can get the eend of that stud under it, and allwill be safe. Look to the lower eend of the stud, Tim; is it firm andwell stopped?"

  Tim declared it was; but two or three of the men went and examined it,and after making a few alterations, they too assured the boss it couldnot get away. A short speech was then made, in which every man wasexhorted to do his best; and everybody in particular, was reminded ofthe necessity of standing to his work. After that speech, the men raisedthe pike-poles, and placed themselves at their stations. Silentexpectation succeeded.

  As yet, not a sign, look, or word, had intimated either wish orexpectation that I was to place myself in the ranks. I will confess toan impulse to that effect; for who can look on and see theirfellow-creatures straining every muscle, and not submit to humansympathy? But the recollection of military rank, and private position,had not only their claims, but their feelings. I did go a step or twonearer to the frame, but I did not put my foot on it.

  "Get ready, men"--called the boss, "for a last time. Altogether at theword--now's your time--he-e-a-ve--he-e-e-a-ve--he-e-e-e-ave!"

  The poor fellows did heave, and it was only too evident that they werestaggering under the enormous pressure of the massive timber. I steppedon the frame at the very centre, or at the most dangerous spot, andapplied all my strength to a pike-pole.

  "Hurrah!" shouted the boss--"there comes the young landlord!--he-e-ave,every man his best!--he-e-e-e-ave!"

  We did heave our best, and we raised the bent several feet above itsformer props, but not near enough to reach the new ones, by an inch ortwo. Twenty voices now called on every man to stand to his work; foreverybody felt the importance of even a boy's strength. The boss rushedforward like a man, to our aid; and then Tim, fancying his stud wouldstand without his support, left it and flew to a pike-pole. At thismistake the stud fell a little on one side, where it could be of no use.My face was so placed that I saw this dangerous circumstance; and I feltthat the weight I upheld, individually, grew more like lead at eachinstant. I knew by this time that our force was tottering under thedownward pressure of the enormous bent.

  "He-e-e-ave, men--for your lives, he-eave!" exclaimed the boss, like onein the agony.

  The tones of his voice sounded to me like those of despair. Had a singleboy deserted us then, and we had twenty of them on the frame, the wholemass of timber must have come down upon us. Talk of charging into abattery? What is there in that to try men's nerves like the situation inwhich we were placed? The yielding of a muscle, in all that straining,lifting body, might have ruined us. A most fearful, frightful, twentyseconds followed; and just as I had abandoned hope, a young femaledarted out of the anxious, pale-faced crowd that was looking on in aterror and agony that may be better conceived than described, andseizing the stud, she placed it alongside of the post. But an inch waswanted to gain its support; but how to obtain that inch! I now raised myvoice, and called on the fainting men to heave. They obeyed; and I sawthat spirited, true-eyed, firm-handed girl place the prop preciselywhere it was wanted. All that end of the bent felt the relief instantly,and man after man cautiously withdrew from under the frame, until noneremained but those who upheld the other side. We flew to the relief ofthose, and soon had a number of props in their places, when all drewback and looked on the danger from which they had escaped, breathlessand silent. For myself, I felt a deep sense of gratitude to God for theescape.

  This occurrence made a profound impression. Everybody was sensible ofthe risk that had been run, and of the ruin that might have befallen thesettlement. I had caught a glimpse of the rare creature whose decision,intelligence, and presence of mind had done so much for us all; and tome she seemed to be the loveliest being of her sex my eyes had everlighted on! Her form, in particular, was perfection; being just themedium between feminine delicacy and rude health; or just so much of thelast as could exist without a shade of coarseness; and the little I sawof a countenance that was nearly concealed by a maze of curls that mightwell be termed golden, appeared to me to correspond admirably with thatform. Nor was there anything masculine or unseemly in the deed she hadperformed to subtract in any manner from the feminine character of herappearance. It was decided, useful, and in one sense benevolent; but aboy might have executed it so far as physical force was concerned. Theact required coolness, intelligence, and courage, rather than anymasculine power of body.

  It is possible that, aware as I was of the jeopardy in which we were allplaced, my imagination may have heightened the effect of the fairapparition that had come to save us, as it might be, like a messengerfrom above. But, even there, where I stood panting from the effect ofexertions that I have never equalled in my own case most certainly,exhausted, nearly breathless, and almost unable to stand, my mind's-eyesaw nothing but the flexible form, the elastic, ready step, the goldentresses, the cheek suffused by excitement, the charming lips compressedwith
resolution, and the whole air, attitude, and action characterized,as was each and all, by the devotion, readiness, and loveliness of hersex. When my pulses beat more regularly, and my heart ceased to throb, Ilooked around in quest of that strange vision, but saw no one who could,in the least, claim to be connected with it. The females had huddledtogether, like a covey that was frightened, and were exclaiming, holdingup their hands, and indulging in the signs of alarm that are customarywith their sex and class. The "vision" was certainly not in that group,but had vanished as suddenly as it had appeared.

  At this juncture, the Chainbearer came forward, and took the command. Icould see he was agitated--affected might be a better word--but he was,nevertheless, steady and authoritative. He was obeyed, too, in a mannerI was delighted to see. The order of the "boss" had produced no suchimpressions as those which old Andries now issued; and I really felt animpulse to obey them myself, as I would have done eighteen monthsbefore, when he stood on the right of our regiment as its oldestcaptain.

  The carpenter yielded his command to the Chainbearer without a murmur.Even 'Squire Newcome evidently felt that Andries was one who, in acertain way, could influence the minds of the settlers more than hecould do it himself. In short, everybody listened, everybody seemedpleased, and everybody obeyed. Nor did my old friend resort to any ofthe coaxing that is so common in America, when men are to be controlledin the country. In the towns, and wherever men are to be commanded inbodies, authority is as well understood as it is in any other quarter ofthe world; but, in the interior, and especially among the people of NewEngland habits, very few men carry sufficient command with them to say,"John, do this," or "John, do that;" but it is "Johnny, _why won't you_do this?" or "Johnny, _don't you think you'd better_ do that?" TheChainbearer had none of this mystified nonsense about him. He calledthings by their right names; and when he wanted a spade, he did not askfor a hoe. As a consequence, he was obeyed, command being just asindispensable to men, on a thousand occasions, as any other quality.

  Everything was soon ready again, with the men stationed a littledifferently from what they had previously been. This change was theChainbearer's, who understood mechanics practically; better, perhaps,than if he had been a first-rate mathematician. The word was given toheave, all of us being at the pike-poles; when up went the bent, as ifborne upon by a force that was irresistible. Such was the effect of oldAndries' habits of command, which not only caused every man to lift withall his might, but the whole to lift together. A bent that isperpendicular is easily secured; and then it was announced that theheaviest of the work was over. The other bents were much lighter; andone up, there were means of aiding in raising the rest that were atfirst wanting.

  "The Congregationals has got the best on't," cried out the old RhodeIslander, laughing, as soon as the bent was stay-lathed, "by the help ofthe Chainbearer and somebody else I wunt name! Well, our turn will come,some day; for Ravensnest is a place in which the people wont besatisfied with one religion. A country is badly on't, that has but onereligion in't; priests getting lazy, and professors dull!"

  "You may be sure of t'at," answered the Chainbearer, who was evidentlymaking preparations to quit the frame. "Ravensnest will get as manyreligions, in time, as t'ere are discontented spirits in it; and t'eywill need many raisings, and more priests."

  "Do you intend to leave us, Chainbearer? There's more posts to hold, andmore bents to lift?"

  "The worst is over, and you've force enough wit'out me, for what remainsto be tone. I haf t'e lantlort to take care of. Go to your work, men;and, if you can, rememper you haf a peing to worship in t'is house, t'atis neit'er Congregational, nor Presbyterian, nor anything else of thenature of your disputes and self-conceit. 'Squire Newcome wilt gif you aleat in t'e way of l'arning, and t'e carpenter can act boss well enoughfor t'e rest of t'e tay."

  I was surprised at the coolness with which my old friend deliveredhimself of sentiments that were not very likely to find favor in such acompany, and the deference that he received, while thus ungraciouslyemployed. But I afterward ascertained Andries commanded respect by meansof his known integrity; and his opinions carried weight because he was aman who usually said "_come_, boys," and not one who issued his ordersin the words "go, boys." This had been his character in the army, where,in his own little circle, he was known as one ever ready to lead inperson. Then Andries was a man of sterling truth; and such a man, whenhe has the moral courage to act up to his native impulses, mingled withdiscretion enough to keep him within the boundaries of common prudence,insensibly acquires great influence over those with whom he is broughtin contact. Men never fail to respect such qualities, however littlethey put them in practice in their own cases.

  "Come Morty, my poy," said the Chainbearer, as soon as we were clear ofthe crowd, "I will pe your guite, ant take you to a roof unter which youwill pe master."

  "You surely do not mean the 'Nest?"

  "T'at, and no ot'er. T'e olt place looks, like us olt soltiers, a littlerusty, and t'e worse for sarvice; put it is comfortaple, and I haf hadit put in order for you, poy. Your grantfat'er's furniture is stillt'ere; and Frank Malpone, Dus, and I, haf mate it head-quarters, sincewe haf peen in t'is part of t'e country. You know I haf your orters fort'at."

  "Certainly, and to use anything else that is mine. But I had supposedyou fairly hutted in the woods of Mooseridge!"

  "T'at hast peen tone too; sometimes we are at one place, and sometimesat anot'er. My niggers are at t'e hut; put Frank and Dus and I haf comeofer to welcome you to t'e country."

  "I have a wagoner here, and my own black--let me step to the inn, andorder them to get ready for us."

  "Mortaunt, you and I haf peen uset to our feet. The soltier marches, andcountermarches, wit' no wagon to carry him; he leafs t'em to t'epaggage, and t'e paggage-guart."

  "Come on, old Andries; I will be your comrade, on foot or on horseback.It can only be some three or four miles, and Jaap can follow with thetrunks at his leisure."

  A word spoken to the negro was all that was necessary; though themeeting between him and the Chainbearer was that of old friends. Jaaphad gone through the whole war with the regiment, sometimes acting as myfather's servant, sometimes carrying a musket, sometimes driving a team;and, at the close of his career, as my particular attendant. Heconsequently regarded himself as a sort of soldier, and a very good onehad he proved himself to be, on a great many occasions.

  "One word before we start, Chainbearer," I said, as old Andries and Jaapconcluded their greetings; "I fell in with the Indian you used to callSureflint, in the woods, and I wish to take him with us."

  "He hast gone aheat, to let your visit pe known," answered my friend. "Isaw him going up t'e roat, at a quick trot, half an hour since. He is att'e 'Nest py t'is time."

  No more remained to be said or done, and we went our way, leaving thepeople busily engaged in getting up the remainder of the frame. I hadoccasion to observe that my arrival produced much less sensation in thesettlement than it might have done had not the "meeting-house" been mycompetitor in attracting attention. One was just as much of a novelty asthe other; just as much of a stranger. Although born in a Christianland, and educated in Christian dogmas, very few of those who dwelt onthe estate of Ravensnest, and who were under the age of five-and-twenty,had ever seen an edifice that was constructed for the purpose ofChristian worship at all. Such structures were rare indeed, in the year1784, and in the interior of New York. Albany had but two, I believe;the capital may have had a dozen; and most of the larger villagespossessed at least one; but with the exception of the old counties, andhere and there one on the Mohawk, the new State could not boast of manyof "those silent fingers pointing to the sky," rising among its trees,so many monitors of a future world, and of the great end of life. As amatter of course, all those who had never seen a church felt theliveliest desire to judge of the form and proportions of this; and asthe Chainbearer and I passed the crowd of females, I heard severalgood-looking girls expressing their impatience to see something of theanti
cipated steeple, while scarce a glance was bestowed on myself.

  "Well, my old friend, here we are together, again, marching on a publichighway," I remarked, "but with no intention of encamping in front of anenemy."

  "I hope not," returned Andries, dryly; "t'ough all is not golt t'atglitters. We have fought a hard battle, Major Littlepage; I hope it willturn out for a goot end."

  I was a little surprised at this remark; but Andries was never verysanguine in his anticipations of good. Like a true Dutchman, heparticularly distrusted the immigration from the Eastern States, which Ihad heard him often say could bring no happy results.

  "All will come round in the end, Chainbearer," I answered, "and we shallget the benefits of our toil and dangers. But how do you come on at theRidge, and who is this surveyor of yours?"

  "T'ings do well enough at t'e Ridge, Mortaunt; for _t'ere_ t'ere is nota soul yet to make trouple. We have prought you a map of ten t'ousantacres, laid off in huntret acre lots, which I will venture to say hafpeen as honestly and carefully measuret as any other ten t'ousant acresin t'e State. We pegan next to t'is property, and you may pegin tolease, on your fat'er's lant, just as soon as you please."

  "And the Frank Malbone you have written about did the surveying?"

  "He worket up _my_ measurements, lat, and closely tone t'ey are, I'llanswer for it. T'is Frank Malbone is t'e brot'er of Dus--t'at is to say,her half-brot'er; peing no nephew of mine. Dus, you know, is only ahalf-niece in bloot; but she is a full da'ter in lofe. As for Frank, heis a goot fellow; and t'ough t'is is his first jop at surfeying, he maybe dependet on wit' as much confitence as any ot'er man going."

  "No matter if a few mistakes are made, Andries; land is not diamonds inthis country; there is plenty for us all, and a great deal to spare. Itwould be a different matter if there was a scarcity; but as it is, givegood measure to the tenant, or the purchaser. A first survey can onlyproduce a little loss or gain; whereas surveys between old farms arefull of trouble."

  "Ant lawsuits"--put in the Chainbearer, nodding his head. "To tell youmy mint, Mortaunt, I would rat'er take a jop in a Dutch settlement, athalf-price, t'an run a line petween two Yankees for twice the money.Among t'e Dutch, t'e owners light their pipes, and smoke whilst you areat work; but the Yankees are the whole time trying to cut off a littlehere, and to gain a little t'ere; so t'at it is as much as a man'sconscience is wort' to carry a chain fairly petween 'em."

  As I knew his prejudice on this subject formed the weak point in theChainbearer, I gave the discourse a new turn, by leading it to politicalevents, of which I knew him to be fond. We walked on, conversing onvarious topics connected with this theme, for near an hour, when I foundmyself rather suddenly quite near to my own particular house. Near by,the building had more of shape and substance than it had seemed topossess when seen from the height; and I found the orchards and meadowsaround it free from stumps and other eyesores, and in good order. Still,the place on its exterior, had a sort of jail look, there being nowindows, nor any other outlet than the door. On reaching the latter,which was a gate, rather than an ordinary entrance, we paused a momentto look about us. While we stood there, gazing at the fields, a formglided through the opening, and Sureflint stood by my side. He hadhardly got there, when there arose the strains of the same full, rich,female voice, singing Indian words to a civilized melody, as I had heardissuing from the thicket of pines, among the second growth of theforest. From that moment I forgot my fields and orchards, forgot theChainbearer and Sureflint, and could think of nothing but theextraordinary circumstance of a native girl's possessing such aknowledge of our music. The Indian himself seemed entranced; nevermoving until the song or verses were ended. Old Andries smiled, waiteduntil the last strain was finished, pronounced the word "Dus" withemphasis, and beckoned for me to follow him into the building.