Read The Cop And The Girl From The Coffee Shop Page 1

The Cop

  And The Girl From The

  Coffee Shop


  Terry Towers

  The Cop And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

  Copyright 2011 by Terry Towers

  Cover by: Terry Towers

  All rights reserved. With the exception of brief quotes used for critical reviews and articles no part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author Terry Towers. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Terry Towers can be contacted via her website at

  Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via internet or other means, electronic or print without the author's permission. Criminal copyright infringement without monetary gain is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. ( Please purchase only authorized electronic or print editions and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted material.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.

  The material in this book is intended for ages 18+ it may contain adult subject matter including explicit sexual content, profanity, drug use and violence.

  Chapter 1

  "Has Officer Hottie been here yet?" Jade asked into the headset to her co-worker for the night, Jenny, as she tucked her long chestnut brown hair into her hairnet and then placed her ugly shit-brown visor on top of her head. Inspecting herself in the full length mirror of the small employees’ restroom, Jade cringed. The bulky, brown uniform did nothing for her figure. How was she supposed to secure a good amount in tips with her blouse buttoned up to her chin and her hair - which she considered one of her best features - secured tightly to her head and covered in a ridiculous hairnet and visor?

  "Nope, not yet hun, but I'll let you know if I see his car," Jenny replied back through the headset, from the front of the store.

  Hmm, good. Jade and the sexy dark-haired, green-eyed police officer whom she'd dubbed 'Officer Hottie' - though to his face she called him Constable Kane - had been flirting through the drive-thru window each night for the past month now and he was the one and only reason she became excited about going to work each night.

  Giving her appearance one final look in the mirror she decided she looked about as good as she was ever going to, given the clothing she was wearing, so she made her way to the front of the restaurant so she could take her position at the drive-thru window.

  She and Jenny had a great system. Jenny - a no-nonsense woman in her mid-fifties - hated serving people so preferred to clean, whereas the majority of the overnight customers consisted of men whom Jade would shamelessly flirt with to score them each almost as much in tips as they received as an hourly wage.


  Just as Jade began to restock the paper cups the headset dinged notifying her of a car approaching the speaker. Damn it! Clearing her throat she pushed the 'speak' button on the control box of her headset and in her sexiest voice asked to take their order.

  "Well, my sexy girl is working tonight," came a high-pitched male voice, a voice she knew all too well. It belonged to a cab driver she referred to as the 'ass man,' though his real name was Richard. She called him the ass man simply because he made it a habit of waiting until he got to the window and then asking for something that he knew she'd have bend over to get so he could get a nice peek at her round, tight twenty-three year old ass. The ogling of her rear she could handle, it was the low whistle he would usually make as she bent over that annoyed the fuck out of her.

  Maintaining her sexy voice she depressed the talk button. "Doing great Richard, what can I get yah tonight?"

  He placed his order, which she already knew off by heart and was in the process of making as he spoke and told her he'd be up in a jiffy. Seconds later, his yellow cab was pulling up to the window and his grinning face eyed her from head to toe; eyed her in a way that made her skin crawl.

  "Oh hey, do you mind getting me a few more of those low fat creamers, honey?"

  Keeping the sweet-as-sugar smile on her face, Jade nodded. "Don't mind in the least." Walking over to the fridge she bent to the bottom shelf where they were stored and grabbed a couple of low fat creamers. A low whistle of appreciation sounded from Richard at the window. Fuck, I hate my job.

  She could hear Jenny's laughter sounding in her earpiece. Jenny knew what Richard was all about and loved watching the song and dance he put Jade through each night.

  "You're an ass Jenny. It's not funny," Jade growled after depressing the 'Private' button on her headset. Another peal of laughter sounded.

  Taking a deep breath, Jade straightened, put the sweet smile back on her face and went back to Richard, passing him the creamers.

  "Thank you. You are just the sweetest little thing." He shot her what she guessed was his seduction grin, which came across to her as plain creepy. Passing her a ten dollar bill, he told her to keep the change which was a little over four dollars. That nightly four dollars is what kept her sweet and allowed her to grit her teeth when he ogled her rump. "Have a good night, sugar."

  "You too Richard, see you tomorrow."

  As she watched him drive away, she let out a sigh of relief. "How come every time he comes through here I end up feeling dirty?" she asked Jenny through the headset.

  Yet another bout of laughter was her only reply.

  Three hours into her eight hour shift, while she was in the middle of cleaning the coffee machine, the ding she'd been waiting for happened. Officer Hottie. Clearing her throat she answered in her special Officer Hottie seduction voice. "What can I do for you tonight?" As she waited for him to respond she quickly undid several of her blouse buttons, and then tore off the headset, visor and hairnet covering her hair and began fluffing out her long dark locks.

  "Hey Jade, it's just me tonight. Can I come on up?" she heard him ask as she placed the headset back on.

  "Sure can." By the time his patrol car rolled up to the pick-up window Jade had his order ready - large coffee, black and a tea biscuit. The less time she took preparing his order when he was at the window meant the more time she had to flirt with him until the next customer interrupted them.

  "First things first, the hooker report so I can justify sitting her and chatting with yah." The coffee shop was situated on the corner of what the little city referred to as 'hooker block.' Each night she'd give him the lowdown on who was out working tonight and how busy they were that evening. Officer Hottie usually didn't bother the 'working girls' unless they became a major nuisance and the station began receiving complaints.

  Leaning over the counter Jade passed him his coffee and tea biscuit, making sure that he was able to catch a glimpse of her cleavage in the process. Alex's dark green eyes dipped briefly to her breasts before shifting back up to her meet her gaze.

  "We have a newbie tonight." Jade informed him, taking a moment to allow her eyes to drink in the sight of him. He was a tall man - at least six foot two - close to a foot taller than her, with dark hair, strong-wide shoulders and he had the most adorable dimpled smile that she'd ever seen. She would guess he was in his early to mid-thirties, but when he smiled that sweet dimpled smile it took close to ten years from his age.

  He cocked an eyebrow at her and his grin widened. "Really?"

  Jade nodded. "Really. Tall, thin girl, long curly blonde hair. Getting lots of action."

  Officer Hottie chuckled as he be
gan to reach for his wallet to pay her, but stopped when the radio sounded for him. Jade backed away from the window, not wanting to eavesdrop.

  After speaking briefly with dispatch he hung up the radio and shifted the car into gear, flipping on the siren. "I'll be right back." he promised as he sped away.

  Slumping against the counter, Jade released the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.

  "Has he asked you out yet?" Jenny rounded the corner and entered the drive-thru section, joining her.

  Jade frowned and shook her head. "Nope."

  The older woman planted her hands on her hips and scowled at her. "Did you at least find out if he was seeing anyone?"


  "Want me to find out for you?"

  Jade laughed at that. High school all over again, getting your friend to find out if the boy you liked, liked you back. "Nope."

  Jenny narrowed her eyes at Jade and wagged a finger at her. "If he is single, he won't be for long. I'd act fast, girlie, you've been flirting with that man for weeks now. My grandmother moves faster than you."

  Groaning, Jade quickly tied her hair back up, and threw on her visor and hairnet. Time to get back to cleaning.

  Two hours had passed and still no sign of Officer Hottie, though that wasn't unusual, sometimes he just got busy and would pay for his coffee and biscuit the next time he came around. Resigning herself to the fact that she wasn't going to see him again that night, she switched places with Jenny and took her break.

  Taking her headset, visor and hairnet off, Jade reclined in a hard white plastic chair out back at the small two person table and put her aching feet up on the chair opposite to her. She left her headset on so she could hear if Jenny happened to get a rush of customers, though that rarely happened. Undoing the top few buttons of her blouse she closed her eyes and let out a loud sigh.

  The ding sounding barely got her attention, but what did get her attention was the conversation that began. Jenny had kept the voice on so she could hear everything being said between her and the customer. The customer who just happened to be none other than Officer Hottie!

  "So are you seeing anyone right now?" Jenny's voice asked.

  Jade's eyes sprang open and her feet hit the floor. Oh-my-god.

  She couldn't make out the answer, but then she heard Jenny's voice again. "Jade has nicknamed you Officer Hottie."

  Oh-my-fucking-god! I can't believe she's doing this to me!

  Grabbing up her headset, she sprang from the chair upturning it in the process and sprinted from the backroom, hoping to do a little damage-control before it went from bad to worse. As she hit the freshly mopped ceramic floor her feet skidded from under her. Grasping at the counter she managed to send two silver platters sailing through the air and landing on the floor with a loud clang while saving herself from hitting the floor.

  My shoes have non-slip treads, my ass, she silently fumed as she steadied herself and kept going until she came to the drive-thru window. Panting, she grasped the counter for support. "I can take it from here," she gasped, looking up and glaring at Jenny's amused face.

  Laughing, Jenny nodded her goodbye to Constable Kane and made her way out of the drive-thru. When Jenny was fully out of sight Jade turned back to Officer Hottie, feeling the heat rising up into her cheeks. As she watched him eyeing her intently, she noticed an amused gleam in his gorgeous green eyes.

  Crossing his arms onto the open window of the car door and leaning onto it, Alex waited for her to take her usual position leaning over the counter across from him at the window before speaking. "So... You call me Officer Hottie?" he cocked an amused brow up at her.

  Jade raked a nervous hand through her dark hair and shrugged. "Well. See. I just..."

  "Uh-huh. Can I ask you something?"

  Jade gulped, her heart fluttering wildly in her chest. She wished she had heard his answer to Jenny's question about whether he was seeing someone or not. Hell, she'd been so interested in getting out there that she'd missed the whole conversation.


  "Aren't you required to wear that visor and hairnet when serving customers?" Jade nodded, chewing at her bottom lip. "I notice you have it on when I drive by but don't come through. It actually looks pretty cute on you - by the way, but it's gone when I'm here. Why is that?"

  Before she could persuade her mouth to respond to the question, the radio sounded for him. "Dammit," he muttered holding his index finger up to her while attending to the dispatcher. As before, upon hanging up the radio, he shifted the car into gear. "I'll be back in a bit." He gave her a reassuring smile and sped off.

  Slumping down to the counter, Jade pressed her forehead to the cool silver plate bolted to the top. Gathering her frazzled nerves, she marched to the backroom in search of Jenny. She found her elbows deep in dishwater, scouring out a large steel pot.

  "So did you get the date?" she asked grinning from ear to ear.

  Leaning her shoulder against the wall and crossing her arms over her chest, she shook her head. "Nope. What did he say?"

  A mischievous look crossed the older woman's face as she continued to grin, while rinsing off the pot. "He's single."

  A flicker of hope lit up Jade’s face and a rush of excitement shot through her. "Really? And what else?" God, does this ever feel like middle school, she thought, but didn't care. In the matter of two minutes Jenny had gotten the information she'd been trying to wheedle out of him for a number of weeks now. Perhaps the direct approach was the best way after all.

  Jenny shrugged. "He seemed very interested. He didn't ask you out?"

  "Nah, he got a call and had to take off. Said he'd be back later." Jade took a quick glance at the plain black and white analogue clock mounted on the wall. She had an hour left before the morning rush began and two before she got off. Hopefully, he’d show up before the rush.

  While she finished up her chores she kept a steady eye on the clock, but as the minutes and then hours moved on, she began to lose hope. By quitting time, Officer Hottie hadn't shown up yet so she chalked it up to either him changing his mind or he’d got busy and couldn't come back. She hoped it was the latter.

  "Don't worry, he'll be around tomorrow." Jenny reassured her as they left for the day.


  The following night went by much like the night previously, only with no appearance from Officer Hottie. She'd almost convinced herself that she and Jenny had misread the vibe he was sending her until, halfway through her shift, when she saw his patrol car pull up.

  "Told you," Jenny gloated through the headset at the sight of the car.

  Giving him her sexy voice she answered his ding.

  "Hey Jade, it's me and I have Officer Torrance with me. Can we come on up?"

  "Sure can," she responded, already making up their order as she answered. Officer Torrance was his partner, an older Constable in his late-fifties who always sat in the passenger seat and pretended to ignore them and occupy himself with paperwork as they exchanged their normal flirting banter, while they both knew he heard every word.

  As usual when he pulled up to the window and gave her that sexy, dimpled smile, her heart skipped a beat and the color rose to her cheeks.

  "Let me pay you before we get called away, since I still owe you for last night." He pulled his wallet from his back pocket and passed her a ten. "Look, I'm really sorry I didn't get back last night, it just went crazy."

  Taking the bill she passed him the food and beverages. He waved his hand when she attempted to give him his change so she slipped it into the tip jar. Leaning over the counter she caught his eyes once he was done passing their food onto Constable Torrance.

  "Come forward a little bit." he said motioning with his hand for her to lean forward over the counter and out the window.

  Giving him a peculiar look she did as ordered. Reaching out to her, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear which sent a shiver through her and she had to bite back a soft moan threatening to escape her lips.
He then examined her intently. "I was right. The visor does look cute on you."

  The officer in the passenger seat smirked, but kept his eyes glued to the laptop next to him.

  Feeling another rush of heat in her cheeks and this time having it accompanied by a stirring between her legs, she managed a weak "Thank you," in response. Her eyes swept over him once more, this time she found herself wondering what it would feel like to caress his hard muscle under the layers of clothing. Without meaning to, her eyes drifted down to his lap, but his bulky uniform made it impossible for her to see what he was packing aside from the sidearm.

  He seemed to have caught where her eyes had travelled because when her eyes met his again, it was his turn to have a slight reddening creep into his tanned face. He held her eyes for a moment, his deep green ones locking onto her dark brown ones, it was then that she knew without a doubt that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  "Listen, it's busy again tonight so I just have to ask in case we get a call. Do you want to go out? Dinner, or... I don't know. Maybe this weekend? You're off Friday and Saturday night, right?"

  Jade nodded, trying to remain calm and reserved while grabbing a slip of paper and jotting down her name and number despite the fact that every part of her was ecstatic with excitement. She'd have to take Jenny out to dinner or buy her a nice basket of bath goods for giving them a little push to do what they should have done weeks ago.

  Chapter 2

  Walking up to the apartment complex where Jade lived, Alex found himself feeling slightly nervous. When Jade's co-worker had taken the liberty of telling him she'd nicknamed him Officer Hottie, he'd been floored. He had always found her adorable, with her sweet smile, - which always shone with clear lip gloss - her dark, mysterious eyes and her sweet, flirty personality.

  Normally, he wouldn't have hesitated asking her out, but being that she was a coffee shop girl and her friendly attitude helped her get tips, he assumed she was simply being sweet and a little extra flirty, because that was her job. Not to mention the fact he was sure she had a slew of assclowns hitting on her and asking her out nightly and imagined it would be more of an annoyance to her if he became another of the sea of dicks.