Read The Crescent Page 28

his lips brushed against my bare shoulder. Brandon’s face was sunken in and his skin was ghostly pale.

  I need you. He whispered and pressed his lips firmly to my shoulder. Feelings I couldn’t explain or even understand overtook me.

  They’re not lying to you. I swear.

  “Brandon …” I rolled onto my side to face him, wanting to soak up every minute I had with him even though I knew this wasn’t real. “My mark is gone.” I held up my hand to show him; I was disappointed and ashamed. But I knew it was my own fault that it was gone.

  I know babe. Matt and Trevor will find me. I’m weak. I need you to believe. He whispered and let out a slight breath. You can’t be around Alex anymore. If you do, our bond will be completely broken; we are too close to your transformation.

  “Brandon, I’m scared. Are they going to kill you?”

  They are going to try.

  Chills rushed though my body. I couldn’t see either of my parents killing anyone, but I’m sure there were others that would. “What can I do?”

  I need you to go back to Mom and Dad. I need them to keep you safe until I’m with you again. You have to believe in us.

  “What about my parents?” I asked him as he traced my palm with his finger as if he was trying to force my mark back to the surface. I wished he could; I wished I could. Somehow, it just felt like that mark would make everything real; make the feelings I had, dreams of him and the future come to life— like the mark could let that made up world escape my dreams and become reality.

  They are going to hurt me … hurt you, if you let them.

  “Lacey?” I turned to look at the door to my room. A sliver of light crept in from the hallway and dread sunk into my stomach. If that light wasn’t part of my dream, it meant nothing had been changed with Brandon’s reappearance.

  “Yeah?” I closed my hand around his, only to find my pillow under my fingertips. Brandon was gone again.

  “Who are you talking to?” My mother reached in and turned on my bedroom light.


  c h a p t e r


  I wished Brandon being in my room wasn’t a dream. Unfortunately, the mark on my hand was just as faded as it was before. If he could’ve willed it to the surface, maybe I could believe our bond was real, but I still had no tangible proof of anything that anyone had told me.

  They will hurt me. Brandon whispered just before Mom woke me.

  I watched as my parents went along merrily through their Sunday morning routine reading each section of the paper and browsing through the advertisements. It was hard to believe there was any turmoil behind their façade. I took two bites of my toast and slid my plate away. I couldn’t stand to look at the food and my skin was still burning.

  “What are you going to do while we run errands? Jillian called last night and said they were going to the beach.” Mom didn’t look up from the sale ads.

  “I think I’m going to lie back down.” My skin felt clammy and I was sweating again.

  “You don’t want to go with your friends? She said Alex was asking about you.”

  “No, I don’t want to go anywhere.” I had a different plan for my day. If I could get back to sleep, maybe I could bring Brandon to me again.

  “If you are still sick tomorrow, I’m calling the doctor.” Mom replied sternly.

  I nodded in agreement. Hearing a doctor tell me I had a cold would be better than hearing a stranger tell me that my soul mate was being ripped away from me and my body was dying from it.

  “Ok Mom.” I cleared my plate and headed back up to my room. My parents started to talk before I got all the way up the stairs. I didn’t want to waste any time getting back to Brandon. But I stopped when my dad said, “You know she’s not sick.” Dad’s voice was harsh. “Alex couldn’t seal the deal and now she is suffering.”

  “Her birthday isn’t for two months. There is no way that she is already starting her transformation,” Mom replied. Her words rang in my ears. I felt my eyes growing wider and I covered my mouth with my hands to stop a cry from escaping my lips. I steadied myself sitting on the top step. My birthday was weeks away, not months; but they didn’t know that.

  “I don’t want her to lose her mate either, but he is not right for her. It’s up to us to protect her.” Dad lowered his voice. “We can’t let her transform. You know what happens if she does.”

  “There has to be a way she can transform and be mated to someone else. Maybe we should tell her what we are, what she is.”

  A few dishes clanked in the sink and a chair scraped against the tile floor. “Maybe it’s time.” Both of them walked around the kitchen. I stood as quietly as I could and ducked out of sight from the stairwell so that they wouldn’t catch me eavesdropping. I stooped just inside the door of my bedroom and left the door ajar.

  Controlling my breathing was difficult as my heart raced; my thoughts focused on hearing what they were saying.

  “Maybe we should call Sophie now. Something is wrong. We must make sure they still have Brandon.” They know about Brandon. They both walked into the living room. I could hear Mom coming up the stairs. I panicked and rushed to my bathroom, pretending to be looking for a towel when she came around the corner.

  “Honey, we are going to the store. We’ll be back in a while.” She put her arms around me. “Call if you need anything.”

  It amazed me that she could be so calm knowing they held Brandon captive and my future depended on him. I remember meeting Sophie the night of Alex’s party. If they had Brandon, maybe they were holding him at the condo.

  Every inch of my body hurt as I pulled the bike out of the garage. My parents said I couldn’t transform and Brandon was my soul mate. I had to tell Emile where Brandon could be. If they were telling the truth, I would die without him. I didn’t have time to waste or let doubt and pain deter me.

  I pedaled as fast as I could back to Brandon’s house. My legs felt as if they were being stabbed with needles as I pushed myself harder. The trip took so much longer than it had before. I didn’t bother to hide the bike. As soon as I got to the yard I flung it to the sidewalk and ran feebly to the door. I pounded on it as my heart was beating too fast and my breathing was strained. If Sophie was the leader of their pack, then Brandon’s death was imminent.

  Emile pulled open the door. “We are so glad you are …”

  I didn’t let her finish, “I know where Brandon is.” I practically shouted as my body felt tipsy, weakened further by the ride there. She reached out and grabbed me before I fell over.

  “Matt, Trevor!” She screamed so loudly that my whole body shook from the vibration in my ears. “Help me.” She said to the boys as they ran from the kitchen to the door.

  Matt reached out and then hesitated. “I don’t want to hurt her.”

  Emile grabbed his hand. “Nonsense. It won’t hurt her any worse than what will happen if we DON’T help her.”

  Matt and Trevor both touched my skin at the same time and shocking pain ripped through me. “At least we know she is starting to believe us.” Matt said as they put me down on the couch. My skin rippled in waves from their touch, the slight tingling still throbbing under my skin leaving invisible marks where their hands had been.

  “Lacey, you must tell us where they have Brandon.” Michael appeared in the room with a map and a notebook in his hand. “Is he close?”

  “Yes.” I barely whispered, my body floating in and out of consciousness. “A party. Alex had a party.” I hesitated, my eyes blurred as I looked from Michael’s face to Emile’s.

  “We need to call a healer. They will know what we can do for her.” Emile said to Michael.

  “Emile, you know what is wrong with her.” Michael responded quietly. He turned his attention back to me. “Where was this party?”

  I fluttered my eyes and felt darkness overtaking me. “There’s a condo. Alex took me there for a party.” I concentrated on my words trying to make sure they understood me. “It’s in Trenton off of Fa
irway and Lemon.”

  “What number?” Michael said as Trevor and Matt both started picking up various bags.

  “101.” I said slowly, remembering the way the dark black door was a contrast to the stark white moldings of the building.

  “Sophie …” My skin burned again and my thoughts started to run together. My eyes were watering as thoughts of my parents and Sophie killing Brandon rolled through even cloudier thoughts of being with Brandon.

  “Sophie?” Michael’s eyes were wide and he looked at Emile.

  “We need to take her home. If they’ve already brought Sophie, then they know.”

  I felt shock waves rush through my body again, but it was nothing in comparison to the fire that was burning inside me. I was thankful when the darkness came.

  You did good. Brandon whispered as he traced my lips with his fingers; his skin not so pale or sunken in. I knew you would come through. He smiled, making my body feel warm. By tonight I’ll be with you. I’m coming for you.

  “Did they hurt you?”

  No. But they know you are dying because of me.

  “Am I dying?” I asked softly, not really listening to what he was saying, more enjoying his touch and the serenity of being with him.

  The longer you are here with me, the stronger we both get.

  Try to stay here with me as long as you can.

  “What if I can’t stay here?” I looked deep into his eyes, the green had returned.

  I will come to you again. I will do anything to be with you. I know this is new to you, but I’ve loved you since you were