Read The Crescent Page 29


  I knew he was telling the truth. My parents had practically confirmed that my entire life had been a lie. I love you. I whispered, half recklessly.

  I felt my body being nudged; someone was trying to wake me. “Someone is trying to take me from you.” I wrapped both my arms around Brandon. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  Brandon looked absently around the room, his face growing more and more concerned. You’re in danger. They know you’re with me now.

  His words made me take in a deep breath and I tried to hold onto him tighter.

  “Hey, are you planning on staying in bed all day?” Jillian practically pushed me off my bed onto the floor. I grabbed the sheets to stop myself from toppling off.

  “No, I don’t feel well.” I glared at her, really hating the new annoyingly pushy best friend she had become.

  “Come on. Getting out of the house will be a good thing.” She went to my dresser and started pulling out clothes. “Alex and Gavin are downstairs. We are going out to eat.”

  I backed away from my bed taking a really good look at my friend. Jillian had drastically changed. Her hair was cut short and she looked at least ten years older than the last time I saw her. Even her clothing was new and not her normal style.

  “I’m not going anywhere. My parents will be mad.” I made up an excuse trying to decide if Gavin was the only reason for her changes.

  “Don’t be silly. Your parents are downstairs.” Jillian turned with a pair of jeans and a tank top in her hand. I staggered backwards when I looked at her face. Her eyes were pitch black and her skin ghostly pale. “What’s wrong with you?” She asked stepping closer to me.

  “What happened to your eyes?” I asked as I backed farther away from her.

  A disturbing smile flashed across her face. “Oh, let’s not be coy now.” She held out the jeans and tank top. “Come on. Get dressed.” The forcefulness in her tone made me flinch. I had backed up so far that I could feel the wall behind me. “Let’s not make this harder than it has to be.” She tossed the clothing on the bed and picked up my bracelet from the desk. She laid it flat in her hand like Alex had done and rubbed her pointed finger down the length of the stones, stopping at each flower. “Why aren’t you wearing your bracelet?” Her eyes sparkled as though she had a secret.

  “I’ve been sick.” I replied, feeling my hands along the wall behind me for the doorknob to the bathroom.

  “Don’t you want to put it on now since you’re awake … and not being confused by fabricated dreams of whom you really love?” She grinned. “Someone who gave you that necklace?” My eyes followed to where her finger was pointed at my chest; a moon and star charm necklace hung from my neck. I stopped breathing.

  Brandon was right, but he never told me my best friend was one of them.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I stuttered over every word covering my new jewelry with my fingertips.

  Jillian stepped closer and I tried frantically to find the door without taking my eyes from her. She extended her hand with the bracelet in it, the bruise that was on her palm had formed into a perfectly detailed flower.

  “Jillian, please don’t do this.” Jillian continued to advance towards me. “You’re my best friend. Why didn’t you tell me they were trying to kill me?”

  She stopped. “Who said anything about killing you?”

  “What do you think they are going to do with me? Just let me go?” I asked in desperation.

  Jillian looked towards the bedroom door and then back to me. “Sophie said if you fell in love with Alex then they could force you to mate with him.” She looked down at the bracelet in her hand. “She said she found someone that could make you become like us. One of us.” Jillian tightly closed her fingers around the bracelet, doubt flashing on her face.

  “Please Jill, don’t let them hurt me.”

  Gavin came through the door just then. He grabbed Jillian’s wrist that held the bracelet in it. “Don’t let her confuse you,” he said taking the bracelet from her hand. “You need to put this on.” His eyes were black just like Jillian’s.

  “I can’t. I won’t sign Brandon’s death warrant.” I was terrified as I said the words, but tried to convince myself that I would do anything to keep them from putting the binding trinket back on me.

  “Then you’ve signed your own.” Gavin said forcefully. He picked up the clothing and threw it at me, squarely smacking me in the face causing me to lose my footing and stumble to the ground.

  “We didn’t intend on hurting you … but we will if we must.” A slight growl escaped from low in his throat. “Hurry up.” Gavin curled his lip and then backed out of the room.

  I clutched the clothing to my chest. “Jillian … please.” My whole body shook. “Please don’t do this.” I begged her. A tear trickled down her cheek and for a moment, I thought I had a chance. “I don’t want to hurt you. I would never hurt my parents. What they are saying I’m going to do is wrong. You know me. I would never …”

  “GET DRESSED.” Gavin’s thunderous voice came through the crack of the doorway.

  My arms and legs were shaking as I pulled on the jeans and tank. I slipped on a pair of tennis shoes that were under my bed and stood there watching my best friend try not to make eye contact with me.

  I whispered, Jillian they are going to kill me.

  “It didn’t have to be that way. If you just would’ve slept with Alex. Why didn’t you? All this all would have been over by now.”

  “I couldn’t do it. My body wouldn’t let me, I can’t kill Brandon.”

  “He hasn’t even been a true mate to you! If he had been, your mark would be like mine.” She held up her palm showing her perfectly detailed flower. It seemed she was gloating.

  “My mark is not there because of Alex!” I said a little louder than I intended, mad that she was so happy with her mate yet she was ok with keeping me from mine. Gavin came back into the room. He wrapped his fingers tightly around my forearm and started to pull me out of the room.

  “Let’s go.” He said to Jillian. More tears formed in her eyes.

  c h a p t e r


  Sophie, Aunt Jamie, Alex, Ricky and both of my parents stood around the coffee table in the living room. A large knife lay on the table in front of Sophie; the light glinted off the sharp blade sending diamonds across the walls. I locked eyes with Alex; his lip was quivering. His eyes were blood shot but he wasn’t crying; he was barely breathing. Both of my parents were quietly sobbing, lines of tears streaked their cheeks.

  “So nice of you to join us mistress,” Sophie said. She was in a tailored black business suit with black heels. Her hair was tightly pulled back into a bun and her skin looked even paler with the bright red lipstick she had on. “Sorry for the informality of this.” Gavin pulled me harder down the stairs, my feet skipping every other one. I fought and kicked as much as I could to get away from him, making him work harder to get me to the table.

  “We didn’t realize your transformation was so soon.” Her smile turned into a sneer as Gavin pushed me down to my knees on the floor.

  “Shall we get started?” Gavin said as each of the members knelt beside the table.

  “It really is a shame that you had to start changing so soon.” She said as though I had control over it. Sophie turned and looked at Alex who had knelt beside her. “Alex thought he had succeeded.” She looked down at him harshly. “Too bad he was wrong.” Sophie turned to the small end table behind her and picked up a beaded red cloth. She laid it precisely on the table in front of her and picked up the knife.

  Sweat collected in my palms as Gavin reached out and grabbed my hand. “Do you want the bracelet on her?” He said to Sophie pulling it from his shirt pocket. I tried to yank my arm away but it only intensified the pain.

  “No. It won’t matter now. Once the bond is broken, they will both die anyway.” A satisfied smile crept across her face. I looked at Alex, but he looked down at the table, instant
ly making me feel abandoned.

  Alex? I whimpered to him. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I yanked and tugged trying to pull my arm back from the table. I thought you loved me.

  Alex finally looked up. “I thought you loved me too.” He peered at the bracelet now lying on the table next to my hand.

  “Things could have been different.”

  “Well son, they’re not,” Sophie said, ending our conversation. I looked at her and then at my parents. Gavin covered my hand with his on the table to force my fingers flat to the surface. I tried to get up but he wouldn’t allow me. He pressed so forcefully on my hand that it felt as if my fingers were breaking.

  My body was shaking as I cried out in pain. Alex’s eyes narrowed as he glared at Gavin, who was now smirking at him.

  “Stop hurting her.” Alex’s eyes changed from teary brown to ferocious black.

  “She’s not your mate, what do you care.” Gavin antagonized Alex.

  Alex stood swiftly and Sophie grabbed him from lunging forward. “She was supposed to be!” He yelled at Gavin instead of advancing. I stared at Alex hoping that he loved me enough to betray his mother.

  “She still may be.” Sophie tried to calm Alex.

  “You don’t know if this is going to work or not.” He replied and yanked his arm out of her grip. He glared at Gavin’s strong hand pressing hard into mine. “Take your hand off of her.” Alex said forcefully, pointing one commanding finger at Gavin’s hand.

  “NO. Don’t.” Sophie said.