Read The Crescent Page 31

yours.” Sophie almost seemed to be gloating. “You haven’t experienced true love yet. When you do, you will know.” Alex’s face dropped to the floor as he tried to hide the sorrow in his eyes, but his entire body showed it. Tears blurred my vision as a few trickled down my face; I hurt for him. I hurt for me.

  Without thinking I said, “It was real for me.” I covered my mouth just as panic rushed onto Alex’s face. I had just drawn the attention of the room again. I put my hands on the front door but couldn’t get it open before Gavin leapt onto me. His paws pushed into my back, causing my stomach and chest to hit the door knocking the wind out of me and crushing my ribs.

  Alex let out a blood-curdling yell and advanced on Gavin, ripping his body off of mine. He flung him across the room as though he weighed nothing at all. Gavin’s body hit the hallway wall and crumpled onto the floor. Jillian screamed and ran to his side. Gavin let out a few small yelps as Alex put his arm around me and helped me from the floor.

  “It was never about all of this.” He motioned towards Sophie. “It was always real to me.” Alex whispered.

  c h a p t e r


  I could feel the longing in Alex’s lips as he held me tightly in his arms. I could no longer hear Jillian sobbing over Gavin or Sophie yelling at Alex. It was only the two of us in the world. The terrorizing nightmare was over being wrapped in his arms. Alex’s forehead rested on mine, both of us perfectly content to be trapped in time. I know you are having dreams of him. I wish I could show you the dreams I’ve had of us. I wish you could see them. His dark brown eyes showed how much he wished things could be different for us. I wished he were the one. I loved him, but like Sophie said, it was a mortal love. My mate was destined to be Brandon and it hurt Alex to know it. Hell, it hurt me to know it.

  I love you. I whispered against his lips knowing that we wouldn’t have much more time together. I wish you were the one.

  I’m sure if Brandon didn’t exist, that Alex would be, other than the fact his mother was trying to kill me.

  I could still be the one. Alex replied rubbing his face smoothly against mine. I need you. I told you I would do anything for you. I meant it. Alex’s eyes were hopeful.

  How? My mind raced feeling his soft skin under my fingertips. His silky lips made me want to forget about this whole conversation.

  You have to be with me. You can’t be around Brandon anymore. The bracelet won’t work unless you stay away from him and stay with me.

  “But … wouldn’t he die then?” I pulled back from Alex and stared at him. He wouldn’t look at me.

  “I wish it could be different.” Alex replied. “He has to die. He plans on killing us, killing me.” His grip tightened around my back holding me closer to him. “I know he wouldn’t hurt you but I don’t want you with him. I can’t stand the idea of him touching you, getting to be with you when I can’t.”

  “Alex …” I said but my words were halted by the horrible, overpowering smell. My skin crawled and my stomach started doing back flips. I was in trouble being this close to Alex. My nose and throat incinerated. My body started to crumple as the invisible hands set to ripping my skin away from my body.

  “Lacey? No. Lacey!” Alex’s words were muffled as I fell onto the floor, slapped by reality and writhing in pain. The door to the house flung open. Alex picked me up intensifying the pain. His skin stung mine; the horrible smell surrounded him as I coughed and gasped for air.

  “Let her go!” Brandon screamed at Alex. Brandon, Matt, Trevor and Michael surrounded the doorway. I stayed limp in Alex’s arms but I knew I needed to overcome the pain and tell Brandon not to hurt Alex. Alex had saved my life.

  “It’s so nice to see you again Michael…” Sophie’s voice was haunting as she twisted the ornate knife in her hand, a thin line of blood trickling down her wrist. “You are just in time for the festivities.” She started to make her way towards Alex with the knife, but Alex stepped closer to Brandon.

  Brandon looked at Alex confused and then at me. My body was still convulsing and shaking; it wouldn’t be long before I threw up again. Alex’s eyes met mine briefly. I love you. He mouthed. I tried my best to say it back, but I couldn’t. My body was being torn apart and the only thing that would stop it was to be away from him.

  Alex’s arms flexed and extended towards Brandon. I looked wearily at him through my tears and was thankful when the pain instantly stopped. The comfort of Brandon’s arms made the pain melt away. Matt and Trevor both stepped forward in front of us and Brandon gently stepped backwards towards the door trying not to jostle my body too much. He buried his face in my hair briefly and let out a deep breath. I couldn’t look at Alex; I was sure it broke his heart to see Brandon helping me heal just with his touch.

  “What are you doing?” Sophie screamed at Alex. My parents both rushed to Brandon’s side.

  “Brandon?” Mom tried to talk around Matt as Sophie continued to yell at Alex. Lily was standing just behind us with five other much larger men.

  “What?” Brandon growled through his teeth as he brushed the hair away from my face.

  “We never wanted to hurt her.”

  “You lie.” His jaw clenched and his arms were shaking. I was weak but I lifted my finger to trace his arm.

  “Babe …” My voice trembled. “Please don’t …”

  “You’ve done this to her.” Brandon screamed at my mother and set me on the ground. He stood swiftly pointing his finger forcefully at her. I tried to press myself back up, but the comfort

  Brandon had momentarily given me was gone. My body started to shake and twitch where Alex’s skin had touched mine.

  Lily wrapped her arms around me tightly and another stronger set of hands wrapped around my arms. A tall guy that looked a lot like Brandon pulled me up until I was standing anchored against his side. “Did they cut you at all?” His eyes searched my face and my arms.

  Is this a dream? I asked the man. He chuckled and gave me a half-hearted smile in response.

  “Did they cut you?” Lily interrupted my stare at the beautiful man holding me up.

  “No. Alex …” Lily squeezed my hand before I could continue and looked towards Brandon. Brandon looked at me. He reached out and claimed my hand from Lily. Peacefulness rushed over my body; ending the twitching and lingering pain from Alex.

  Your strength brought me to you. Brandon and I were lounging by the creek from my dream. I need you more now than you will ever know.

  “Brandon, Alex saved my life. He stopped Sophie.” I rubbed his hand anxiously in mine. “You can’t hurt him.”

  Brandon looked away from me denying me his comfort. He pulled his hand back from me. “You can’t ask me that. He would kill me if he got a chance; then you would die.”

  “No, he won’t kill you. Please, you can’t hurt him.” I pleaded reaching for his face, wanting him to tell me everything would be ok.

  Brandon stared deeply at me, his eyes longing for me to say it was ok for him to do what he thought was necessary. But I couldn’t. “I don’t understand how you can love him. How can you love anyone else other than me?” His voice almost reduced me to tears.

  “I don’t know how this works. I can’t explain.” I folded my arms quickly across my body when he refused to let me hold his hand.

  I jumped when Brandon reached for my hand to look at my palm; my mark was still small and faded. “I don’t understand.” He said concerned. His eyes shot up to mine. “Did you sleep with him?”

  My body started to twitch and ache again; we were back in my living room. All faces turned to look at me and then at Alex. I yanked my hand back from him. “No. I didn’t.” I responded quietly not taking my eyes off Brandon. He glared at Alex; hatred flashed across his face. His fingers dug into the palms of his hands as he clinched them into fists.

  Before I could stop him, he started screaming at Alex. “I’m going to kill you!”

  Brandon rushed towards Alex. Matt and Trevor both reached out and grabbed Brando
n before he could get to him.

  “NO.” I screamed.

  “NO.” Sophie screamed.

  “STOP!” My parents both screamed.

  Jillian still held Gavin’s head in her lap; my aunt was tending to him. His paws had started to move. Lily reached out and claimed my hand in hers again.

  “Alex, maybe you were better than we originally thought.” Sophie’s voice was high pitched. “Looks like you started to break the bond.” She smiled wickedly and she clapped both of her hands together. Gavin started to stir. “I guess she just needed more time with him, or for him to make the ultimate sacrifice for her.”

  The large man started to pull me from the house as tension overtook the room. Matt and Trevor both leaned forward just as Gavin had earlier.

  “No, stop. You can have her. Get her out of here.” Alex put out his hands trying to stop the melee. “She is safe with you.” He said squarely to Brandon.

  Michael stepped forward. “Alex, you are welcome to come with us.” He leaned around and looked at Jillian, “You too. But you know we can’t allow her to leave.” Michael pointed at Sophie; it was clear he had no intention of her leaving in one piece.

  “I’m not leaving without her.” Alex positioned himself between Michael and Sophie.

  “Alex, please come with us.” I said. Brandon reached out and grabbed my wrist firmly. He scowled at me displeased.

  “Do you not understand that he wants me dead?” Brandon said through his clenched