Read The Crescent Page 30

“Just hold her wrist there.” She said to Gavin and then looked at me. “This will be all over soon.”

  Alex grabbed her wrist that held the knife in it. My heart sped up again and I was hopeful that he would stop this. “Once her mate is dead, she can mate with you.” Her tone was much softer. “Then your legacy can be fulfilled.” She stepped closer to him. I shook my head without thinking when he released the hold he had on her.

  “How do you know she won’t die anyway?” He looked at me out of the corner of his eye and looked away.

  Sophie wrapped her hand around his bicep and pulled him away from the table. I could barely hear what she was saying.

  “You know what happens if we don’t try. He will kill us all.”

  “Let me just kill him then.” Alex responded; his jaw locked, teeth grinding. “She shouldn’t have to pay for what they have done. Lacey had nothing to do with it.” He turned and looked at the bracelet and then at me. I moved my pinky finger enough to touch one of the flowers on it and begged him with my eyes to keep me from harm. His eyes started to turn back to brown. His chest rose slightly and then fell hard. He turned his back to me and whispered, “Mom … please don’t do this.”

  “Alex, your judgment is clouded.”

  “Now then.” She turned her attention back to the table and Alex turned away completely and headed to the kitchen.

  “You have to stay.” Sophie commanded.

  “I can’t watch you hurt her.” Alex defied her and broke my heart as he kept walking.

  “Alex… Please.” I said barely above a whisper. I watched him walk from the room wishing he would rush back and save me, but he didn’t.

  I surveyed the room trying to find an escape. Every inch of my body hurt so badly that it seemed impossible to wiggle out of Gavin’s grip. I’d have bruises around my wrist from his fingers when this was done, if I survived. Jillian sat motionless with tears in her eyes staring down at the grain of the table. My parents held each other’s hands but neither of them looked at Sophie as she continued.

  “Ok. I promise to make this quick.” Sophie knelt again at the opposite side of the table from me. “I can’t guarantee that it won’t hurt.” She smirked and chills rushed down my arms.

  I looked towards the kitchen longing for Alex to rush back into the room and be the persistent boyfriend that he was used to.

  “What if I agree to be with Alex? What if I put the bracelet back on?”

  Sophie let out a small laugh. “The bracelet didn’t stop Brandon from coming for you before.” She sneered. “Besides, we would be forcing you to be with Alex.”

  “No no, you wouldn’t be forcing me. I love Alex.” I tried to calm myself, but it still felt like I was screaming the words. Both my parents looked at Sophie.

  “Maybe we could call the healer again? Maybe we could further delay her change … Give her and Alex more time.” Mom said.

  Sophie looked enraged. “I already told you. Her date of birth was wrong. Her change would occur too soon, if she had never come into contact with Brandon …” She stopped and shifted her weight. “It won’t work.”

  Dad pleaded, “Can’t we try? She admitted she loved Alex. It is only a matter of time before the bond is completely broken and then she can be free.”

  She gritted her teeth. “We don’t have time. Do I need to remind you what is at stake? The bond must be severed for Alex to truly connect with her.”

  “But what if this doesn’t work? What if she doesn’t survive?”

  The corner of Sophie’s mouth slightly rose, “Then she is not the one of the prophecy for Alex.”

  Mom was taken aback. “Is that all this is? Finding the mate your son is supposed to steal?” Both my parents stood. “We won’t allow this.” My mother continued. Gavin stood in response, unaffected by my weight, and yanked me upwards with him; my wrist still secured in his tight grip.

  “OWWWW …” I screamed. It felt like he had broken every bone in my body. I kicked and punched at Gavin’s side to no avail. Alex ran into the room frantically. He looked at Sophie and then at my parents, who were locked in an intense stare with each other. I was dangling from Gavin’s hand. The scene had turned rapidly chaotic. Jillian rushed to stand between Alex and Gavin, obviously protecting her mate. I knew I was screaming, but I don’t think anything was really coherent as I hung there like a rag doll waiting to see which way I’d be tossed.

  “Put her down.” Alex’s voice was deep and forceful, screaming at Gavin. He only momentarily stopped the confusion. The noise in the room had tripled.

  “Alex! Stop!” Sophie’s voice screeched above Jillian and Mom’s voices. She flung herself between Gavin and Alex throwing her hands up hastily stopping the two from clashing.

  “I’m going to kill you Gavin.” Alex’s arm extended over his mother’s head to press firmly into Gavin’s chest. The veins in his forearm rolled under his skin as his muscles pulsed and twitched. The force caused Gavin to shift backward and the tips of my shoes slightly brushed against the floor.

  “Fuck you Alex! You thought you were invincible! Well now what? She dies because you couldn’t seal the deal. I told you!” Gavin turned his rage to Sophie. “You should’ve had me try first.” He scowled at her.

  “What?” Jillian squealed from behind us. “How dare you!”

  Gavin’s grip loosened when he turned to look at Jillian. I released the grip I had on his wrists and waited until the perfect moment, when he was distracted by Jillian’s crying.

  “Jillian, you know how important this is. OUR future rests on HER.” Gavin tried to reason with her. I pushed against his body until I was fully on the floor and caught myself before I fell over my dad’s favorite chair.

  The room fell silent. Jillian covered her mouth with her hand. Sophie stepped backward. Alex’s pitch black eyes darted between Gavin and I. My parents stood frozen in their spot. I took in several deep breaths and felt each of my muscles twitch. The room was silent except for the heavy breathing coming from Alex and Gavin. My heart stopped beating; I was already dead. But I couldn’t be, my eyes carefully surveyed the room but barely moved.

  Just as swiftly as it all stopped, everything flew into fast-forward. Gavin rushed at me, Alex threw himself at Gavin and Sophie rushed after them both. I turned, now suddenly aware of my heart again, and ran towards the front door. My feet felt like cement blocks as I tried to get to the door. Gavin’s hand dug into my shoulder, stopping me instantly. Alex screamed at Gavin; my parents were screaming at Sophie. Jillian and my aunt were huddled together in the corner of the living room.

  Alex tackled Gavin causing us to land in a pile of bodies on the floor. Gavin’s weight crushed me. I put both of my hands against his shoulders trying to wiggle my way out from beneath him. Alex hit Gavin repeatedly. But Gavin laughed and kicked Alex squarely in the chest causing him to go flying backwards. I looked towards the door again, only another five feet away.

  “You’re a fool Alex!” Gavin yelled as he got up.

  “No Gavin!” Jillian and Sophie both yelled as Gavin leaned forward and put both hands to the floor. His body cracked and contorted. I scrambled backwards feeling the rug slipping beneath my feet. Gavin snarled and growled as his arms transformed into long, black fur covered legs. His large hands were replaced by ferocious claws. The growling from Gavin’s chest filled the room as his back and ribs twisted into the body of a beast. The scene was so familiar. I tried to calm my breathing and gather my thoughts, but it was no use. My arms ached and my legs were not cooperating to get me to the door.

  Alex stepped forward and started to lean on his hands. His eyes met mine and a low growl came from his chest. I coaxed myself off the floor knowing fully what would happen next, not sure that I could bear to watch him turn into a monster. Gavin stood directly in front of me; even on four legs he was almost as tall as I was. He bared his sharp teeth and snarled. I bumped into the table next to the front door as I jumped backwards. “Gavin!” Alex yelled pulling the attention away from

  His body was fully crouched in attack position; the growling and churning in his body was more threatening than Gavin’s. I blinked hard, still not sure if I had really watched Gavin turn into a monster. I hope this is a dream.

  Gavin turned his attention to Alex. He howled calling Alex out for a fight. Sophie put her hand on Alex’s shoulder, prompting him to stand.

  “This is not the time for this.” Sophie’s low voice was directed at Gavin. “You both know what needs to be done.” She yanked at Alex’s arm. “You know what we must do. We have no other choice.”

  “I love her.” Alex said squarely to Sophie.

  Sophie baulked at his confession. I was still trying to back my way to the door without Gavin turning on me again. “You don’t know what love is. You only know mortal love, physical love. You haven’t been blessed with the need for your mate yet.”

  Alex looked at me from the corner of his eye; I was almost to the door now. “I need her. I dream about her, I feel like I can’t breathe without her.”

  “Son, those are all childish, human emotions.” She put her palm to his face. “Your mate is the only one that can make you whole.”

  “You said she would be my mate,” he replied, scowling at her.

  “We thought she was the one. But the mark of your true mate did not appear.”

  Alex looked down at his hand and then to me. “Even with the bracelet, she was never