Read The Crumbling Brick - Book 1 of the Land of Neo Trilogy Page 2

had seen in her world. Of course, Ella's world consisted mostly of concrete and traffic. Still, the colors here seemed more vivid, more alive. As they passed through the forest, Ella strained her ears to hear the noises. They seemed to work together into a melodious whole, as if an actual song was being rehearsed.

  Her only disappointment was that Mika was leading her away from the castle. She was curious about it but decided not to ask any more questions for the time being.

  As they moved out of the dense forest into an open glade, three or four butterflies landed on her shirt. As she looked closely, she was startled to see that they were actually little girls with huge, colorful wings. Before she could say anything to them, they giggled and flew away. Mika didn't seem to think anything of it, so Ella again held her tongue.

  At last they approached a thatch-roofed cottage surrounded by the most magnificent flowers with huge petals in every shade of pastel. Each one was different and seemed to dance at their arrival although there was no breeze. Ella wanted to touch one that was particularly striking but it pulled away when she neared it and the dancing stopped.

  Mika went in without knocking and Ella followed cautiously. Standing over a fire was a huge brown bear stirring a pot. As he turned to face them, Ella felt a strange warmth flow through her. He was so familiar. It seemed as if she had known him all her life. As he leaned down very low to greet his little friend, he groaned as if in pain.

  "Are you all right, Sequor?" Mika asked with concern.

  "Yes, I'm fine," Sequor answered in a big, booming voice which was gentle just the same. "I just woke up this morning feeling as if someone kicked me, but it will soon pass."

  Sequor then turned to Ella, holding his great paw out to her in greeting. "And who are you?" he asked in a courteous, yet familiar tone.

  "This is Ella," Mika proclaimed as if he were announcing the queen. “I have brought her to you from another world, Sequor. She needs shelter and instruction. I knew you could provide both."

  Sequor studied Ella a moment and then smiled. He put his arms around her and held her close to his soft, brown fur. As she snuggled against him in complete comfort, she realized that without another word, Mika was gone.

  Although Ella had come to Sequor's cottage full of questions, they all began to melt away as he sang a song that was like all the lullabies she had ever heard woven into one. In fact, she spent the remainder of the day in his great furry arms listening to his tunes, never feeling an urgency to make a single inquiry. It seemed enough to be here and know that she belonged.

  Before she knew it, it was morning. She found herself on a bed of intricately carved wood, her body cushioned on a soft mattress of pine needles. She noticed that she felt strong and refreshed as if she had slept for days. Sequor already had breakfast prepared. Not Chocolate Sugar Pops as Ella always ate at home, but five kinds of wild berries, three types of nuts, several varieties of bread fresh from the oven, and the sweetest milk she had ever tasted.

  After eating enough so that they were totally satisfied but not stuffed, Sequor and Ella began their first conversation - with words, that is.

  "Mika was right to bring you here, Ella," began Sequor in his full, soothing voice. "I knew you would come sooner or later. We have much work to do in the next few days. I will prepare you as well as I can for your duties while you remain in Neo."

  A thousand questions sprang to Ella's mind but she held her tongue, confident that Sequor would get around to all of them in time.

  "To begin with," Sequor continued, "I do not know why Kosmeo sent you, but I am certain he has."

  "Who is Kosmeo?"

  For the first time Sequor looked surprised. "You don’t know?" He looked at her with his furry brows folded over until they formed a ridge over his eyes, then recovered, "Of course. You must have a different name for him in your world. He is the one who orders everything. All would be chaos without him. He made your world and ours, as well as all the others we know nothing about. He is all-wise, all-loving, all-powerful. These words only describe a little bit of who he is. We could spend all our time simply speaking of him.”

  "I understand," said Ella in a voice that lilted as she spoke. "I know little more of him than you have just described, but I long to know him better. Please speak of him often in the next few days."

  "I can speak of nothing without mentioning him. We’ll grow in our knowledge of him together."

  Ella smiled as tingles rushed through her. How exciting to be with one whom she could discuss such things easily.

  "I do not pretend to know Kosmeo's mind but he has impressed upon me his desire to use me. I knew when Mika brought you that you would be key in helping us through the trouble coming to our land."

  "What trouble, Sequor?" Ella asked with a furrowed brow. It hurt her to think of anything spoiling this beautiful world.

  "I don't know. I only know that it is coming. My task is to make you strong and wise to recognize your purpose here."

  Sequor said no more but led Ella out into the forest, introducing her to wonderful creatures and living plants with personalities. She learned to whisper to the butterfly girls and speak to the flowers without trying to touch them. They spent hours listening to the songs of the trees until she understood every thought they uttered. She spoke to others like Mika, and to creatures that lived in the treetops and under the ground. Day after day she gained wisdom from the wise counsel of these beings. She learned to discern between good advice and bad as she heard the many theories discussed among them.

  Ella and Sequor used time spent inside to study the Great Book. It was enormous and contained the Truth of all ages. Neither ever tired of reading it, nor could they ever read a portion of it too many times. Each reading brought new understanding and a greater knowledge of all things.

  At the end of seven months, which seemed like seven days, Ella felt strong and confident. She loved Sequor dearly and never wanted to part from his company. The day came, however, when he declared that she must leave.

  "Why, Sequor? I am so happy here."

  "You were not brought here for your own comfort. You were brought here for a purpose. Happiness is found only when we are doing what we were made for. Do you believe that?" Sequor asked in his powerful, reassuring voice.

  Ella hung her head, ashamed that she had lost the vision so easily. Before answering Sequor, however, she threw her head back, standing before him with dignity. "I do, Sequor. I believe as confidently as you do that Kosmeo has brought me here. I know better his desires now and am able to listen carefully to his instruction." Anyone from her world who could see Ella now would never believe she was the same aimless girl who could find nothing to do with her days. Her countenance reflected certainty and commitment to her task even though that task still remained a mystery.

  That very day Ella left Sequor's glade to begin the adventure planned for her. As she turned to wave goodbye, a new excitement overtook her, mingled with fear. She didn’t know where she was going, but she knew who her Guide was which made all the difference in the world.



  Ella decided to visit her old friend Mika before she did anything else. Mika and his kind lived at the edge of the forest, making their homes in the largest trees. They were very fastidious about their dwelling places, decorating with much carving, paint, and wildflowers. Mika's home was trimmed in colors that matched his hair and beard - shining white and shocking red. His door was a bright green with painted and carved figures abounding around it. It was a delightful village. Ella could only peek through the doors, however, because of her large size.

  Mika greeted her as if she was the queen, feeding her grandly out of his miniscule stores. His people were a kind, gentle lot and the day flew by quickly in their company.

  When night fell, Ella stretched out beside Mika's tree with the soft grass as her bed. She was almost asleep when she heard heavy breathing over her. Her fear at the sound was so great that she stayed very still, only daring
to open one eye slightly. What she saw caused her to bite her lip to keep from crying out. It was the unicorn that she had seen at the brook on her arrival in Neo. He had found the remainder of the honeycomb that Mika had given Ella as it lay in her bundle next to her. She watched him without daring to move for what seemed ten full minutes. Finally, he finished his feast and gazed at Ella, never knowing she knew of his presence. A moment later he ran into the woods before Ella could say a word.

  The morning dawned in the bright colors of the rainbow, awash in corals, golds, and greens. The busy village came alive with everyone rushing about doing their duties. Ella remained with Mika to help him in his many tasks, picking berries too high for him to reach and plowing his garden in a fraction of the time. She gathered enough firewood to last him a month and blew on his fire to get it flaming brightly. At the end of the day, her weariness felt well earned. As she snuggled down by the tree, she purposely left some honeycomb out in hopes of another glimpse of the noble unicorn, unable to sleep in spite of the hard work she’d done. Her excitement grew as the stars gleamed spectacularly in the clear night. After lying still for a very long time, she began to succumb to the wonderful world of sleep. When that world had almost claimed her, she once more heard the heavy breathing of the great animal. This time she dared to open her