Read The Crumbling Brick - Book 1 of the Land of Neo Trilogy Page 3

eyes widely. The unicorn did not notice until he had almost finished his feast. When he did see her gaze, he stepped back and shook his mane, on the verge of darting away. Whether it was the honeycomb or the fact that he liked the look in Ella's eyes, he decided against fleeing and returned to finish his banquet.

  The following night Ella repeated the ritual, now more anxious than ever to make the lovely creature's acquaintance. When the beast returned that night, Ella was sitting up, waiting. The unicorn kept his distance for a long while before approaching the honeycomb slowly. Finally, he pranced forward with head raised high. To Ella's great pleasure, he only licked the honeycomb and then turned to address her.

  "Why have you enticed me to come to you each night?" he asked in a silvery voice.

  "Only for the privilege of seeing you and perhaps a chance to speak with you." Ella felt breathless, as if she’d been running a race.

  "What would you like to say?" Ella was soon to discover that unicorns are very practical.

  "Nothing in particular. I am new in Neo and need as many friends as I can get."

  The unicorn astonished her by bowing. "I will be counted among your friends. Climb upon my back and I will take you wherever you need to go."

  "How do you know you can trust me?" inquired Ella.

  "You have been with Sequor. That is enough for me."

  "Before I go with you, I must know your name."

  "My name is Ward, because I guard all that is of gentle blood."

  This would not have been Ella's view of herself a few months ago, but now she accepted this description with a fair amount of humility.

  No sooner had Ella climbed upon Ward's back than they were nearly soaring through the woods. All night long they floated, for that is what riding on Ward's back seemed. By dawn's first rays, they had seen mountain rivers, vast oceans, and desert sands. Ella learned the land quickly and understood the boundaries of Neo for the first time. Ward spoke rarely but when he did his words were such that they added greatly to Ella's knowledge. She knew that he was a fast friend in whom she would depend on much in the future.

  When they returned to Mika's village, Ella asked Ward to come with her on her journey. His only answer was a loud neigh and a nod of his proud head.



  After a hearty breakfast, Ella and Ward set out for the castle. It was the one place she had not been on their night travels and it was the one place in Neo that held her curiosity. Ward walked slowly today as if he sensed they needed time before reaching the great structure.

  "Who lives in the castle, Ward?"

  "The Princess Onyma. She is the heir and ruler of Neo."

  "What is she like?"

  "Her beauty exceeds all others in our land. She is good and kind, representing all that is fair. She is of age to marry and will do so soon."

  Ella's curiosity intensified in anticipation of meeting this important person. The castle was built upon a mountain perhaps twenty miles from the forest village where Mika lived. Because of Ward's slow pace, they had not gone far when the noon hour rolled around. They stopped under a lone tree near a hilly area filled with large boulders and jutting rocks. As they were unpacking their meager lunch, they heard a horrible cry. It was the first shout of distress that Ella had heard since her arrival in Neo.

  Ward's eyes narrowed into slits as he pranced around nervously. Before either of them had time to investigate, a wild-eyed creature burst from behind a rock and rushed up to them. His appearance was most like a chimpanzee in Ella’s world only he was larger.

  "They are coming," he screamed as he grabbed hold of Ella. "Don't let them get me!"

  "Who?" Ella asked, completely bewildered.

  "The Obs," the monkey declared breathlessly. "I made the mistake of inviting them in my home and now they want everything."

  Ella looked at Ward in hope that he would clarify things for her, but he looked as confused as she.

  "Who are these Obs?" Ward asked in his steady voice.

  "They are new in our land, just arrived. I wasn't sure about them but decided to invite them in. Things were lonely and I needed a party to liven things up."

  Ward whispered in Ella's ear that the monkeys were known for their wild lifestyle. "Go on," he urged the poor monkey.

  "Well, after I invited them in, they seemed like a lot of fun. They laughed a lot and were very noisy." By the monkey’s wide grin, it was clear that he thought this to be a virtue. "But when they really settled in, they began throwing all my things about, working up a greater frenzy each moment. Within no time my house was completely destroyed and they threw me out. I have no home anymore." The monkey hung his head so forlornly that Ella couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Ward, however, thought that he deserved it for being foolish enough to invite the rascals into his home in the first place.

  "How many of these fellows are there?" Ward finally asked.

  "About twelve in my house—guess it's their house now." He looked like he’d burst into tears any moment.

  "Where did they come from?" Ward wondered aloud.

  "Don't know, but there's more coming. They will need lots of houses. Won't be a safe place in all of Neo." The monkey became agitated again as he thought of the Obs.

  "Are they armed?" asked Ella, now seeing the gravity of the situation.

  With this question the monkey slowed down and even looked thoughtful. "No, they aren't. I really don't think they would have forced their way in if I hadn't invited them." With this statement he seemed to realize that he had allowed this tragedy to come upon himself, but only momentarily for he was soon in a panic again. "I tell you no place is safe. Soon Neo will be swarming with Obs."

  Ward, the ever practical one, calmed the monkey down by offering him some lunch. As he greedily stuffed his food down, Ella asked him his name.

  "Torqueo. Wandering Torqueo now. Oh, what am I going to do?" he whined, flopping himself on the ground.

  "We are wanderers too," Ella replied. "Otherwise we would offer you our home."

  Torqueo looked up disgustedly, wondering why anyone would choose to be homeless. After he finished most of their lunch, he picked himself up and moved on, continuing his cry of distress.

  Seeing Ward's look of aversion, Ella spoke in Torqueo’s defense. "He's not really bad, you know, Ward, just foolish."

  "Is there a difference?" Ward asked.

  "I don't know, but he’s right. These Obs sound like they are a real danger to the citizens of Neo."

  "You are right about that, Ella. The weak-minded are sure to be in a great deal of trouble."

  Ella rubbed her forehead with concern. “Maybe this has something to do with Kosmeo's plan for me.”

  "It’s possible," Ward said, nodding his fine head up and down. "We will continue on our journey until he shows us what we can do about it."

  For the first time since leaving Sequor, Ella understood the importance of her obedience to Kosmeo. Suddenly, she wished she knew much more yet clung tightly to the knowledge she already possessed. If she used the information she had, she was sure much more would be revealed to her.



  After lunch Ward and Ella continued on their way, now reaching the difficult part of their journey. The way was steep and small pebbles lined their path. Ella walked alongside Ward to help him in his footing for the way was very narrow for a great beast such as him.

  Though the way was treacherous, it was beautiful as well. The air was crisp and the wildflowers danced an especially vigorous jig. The sounds were lively too. Soon they heard a merry song that was hummed in a small, squeaky voice.

  The song stopped abruptly when Ella and Ward came closer to it. In the middle of the road stood a chipmunk. Standing on his hind legs, he was only about five inches tall. He was fully clad in felt hat, leather boots, and a silk vest. At his side was the tiniest bow and arrow that Ella had ever seen, reminding her of a miniature Robin Hood.

  "Halt!” sounded the
squeak of a voice in the loudest shout it could muster. "Why do you take this road to the castle?" the voice inquired with all authority.

  "We are on Kosmeo’s business," Ward promptly replied.

  "Ohhh," said the chipmunk in a lilting manner. "That is very good indeed." He now relaxed and the fierce countenance left his face. Ella had to repress a giggle at this little creature that threw his small weight about.

  "Since the day is nearing its close, come with me. My guard duty is over and I would be honored to have you as my guests."

  Ward and Ella quickly agreed, being tired from the great effort they had made on the rocky, narrow path. They followed the chipmunk into a huge cave just a few yards from the path. Both of them were astonished to see hundreds of chipmunks cooking, cleaning, chopping, sorting, singing, and dancing. They all wore splendid costumes and had the same royal air about them as the chipmunk they had met on the road. All in all, it was a delightful discovery.

  Ward was the first to break the silence. "What are you doing living here in a cave?" he asked with wonder in his eyes.

  "We are in Her Majesty's service," declared the chipmunk with a low bow. "We guard the road to keep suspicious characters out. My name is Teneo, First Centurion Deluxe." He said this with such dignity that one forgot his small size.

  "Tell us, how are things at the castle?" asked Ward.

  "Couldn't be better. Princess Onyma is lovelier than ever," he added with a sigh. "The word is that two suitors are coming in hopes of winning her hand in marriage. They are from rival kingdoms so I am sure it will be a difficult decision for