Read The Crumbling Brick - Book 1 of the Land of Neo Trilogy Page 4


  Ella noticed Teneo's voice was beginning to crack from all the yelling he must do to communicate with them. She urged Ward to sit down with her. Both of them were very nervous that they would step on someone accidentally so it seemed best to stay put.

  When everyone was comfortably settled and Teneo could look at Ward and Ella closer to eye level, he began to ask them questions. "Now, what is this business of Kosmeo’s about? I have met few who are truly in his service."

  Ella looked rather embarrassed at answering his question so vaguely. "We don't exactly know what he wants us to do, only that we are to listen to him and obey him as he reveals his purposes to us."

  Teneo looked at Ella quizzically, not in disbelief but in curiosity. Ward was quick to come to Ella's defense. "Ella was brought here from another world to help Neo through a coming danger. Sequor has been her tutor and guide these past months. I have joined her in discovering just what this trouble is."

  Teneo’s small ears stood straight up and his eyes widened. "This is exciting and worrisome at the same time," he said in his hurried, squeaky voice. "I want to hear much more." Turning to Ella he added, "Please let me be of service to you in the future. I would hate to miss an opportunity to be a part of anything the great Kosmeo has planned."

  All evening long they conversed with Teneo and his wonderful comrades. What a noble lot they were! Through their insights, Ella and Ward learned a great deal about what to expect at the castle. It was with sorrow that the day had to end as they laid their heads down for the night.

  S I X


  The pair soon traveled the rocky road again, now so steep that it caused them a great deal of difficulty. When they rounded the last bend, they caught sight of the castle in its glorious splendor. Its magnificence was overwhelming, beyond what Ella had expected. The ruby spires of the distance were just a glimpse of all the precious jewels that made up the city. It was as if enormous gems had been carved into every imaginable shape and size. She stood and stared for the longest time until Ward nudged her ahead with his nose.

  As they moved toward the castle, Ella's heart pounded wildly at the wonder of it all. How different this was than anything in her old life. She had dreamed of such adventure but never really expected to find it. Didn't her world call such people impractical and deluded? Yet, she believed that if anyone simply understood that such a world existed that they would be quick to change their tune. The most scientific mind would be moved to speechlessness at a glimpse of this glorious place. Soon Ella stood at the huge golden gates that surrounded the castle. Ward stood breathing heavily beside her. The gatekeeper scrambled down from his spot in the tower and made inquiry as to their purpose. Ward answered for them both. "This is Ella. She has come to us from another world, sent by Kosmeo himself. She would like an audience with the Princess."

  "Another world, you say? Now, that is highly irregular. I'll have to get some counsel before I can let you in." The gatekeeper left a guard in his place and disappeared.

  For the first time it occurred to Ella that perhaps she would not be allowed to see the Princess. Maybe they would even think she was a spy. Possibly the only part of the castle she might see would be the dungeon. For a moment Ella turned to look back down the mountain. How safe it would be to run back to Sequor's secure arms or to her grandmother in the city. What business did she have in this place anyway? Why should she risk life and limb for a cause that she was not even sure of? Panic began to seize her. She even thought of slipping out of Ward's sight and hiding in the bushes.

  Soon her powers of reason won out. Where would she go? Sequor would only send her back and she didn't know how to get to her home in the city. It dawned on Ella that everything depended on whether she really trusted Kosmeo or not. If she decided not to, where would that leave her? Without him, her coming to this world would be a mere accident. There would be no purpose, only a cruel joke in all those months with Sequor.

  A new resolve gripped Ella's heart after this inner battle. It didn't seem to matter even if she were thrown into the dungeon. If that is what happened, then that is where Kosmeo wanted her. If nothing else, she would come to know him better through the solitude found there. What more could she ask for than that?

  When the gatekeeper returned Ella's heart was still beating wildly, but she knew that she would not run.



  “Ho there, you come with me," yelled the gatekeeper, motioning with his arm. Ella took a big gulp, grabbed Ward's mane, and moved ahead by his side.

  As they walked through the courtyard, Ella marveled at all the varieties of trees and flowers. There were many animals as well - happy, chattering, and fearless in the presence of humans. They stopped their noisy play to watch solemnly as Ella and Ward passed. Ella wished they would go back to their chatter. It was much more comforting.

  When they were almost to the entrance, a stableman came to lead Ward away. "You'll be much more comfortable over there," he said with a smile on his face as he pointed to the barns. Ella felt a great dread at seeing Ward being led away.

  The gatekeeper knocked at the gigantic doors, the sound echoing loudly. Two powerful looking men opened the door. "This is the one I was telling you about," reported the gatekeeper, turning to leave.

  "This way," commanded one of the men roughly. Bewildered, Ella followed, her resolve unwavering in spite of her nervousness. He led her out of the immense hall to a narrow, winding staircase. As she followed him up, she couldn't help but feel relieved that he wasn't taking her to a dungeon.

  After going up what seemed a hundred steps, the man opened a door leading into a spacious room. Ella was surprised to see it was a bedroom—quite lovely, in fact. Dormer windows with window seats, a canopy bed, and a tub filled with steaming hot water greeted her.

  "Stay here until you are summoned," her guide warned then closed the door, leaving her alone.

  It was a great relief to be alone again. It gave her time to collect her thoughts and relax. She immediately took advantage of the hot bath, soaking her sore muscles from the day's difficult climb.

  Resting in the tub also alleviated her mind. Her anxiety left as she let her thoughts go to better things. She remembered the wisdom of the Great Book and the creatures that taught her what was important and what was not.

  After dressing and finding some bread and cheese to nibble on, Ella's confidence grew. Even if she must endure questioning later on, she would be refreshed and ready for it.

  In the mean time, Ward was filling his empty belly with oats and getting a rub down, easing his tired limbs. He had no idea of the trauma that had been gripping Ella's mind. From his perspective, everything had gone beautifully and this royal treatment was the frosting on the cake (or the oats on the hay, in his case).

  He began to converse with the other livestock in the barn. "What business is the Princess about these days?" he asked a group of horses near him.

  "She is busy preparing for her suitors. The first comes the day after tomorrow. His name is Malus - supposed to be a tremendously good-lookin’ chap," answered a filly close to Ward.

  "Yes," added a stallion, "he has promised her many gifts at his coming. We are all curious to meet this fellow. After all, he could be our future king."

  "It really is an important decision for the Princess, isn't it?" commented Ward as he realized the long reach her union would have on the kingdom. "Does she seem nervous?"

  "A little," answered the filly. "She took me out for a run this morning and I thought she pushed me extra hard. She is always so gentle and considerate, you know. I felt her mind must be occupied with weighty things."

  "Perhaps you would give her a ride tomorrow," suggested another filly. "Unicorns rarely offer their favors but you seem exceptionally bold for a unicorn. I'm sure such a unique experience as riding on your back would give the Princess a wonderful diversion."

  “I would be honored, but I must say that I am not bold, just co
mmitted to a friend in Kosmeo’s service. For the Princess, however, I will overcome all my timidity and give her any pleasure that may help her. We are very loyal creatures, you know."

  The horses nodded without argument and went back to eating their oats.

  The day passed without a summons for either Ella or Ward. They were fed and provided for, but neither left the spot they were first assigned.

  After an invigorating night’s sleep, both awoke fresh and with a new perspective on their task. Ella was given a scrumptious gown to wear. It was the same color of green as the grass and was trimmed in buttons with dainty hand embroidery. She was told later that the butterfly girls were known throughout the kingdom for their handwork. Indeed, upon thinking about it, Ella realized the designs on her dress were very similar to the patterns on their fantastic wings.

  Ella, as with most twelve-year-olds, had never worn anything truly elegant. Her clothes had been practical and sometimes what one would call pretty, but never elegant. She remembered how badly she had wanted to be the good witch in The Wizard of Oz at school just so she could wear the ornate clothes. Their school costumes were laughable compared to this. As she stood before the mirror admiring her new attire and brushing her hair, her fear of the previous day completely vanished. Now she looked worthy to meet the Princess. In fact, she was certain