Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 45

you think he was my father?”

  “The resonance takes samples of DNA he is defiantly your father.” Warren pointed to a screen with a lot of colors and numbers on it like that was supposed to prove something. Rica shook her head.

  “What about the other guy?”

  “Oh yes you said there were two men using magic when you fell through the portal. I don’t know anything about that other man. He wasn’t sent from here.”

  “Then where did he come from?”

  “I’m sure I don’t know Rica. I can only tell you what I do know. I know where your father was going when he left here and where he said his home was. I’ll write it down for you.”

  “Warren is it possible for some one to use one of the defunct portal towers to piggy back onto the signal here and send someone to the same place as the person leaving from here?”

  “Yes. In theory it is possible. Though it has not been tried in my lifetime. Unless that is what happened, it would have to have been a powerful blue affinity portal-trained magus to do such a thing and power a portal as well. That would take a lot of power to do something like that.”

  Warren wrote something on a note card and folded it in half handing it to Rica. Rica took it with shaking fingers. This just could not be happening. After all she had been through to get here and the hopes she had had to get home just to have it all ripped away again. Rica opened the note and read the name on it. There was an address and some numbers written under the NAME. Rica folded it again and put it in her pocket.

  “Lets go get you settled and something to eat. You can’t do anything tonight but things will look brighter on a new day.” Warren said. Rica knew he was only trying to help but she felt like she just wanted to scream it wasn’t fair. It would do no good to scream or cry or anything. Rica felt numb.

  “That is an excellent idea Warren thank you.” Moyo said.

  “Yes excellent. I will be leaving early tomorrow so I will say my good byes now. It has been an adventure traveling with you all and I do hope you find your father and your true home Rica.” Nab said looking at Rica. Rica looked at him uncomprehending for a moment then it hit her. Nab would be gone in the morning. Rica launched herself at him hugging him tight and kissed him on the cheek. This was good-bye. Nab was stunned then hugged her back and returned her kiss much to Rica’s surprise.

  “Thanks for saving my life and being a pain. I’ll miss you.” Rica said and to her embarrassment felt tears on her cheeks. Nab brushed the tear from her cheek and looked into her eyes.

  “I will remember you always. Maybe I will visit when I have finished what I came to do here. Take care Rica.”

  Rica nodded.

  Zafira looked at them and shook her head.

  “Well if you don’t find your father you can always live with us. Or wait. I don’t have a home any more. I don’t even know where my parents are.” Zafira looked stricken as though she had just at that moment realized her country was a war zone and her parents missing. Rica hugged her.

  “It’s ok Zafira we could be homeless together.”

  “I will continue with you. And you will never be homeless as long as I am alive; you have a place to stay. I have a home in the Miwa Isles and it is always open to you both.” Rica hugged Moyo and then they all felt a little awkward. Warren notified the kitchen and food was brought up for them all. They ate then said good night to their host and were shown to their beds. Rica took the note card out of her pocket and read the name on it again. It was somewhere to start. Rica fell asleep to the sound of the waves crashing into the cliff base far below the window of her room.