Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 47


  People with an affinity to the green crystal are attuned to plants to varying degrees. They also can heal or cause sickness. Can charm others or cause a low level of confusion in others if trained to do so. The highest affinity of this magic can heal serious wounds or broken bones.

  Healing green

  Herbalism - is the art of identifying and collecting plants and other substances used for potion making.

  Potion making (the stoppers of the potions for healing are green and sealed with the potion makers crest. Potions for poison are sealed in red with a green strip around the top. Sealed with the potion makers crest. Poisons are used to kill rats in normal cities but rogues and those not abiding by the morals of the world use them to kill people.

  Life force healing - challenging – can’t heal for long - or near fatal injuries without a consequence. Fatigue - unconsciousness

  Usually calls on the mages inner strength to do the healing in rare cases the mage can use crystals to enhance the power of there healing. But this art is all but lost since few are able to harness the power latent in the crystal or to see which crystals are for healing.

  Blue –

  People with this affinity can communicate with the spirit world, and can see others auras. (Seeing others auras can detect lies or can see affinities others may have.)

  Dream walking/speaking

  Ability to see others auras

  Masters of this affinity can camouflage themselves making it difficult to see them.

  Spirit blue - scrying - Dream walking - auras - teleportation using a rune or spell and a portal chamber (adept level)

  Drain vitality - dark magic. This ability in blue affinity magi is much like the red affinities drain, but with a difference. The vitality drained does not return as quickly as when a red affinity has drained it. The vitality can in some cases never return leaving the victim weak and prone to illness the rest of their lives.

  Restore vitality - light magic

  Violet –

  People with this affinity can create illusions and can have premonitions. These magi have innate telepathic energy.

  Mind violet – magi can use illusions (glamor), shape shifting, they can pick up others thoughts or send a feeling or thought to another. Must be close … more distance with greater skill

  Can move objects with mind … small objects short distances

  The ability to teleport without the use of a spell or rune comes under this affinity. Masters of this affinity can teleport without a portal chamber.

  Pink –

  People with this affinity can cause others to calm down; they have empathy and can sense what others feel. If the mages is being attacked they can calm the attacker and stop the attack if their affinity is high enough and they have been trained.

  Calms or enrages. Strong empathy.

  Detection of hidden things/truths (can tell if someone is lying or hiding something.)

  Can control jealousy, aggression, or misunderstanding in others.

  Turquoise – People with this affinity can increase life energy – tied to healing. The highest level of this rare affinity can resurrect the dead. Can do major healing. This healing does not drain the healer, but uses energy from the crystals or nature.

  White – Spirituality

  Control of all affinities

  Rare – encompasses all affinities; it is a lack of all colors can manifest objects from nothing. A white affinity will combine and augment any other crystal affinity.

  Shield magic for all other affinities, silence spells – protection.

  Black –

  Rare affinity – contains all colors within it. Absorbs all. Is greatly attuned to shield magic can silence other mages and is high protections in all things.

  Can manifest something from nothing.

  Magi with this affinity can absorb abilities of others, learning the spells in this way.

  Control of all other affinities


  The Olinka are master rune smiths. They have an innate ability to bind a rune to an item though they do not have any affinities.

  Many of the royal houses family crests are imbued with a rune of power (either protective or destructive. And are placed on treasury doors (only the person wearing the same crest can inter the room without risking mortal danger) and on jewelry the ruler wares the jewelry is passed to the heir upon the death of the ruler.

  Is like scrolls or stones or scribed onto weapons with paint or pencil

  And make a rune for all types of magic

  High-level rune mages can place runes in gems on rings and other jewelry. Jewelry rune crafting can use small powerful spells to ward or warn the person wearing the jewelry. Once the Jewelry is worn it can only be worn by that person or if it is a mage that wares it only worn by a mage of the same discipline and degree.

  Runes that are placed in weapons or jewelry are permanent spells. They cannot be changed without the item the rune is on being destroyed.


  Shani – Home of Zafira and her family

  Jamara – Capital City of the Kahsha Nation, The Academy of the Arts is in the City, it is an ancient school for the study of mundane and magical arts.

  Denham – City of trade. In the plains where the nations of Kahsha, Opia, and others meet in a neutral area to form trade alliances and treaty’s. After the portals failed the city has been mostly abandoned.

  Ternikla – Capital City of Opia Nation, Home of Nabarun


  Vallik Trees – are slow growing dense wood trees. Their wood is blue in color. Miwa Royalty traditionally makes their bows from the wood of the Vallik tree. Bark is Dark Blue almost black. The leafs of the vallik tree change from Deep Purple in summer to various shades of pink and lavender in fall. Spring flowers of these trees are white and pink. Many people of all races come to see the vallik trees, which only grow along the Line. The Line is between the wastes and the Kahsha Nation.


  Light blue see through blooms that grow on Flit trees - when mature they drop off onto mammals and rip them apart and slowly digest them, the nutrients are transferred to the parent plant via a cord that stays attached to tree. The flitter can glide a bit as they fall from the plant. They are beautiful to see hanging in the trees but the larger variety can and do devour any large mammal including human types.

  The larger variety was developed by mages in the north, as a sort of experiment in non-human defense. It was scraped since the plants only flower in the moonlight and the blooms mature slowly. Somehow the trees spread and now inhabit what is now called the Flitter Forest in the Northern Reaches of the Amonic Continent

  Fire Tail – Red stemmed and leafed plant

  Klond trees – leafs are twelve inches long, usually used as ornamental trees in warm climates.

  White feather plant – is similar in smell to white sage. This plant has feathery leafs.

  Yellow plains sheath – is a type of large ornamental grass

  Orange plains sheath – is a type of grain, is larger that the yellow verity and used for flour. Has a nutty flavor with a slight citrus after note.

  Kahsha river moss –is used in medicine and eases emotion and illness. Balances and sooths – can draw out infections. Purple to dark green moss grows in Kahsha Nation near rivers and lakes.

  Leonacra- are large carnivorous mammals. They are black in color with red-stripped appendages around their neck. Their eye color is deep red. They are good swimmers, excellent climbers and fast runners for long distances. Often used as exotic Palace security. They are intelligent.

  Raco – are small mammals with human like “hands”. These creatures see well in the dark and bright day. They have excellent hearing often and are often used as pets or in test situations. Their coloring varies.

  Yemis – are warm blooded and look like a Large Lizard- These have been tamed in the distant past and used as beasts of bu
rden. They are covered with a fine soft fur. Below is a picture of a saddled Yemis


  Sham quetal – date with possible mate

  Queton –date with friend

  Quetass – date with new acquaintance (Romanic)

  Quetat – date with new acquaintance (Friend)

  Shamick – Potential approved mate.

  Pulling your crystal – joking

  Don’t crack your crystal – don’t get upset

  Twinged – annoyed

  Shurick – Non-conformist – anti-social

  Shippa – Terrible person – “You little shippa.” “He is a real shippa.” Creep, jerk etc.

  Atin – bushes are cultivated in the northern parts of the Southern Kingdoms. The beans of the Atin bush are roasted, ground and used as a hot or cold drink. The beans and the drink are Dark Purple in color and slightly bitter in taste. Atin is similar to coffee.

  Treb – is a vehicle that uses rune magic to float of the ground.

  Clat – is an elevator that uses runes to do its job. Varies in size and function.

  Shalat - Phone like device, comes in many shapes usually with a crystal set into the center, a communication device.

  Tappish Code- a way to communicate with tapped sounds or written as a series of symbols. This is similar to Morris Code.

  Calming spell to gain control of affinities - Whisper soft the edge of reason. Fear not the cutting edge

  Flow way: A wide level ribbon of low growing plants in various colors and types, which trebs float over.

  Treval - various sizes and shapes of utility vehicles.


  560 days to a year

  40 days to a month

  14 months to a year

  28 hours in a day


  Tiplump – primary element – rare

  Corista –