Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 7

the rako edged forward and then suddenly nipped Zafira’s finger and jumped down and ran as fast as it could out of the cavernous room. Sighing, Zafira continued imagining the rako coming back until the smudge stopped burning. Closing the small door she moved back to the center table.

  Lighting the third smudge of white feather plant and yellow plains sheath, the smell was sweet and mild. The Yellow crystal was a specialization discipline of the Orange crystal. This alcove had two identical vials one was filled with a deadly poison and the other was harmless. This ritual test was to see if she could have the intelligence and clarity to know the difference. Holding a vial in each hand she began the incantation.

  “Yellow of information, give me the knowledge I seek, which potion is safe.

  Nothing happened. She put them both back untouched. Without the needed affinity to guild her, it would be foolish to risk death.

  Lighting the fourth smudge, Zafira’s hand shook. This was the alcove she had been waiting for. She desperately wanted to see the green crystals glow. Although she had been expecting nothing from the first three it still felt discouraging to will things to happen and have nothing occur. This smudge had white feather plant and Kahsha river moss. When she lit the smudge it immediately started to smoke and had a pungent odor, taking several deep breaths, Zafira could taste the moss. She could almost imagine the river and the trees. She could smell the earthly qualities to it. Again the tempo of the music changed to be in sync with the green magic. Zafira followed the green crystal path to the fourth column alcove with a brilliant large crystal formation. Placing the smudge in the holder, Zafira looked down at a different rako in a cage. This one had some kind of skin disease, its fur was patchy and the soars were infected. Imagining the infection leaving the rako and the soars healing, Zafira felt a wave of compassion for her little furry friend. Concentrating on healing him she began the incantation

  “Green of healing, remove this infection, heal his soars”

  The large green crystal started to glow softly at first and as Zafira’s confidence and concentration grew so did the glow of the crystal. She continued until the smudge went out. Looking down the rako was mostly healed. Zafira let out the breath she didn’t realize she had been holding and continued back to the table.

  Her heart was pounding and feeling elated that she could now officially take up the apprenticeship as a shaman and healer to her people. Zafira did not expect anything else to happen at the other alcoves but as was tradition she needed to continue with the ceremony. Bringing her mind back to focus on the task at hand Zafira lit the fifth smudge, white feather plant and a root from a blue flower. The smoke had a slightly oily quality and had a bluish haze to it. Faced with the blue crystal, a mirrored scrying bowl, and a chalice filed with purified water; Zafira picked up the chalice filled with the pure water, holding it in her hands she began the incantation

  “Blue for scrying, guide my vision, show me that which is of utmost importance to me”

  Pouring the water carefully into the mirrored scrying bowl, the blue crystal began to glow softly, looking into the bowl Zafira saw the face of the young human girl they found in the wastes, the blood red hair, the green eyes, the small nose and ivory skin. This was the face of the girl they had rescued starring back at her. After Zafira got over the initial shock that she had a small secondary ability, it hit her, the scrying she asked for was to show her that which is of utmost importance to her. How is it that a human girl who she has never known before is going to be a vital part in her life? Zafira had hoped at this particular alcove if she did have the ability. That it would show her future mate. This girl defiantly was not her future mate. The smudge extinguished and the image of the girl faded.

  The ceremony continued with nothing happening at the last five crystal alcoves of violet, pink, turquoise, white and black. Zafira was not surprised that there was no reaction from these last crystals the violet was a specialization of the blue and had not been active for the last twenty-five years, it was the latest affinity to fail. The pink crystal was a specialization of the red crystal and again had not been active for hundreds of years. The turquoise was a master specialization from the green and blue and would have been nice to have but there had been no magi born in over one thousand years to hold such an affinity. It was said a magi with the turquoise affinity could resurrect the dead or bring people back from the brink of death with a touch. Everyone assumed that this crystal would stay dormant but everyone hoped in his or her secret heart of hearts that they would be the one to awaken this affinity. Zafira was happy with the two affinities she had. She had hoped for one but to have two was astounding. Zafira went to bed tired and happy.

  When Zafira woke the next day, her whole body ached, when she stood the room seemed to spin and it was hard to stay standing. The memory of the scrying was still fresh in her mind as though printed there like the pictures in the ancient tomes her mother kept in the library of her home. She would have to tell her mother about this vision and the strange girl who had appeared in their camp from the wastes. Nothing lived in the wastes. No people called it home, no caravans crossed it, it was a waste land to everything, animals avoided it, and even the birds would fly around it rather than cross it. It was a puzzle how this young human girl had crossed the wastes with no food and no water. And now to have this same girl play a leading role in her scrying was unheard of. Zafira had to get back to Shani and talk to her mother as soon as possible and she had to convince this girl to accompany her.

  4 - Affinity

  The cot Rica lay on was stiff; it was hard to find a comfortable position to lie in. Rica rolled over and sighed. A small sound drew her attention. It sounded like a mouse scurrying. Rica lay still, listening. The door, which was partially open, creaked. The sound of scurrying feet was clear now, the cot shook as an animal climbed the cot leg and jumped on the blankets. The furry animal tried to get as close to her as possible. It was shaking with fear. Rica realized the animal was afraid and was seeking a safe place to hide.

  Cautiously getting up so not to alarm the little animal Rica lit a candle by the cot. Nottia had shown her the lighting stick and how to use it. The furry animal was burrowed into the blankets shaking violently. Rica spoke softly to the little creature and gently pulled the blanket back. The animal’s fur was a soft tan and grey. He had big ears and a long fluffy tail. He looked like a hamster with a squirrel’s tail and large round ears.

  “You are the cutest little thing aren't you?” Rica whispered. She slowly reached her hand out to pet it but it leaped into her lap and cuddled there, hiding its head in her shirt. Rica laughed and pet its soft fur.

  “Ok little guy, if you are going to be my new friend you need a name. How about Jim? I like that.”

  Rica fed Jim some left over bread and stroked his soft fur. After a bit she lay down and blew the candle out. Her new friend sleeping curled into the crook of her arm.

  The next morning Rica yawned and stretched, her new friend forgotten until Jim put his furry pink feet on her chin and licked her nose.

  Shortly after getting reacquainted with her new four-footed pal, Rica heard a knock at the door and Zafira walked in. She stopped short with a surprised look on her face as she noticed Jim in Rica’s lap.

  “Where did you find the Raco?” Zafira asked.

  “He came in last night sometime. He was scared.”

  Zafira looked at Jim and shook her head. “He bit me last night during my ritual. I don't think he likes me at all.”


  “I came here to find my affinity.” Zafira replied

  Rica frowned, “Well you can’t sacrifice Jim. I don’t like people who hurt animals.”

  Zafira looked at Rica in astonishment. “We do not sacrifice!”

  “Well then why did you have him in your ritual? No wonder he was scared.”

  Zafira sighed. ”Come with me, I will show you and explain the ritual to you. You can make your own decision.”

p; With that she turned and walked to the door. Turning back to look at Rica she said, “Coming?”

  Rica stood and put Jim on the bed. Then started to follow Zafira. Jim leaped from the bed to Rica’s shoulder and clung to her hair with his pink hand like paws, wrapping his long tail partially around her neck.

  On the way Zafira told Rica about the ritual and why it was important to her. She explained Jim’s role in the ritual and what had happened, showing Rica her injured finger. The deeper they went into the cave the more the halls and rooms were finished in carvings with the occasional statue along the way. It was elegant and beautiful how the carvings and crystals sparkled as Rica drew near them. When they were at the Ritual room, Zafira explained that the crystals didn't glow unless there was an affinity for that type of magic within the person close to them. Sometimes you had to look close to see the glow since it was harder to see in the day.

  Zafira walked to the center of the room and motioned to Rica to come in. Rica had paused in the entrance. As she walked into the room all of the crystals lit up with brilliant light. Illuminating the room in a rainbow of color. Jim took a flying leap off Rica’s shoulder and scurried out the door. Zafira gasped in surprise and slowly turned around the room to look at all