Read The Crystals of Tlalli: Awakened Affinities Page 8

the crystals glowing, her gaze stopped on Rica.

  “Rica, who are you? Where did you come from?”

  Rica looked at the surprise on Zafira’s face, “Well I’m Ulrica and I come from Earth. I told you I’m just trying to get home and I don’t know how I got here.”

  Taking a deep breath Rica walked farther into the chamber and looked around at the massive space. The flour was covered in intricately carved tiles in a circular pattern. The walls held mosaics of fantastic pictures of stars and planets. There were columns bordering alcoves with giant crystals in them evenly spaced around the room. The columns were covered in designs and writings with different patterns at each pillar. The alcove she was closest too had a deep red crystal in it putting off a crimson radiance, the carvings around the column looked like fire, it was exquisite craftsmanship. As Rica stepped farther into the space she felt drawn to the brilliant white crystal to her right. Next to the white crystal she noticed a huge black crystal and a feeling of safety wrapped her in a cloying blanket of peace. Rica walked toward the White and Black crystals alcoves. When she came to stand between the two recesses she felt a surge of power and they both became brighter. A low resonance could be felt from them.

  Rica was struck with the brilliance of the colors coming from the crystals “Is it normal for them to all glow so brightly?” she asked Zafira.

  Zafira seemed nervous and shaken when she slowly replied, “No, this is not normal at all. I’m not sure what it means that they all came to life for you, in the middle of the day no less.” Her voice sounded strained.

  “Is there something wrong?” After all it wouldn’t be good to have caused some kind of trouble with the only people you have seen in this place Rica thought.

  “The crystal chamber not only helps to identify a persons affinity but it also unlocks the magic within them. So a person who has been to this chamber and had a crystal awaken has the ability to learn that type of magic” Taking a slow breath Zafira started to slowly walk around the room, gesturing for Rica to follow. Trying to take a step seemed impossible to Rica at that moment she seemed rooted to the spot. A tingly, swirling energy seemed to flow around her feet and up her legs. She couldn’t move.

  “It is rare in these times for a person to have an affinity for one magic much less two- having an affinity for all of them is unheard of. For the last five hundred years only five have been awake.” The cat woman’s voice sounded shaky as though she didn’t quite believe it herself.

  “What does that mean for me? Um, I don’t think I can move. I seem to be stuck.” She was feeling a little concerned about not being able to move her feet. Some warm vibration of power wrapped itself about her making her feel calm. Inside Rica could feel apart of her struggling against it. Rica looked at Zafira and then around the room. The room was lit in a rainbow of color.

  “It means that you are special.” Zafira was staring at her now, her ears pricked forward.” I have read that in ancient times there were masters who could control four to five magic’s, and only one in recorded history that could control all of the crystals- until you.” Zafira walked over to Rica and held her hands out flat to the floor and said something under her breath. ”The energy in the room is holding you. I think it will only last a moment. I don’t feel any harmful magic.” She frowned her ears back flat then forward again.

  “Is there something you can do to stop this? I don’t want to be stuck here.” Rica could feel the energy release her. She could move again. Nervously she tossed her hair back over her shoulder getting it out of her eyes.

  Zafira gently put her arm around her shoulders, “I’m not sure what is going on, but my mother is wise and she has studied the crystals and history all her life, I think it would be best if you came with us to speak with her. We need to take you to my mother; she might be able to tell us how you got here from your world and why you have such a strong gift. We have books in our library that are older then even the Academy’s”

  “The Academy? Look I just want to get home!” Feeling overwhelmed and a little afraid something reached up from the air and surrounded Rica. She could feel something wanted her to stay. Rica shook her head to clear it. Reaching up and touching the crystal formation in front of her Rica looked at the carvings around it, they looked to have elements from all the other carvings. ”These are so beautiful.” She heard herself say. ”What can someone do who has an affinity to these two crystals, I seem so drawn to them.” Why was she asking these questions? It was as though she wasn’t in control of herself. Rica fought for control of her mind and body.

  Unaware of Rica’s internal struggle Zafira answered her. “The black and the white are the rarest affinity for someone to have, supposedly the black affinity means you can control part of the magic from each crystal and the white is one of the strongest forms of protection from the others.” Zafira coaxed Rica to walk with her around the room to stand before each of the crystal alcoves so that she could explain what they did. As they approached the turquoise crystals it also blazed more vibrantly and hummed. Rica felt like she was walking through a thick substance. It was hard to breathe.

  “The turquoise magic is also a lost magic, it was, or now is, the power of major healing. As in being able to completely heal a person who is near death. I was always taught that this type of healing magic is dangerous to the person wielding it, because it could drain your own life force. To each magic there is an equal cost” Zafira’s words washed over Rica as though in a dream.

  Continuing around the circle the pink crystals began to hum, “If you use the magic of the pink crystal it was said that you could control another beings emotions and feel what they are feeling. These type of magi were valued by many” The tingling from the floor was stronger now almost uncomfortable. Zafira didn’t seem to feel it or maybe she was used to it. Rica didn’t want it to stop but part of her screamed to be free.

  When Rica looked at the carvings around the violet crystal niche she was intrigued. They were unusual carvings of a person with two faces, or with the face of a human or an animal. If this was a dream she might as well go along with it. The part of her that wanted to run away seemed to be weaker now. Rica looked up; there was a strange carving at the top with swirling lines, giving the impression of movement. The deep violet gave off an eerie purple light and also hummed. The humming increased the tingling; the energy was intoxicating, dizzy with the humming Rica swayed to the thrum. It was like a heartbeat and Rica’s matched its cadence. They continued around to each of the crystals Rica only partially listening to Zafira’s explanations. The carvings were all unique, and Zafira’s story was interesting but there was no way that this could be real. In Rica’s mind this was all an elaborate dream she could not seem to wake from. Maybe she had hit her head when she fell on the hillside and was in a coma or something. It was just so strange that everything felt so real, the rock was hard the water wet the light bright, and the sunburn that she had gotten in the desert hurt like a real sunburn. Shaking her head Rica tried to wake up.

  All the crystals were humming now and it was soothing to Rica, the light was intense, walking along the red crystal path on the ground she moved to the center of the room. Rica felt as if she was standing in a cloud of energy swirling around her. Her world was collapsing and exploding at the same time in the humming and light. The rush of her own blood joined in the vortex of energy, one, together, whole.

  Rica’s feet left the ground as the power of the crystals converged around her, her body slowly spinning, it felt like a million tiny sparks of electricity had exploded over every part of her skin. The humming from the crystals got louder almost deafening as the rush of energy spun her to face each crystal. As she faced each one a small part of them broke away and came to float with her. Rica’s long hair stood out from her head as she turned. She opened her mouth to gasp for the breath she so desperately needed and breathed in light and sound. Suddenly all the power turned into blinding white light and condensed inside of her. It felt as if
she was complete somehow as if before she had not been whole. All the energy rushed towards her in a symphony of harmonizing sound and light. When it reached her it suddenly stopped, making the sound of a thunderclap followed by a deafening silence. As she fell to the floor the small crystal shards landed in a perfect circle around her. The tingling pain subsided, Rica felt lost in an ocean of energy, a part of some larger whole.

  Zafira had been pushed out of the crystal chamber into the anti room. When Rica crumbled to the ground, Zafira ran to her,

  “Rica! Are you alright?” Zafira knew for a fact that she had to get Rica to her mother.

  Rica pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked at Zafira with a dazed expression. There were no words for what had happened.

  Zafira looked at her nervously, “Are you okay?”

  “I feel – whole. I can’t explain it.”

  Zafira looked at the small crystals in a circle around Rica, “I think you should take those crystals with you, they are a gift of the power.” Zafira looked at this girl who had fallen into her care and was afraid. Afraid for what this could mean. She took a breath and exhaled, calming down. When she looked at Rica