Read The Cull Page 10


  Power, stability and leadership. Fatherhood.

  A person to be counted upon, trusted and respected. The character and will to keep the ship on course.

  When seeking answers about one’s self, might also indicate that introspection is suggested, and decisions may need to be made on whether the benefits of leadership are worth the sacrifices.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Immature and controlling behaviour. Demand for power, but lack of character.

  This may also negatively affect a family or organisation who rely on leadership. If the leader is dethroned, the empire will be affected.


  Merciful, forgiving, kind, respectable, dutiful. A teacher and a counsellor.

  A good and benevolent influence helping the subject understand the correct path. A priest, rabbi, or perhaps a guru. One who enlightens. Learning and living by the rules of society and of spirituality.

  In some contexts, however, inflexible and unyielding. Unwilling to accept deviation from the conventional.

  Also represents joining and accepting. Sometimes interpreted to suggest marriage.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Rejection of traditional morals. A renegade. Anti-establishment. Breaking the rules. Conversely, could represent excessive stubbornness, stodginess, inflexibility or conformity. In certain contexts, could suggest divorce. Also, perhaps a warning of respiratory infections such as cold and flu.


  Following the heart. Trust. Relationship. Responsibility. Commitment. Also partnership and cooperation.

  May be an indicator of a love affair, but has more to do with making good choices. Recognise the difference between love and infatuation.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Relationship problems.

  It could be passionate lovers kept apart by their feuding families. It could be discontent resulting from a poorly considered marriage. The unhappy consequences of bad choices. In some contexts the harbinger of breakups or divorce.


  Overcoming obstacles. Conquest, control. Exploration, journeys.

  Triumph and mastery, not easy and swift but achieved through careful planning, hard work, force of will and foremost by harnessing disparate forces to work in unison. Self-control, confidence, commitment, effort and focus that produce success. Also, often relates to travel. A trip or a move may be coming soon.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Rashness. Indecision. Accidents, defeats, delays.

  Difficulty or failure coordinating disparate forces. Lack of control. Lashing out. Moving in circles.

  Sometimes interpreted as a warning of stress related illness, such as ulcers. Also possibly vehicle or travel problems.


  Fortitude, patience, perseverance, endurance. Mastery, focused inward. Force of will. Self-control.

  The courage, confidence and persistence to follow through to the successful conclusion, in spite of difficulties. Harnessing one’s own talents and strengths.

  May represent providing a calming influence on others. Sometimes, love of animals, particularly cats.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Anger, tyranny, weakness, cruelty, impatience. Avoidance. Cowardice.

  Not in control. Unable to harness inner forces. Extremes of anger or timidity. Unable to break bad habits or overcome addictions.

  Sometimes a warning of health problems related to anger and agitation, such as high blood pressure


  Introspection. Spirituality. Wisdom, reserve, meditation, secrecy.

  Looking objectively at the world around. Learning for the sake of learning. Increasing knowledge for the sake of doing so. Stepping back from the fast pace of life for a while to take stock of where you are.

  It may be time to consider the lessons of the past. A need for space and time alone.

  Possibly a wise confidant or tutor. A beacon of knowledge.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Antisocial. Withdrawn. Senile. Lost in the dark. Reclusiveness, isolation, loneliness.

  Possibly a victim of betrayal. Perhaps fears of growing old or being alone. This could be a warning to think more objectively.

  Also, beware of false or ignorant teachings. Be conscious of diseases related to aging, such as arthritis or hearing loss.


  Fortune, good health, advancement. Unexpected good luck. Raises. Promotions.

  Prosperity may be coming your way. Good news about health issues. Good luck for the prepared and the proactive.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Ups and downs. Instability. Unpredictability. Negligence, inconsistency, speculation, cruel fate.

  Apparent good fortune may not turn out to be so good after all. Possibly might suggest fluctuating health issues such as allergies or weight gain


  Balance, harmony, equity, integrity, fairness. Truth. Fairness. Equality.

  Doing the right thing, even if it is not the most desirable thing. Acting in fair, honest and just ways with one’s self and with others. Perhaps a past injustice will be corrected. Getting one’s just deserts.

  Sometimes representing courts and the legal system, it could indicate winning a court case. Pay attention to promises, debts and obligations.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Injustice. Imbalance. Unfairness. Inequality. Bigotry, intolerance, false accusations.

  Not looking at the situation objectively. Disregard for what is right. Failure to be honest with one’s self or with others. Unfair or excessive criticism. Possible legal problems. Inappropriate or overly severe application of the law. Abuse of the legal system.


  Greater understanding. Sacrifice. Humility. Introspection. Acceptance. Contemplation. Selflessness, wisdom, suspension, entrancement, devotion, submission, intuition, regeneration. Meditation and revelation. Faith and trust.

  Opening one’s mind and overcoming preconceptions and prejudices. Disengage and look at the big picture. Perhaps others may be right about some things. Perhaps what had seemed so important really isn’t when you stop to think about it.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Stubbornness. Distrust. Narrow mindedness. Selfishness, procrastination, irresponsibility, lack of faith.

  Refusal to see another’s point of view. Unwilling to sacrifice or compromise.


  Transformation and Rebirth. New beginnings. Mortality, destruction, deterioration.

  A stern and unwavering messenger heralding change that is inevitable and is coming soon. Old habits and lifestyles will be abandoned for new and better ones. Discarding past encumbrances will make room for a better future. This will not be easy or painless, but ultimately will make things better.

  Also, in certain contexts, may represent intense sexual experiences.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Stagnation, immobility, pessimism, destruction. Resisting or delaying change.

  Something that should die but won’t. A cycle should end but is wrongly perpetuated. Inability to move on after a tragedy.

  There may be an upside to the meaning, though. It might represent a “Blast from the Past”, something that was lost but is once again found, or symbolise a threatening figure, possibly with sexual implications. Perhaps a passionate but dangerous relationship. Sometimes a warning of sexually transmitted disease or nerve damage.


  Moderation. Balance. Harmony. Synergy. Adaptability, economy, unity, discretion, management, accommodation, and temperance.

  Merging apparently opposite elements to create a whole greater than the parts. Adapting to the environment. Promoting, managing or directing to create a single product from the efforts of many. Perhaps apparently unrelated influe
nces can be made to work in unison.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Out of balance. Disharmony. Discord, bad combinations, lack of cooperation, conflict, competition, serious illness.

  The attempt to merge opposite elements fails. Individuals you are working with may be uncooperative.

  When focusing on health issues, warns of possible serious illnesses such as food poisoning or infectious diseases made worse by stress or an out of balance metabolism. Sometimes suggests religion and the church.


  Excesses and extremes. Obsession. Giving in to temptations. Perversion. Alcoholism. Drug abuse. Careless and unrestrained sexuality. Violence, disease, force, drunkenness, passion, bondage, self-destruction.

  Exploring one’s deepest fantasies and desires. Unleashing the repressed animal instincts we all have inside.

  A lesson on balance, teaching that extreme behaviour impedes achievement, progress and growth. Explore your inner self.

  Someone powerful and persuasive, likely a controller or manipulator, but also perhaps a teacher. When looking at one’s physical wellbeing, be alert for physical or emotional abuse, addiction, or sexually transmitted diseases.

  But if Regulatory Elements include an Ovule:

  Liberation, recovery, understanding, virtue.

  Most often, escape from the bondage of self-destructive behaviour. The subject is likely to realise the damage they are doing, and start down a more constructive path. In a few cases, though, can represent succumbing totally to obsession or addiction; the darker meanings of pettiness, lust, bondage and bewitchment.

  In health matters, suggests recovery from illness.


  Unexpected catastrophe. Turmoil. Upheaval. Calamity, ruin, cataclysm, punishment.

  A bolt from the blue smashes into your life, casting you out of your secure world. Complacency is shattered. Stability is gone. Comfort and confidence are distant memories. But may also represent new beginnings, not by choice but by necessity. It brings us back down to earth.

  In a few situations, the bolt could be the electricity of irresistible passion or true love striking the Seeker.

  But if Regulatory Elements include an Ovule:

  Disruption, oppression, subjugation, persecution.

  Illusions of solving the problem without really doing it. You may think you have smoothed things over, but catastrophe and turmoil are waiting for you around the corner because you have not really addressed the underlying problems.


  Hope, inspiration, faith, promise.

  Hope for the future. Rejuvenation will come, although perhaps not just yet. Though doors have closed, windows will surely open as time passes.

  But if Regulatory Elements include an Ovule:

  Disappointment, instability, poor choices.

  A lack of hope, at least for the present. Opportunities are absent, and troubles persist.


  Mystery. Nightmares. Dreams. Secrets. Hidden enemies, deception, illusion, danger, terror, lunacy, plots.

  The fears that grow in the dark. The gateway between the physical and metaphysical, the conscious and subconscious realms. Entering this world is frightening, but can also be revealing and inspirational.

  Suggests creativity and intuition. Possibly psychic revelations. Utilise the inspiration. Perhaps write or paint.

  But also respect the dangers lurking in the dark. Beware of deceptions and phony people. The Seeker must be very careful to avoid hiding their fears behind alcohol or drugs, as they have an increased vulnerability to these self-destructive behaviours.

  But if Regulatory Elements include an Ovule:

  Inconsistency, instability, fantasy, ambush, fraud, usury. Heightened fears or denials.

  Perhaps overly emotional or delusional behaviour. Irrational and intense fear could cause psychological problems. The wildness and chaos of the dark may be getting out of control.

  Also travel, in a different sort of way. Even Astral Travel, the experience of consciousness traveling outside of the body.

  When looking at health issues, represents sleep disorders, mental illnesses, drug overdoses and coma.


  Revelation, enlightenment, success. A beautiful new dawn. New ideas. Creativity Radiance. Energy. Success. Prosperity.

  Emergence from the darkness of the night into the light of the day. Clarity of thought, enhanced by previous trials, but also fuelled by youthful optimism. Pessimism is overcome. Depression fades. Enthusiasm merges with experience.

  Sometimes suggests a marriage or childbirth.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Lesser happiness, passion, pride, misunderstanding.

  An obscuring of clarity. Refusal to open one’s eyes to the possibilities. The enthusiasm and abilities are there, but the focus is clouded. Most likely this will be a temporary delay. Ultimately, the clouds should clear up.

  The prize is right there, but to attain it, cynicism must be overcome


  Resurrection. Renewal, awakenings, repentance, change.

  Accepting the past and throwing off its burdens. Forgiveness, especially of one’s self, but also of others. Major decisions which may result in major lifestyle changes.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Inability to change or progress. Delay, stagnation, postponement, indecision.

  Troubled or affected by the past. Perhaps held back by others. Possibly unable to move forward as a consequence of past deeds.

  When looking at health issues, may suggest allergies and discomfort from allergic reactions.


  Realisation. Reward. Recognition. Triumph. Completion, fulfilment, perfection, promotion, honours, good health. Understanding, success and achievement. Attainment of major goals.

  Understanding the big picture. Everything falls into place. All the knowledge and experience you have gained can be used to do great things.

  Perhaps a business leader opening new markets. A good omen for successful childbirth.

  But if Regulatory Elements include an Ovule:

  Delay. Inertia, stagnation, obstacles, failure, imperfection.

  The tools seem to be there, but the successful completion is yet to be attained. Perhaps fear of what lies beyond is preventing completion. Sometimes thought to represent hollow or half-hearted efforts. A person with great credentials resting on their laurels.

  Travel may be delayed or interrupted. Could represent failure or serious problems.

  In health matters, generally represents good health and successful childbirth, unless negatively influenced, in which case it can suggest skeletal or orthopaedic problems.


  Spontaneous. Endearing. Free of burdens. Free of worries. Living in the now. A suggestion of careless and excessive sexuality.

  Fearlessly taking risks, not of bravery but of naiveté. A new start, and a blank page. An open mind, and an adventurous heart. A child sampling life. Exploring where your whims take you.

  Anything is possible. But you may be studying the stars when you should be looking where your next step will land.

  May be a likely victim of trickery and deception. An easy target for bullying or usury.

  But if Regulatory Elements include an Ovule:

  Foremost, the victim of recklessness. Excesses or irresponsibility. Foolish choices.

  After a painful landing, you may shy away from risk taking, become suspicious, or fearful. In some contexts, may be seen as a call to accept responsibility and quit acting the fool.

  23 Petal & Petal

  A man or boy with yellow or auburn hair, fair complexion and blue eyes.


  Energy, inspiration and desire. Honesty, integrity, talent, genius.

  A natural leader who has no doubt that he is in charge. Courageous, charismatic, generous. His ambition drives him ever onward toward greater achievements. His confi
dence, energy and enthusiasm infect those around him. He greatly enjoys social events and is a loyal friend. As a parent, he is more likely to lead his children by influence and inspiration than with discipline. He enjoys starting new projects, but does not always finish up.

  But can also be intolerant, impatient, overbearing and domineering. He may be childish, selfish, short tempered or jealous. He might lash out at those he believes are not paying him enough respect. Perhaps the responsibilities of leadership are more than he can handle.

  Excess, exaggeration, severity.

  If looking at health related issues, pay attention to circulatory problems and be cautious to avoid head injuries.

  23 Petal & Ovule

  A man or boy with light brown or dull fair hair and grey or blue eyes. Or someone fair who is indolent and lethargic.


  Relationships, feelings, emotions, the heart. Fairness, honesty, integrity, consideration, supportiveness.

  A good and decent man who cares deeply about others. He may be an artist, pastor, paediatrician, perhaps a teacher. He treasures his family and gives his all for their welfare and happiness. His weakness could be that he is too forgiving or soft-hearted with family members. He will not be soft-hearted or weak if they are threatened, however. Participation in community improvement or charitable organisations is possible.

  But oversensitivity may result in emotional withdrawal due to feeling underappreciated. Possibly prone to escapism through alcohol or substance abuse. Also, this individual may use the loyalty and affection of others against them, perhaps developing a friendship to swindle the supposed friend.

  Dishonourable, double-dealing, injustice, vice, scandal, corruption.

  23 Ovule & Petal

  A man or boy having hazel or grey eyes, dark brown hair and dull complexion. Or one who is dark but very energetic.