Read The Cull Page 9

  ‘What now?’

  Pat screams out to be heard over the violent drumming of the rain.

  ‘We have to try the tones!’

  I hope no one notices the hopelessness, the helplessness, in my cries.


  Chapter 28

  I can hear the speakers humming in the town below us.

  It’s like I’m looking down on a huge hive of excited, even angry bees.

  ‘Turn the volume up! As high as it will go!’ I shriek at Pat urgently.

  Pat fiddles with the controls of the mobile he’s linked up to Jolie’s computer.

  ‘It’s already loud; we’re up here, where the sound’s muffled by distance, by the weather.’

  What the people down in the town must be thinking, I do not know. Even up here, it’s an irritating, screeching wail. If anyone’s close to a speaker, it must be hell for them.

  There’s another sharp snap of lightning. Another booming roll of thunder.

  The rain continues to pound down.

  ‘How will we know if it’s working or not?’ Jolie shouts out through the rain towards me.

  Pat gives a nod that he agrees with what she’s saying.

  ‘It could be working,’ he says, ‘but it might take time before we see any results. But have we got time to just keep playing the same tone in the hope that it’s working?’

  I shake my head wearily.

  ‘You’re right, both right. We’ll have to try a few notes first; then, if nothing seems to be working, try them again but giving them more time.’

  Down in the valley, the continuous note changes. It’s like someone endlessly scratching their fingernails on a chalkboard.

  I cringe, grit my teeth.


  The rain falls as hard, as unforgivably, as ever.

  ‘Try another Pat!’

  ‘May I?’ Jolie reaches out for Pat’s mobile. ‘As they say in the movies, I’ve got a crazy idea, but it just might work!’

  Pat hands her his mobile. Swiftly running her fingers over the keyboard, Jolie changes the tone to one that doesn’t seem anywhere near as bad as the others.

  ‘What have you done?’ I cry out. ‘What have you changed it to?’

  Jolie looks up from the handheld she’s holding.

  ‘It’s called the “Devil’s Interval”.’


  The darkness and the Devil’s Interval.

  They go together so well. Like they were made for each other.

  ‘Nothing’s happening,’ Pat cries out uneasily. ‘Should we change it?’

  ‘Leave it a bit longer,’ I shout back. ‘What else have we got to try?’

  The rain rattles on my hood like machine gun fire.

  Wasn’t there endless rain in one of Dante’s Circles of Hell?

  Possibly not. I could be wrong.

  ‘Where did you get it from?’ I ask Jolie. ‘This Devil’s Interval? Where did you hear of it?’

  ‘I’ve been looking at that Solfeggio scale; you know, the one that gave us MI?’

  I nod.

  Am I imagining it, or are we not shaking so much?

  ‘Well, there was an interval between MI and FA,’ Jolie continues, ‘one so discordant they actually called it the Devil’s Interval; and I thought that sounds promising.’

  ‘I don’t think it’s raining so hard anymore,’ one of the other kids cries out excitedly.

  Some of us look up, like we’re so stupid we think that’s the only way to check if the rain’s slowing down.

  ‘The clouds,’ I scream out to everyone, ‘I think they’re dispersing; I think they’re breaking up!’


  I give Jolie the tightest, most ecstatic hug I’ve ever given anyone.

  Wow, what a prize this little girl is!

  She giggles happily.

  The rain’s easing. The thunder still rolls, but it’s passed over us now. It’s weakly rumbling in the distance.

  ‘Did we do it?’ one of the kids wonders out loud. ‘Or was it just a natural storm?’

  Everyone laughs, like he’s crazy, like we’re all a bit crazed after our experience.

  ‘But has he gone?’ someone else wonders.

  ‘Only one way to find out; Jolie, try and call him.’

  Her beautiful eyes sparkling with joy, Jolie begins to hum.

  Some of the other kids must be musically inclined too; they seem to recognise the note, join in.

  They all grin ecstatically, like they’re going to break into laughter any moment.

  Pat’s almost laughing too.

  Me, I must look a fool; I can feel that I’m smirking from ear to ear.

  The light just ahead of us wavers, rolls, glitters.

  Gariel stands before us, his light still bright and beautiful but noticeably dimmed.

  The light undulates, yet slowly, with less energy.

  Yes, he’s been hurt; I’m sure of it.


  Chapter 29

  ‘Yes?’ Gariel says proudly.

  ‘Will you stop your attack?’ I ask. ‘Or should we continue to fight?’

  ‘It isn’t an attack; it is the bringing of Truth.’

  ‘It would cost too many lives; no truth is worth that.’

  ‘The Truth protects us, defends the many. Even though we benefit from the glorious presence of God within us, the Devil may enter and set up home in the unwary lest we take care.’

  His body of rippling light is now like the waves of a sea dashing itself against rocks. The waves rush back on other waves, breaking them up, scattering them in glistening foam.

  There’s strain on his face, like he’s struggling to hold everything together.

  ‘Please,’ he says, his voice harsh, strangled. ‘Not for me; for all those people you will save.’

  ‘No, this is for the people we will save. We have saved the whole town from you.’

  ‘A minor victory. A high price. Think of the immeasurable benefits The Perfection could have brought to your world!’

  He’s struggling for words now. Mumbling, like he’s losing sense.

  ‘We are God’s chosen. We are God’s message. We are the Book. The Word lies within us!’

  ‘What? Wait a minute – that sounds…sounds like something I’ve heard before somewhere?’

  ‘He’s said something similar before; quite a few times possibly.’

  Pat says it like it’s of absolutely no importance.

  But…he’s wrong.

  There’s something here that’s incredibly important.

  But I can’t quite think what!

  You know how it is when, sometimes, something seems ridiculously familiar to you, but you just can’t quite grasp why no matter how hard you try?

  That’s what I’m going through right now, my mind a whirl as I realise it’s getting harder and harder to figure out what it is I’m looking for.

  ‘Of course you’ve heard it before,’ Gariel gasps painfully. ‘You discovered it. You informed the world!’

  DNA! The language! The message hidden in our DNA!

  God within us!

  We are the Book!

  ‘No no! It was a joke! Even in the world you came from, it was probably just a joke! Didn’t anyone ever check to see if it was true?’

  ‘How can the Truth be checked to see if it is true? What kind of faith would that be? True, the message lying within us was not the one you first specified; yet it created the impetus, the need, to interpret the real message. The full message in all its beauty and profundity!’

  ‘But it’s wrong, it’s made up! It’s ridiculous!’

  ‘How could we be wrong when we are God?’

  Despite the pain he is obviously suffering, his face brightens, beams.

  He manages a beatific smile.

  But this time when he dissolves away into nothing, I don’t think he’s still in control.


  The rain is now only a light drizzle.

  The sky’s still
an off grey, but sheets of brightness are flapping across the uppermost edges of the clouds. The sun is breaking out at last.

  A gloriously bright triple rainbow arches across the far side of the valley. It could be taken as a sign, if you want it to be.

  For me, the best sign that things are all right once more is that I’m holding Pat’s hand as we walk back into town. Now and again he glances my way, grins stupidly.

  Now and again, I look his way too.

  I laugh when our eyes meet.

  Then again, everyone’s laughing. Or humming. Or smiling.

  Jolie especially appears ecstatic, her eyes taking in everything as if she’s seeing it all for the first time.

  After the heavy rains, everything seem fresh. Cleansed. Renewed.

  The people we see coming out of their houses seem a little bewildered, like they’re amazed at the abrupt change in weather. Some of them kick at or even angrily wrench apart the speakers they’ve discovered.

  What the noise must have been like down here, I wouldn’t like to think.

  Pretty horrendous, probably.

  Having seen the effect frequencies can have on our world, I wouldn’t be surprised if the townspeople had all gone half-feral, smashing up every speaker they came across.

  Jolie sidles up alongside Pat. She’s still holding his mobile.

  ‘Before I hand this back, I think there’s something you should both see; well, hear actually.’

  She plays a tone through the mobile’s small speakers.

  Pat pulls a puzzled face.


  ‘That’s the peak frequency of the Devil’s Interval,’ Jolie explains, handing back his mobile with a satisfied grin.

  Pat’s obviously surprised, perhaps even shocked.

  ‘What?’ I ask.

  ‘The tone; it’s an A. The standard tuning fork I played you earlier.’

  ‘’You’re kidding me? That’s the basis of all our music?’


  Chapter 30

  As we approach Jolie’s house, her dad opens the door and stands on the doorstep, like he’s been looking out for her,

  He’s griming like he’s won a few million on the lottery.

  I can’t remember ever seeing him look pleased, let alone happy.

  Behind him, a woman appears in the doorway.

  She’s smiling too. Like she’s a joint winner.

  ‘Mum!’ Jolie screams joyously.

  She rushes forward.

  All three of them throw their arms around each other. They hug each other like, yeah, they’re never gonna let go.

  ‘Did it work? Are you cured?’ Jolie asks.

  ‘Yes, yes! I didn’t think what they could do would ever be possible!’

  Jolie and her parents only partially let go of each other when Pat and I draw closer.

  ‘Mum, this is Jasmine!’ Jolie exclaims excitedly, saying it like she’s already told her mum an awful lot about me.

  Her mum finally let’s go of Jolie.

  Already tearful, she looks like she’s going to break down completely.

  She reaches out to me, hugs me hard, like she’s going to squeeze the breath out of me.

  ‘Bless you Jasmine! Thank you for everything you did!’

  How does she know what we did? Did someone call her, tell her?

  She lets me go to give Jolie another warm embrace.

  ‘It wasn’t just me,’ I admit. ‘Including your Jolie, there were also one-hundred and fifty-three young kids involved!’

  ‘One-hundred and fifty-three!’ she repeats happily, proudly looking down on Jolie and giving her an extra-warm hug.

  ‘And Pat, of course,’ I add, grabbing his hand, swapping embarrassed grins with him.

  ‘Really?’ Jolie’s mum says doubtfully, giving Pat a fleetingly suspicious glance.

  Then her face lights up once more in an ecstatic smile.

  ‘Ah well,’ she sighs blissfully, ‘if that’s how it has to be in this world, that’s how it has to be.’

  I smile.

  Pat smiles.

  Everyone smiles.

  They’re the sort of smiles that say we all realise Jolie and her mum and dad need time on their own. Time to enjoy their reunion in private.

  Pat and I turn away. We walk off hand in hand.

  I lean closer to Pat.

  He thinks we’re going to kiss.

  Instead, I whisper to him.

  ‘She said, “If that’s how it has to be in this world.”’

  Pat looks confused, a little hurt that we didn’t kiss after all.

  ‘Well, you know,’ I say, ‘that is just a figure of speech, right?’


  The above is a faithfully rendered transcript of events as related to The Blessed Jasmine Jolie by The First Blessed Jasmine.

  It became the inspiration and foundation for the First Godspel Of Jolie.


  Extra Material:

  The Divinatory Book Of Jasmine

  Hand copy or copy, paste and print off the hexagrams at the front of this book. Paste one on a piece of card and cut to shape. Paste the second hexagram on its rear.

  The Book Of Jasmine

  The Seeker should toss the Jasmine Hexagram into the air, letting it fall onto a table top before them. (If the Seeker is not available, the Jasmine Reader may take their place while thinking deeply of the Seeker.)

  Note both the Regulatory Element (Petal, Ovule or Locule) and the Outer Number that points towards the Seeker. If it is a flat side rather than a point, let them choose the number they prefer.

  The Seeker tosses the Jasmine Hexagram a second time, and once again the Regulatory Element is noted. Read the Outer Number if the Jasmine Hexagram has landed with a different side up, the Inner (italic) Number if it has landed with the same side as before uppermost.

  Crosscheck the Jasmine Hexagram Numbers on the chart above to find the number of the Reading you should refer to (the Readings are listed lower down). These Readings will be determined by the Regulatory Elements you recorded.


  Singular Regulatory Element Meanings:

  Petal: Future, growth, blossoming, attractiveness, spreading

  Ovule: (‘Small egg’) Present, gestation, inner-growth, potential, birth, rebirth

  Locule: (‘Little place’) Past, compartmentalised, clinging, conservative, restrained, boxed-in

  Double Regulatory Elements Meanings:

  If two similar Regulatory Elements (ie. Petal & Petal) then the meanings are strengthened.

  If the Regulatory Elements are mixed (ie. Petal & Ovule) then both apply. The first, or Primary, Regulatory Element has the greater bearing on the reading, but the Secondary Regulatory Element still exerts an influence.

  If the Regulatory Elements appear to be in contradiction to the Reading (ie. a confliction of Past and Future), this indicates that the possibilities revealed in the Reading are being held back in some way. Similarly, a concordance of Regulatory Elements and Reading serves to strengthen the effect.

  Readings 23 and 24

  For Readings 23 and 24, the Regulatory Elements work in a different way, determining which Readings to take (ie. 24 Petal & Ovule, rather than simply 24). Each of these Readings offers three possibilities, so the Jasmine Hexagram should be flipped once more.

  If it lands Petal upmost, take the positive interpretation.

  If a Locule is pointing towards the Seeker, take the negative interpretation.

  If an Ovule points towards the Seeker, regard it as an indication that a man/boy or a woman/girl will be exerting an influence on the Seeker.

  The Readings


  Revelation. Positive transformation. Progress. Clever. Focused. Diplomatic. Interesting.

  Understanding that which is already known. Appreciating that which is already available.

  The heights of achievement are possible, enabling the subject to utilise their talents and abilities to better advan
tage. Heightened communications skills and persuasiveness are also suggested.

  An agent of progress and growth, but also capable of trickery and deception. A salesman who sells you on yourself. At his worst, a bit conniving and manipulative.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Low self-esteem. Problems communicating. Options are lacking.

  Progress is difficult, and opportunities overlooked. Sometimes overconfidence or poor planning that obscure understanding. Inability to utilise the tools available may result in self-deception. Also, take care to protect against head injuries.

  A con man, user, phony.


  Illumination, knowledge and truth. Modesty and discretion. Moody and aloof. Eminently feminine, mysterious, secretive and intuitive.

  Surprising and unexpected revelations may be coming. A powerful advisor. Knowing all, but expressing secrets by measure, or through symbolism. A well of knowledge, but only a cup at a time is dispensed.

  May often represent the subject, if female, or the object of the subject’s desire, if male. Also, perhaps a suggestion for introspection or meditation.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Passion. Indiscretion. Immodesty. Promiscuity. Seduction. Betrayal. Selfishness or shallowness.

  Revealing secrets to cause embarrassment and hurt, rather than to share knowledge. May also be a warning to pay heed to feminine health issues.


  Birth. Growth. Development. Nurturing. Fertility, wealth, marriage, a female family member.

  A good mother. Fruitful, benevolent, loving and caring. A person of station deserving of respect.

  When seeking answers about one’s self, may indicate motherly worries about people or projects. It may raise the question of too much mothering or overprotectiveness. It may also be a reminder to the Seeker that patience and persistence are necessary when nurturing growth.

  But if Regulatory Elements are two Locules:

  Infertility, poverty, lethargy, infidelity. Disregard for others.

  The opposite of nurturing and caring. Abandonment of those who need care. Perhaps an indication to learn to be a better nurturer or caretaker.