Read The Cursed Towers Page 57

  ‘I do no’ know what I should do without her now,’ Isabeau said. ‘It has been lonely at the Cursed Towers. Even though I ken she should be living with the other owls, I rather hope she does no’ fly away, at least for a while.’

  ‘She shall no’ fly away,’ Meghan said.

  Isabeau smiled and rubbed her chin against Buba’s tufted head. ‘I was sorry indeed about Jorge,’ she burst out. ‘Och, it was an awful week! I saw through the scrying pool …’

  Meghan was silent, though her hand shook. Isabeau glanced up and saw tears shining on her guardian’s furrowed face. ‘I do no’ think there is any greater grief,’ Meghan said curtly, ‘than to outlive all those that ye love most.’

  There was a long silence, then she went on, ‘That is why I left the Coven all those years ago, sick at heart to be still alive when I should have died a comfortable auld age like my father and my sister and all my friends and lovers. Then I saw the Weaver still had a place for me in the pattern. I found ye, the bonny, naughty lass that ye were, and I saved Lachlan as best I could. I saw I must go on living and so I forged on, doing what had to be done. For Jorge to die like that, though, to die in agony in the flames when he was the gentlest soul alive …’ Her voice shook and her little donbeag whimpered and clung tighter around her neck. She put up a thin, trembling hand and soothed him.

  Very low, she said, ‘It is odd that I should put my faith in Eà all my life and only now, when we have triumphed against our enemies and restored Eà’s veneration, have my faith falter.’

  ‘No!’ Isabeau cried. ‘Meghan!’

  The old sorceress nodded. ‘I know it is weak and foolish to blame the universe for the evil o’ humans. I o’ all people know that Eà is as much darkness as light, as much death as life. Still, since Jorge died, it seems I can see only her dark face.’

  ‘May Eà shine her bright face upon ye.’ Isabeau whispered the ritual phrase.

  Meghan stroked her hair. ‘Indeed, with your bright face near me again, I find myself much comforted,’ she said. ‘I am glad ye came for the signing o’ the Pact o’ Peace.’

  ‘It is a wonderful thing indeed,’ Isabeau said.

  Meghan nodded. ‘I think my father would be pleased. Even he could no’ manage to bring so many o’ the faeries to sign, nor Arran or Tìrsoilleir for that matter. It is no small achievement.’

  ‘It is odd how things have turned out,’ Isabeau said dreamily. ‘To think I once longed for adventure and now all I want is to be quiet for a while and enjoy the peace we have won.’

  ‘A precarious peace at best,’ Meghan said dryly. ‘Do no’ forget the Fairgean. Each year they grow stronger and bolder and soon none o’ the rivers or lochan shall be safe. And they are a bloodthirsty race—they shall no’ be content to rule the waves but shall rise forth to try and drive us from the land. Jorge had disturbing visions o’ waves that rose as high as mountains and swept over the land, drowning villages and cities alike. Indeed he had the gift, for so much o’ what he saw has come to pass.’

  Isabeau gave a little shiver. ‘The Fairgean hate us,’ she said in a low voice. ‘They seek revenge for all the harm our people have done theirs.’

  Meghan shot her a curious glance but just then Isabeau heard a faint rustle in the hedges and tensed, her head whipping round. As the breeze shifted she smelt a dank odour, like a stagnant pool or a freshly dug grave. She clenched her hands, her pulse quickening, and would have risen, but Meghan pulled her back. ‘No need to fear, dearling,’ she said.

  ‘But it’s a Mesmerd,’ Isabeau whispered. ‘I can smell it—and look! There in the hedge. I can see its eyes watching us.’

  ‘I know,’ Meghan replied. ‘It follows me around. I came through the maze because I thought I might lose it for a while, but I should have known better.’

  ‘I killed one, up at the Cursed Towers,’ Isabeau said, troubled. ‘Will its egg-brothers no’ seek revenge for its death? And ye? Have they no’ marked ye as kin-killer too? Mesmerdean have come hunting ye before.’

  Meghan smiled. ‘Many times now. Indeed they are an intractable, vengeful race.’

  ‘Then should we no’ …’ Isabeau made to rise again and again Meghan soothed her.

  ‘No need to fret, lassie. The Mesmerdean have signed the Pact o’ Peace. All wars and vendettas have been laid to rest. They shall no’ seek revenge on ye, nor on Iseult or Lachlan.’

  Isabeau relaxed. ‘Really? Then I thank Eà indeed, for I can stop starting at shadows.’

  Meghan made no response and the donbeag laid his paw on her ear.

  Isabeau sat up a little. ‘What is it?’ she asked, then cried swiftly, ‘Ye said Lachlan, Iseult and I were safe. What o’ ye?’ Before Meghan could answer, Isabeau cried, ‘Nay, Meghan! Ye havena?’ Tears rushed to her eyes and spilt down her face, hot and bitter.

  Buba the owl hooted mournfully and rubbed her tufted head against Isabeau’s hand. For once Isabeau paid her no heed, reaching up to grasp Meghan’s thin hand. ‘No, no, ye canna,’ she said pitifully.

  Meghan stroked back her unruly curls. ‘I want to,’ she replied gently. ‘Death is nothing but a door into another place, another life. I am no’ afraid o’ stepping through that door.’

  ‘Eà, ever-changing life and death, transform us in your sight, open your secrets, open the door. In ye we shall be free o’ darkness without light, and in ye we shall be free o’ light without darkness. For both shadow and radiance are yours, as both life and death are yours. For ye are the rocks and trees and stars and the deep, deep swell of the sea, ye are the Spinner and the Weaver and the Cutter o’ the Thread, ye are birth and life and death, ye are shadow and brightness, ye are night and day, dusk and dawn, ye are ever-changing life and death …’ Isabeau quoted, stumbling over the words as her breath caught in little sobs she could not control.

  Meghan smiled. ‘I knew ye would understand.’ They sat in silence for a moment, watching the stars in the dark sky and breathing in the fresh, green darkness. Tears slid down Isabeau’s face but she did not break the silence.

  Then Meghan said, very low, ‘They have given me till the time o’ the red comet, time enough to see ye come into your full powers. I would like to know your path lies straight before ye.’

  Isabeau said, rather shakily, ‘Four years, anything can happen in four years.’

  Meghan just stared into the shadow of the hedge where the Mesmerd hovered, his huge, multi-faceted eyes glittering in the moonlight.

  Isabeau sighed and rested her wet cheek against Meghan’s knee again. The little owl hooted and she hooted back, low and melancholy.

  The Mesmerd hovered close by, watching and listening and smelling. There was no expression on his beautiful face, dominated by the great clusters of iridescent green eyes. Very lightly he rubbed his claws against his wings. Soon he would have to return to the marshes, to lie in the mud and slowly metamorphose within his hard shell. When spring came he would emerge from his winter husk as an elder. Then there would be no more flying, no more adventures. Then he would fight for his own territory and a mate, and the copulation wheel would begin again. His mate would lay her eggs in the water and he would watch over them and guard them. And every one of his spawn of little naiads would carry within them the face and shape and smell and aura of the Keybearer Meghan. Mesmerdean never forget.

  Aedan MacCuinn: the first Rìgh, High King of Eileanan. Called Aedan Whitelock, he was directly descended from Cuinn Lionheart (see First Coven). In 710 he united the warring lands of Eileanan into one country, except for Tìrsoilleir and Arran, which remained independent.

  Aedan’s Pact: Aedan MacCuinn, first Rìgh of Eileanan, drew up a Pact of Peace between all inhabitants of the island, agreeing to live in peace and not to interfere in each other’s culture, but to work together for amity and prosperity. The Fairgean refused to sign and so were cast out, causing the Second Fairgean Wars.

  ahdayeh: the art of fighting.

  Ahearn Horse-Laird: One of the First Coven of Witches.
  Aislinna the Dreamer: One of the First Coven of Witches.

  Alasdair MacThanach: the Prionnsa of Blèssem and Aslinn.

  Alba: the ‘mythical’ homeland, the land from which the First Coven escaped.

  Anghus MacRuraich: the Prionnsa of Rurach and Siantan. He uses clairvoyant talents to search and find.

  Arkening the Dream-Walker: sorceress who was rescued from the death-fire in the Sgàilean Mountains and became one of the new Council of Witches.

  Arran: southeast land of Eileanan, consisting mainly of salt lakes and marshes. Ruled by the MacFóghnans, descendants of Fóghnan, one of the First Coven of Witches. Independent from the rest of Eileanan.

  Aslinn: deeply forested land once ruled by the MacAislins, descendants of Aislinna, one of the First Coven of Witches, but now under the control of the MacThanach clan.

  autumn equinox: when the night reaches the same length as the day.

  Awl: Anti-Witchcraft League, set up by Maya the Ensorcellor following the Day of Reckoning.

  Ban-Bharrach River: the southernmost river of Lucescere which, together with the Muileach River, makes up the Shining Waters.

  banprionnsa: princess or duchess.

  banrìgh: queen.

  Beltane: May Day; the first day of summer.

  Berhtfane: sea loch in Clachan.

  Berhtilde the Bright Warrior-Maid: one of the First Coven of Witches.

  berhtildes: the female warriors of Tìrsoilleir, named after the country’s founder (see First Coven). Cut off left breast to make wielding a bow easier.

  blackbud tree: native to southern Eileanan, small tree with dark-blue flowers that form in a tight black bud. In autumn, bears many orange berries. Normal diet of weaverworms.

  blaygird: evil, awful.

  Blèssem: The Blessed Fields. Rich farmland lying south of Rionnagan, ruled by MacThanach clan, descendants of Tuathanach the Farmer (see First Coven).

  blizzard-owls: giant white owls that inhabit the snowy mountain regions; known for silence and superior hunting skills. Sorcha the Murderess had a blizzard owl as her familiar.

  Blue Guards: The Yeomen of the Guard, the Rìgh’s own elite company of soldiers. They act as his personal bodyguard, both on the battlefield and in peacetime.

  Book of Shadows, The: an ancient magical book thought to be burnt by the Banrìgh on the Day of Reckoning.

  Brann the Raven: one of the First Coven of Witches. Known for probing the darker mysteries of magic, and for fascination with machinery and technology.

  Brangaine NicSian: the daughter of Gwyneth NicSian’s sister; named Banprionnsa of Siantan in the Second Pact of Peace.

  Bright Soldiers: name for members of the Tìrsoilleirean army.

  Brun: a cluricaun.

  Burning, the: another name for the Day of Betrayal.

  Caeryla: the major town in the highlands of Rionnagan. Built on the shores of the Tuathan Loch, famous for its loch-serpent. Ruled by MacHamell clan.

  Candlemas: the end of winter and beginning of spring.

  caravel: a small fighting ship, fast and manoeuvrable, with a broad bow and a high, narrow poop deck. It was rigged with three or four masts, of which only the foremast carried a square sail. The other masts carry triangular lateen sails, making it easier to sail in fickle winds.

  carrack: strongly built, three-masted vessel, carrying two courses of square sails on the foremast and mainmast, and a lateen sail on the mizzenmast. Such ships were equipped with only a limited amount of armament and were designed primarily for carrying cargo.

  Carraig: Land of the Sea-Witches, the most northern county of Eileanan. Ruled by MacSeinn clan, descendants of Seinneadair, one of the First Coven of Witches. Clan has been driven out by Fairgean, and taken refuge in Rionnagan.

  Celestines: race of faery creatures, renowned for empathic abilities and knowledge of stars and prophecy.

  Circle of Seven: ruling council of dragons, made up of the oldest and wisest female dragons.

  Clachan: southernmost land of Eileanan, ruled by the MacCuinn clan.

  clàrsach: stringed instrument like a small harp.

  claymore: a heavy, two-edged sword, often as tall as a man.

  cluricaun: small woodland faery.

  Corissa: a tree-shifter.

  Corrigan: mountain faery with the power of assuming the look of a boulder. The most powerful can cast other illusions.

  craft: applications of the One Power through spells, incantations and magical objects.

  Cripple, the: leader of the rebellion against Jaspar and Maya; ie, Lachlan the Winged.

  Cuinn Lionheart: leader of the First Coven of Witches. Descendants called MacCuinn.

  cunning: applications of the One Power through will and desire.

  cunning man: village wise man or warlock.

  Cursed Peaks: what the Khan’cohbans call Dragonclaw.

  cursehags: wicked faery race, prone to curses and evil spells. Known for their filthy personal habits.

  dai-dein: father.

  Day of Betrayal: the day Jaspar turned on the witches, exiling or executing them, and burning the Witch Towers. Called Day of Reckoning by the Awl.

  Decree Against the Faery: royal decree that was posted soon after the marriage of Jaspar and Maya the Unknown. Stated that faeries were abominations and must be destroyed.

  Decree Against the Witches: royal decree that banned witchcraft or any act of magic. A second decree was posted ten years after the first, resulting in a new wave of witch-hunts.

  Deus Vult: war cry of the Bright Soldiers, meaning ‘God wills’.

  Dide: a jongleur.

  Dillon the Bold: leader of The League of The Healing Hand.

  donbeag: small, brown shrewlike creature that can fly short distances due to the sails of skin between its legs.

  Donncan MacCuinn: son of Iseult and Lachlan. Has wings like a bird and can fly.

  dragon: large, fire-breathing flying creature with a smooth, scaly skin and claws. Named by the First Coven for a mythical creature from the Other World. Since they are unable to adjust their own body temperature, they live in the volcanic mountains, near hot springs or other sources of heat. They have a highly developed language and culture, and can see both ways along the thread of time.

  dragonbane: a rare and deadly poison, distilled from the dragonbane flower and capable of killing a dragon.

  Dragonclaw: a tall, sharply pointed mountain in the northwestern range of the Sithiche Mountains. Called the Cursed Peaks by the Khan’cohbans.

  dragon-fear: uncontrollable terror caused by proximity to dragons.

  Dragon Star: comet that comes by every eight years. Also called Red Wanderer.

  Dream-Walkers: name for witches from the Tower of Dreamers in Aslinn. Some can see the future and the past in dreams, others can send dream messages, or walk the dream road.

  dùn: hill-fort, city.

  Dughall MacBrann: son of the Prionnsa of Ravenshaw and cousin to the Rìgh.

  Dùn Eidean: the capital city of Blèssem.

  Dùn Gorm: the city surrounding Rhyssmadill.

  Eà: the Great Life Spirit, mother and father of all.

  Eileanan: largest island in the archipelago called the Far Islands.

  Elemental Powers: the forces of Air, Earth, Fire, Water and Spirit which together make up the One Power.

  elven cat: small, fierce wild cat that lives in caves and hollow logs.

  Enit Silverthroat: a jongleur; grandmother of Dide and Nina.

  equinox: when the sun crosses the celestial equator; a time when day and night are of equal length, occurring twice a year.

  fain: gladly, willingly.

  Fairge; Fairgean (pl): faery creatures who need both sea and land to live, and whose magic is strange and brutal. The Fairgean were finally cast out of Eileanan in 710 by Aedan Whitelock when they refused to accept his authority. For the next four hundred and twenty years they lived on rafts, rocks jutting up out of the icy seas, and what small islands were still uninhab
ited. The Fairgean king swore revenge and the winning back of Eileanan’s coast.

  Fang, the: the highest mountain in Eileanan, an extinct volcano called the Skull of the World by the Khan’cohbans.

  Faodhagan the Red: One of the twin sorcerers from the First Coven of Witches. Particularly noted for working in stone; designed and built many of the Witch Towers, as well as the dragons’ palace and the Great Stairway.

  Feargus MacCuinn: second son of Parteta the Brave.

  Feich the Raven-Winged: witch who wove a cloak of invisibility; descendant of Brann, one of the First Coven of Witches.

  Feld of the Dragons: mentor to Khan’gharad at Tower of Two Moons, lived at Towers of Roses and Thorns.

  fiadhaich: wild, angry.

  Firemaker, the: honorary term given to the descendants of Faodhagan (see First Coven) and a woman of the Khan’cohbans.

  First Coven of Witches: thirteen witches who fled persecution in their own land, invoking an ancient spell that folded the fabric of the universe and brought them and all their followers to Eileanan. The eleven great families of Eileanan are all descended from the First Coven, with the MacCuinn clan being the greatest of the eleven. The thirteen witches were Cuinn Lionheart, his son Owein of the Longbow, Ahearn Horse-Laird, Aislinna the Dreamer, Berhtilde the Bright Warrior-Maid, Fóghnan the Thistle, Rùraich the Searcher, Seinneadair the Singer, Sian the Storm-Rider, Tuathanach the Farmer, Brann the Raven, Faodhagan the Red and his twin sister Sorcha the Bright (now called the Murderess).

  fraitching: arguing.

  frost-giant: lives on Spine of the World.

  geal’teas: long-horned, snow-dwelling creatures which provide Khan’cohbans with food, milk and clothing. Their very thick white wool is much prized all over Eileanan.

  geas: an obligation due to a debt of honour.

  General Staff: the group of officers of the Yeomen of the Guard that assists the Rìgh in the formulation and dissemination of his tactics and policies, transmits his orders, and oversees their execution. Headed by a team of officers: Duncan Ironfist, Hamish the Hot, Hamish the Cool, Gwilym the Ugly, Dide the Juggler, Cathmor the Nimble, Bald Deaglan, Niall the Bear, Finlay Fear-Naught and Barnard the Eagle.