Read The Cursed Towers Page 58

  Ghleanna NicSian: mother of Anghus MacRuraich, and the last Banprionnsa of Siantan. After Ghleanna married Duncan MacRuraich (Anghus’s father), the thrones of Rurach and Siantan were merged into one, and Anghus inherited both.

  gillie: steward to a laird.

  Gitâ: a donbeag; Meghan’s familiar.

  Gladrielle the Blue: the smaller of the two moons, lavender-blue in colour.

  Glynelda: former Grand-Seeker of the Awl.

  goldensloe bush: a thick shrub that bears sour yellow plums in summer.

  Great Crossing, the: when Cuinn led the First Coven to Eileanan.

  Great Stairway, the: the road which climbs Dragonclaw, leading to the palace of the dragons and then down the other side of the mountain to Tìrlethan.

  greeting: crying.

  greygorse: a sweet-smelling, grey-leaved plant with sharp spikes.

  Gwyneth NicSian: daughter of Ghleanna NicSian’s sister, Patrice, and married to Anghus.

  harquebus: a matchlock gun with a long butt, usually fired from a tall stock.

  harquebusier: soldier bearing and firing a harquebus.

  Haven: large cave where the Pride of the Fire Dragon spend their summer.

  Horned Ones: another name for the satyricorns, a race of fierce horned faeries.

  horse-eel: faery creature of the sea and lochan; tricks people into mounting it and carries them away.

  Isabeau the Foundling: apprentice to Meghan of the Beasts.

  Iseult of the Snows: twin sister of Isabeau, also named Khan’derin.

  Ishbel the Winged: wind witch who could fly. Mother of Iseult and Isabeau.

  Jaspar MacCuinn: eldest son of Parteta the Brave, former Rìgh of Eileanan, often called Jaspar the Ensorcelled. Was married to Maya the Ensorcellor before his death.

  Jesyah: Jorge’s familiar, a raven.

  jongleur: a travelling minstrel, juggler, conjurer.

  Jor: god of all the seas.

  Jorge the Seer: old blind witch who can see the future.

  Khan’cohbans: Children of the Gods of White. A faery race of snow-skimming nomads who live on the Spine of the World. Closely related to the Celestines, but very warlike. Khan’cohbans live in family groups called prides.

  Khan’derin: twin sister of Isabeau. Also named Iseult.

  Khan’gharad the Dragon-Laird: Scarred Warrior of the Fire-Dragon Pride, lover of Ishbel the Winged, father of Isabeau and Iseult.

  The Key: the sacred symbol of the Coven of Witches, a powerful talisman carried by the Keybearer, leader of the Coven.

  Lachlan the Winged: youngest son of Parteta the Brave, and newly crowned Rìgh of Eileanan.

  Lammas: first day of autumn; harvest festival.

  Latifa the Cook: fire witch, palace cook at Rhyssmadill.

  League of the Healing Hand, The: formed by the band of beggar children that fled Lucescere with Jorge the Seer and Tòmas the Healer.

  leannan: sweetheart.

  lickspittle: a sycophant or toady.

  Lilanthe of the Forest: a tree-shifter.

  Linley MacSeinn: the Prionnsa of Carraig.

  Lochbane: the eighth loch in the Jewels of Rionnagan.

  loch-serpent: faery creature that lives in lochan.

  Loch Strathgordon: the second loch in the Jewels of Rionnagan.

  Loch Muirdarroch: the third loch in the Jewels of Rionnagan.

  Loch Gillieslain: the fourth loch in the Jewels of Rionnagan.

  Lodestar: the heritage of all the MacCuinns, the Inheritance of Aedan. When they are born their hands are placed upon it and a connection made. Whoever the stone recognises is the Rìgh or Banrìgh of Eileanan.

  Lost Prionnsachan of Eileanan: the three brothers of the former Rìgh Jaspar—Feargus, Donncan and Lachlan—who disappeared from their beds one night. Feargus and Donncan were killed by Maya, but Lachlan escaped and became Rìgh after Jaspar’s death.

  Lucescere: ancient city built on an island above the Shining Waters. The traditional home of the MacCuinns and the Tower of Two Moons.

  Mac: son of.

  MacAhern: one of the eleven great families; descendants of Ahearn the Horse-Laird.

  MacAislin: one of the eleven great families; descendants of Aislinna the Dreamer.

  MacBrann: one of the eleven great families; descendants of Brann the Raven.

  MacCuinn: one of the eleven great families, descendants of Cuinn Braveheart.

  MacFaghan: descendants of Faodhagan, one of the eleven great families, newly discovered.

  MacFóghnan: one of the eleven great families; descendants of Fóghnan the Thistle.

  MacHamell clan: lairds of Caeryla.

  MacHilde: one of the eleven great families; descended from Berhtilde the Bright-Warrior Maid.

  MacRuraich: one of the eleven great families; descendants of Rùraich the Searcher.

  MacSeinn: one of the eleven great families; descendants of Seinneadair the Singer.

  MacSian: one of the eleven great families; descendants of Sian the Storm-Rider.

  MacThanach: one of the eleven great families, descendants of Tuathanach the Farmer.

  Magnysson the Red: the larger of the two moons, a crimson-red in colour, commonly thought of as a symbol of war and conflict. Old tales describe him as a thwarted lover, chasing his lost love, Gladrielle, across the sky.

  Malcolm MacBrann: designed and built the river gates and lock system in the time of Aedan Whitelock, after the end of the Second Fairgean Wars. An engineering triumph, the locks allowed ships to be raised and lowered at will while keeping the Fairgean out.

  Margrit NicFóghnan: Banprionnsa of Arran.

  Maya the Ensorcellor: former Banrìgh of Eileanan, wife of Jaspar; also Majasma the Mysterious.

  Meghan of the Beasts: wood witch and sorceress of seven rings. She can speak to animals. Keybearer of the Coven of Witches before and after Tabithas.

  Melisse NicThanach: newly crowned banprionnsa of Blèssem.

  Mesmerd; Mesmerdean (pl): a winged ghost or Grey One; faery creature from Arran that hypnotises its prey with its glance and then kisses away its life.

  Midsummer’s Eve: summer solstice; time of high magic.

  Mirror of Lela: magic mirror used by Maya; an ancient relic of the Fairgean.

  mithuan: a healing liquid designed to quicken the pulse and numb pain.

  moonbane: a hallucinogenic drug distilled from the moon-flower plant. Grows only in the Montrose Islands, to the south-west of the Fair Isles.

  Morrell the Fire-Eater: a jongleur; son of Enit Silverthroat and father of Dide and Nina.

  Muileach River: the northernmost river of Lucescere, which together with the Ban-Bharrach River, make up the Shining Waters.

  Murkfane: lake in the centre of Arran.

  Murkmyre: largest lake in Arran, surrounds the Tower of Mists.

  murkwoad: a rare herb only found in Arran. Grows on trunks of trees and heals anything.

  Nic: daughter of.

  nisse: small woodland faery.

  nixie: water-sprite.

  nyx: night spirit. Dark and mysterious, with powers of illusion and concealment.

  old mother: a Khan’cohban term for wise woman of the pride.

  One Power: the life-energy that is contained in all things. Witches draw upon the One Power to perform their acts of magic. The One Power contains all the elemental forces of Air, Earth, Water, Fire and Spirit, and witches are usually more powerful in one force than others.

  Parteta the Brave: previous Rìgh of Eileanan who died at the Battle of the Strand, repelling the invasion of Fairgean in the Second Fairgean War.

  pilliwinkes: instrument of torture similar to thumbscrews.

  prides: the social unit of the Khan’cohbans, who live in nomadic family groups. Seven Prides in all, called the Pride of the Fire-Dragon, the Pride of the Snow Lion, the Pride of the Sabre Leopard, the Pride of the Frost Giant, the Pride of the Grey Wolf, the Pride of the Fighting Cat, the Pride of the Woolly Bear.

  prionnsa; prionnsa
chan (pl): prince, duke.

  Ravenscraig: estate of the MacBrann clan. Once their hunting castle, but they moved their home there after the Berhtfane castle fell into ruin.

  Ravenshaw: deeply forested land west of Rionnagan, owned by the MacBrann clan, descendants of Brann, one of the First Coven of Witches.

  Red Guards: soldiers in service to Maya when she was Banrìgh. They wore red cloaks and were known for their ruthlessness.

  Red Wanderer: comet that comes by every eight years. Also called Dragon Star.

  reil: eight-pointed, star-shaped weapon carried by Scarred Warriors.

  Renshaw: a seeker of the Awl.

  Rhyllster: the main river in Rionnagan.

  Rhyssmadill: the Rìgh’s castle by the sea.

  rìgh; rìghrean (pl): king.

  Rionnagan: together with Clachan and Blèssem, the richest lands in Eileanan. Ruled by MacCuinns, descendants of Cuinn Lionheart, leader of the First Coven of Witches.

  Rurach: wild mountainous land, lying between Tìreich and Siantan. Ruled by MacRuraich clan, descendants of Rùraich, one of the First Coven of Witches.

  sabre leopard: savage feline with curved fangs that lives in the remote mountain areas.

  sacred woods: ash, hazel, oak, blackthorn, fir, hawthorn, and yew.

  Samhain: first day of winter; festival for the souls of the dead. Best time of year to see the future. Celebrated with fire festivals, masks and fireworks.

  Sani the Seer: servant of Maya the Ensorcellor.

  satyricorn: a race of horned faeries called the Horned Ones by most of the woodland faeries. The women often take male captives to breed with, since male satyricorn are rare.

  Scarred Warrior: Khan’cohban warriors who are scarred as a mark of achievement. A warrior who receives all seven scars has achieved the highest degree of skill.

  scrying: to perceive through crystal gazing or other focus. Most witches can scry if the object to be perceived is well known to them.

  seanalair: general of the army.

  sea-stirks: milk-bearing aquatic creatures, looking rather like an elephant seal.

  Seinneadair the Singer: one of the First Coven of Witches, known for her ability to enchant with song.

  seelie: tall, shy race of faeries known for their physical beauty and magical skills.

  Seychella Wind-Whistler: wind witch killed by a Mesmerd in the secret valley.

  Sgàilean Mountains: Northwestern range of mountains dividing Siantan and Rurach. Rich in precious metals and fine marbles. Name means ‘Shadowy Mountains’.

  sgian dubh: small knife worn in boot.

  shadow-hounds: very large black dogs that move and hunt as a single entity. Are highly intelligent and have very sharp senses.

  Shining Waters: the great waterfall that pours over the cliff into Lucescere Loch.

  Sian the Storm-Rider: one of the First Coven of Witches. A famous weather witch, renowned for whistling up hurricanes.

  Siantan: north-west land of Eileanan, between Rurach and Carraig. Famous for its weather witches. Once ruled by MacSian clan, descendants of Sian, but now part of the Double Throne of Rurach.

  Sithiche Mountains: northernmost mountains of Rionnagan, peaking at Dragonclaw. Name means ‘Fairy Mountains’.

  skeelie: a village witch or wise woman.

  Skill: a common application of magic, such as lighting a candle or dowsing for water.

  Sorcha the Red: one of the twin sorcerers from the First Coven of Witches. Also called Sorcha the Murderess, following her bloodthirsty attack on the people of the Towers of Roses and Thorns after the discovery of her brother’s love affair with a Khan’cohban woman.

  Spine of the World, The: a Khan’cohban term for range of mountains that runs down the centre of Eileanan; also called Tìrlethan.

  Spinners: goddesses of fate. Include the spinner Sniomhar, the goddess of birth; the weaver Breabadair, goddess of life; and she who cuts the thread, Gearradh, goddess of death.

  spring equinox: when the day reaches the same length as the night.

  Stargazers: another name for the Celestines.

  summer solstice: the time when the sun is furthest north from the equator; Midsummer’s Eve.

  Summer Tree: device of the MacAislin Clan, tree that grows in the fabled garden of the Celestines. Revered by all of the woodland faery races.

  swarthyweb spider: a deadly, poisonous spider found all over Eileanan. Builds its webs in dark, hidden places.

  syne: since.

  Tabithas the Wolf-Runner: Keybearer of the Coven of Witches before disappearing from Eileanan after the Day of Betrayal; transformed into a wolf.

  Talent: witches often combine their strengths in the different forces to one powerful Talent; eg, the ability to charm animals, like Meghan; the ability to fly, like Ishbel; the ability to see into the future, like Jorge.

  Test of Elements: once a witch is fully accepted into the Coven at the age of twenty-four, they learn Skills in the element in which they are strongest; ie, air, earth, fire, water or spirit. The First Test of any element wins them a ring which is worn on the right hand. If they pass the Third Test in any one element, the witch is called a sorcerer or sorceress, and wears a ring on their left hand. It is very rare for any witch to win a sorceress ring in more than one element.

  Test of Powers: a witch is first tested on his or her eighth birthday, and if any magical powers are detected, he or she becomes an acolyte. On their sixteenth birthday, witches are tested again and, if they pass, permitted to become an apprentice. The Third Tests take place on their twenty-fourth birthday and, if successfully completed, the apprentice is admitted into the Coven of Witches.

  Theurgia: a school for acolytes and apprentices.

  thigearn: horse-lairds; they live on horseback and cannot dismount without dishonour. Often tame and ride flying horses.

  Tìreich: land of the horse-lairds—most westerly country of Eileanan, populated by nomadic tribes famous for their horses and ruled by the MacAhern clan.

  Tìrlethan: Land of the Twins; once ruled by Faodhagan and Sorcha, twin sorcerers. Called the Spine of the World by Khan’cohbans.

  Tìrsoilleir: the Bright Land. North-east land of Eileanan, populated by a race of fierce warriors. Was once ruled by the MacHilde clan, descended from Berhtilde, one of the First Coven of Witches. However, the Tìrsoilleirean have rejected witchcraft and the ruling family in favour of militant religion. Have dreams of controlling Eileanan.

  Tòmas the Healer: boy with healing powers, acolyte of Jorge the Seer.

  Towers, the: the Towers of the Witches. Thirteen towers built as centres of learning and witchcraft in the twelve lands of Eileanan. The Towers are:

  Tùr de Aisling in Aslinn (Tower of Dreams)

  Tùr na cheud Ruigsinn in Clachan (Tower of First Landing; Cuinn’s Tower)

  Tùr de Ceò in Arran (Tower of Mists)

  Tùr na Fitheach in Ravenshaw (Tower of Ravens)

  Tùr na Gealaich dhà in Rionnagan (Tower of Two Moons)

  Tùr na Raoin Beannachadh in Blèssem (Tower of the Blessed Fields)

  Tùr na Rùraich in Rurach (Tower of Searchers)

  Tùr de Ròsan is Snathad in Tìrlethan (Towers of Roses and Thorns)

  Tùr na Sabaidean in Tìrsoilleir (Tower of the Warriors)

  Tùr na Seinnadairean Mhuir in Carraig (Tower of the Sea-Singers)

  Tùr de Stoirmean in Siantan (Tower of Storm)

  Tùr na Thigearnean in Tìreich (Tower of the Horse-Lairds)

  tree-changer: woodland faery. Can shift shape from tree to humanlike creature.

  tree-shifter: halfbreed tree-changer; can sometimes look almost human.

  Triath nan Eileanan Fada: Laird of the Far Isles—one of the Rìgh’s many titles.

  Tuathan Loch: the loch near Caeryla, the first in the Jewels of Rionnagan.

  Tulachna Celeste: a sacred place of the Celestine. In the Veiled Forest, near Tuathan Loch, Rionnagan.

  uile-bheist; uile-bheistean (pl): monster.

  uisge-beatha: ‘water of life’ whiskey.

  ulez: a woolly-coated horned creature of the Spine of the World.

  Veiled Forest: thick forest on the western shore of Tuathan Loch, Rionnagan. Surrounds Tulachna Celeste, and is infested with shadow-hounds and other magical creatures.

  weaverworm: a caterpillar that spins a cocoon of silk, used by the Celestines to make their gowns.

  Whitehart Woods: forest in Rionnagan.

  Whitelock Mountains: named for the white lock of hair all MacCuinns have.

  will-o’-the-wisp: faery creature of the marshes.

  winter solstice: the time when the sun is at the most southern point from the equator; Midwinter’s Eve.

  Wulfrum River: river that runs through Rurach.

  Yeomen of the Guard: Also known as the Blue Guards. The Rìgh’s own personal bodyguard, responsible for his safety on journeys at home or abroad, and on the battlefield. Within the precincts of the palace, they guard the entrances and taste the Rìgh’s food.

  Kate Forsyth


  Book One of the Witches of Eileanan

  Megan looked directly into the dragon’s topaz eyes for the first time … She had a sensation of time rolling away, vast vistas of years, the swing of planets and stars. Sunsets bloomed above her head, clouds raced away, the world spun on its axis and the dragon’s eyes glittered cold …

  Since the Day of Reckoning witches and magic have been outlawed on Eileanan. The great towers, once centres of learning, are now abandoned ruins. The penalty for practising witchcraft is death.

  In a hidden valley deep in the mountains, in the shadow of the peak of Dragonclaw, Isabeau the Foundling grows to womanhood in the care of Meghan, an old wood witch. But Isabeau’s destiny lies outside the valley: she must set out on a perilous quest carrying the last hopes of the persecuted witches.

  Meanwhile the sea-dwelling Fairgean stir, children vanish in the night, and Isabeau’s guardian climbs Dragonclaw to seek guidance from the most ancient and dangerous wisdom in the land …