Read The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Page 12

  _Fryer_ Onyon, _promised certaine honest people of the Countrey, toshew them a Feather of the same Phoenix, that was with_ Noah _in hisArke. In sted whereof, he found Coales, which he avouched to be thosevery coals, wherewith the same Phoenix was roasted._

  The Tenth Novell.

  _Wherein may be observed, what palpable abuses do many times passe,under the counterfeit Cloake of Religion._

  When all of them had delivered their Novels, _Dioneus_ knowing thatit remained in him to relate the last for this day: without attendingfor any solemne command (after he had imposed silence on them, thatcould not sufficiently commend the witty reprehension of _Guido_)thus he began. Wise and worthy Ladies, although by the priviledge youhave granted, it is lawfull for me to speake any thing best pleasingto my self: yet notwithstanding, it is not any part of my meaning, tovarrie from the matter and method, whereof you have spoken to verygood purpose. And therefore, following your footsteppes, I entend totell you, how craftily, and with a Rampiar sodainly raised in his ownedefence: a Religious Frier of Saint _Anthonies_ Order, shunned a shame,which two wily companions had prepared for him. Nor let it offendyou, if I run into more large discourse, then this day hath bene usedby any, for the apter compleating of my Novell: because, if you wellobserve it, the Sun is as yet in the middest of heaven, and thereforeyou may the better forbeare me.

  _Certoldo_, as (perhaps) you know, or have heard, is a Village inthe Vale of _Elsa_, and under the authority and commaund of our_Florence_, which although it be but small: yet (in former times) ithath bin inhabited with Gentlemen, and people of especiall respect. Areligious Friar of S. _Anthonies_ Order, named Friar _Onyon_, had longtime used to resort thither, to receive the benevolent almes, whichthose charitably affected people in simplicity gave him, & chiefly atdivers daies of the year, when their bounty and devotion would extendthemselves more largely then at other seasons. And so much the rather,because they thought him to be a good Pastor of holy life in outwardappearance, & carried a name of much greater matter, then remainedin the man indeed; beside, that part of the country yeilded far moreplentifull abundance of Onyons, then all other in _Tuscany_ elsewhere,a kinde of foode greatly affected by those Friars, as men alwaiesof hungry & good appetite. This Friar _Onyon_ was a man of littlestature, red haire, a chearfull countenance, and the world affordednot a more crafty companion, then he. Moreover, albeit he had verylittle knowledge or learning, yet he was so prompt, ready & voluble ofspeech, uttering often he knew not what himselfe: that such as werenot wel acquainted with his qualities, supposed him to be a singularRhetoritian, excelling _Cicero_ or _Quintilian_ themselves; & he wasa gossip, friend, or deerely affected, by every one dwelling in thoseparts. According to his wonted custome, one time he went thither inthe month of August, and on a Sunday morning, when all the dwellersthereabout, were present to heare Masse, and in the chiefest Churchabove all the rest: when the Friar saw time convenient for his purpose,he advanced himselfe, and began to speake in this manner.

  Gentlemen and Gentlewomen, you know you have kept a commendable custom,in sending yeerly to the poore brethren of our Lord Baron S. _Anthony_,both of your Corne and other provision, some more, some lesse, allaccording to their power, means, and devotion, to the end thatblessed S. _Anthony_ should be the more carefull of your oxen, sheep,asses, swine, pigs, and other cattle. Moreover, you have used to pay(especially such as have their names registred in our Fraternity) thoseduties which annually you send unto us. For the collection whereof,I am sent by my Superior, namely our L. Abbot, & therefore (with Godsblessing) you may come after noone hither, when you shal heare the Belsof the Church ring: then will I make a predication to you; you shallkisse the Crosse, and beside, because I know you al to be most devoutservants to our Lord Baron S. _Anthony_, in especiall grace and favor,I will shew you a most holy and goodly Relique, which I my selfe (longsince) brought from the holy Land beyond the seas. If you desire toknow what it is, let me tell you, that it is one of the Feathers of thesame _Phoenix_, which was in the Arke with the Patriarch _Noah_. Andhaving thus spoken, he became silent, returning backe to heare Masse.While hee delivered these and the like speeches, among the other peoplethen in the church, there were two shrewde and crafty Companions; theone, named _John de Bragoniero_, and the other, _Biagio Pizzino_. Thesesubtile Fellowes, after they had heard the report of Fryer _Onyons_Relique: althogh they were his intimate friends, and came thitherin his company; yet they concluded betweene themselves, to shew hima tricke of Legierdumaine, and to steale the Feather from him. Whenthey had intelligence of Friar _Onyons_ dining that day at the Castle,with a worthy Friend of his: no sooner was he set at the Table, butaway went they in all haste, to the Inne where the Fryar frequented,with this determination, that _Biagio_ should hold conference with theFriars boy, while his fellow ransackt the Wallet, to finde the Feather,and carry it away with him, for a future observation, what the Friarwould say unto the people, when he found the losse of the Feather, andcould not performe his promise to them.

  The Fryars Boy, whom some called _Guccio Balena_, some _GuccioImbrata_, and others _Guccio Porco_, was such a knavish Lad, and had somany bad qualities, as _Lippo Topo_ the cunning Painter, or the mostcurious Poeticall wit, had not any ability to describe them. Friar_Onyon_ himself did often observe his behaviour, and would make thisreport among his Friends. My Boy (quoth he) hath nine rare qualitiesin him, and such they are, as if _Salomon, Aristotle,_ or _Seneca_ hadonely but one of them: it were sufficient to torment and trouble alltheir vertue, all their senses, & all their sanctity. Consider then,what manner of man he is like to be, having nine such rarities, yetvoide of all vertue, wit, or goodnes. And when it was demaunded ofFriar _Onyon_, what these nine rare conditions were: hee having themall readie by heart, and in rime, thus answered:

  _Boyes I have knowne, and seene, And heard of many:_ But, _For Lying, Loytring, Lazinesse, For Facing, Filching, Filthinesse; For Carelesse, Gracelesse, all Unthriftinesse, My Boy excelleth any._

  Now, over and beside all these admirable qualities, hee hath maniemore such singularities, which (in favour towards him) I am faine toconceale. But that which I smile most at in him, is that he would havea Wife in every place where he commeth, yea, and a good house to boottoo: for, in regard his beard beginneth to shew it selfe, rising thickein haire, blacke and amiable, he is verily perswaded, that all Womenwill fall in love with him; and if they refuse to follow him, he willin all hast run after them. But truly, he is a notable servant to mee,for I cannot speake with any one, and in never so great secrecy, but hewill be sure to heare his part; and when any question is demanded ofme, he standes in such awe and feare of my displeasure: that he willbee sure to make the first answer, yea or no, according as he thinkethmost convenient.

  Now, to proceede where we left, Friar _Onyon_ having left thisserviceable youth at his lodging, to see that no bodie shouldmeddle with his commodities, especially his Wallet, because of thesacred things therein contained: _Guccio Imbrata_, who as earnestlyaffected to be in the Kitchin, as Birds to hop from branch to branch,especially, when anie of the Chamber-maides were there, espyed one ofthe Hostesses Female attendants, a grosse fat Trugge, low of stature,ill faced, and worse formed, with a paire of brests like two bumbards,smelling loathsomely of grease and sweate; downe shee descended intothe Kitchin, like a Kite upon a peece of Carion. This Boy, or Knave,chuse whither you will style him, having carelesly left Fryar _Onyons_Chamber doore open, and all the holy things so much to be neglected,although it was then the moneth of August, when heate is in the highestpredominance, yet hee would needs sit downe by the fire, and began toconferre with this amiable creature, who was called by the name of_Nuta_.

  Being set close by her, he told her, that he was a Gentleman byAtturniship, and that he had more millions of Crownes, then all hislife time would serve him to spend; beside those which he payedaway dayly, as having no convenient imployment for them. Moreover,he knew how to speake, and do such things, as were beyond
wonder oradmiration. And, never remembring his olde tatterd Friars Cowle,which was so snottie and greazie, that good store of kitchin stuffemight have beene boiled out of it; as also a foule slovenly Trusseor halfedoublet, all baudied with bowsing, fat greazie lubberlysweating, and other drudgeries in the Convent Kitchin, where he was anOfficer in the meanest credite. So that to describe this sweet youthin his lively colours, both for naturall perfections of body, andartificiall composure of his Garments; never came the fowlest silks outof _Tartaria_ or _India_, more ugly or unsightly to bee lookt upon.And for a further addition to his neate knavery, his breeches were sorent betweene his legges, his shooes and stockings had bin at such amercilesse massacre: that the gallantest _Commandador_ of _Castile_(though he had never so lately bin releast out of slavery) could havewisht for better garments, then he; or make larger promises, then hedid to his _Nuta_. Protesting to entitle her as his onely, to free herfrom the Inne and Chamber thraldomes, if she would live with him, behis Love, partaker of his present possessions, and so to succeed in hisfuture Fortunes. All which bravadoes, though they were belcht foorthwith admirable insinuations: yet they converted into smoke, as all suchbraggadochio behaviours do, and he was as wise at the ending, as whenhe began.

  Our former named two craftie Companions, seeing _Guccio Porco_ soseriously employed about _Nuta_, was there-with not a little contented,because their intended labour was now more then halfe ended. Andperceiving no contradiction to crosse their proceeding, into Friar_Onyons_ chamber entred they, finding it ready open for their purpose:where the first thing that came into their hand in search, was thewallet. When they had opened it, they found a small Cabinet, wrapped ina great many foldings of rich Taffata; and having unfolded it, a fineformall Key was hanging thereat: wherewith having unlockt the Cabinet,they found a faire Feather of a Parrots taile, which they supposed tobee the verie same, that he meant to shew the people of _Certaldo_.And truly (in those dayes) it was no hard matter to make them beleeveanything, because the idle vanities of _?gypt_ and those remoter parts,had not (as yet) bin seene in _Tuscany_, as since then they have bin ingreat abundance, to the utter ruine (almost) of _Italy_.

  And although they might then be knowne to very few, yet the inhabitantsof the Country generally, understoode little or nothing at all ofthem. For there, the pure simplicitie of their ancient predecessoursstill continuing; they had not seene any Parrots, or so much as heardany speech of them. Wherefore the two crafty consorts, not a littlejoyfull of finding the Feather, tooke it thence with them, and because**they would not leave the Cabinet empty, espying Char-coales lying in acorner of the Chamber, they filled it with them, wrapping it up againein the Taffata, and in as demure manner as they found it. So, away camethey with the Feather, neither seene or suspected by any one, intendingnow to heare what Friar _Onyon_ would say, uppon the losse of hisprecious Relique, and finding the Coales there placed insted thereof.

  The simple men and women of the country, who had bin at morning Massein the Church, and heard what a wonderfull Feather they should seein the after noone; returned in all hast to their houses, where onetelling this newes to another, and gossip with gossip consultingthereon; they made the shorter dinner, and afterward flocked in mainetroopes to the Castle, contending who shold first get entrance, suchwas their devotion to see the holy feather. Friar _Onyon_ havingdined, and reposed a little after his wine, he arose from the table tothe window, where beholding what multitudes came to see the feather,he assured himselfe of good store of mony. Hereupon, he sent to hisBoy _Guccio Imbrata_, that uppon the Bels ringing, he should come andbring the wallet to him. Which (with much ado) he did, so soone ashis quarrell was ended in the kitchin, with the amiable Chamber-maid_Nuta_, away then he went with his holy commodities: where he was nosooner arrived, but because his belly was readie to burst with drinkingwater, he sent him to the Church to ring the bels, which not onelywould warme the cold water in his belly, but likewise make him run asgaunt as a Grey-hound.

  When all the people were assembled in the Church together, Friar_Onyon_ (never distrusting any injurie offered him, or that his closecommodities had bin medled withall) began his predication, uttering athousand lies to fit his purpose. And when he came to shew the featherof the Phoenix (having first in great devotion finisht the confession)he caused two goodly torches to be lighted, & ducking downe his headthree severall times, before hee would so much as touch the Taffata, heopened it with much reverence. So soone as the Cabinet came to be seen,off went his Hood, lowly he bowed downe his body, and uttering especialpraises of the Phoenix, and sacred properties of the wonderfullRelique, the Cover of the Cabinet being lifted uppe, he saw the sameto bee full of Coales. He could not suspect his Villaine boy to dothis deede, for he knew him not to be endued with so much wit, onelyhee curst him for keeping it no better, and curst himselfe also, forreposing trust in such a careles knave, knowing him to be slothfull,disobedient, negligent, and void of all honest understanding or grace.Sodainly (without blushing) lest his losse should be discerned, helifted his lookes and hands to heaven, speaking out so loude, as everyone might easily heare him, thus: O thou omnipotent providence, forever let thy power be praised. Then making fast the Cabinet againe, andturning himselfe to the people, with lookes expressing admiration, heproceeded in this manner.

  Lords, Ladies, and you the rest of my worthy Auditors: You are tounderstand, that I (being then very young) was sent by my Superiour,into those parts, where the Sun appeareth at his first rising. AndI had received charge by expresse command, that I should seeke for(so much as consisted in my power to do) the especiall vertues andpriviledges belonging to Porcellane, which although the boylingthereof bee worth but little, yet it is very profitable to any butus. In regard whereof, being upon my journey, and departing from_Venice_, passing along the _Borgo de Grecia_, I proceeded thence (onhorseback) through the Realme of _Garbo_, so to _Baldacca_, till I cameto _Parione_; from whence, not without great extremity of thirst, Iarrived in _Sardignia_.

  But why do I trouble you with the repetition of so many countries?I coasted on still, after I had past Saint _Georges Arme_, into_Trussia_, and then into _Bussia_, which are Countries much inhabited,and with great people. From thence I went into the _Land of Lying_,where I found store of the Brethren of our Religion, and many otherbeside, who shunned all paine and labour, onely for the love of God,and cared as little, for the paines and travailes which others tooke,except some benefit arised thereby to them; nor spend they any moneyin this Country, but such as is without stampe. Thence I went into theLand of _Abruzzi_, where the men and women goe in Galoches over theMountaines, and make them garments of their Swines guts. Not farre fromthence, I found people, that carried bread in their staves, and winein Satchels, when parting from them, I arrived among the Mountaines of_Bacchus_, where all the waters run downe with a deepe fall, and inshort time, I went on so far, that I found my selfe to be in _IndiaPastinaca_; where I swear to you by the holy habit which I weare on mybody, that I saw Serpents flye, things incredible, and such as werenever seene before.

  But because I would be loth to lye, so soone as I departed thence, Imet with _Maso de Saggio_, who was a great Merchant there, and whom Ifound cracking Nuts, and selling Cockles by retale. Neverthelesse, althis while I could not finde what I sought for, and therefore I wasto passe from hence by water, if I intended to travaile thither, andso in returning back, I came into the _Holy Land_, where coole freshbread is sold for fourepence, and the hot is given away for nothing.There I found the venerable Father (blame me not I beseech you) themost woorthie Patriarch of _Jerusalem_, who for the reverence due tothe habite I weare, and love to our Lord Baron Saint _Anthony_, wouldhave me to see al the holy Reliques, which he had there under hischarge: whereof there were so many, as if I should recount them all toyou, I never could come to a conclusion. But yet, not to leave youdiscomforted, I will relate some few of them to you.

  First of all, he shewed me the finger of the holy Ghost, so whole andperfect, as ever it was. Next, the nose of the Cherubin,
which appearedto Saint _Frances_; with the payring of the naile of a Seraphin; andone of the ribbes of _Verbum caro_, fastened to one of the Windowes,covered with the holy garments of the Catholique Faith. Then he tookeme into a darke Chappel, where he shewed me divers beames of theStarre that appeared to the three Kings in the East. Also a Violl ofSaint _Michaels_ sweate, when he combatted with the divell: And thejaw-bone of dead _Lazarus_, with many other precious things beside.And because I was liberall to him, giving him two of the Plaines of_Monte Morello_, in the Vulgare Edition, and some of the Chapters _delCaprezio_, which he had long laboured in search of; he bestowed on mesome of his Reliques.

  First, he gave me one of the eye-teeth of _Santa Crux_; and a littleVioll, filled with some part of the sound of those Belles, which hungin the sumptuous Temple of _Salomon_. Next, he gave mee the Featherof the Phoenix, which was with _Noah_ in the Arke, as before I toldyou. And one of the Woodden Pattens, which the good Saint _Gerrard deMagnavilla_ used to weare in his travailes, and which I gave (not longsince) to _Gerrardo di Bousy_ at _Florence_, where it is respected withmuch devotion. Moreover, he gave me a few of those Coales, wherewith thePhoenix of _Noah_ was roasted; all which things I brought away thencewith me. Now, most true it is, that my Superiour would never suffer meeto shew them any where, untill he was faithfully certified, whetherthey were the same precious Reliques, or no. But perceyving by sundrieMyracles which they have wrought, and Letters of sufficient credencereceyved from the reverend Patriarch, that all is true, he hathgraunted me permission to shew them, and because I wold not trust anyone with matters of such moment, I my selfe brought them hither with me.

  Now I must tell you, that the Feather of the same Phoenix, I conveyedinto a small Cabinet or Casket, because it should not be bent orbroken. And the Coales wherewith the said Phoenix was roasted, I putinto another Casket, in all respects so like to the former, that manytimes I have taken one for another. As now at this instant it hath binmy fortune: for, imagining that I brought the Casket with the feather,I mistooke my self, & brought the other with the coales. Whereindoubtles I have not offended, because I am certaine, that we of ourOrder do not any thing, but it is ordred by divine direction, and ourblessed Patron the Lorde Baron Saint _Anthony_. And so much the rather,because about a senight hence, the Feast of Saint _Anthony_ is to beesolemnized, against the preparation whereof, and to kindle your zealewith the greater fervencie: he put the Casket with the Coales intomy hand, meaning, to let you see the Feather, at some more fittingseason. And therefore my blessed Sonnes and Daughters, put off yourBonnets, and come hither with devotion to looke upon them. But firstlet me tell you, whosoever is marked by any of these Coales, with thesigne of the Crosse: he or she shall live all this yeare happily, and nofire whatsoever shall come neere to touch or hurt them. So, singing asolemne Antheme in the praise of S. _Anthony_, he unveyled the Casket,and shewed the Coales openly.

  The simple multitude, having (with great admiration and reverence)a long while beheld them, they thronged in crouds to Fryar _Onyon_,giving him farre greater offerings, then before they had, andentreating him to marke them each after other. Whereupon, he takingthe coales in his hand, began to marke their garments of white, andthe veyles on the Womens heads, with Crosses of no meane extendure:affirming to them, that the more the Coales wasted with making thosegreat crosses, the more they still encreased in the Casket, as oftenbefore hee had made triall.

  In this manner, having crossed all the _Certaldanes_ (to his greatbenefit) and their abuse: he smiled at his sodaine and dexteriousdevise, in mockery of them, who thought to have made a scorne of him,by dispossessing him of the Feather. For _Bragoniero_ and _Pizzino_,being present at his Learned predication, and having heard whata cunning shift he found, to come off cleanly, without the leastdetection, and all delivered with such admirable protestations: theywere faine to forsake the Church, least they should have burst withlaughing.

  But when all the people were parted and gone, they met Friar _Onyon_at his Inne, where closely they discovered to him, what they had done,delivering him his Feather againe: which the yeare following, did yeeldhim as much money, as now the Coales had done.

  * * * * *

  This Novell affoorded equall pleasing to the whole companie, Friar_Onyons_ Sermon being much commended, but especially his longPilgrimage, and the Reliques he had both seene, and brought homewith him. Afterward, the Queene perceiving, that her reigne had nowthe full expiration, graciously she arose, and taking the Crownefrom off her owne head, placed on the head of _Dioneus_, saying. Itis high time _Dioneus_, that you should taste part of the charge &paine, which poore women have felt and undergone in their soveraigntieand government: wherefore, be you our King, and rule us with suchawefull authority, that the ending of your dominion may yeelde us allcontentment. _Dioneus_ being thus invested with the Crowne, returnedthis answer.

  I make no doubt (bright Beauties) but you many times have seene asgood, or a better King among the Chesse-men, then I am. But yet of acertainty, if you would be obedient to me, as you ought in dutie untoa true King: I should grant you a liberall freedome of that, whereinyou take the most delight, and without which, our choisest desires cannever be compleate. Neverthelesse, I meane, that my government shall beaccording to mine owne minde. So, causing the Master of the Houshold tobe called for, as all the rest were wont to do for conference with him:he gave him direction, for al things fitting the time of his Regiment,and then turning to the Ladies, thus he proceeded.

  Honest Ladies, we have alreadie discoursed of variable devises, andso many severall manners of humane industry, concerning the busineswherewith _Licisca_ came to acquaint us: that her very words, haveministred me matter, sufficient for our morrowes conference, or else Istand in doubt, that I could not have devised a more convenient Theamefor us to talke on. She (as you have all heard) saide, that shee hadnot anie neighbour, who came a true Virgin to her Husband, and addedmoreover, that she knew some others, who had beguiled their Husbandes,in very cunning and crafty manner. But setting aside the first part,concerning the proofe of children, I conceive the second to bee moreapte for our intended argument. In which respect, my will is (seeing_Licisca_ hath given us so good an occasion) that our discoursing tomorrow,** may onely concerne such slye cunning and deceits, as women haveheeretofore used, for satisfying their owne appetites, and beguilingtheir Husbands, without their knowledge, or suspition, and cleanlyescaping with them, or no.

  This argument seemed not very pleasing to the Ladies, and thereforethey urged an alteration thereof, to some matter better suting with theday, and their discoursing: whereto thus he answered. Ladies, I know aswell as your selves, why you would have this instant argument altered:but, to change me from it you have no power, considering the seasonis such, as shielding all (both men and women) from medling with anydishonest action; it is lawfull for us to speake of what wee please.And know you not, that through the sad occasion of the time, which nowover-ruleth us, the Judges have forsaken their venerable benches, theLawes (both divine and humane) ceasing, granting ample license to everyone, to do what best agreeth with the conservation of life? Therefore,if your honesties doe straine themselves a little, both in thinkingand speaking, not for prosecution of any immodest deede, but onely forfamiliar and blamelesse entercourse: I cannot devise a more convenientground, at least that carrieth apparant reason, for reproofe of perils,to ensue by any of you. Moreover, your company, which hath bin mosthonest, since the first day of our meeting, to this instant: appearethnot any jot to be disgraced, by any thing either said or done, neithershall be (I hope) in the meanest degree.

  And what is he, knowing your choise and vertuous dispositions, sopowerfull in their owne prevailing, that wanton words cannot misguideyour wayes, no nor the terror of death it selfe, that dare insinuate adistempred thought? But admit, that some slight or shallow judgements,hearing you (perhaps sometimes) talke of such amorous follies, shouldtherefore suspitiously imagine you to be faulty, or else you would beemore sparing o
f speech? Their wit and censure are both alike, favouringrather of their owne vile nature, who would brand others with theirbasebred imperfections. Yet there is another consideration beside, ofsome great injury offered to mine honor, and whereof I know not how youcan acquit your selves.

  I that have bin obedient to you all, and borne the heavy load of yourbusinesse, having now (with full consent) created mee your King, youwould wrest the law out of my hands, and dispose of my authoritie asyou please. Forbeare (gentle Ladies) all frivolous suspitions, more fitfor them that are full of bad thoughts, then you, who have true Vertueshining in your eyes; and therefore, let every one freely speake theirminde, according as their humours best pleaseth them.

  When the Ladies heard this, they made answer, that all should beeanswerable to his minde. Whereupon, the King gave them all leaveto dispose of themselves till supper time. And because the Sunwas yet very high, in regard all the re counted Novels had bin soshort: _Dioneus_ went to play at the Tables with another of the yongGentlemen, & Madame _Eliza_, having withdrawne the Ladies aside, thusspake unto them. During the time of our being heere, I have often benedesirous to let you see a place somwhat neere at hand, and which Isuppose you have never seene, it being called _The Valley of Ladies_.Till now, I could not finde any convenient time to bring you thither,the Sunne continuing still aloft, which fitteth you with the apterleysure, and the sight (I am sure) can no way discontent you.

  The Ladies replyed, that they were all ready to walk with her thither:and calling one of their women to attend on them, they set on, withoutspeaking a word to any of the men. And within the distance of halfea mile, they arrived at the _Valley of Ladies_, whereinto they entredby a strait passage at the one side, from whence there issued forth acleare running River. And they found the saide Valley to bee so goodlyand pleasant, especially in that season, which was the hottest of allthe yeare; as all the world was no where able to yeeld the like. And,as one of the said Ladies (since then) related to mee, there was aplaine in the Valley so directly round, as if it had beene formed by acompasse, yet rather it resembled the Workmanship of Nature, then to bemade by the hand of man: containing in circuite somewhat more then thequarter of a mile, environed with sixe small hils, of no great height,and on each of them stood a little Palace, shaped in the fashion ofCastles.

  The ground-plots descending from those hils or mountaines, grew lesseand lesse by variable degrees, as wee observe at entering into ourTheaters, from the highest part to the lowest, succinctly to narrowthe circle by order. Now, concerning these ground-plottes or littleMeadowes, those which the Sun Southward looked on, were full of Vines,Olive-trees, Almond-trees, Cherry-trees, and Figge-trees, with diversother Trees beside, so plentifully bearing fruites, as you could notdiscerne a hands bredth of losse. The other Mountaines, whereon theNortherne windes blow, were curiously covered with small Thickets orWoods of Oakes, Ashes, and other Trees so greene and straite, as it wasimpossible to behold fairer. The goodly plaine it selfe, not having anyother entrance, but where the Ladies came in, was planted with Trees ofFirre, Cipresse, Laurell, and Pines; so singularly growing in formallorder, as if some artificiall or cunning hand had planted them, the Sunhardly piercing through their branches, from the top to the bottome,even at his highest, or any part of his course.

  All the whole field was richly spred with grasse, and such variety ofdelicate Flowers, as Nature yeilded out of her plenteous Store-house.But that which gave no lesse delight then any of the rest, was a smallrunning Brooke, descending from one of the Vallies, that divided twoof the little hils, and fell through a Veine of the intire Rocke itselfe, that the fall and murmure thereof was most delightfull to heare,seeming all the way in the descent, like Quicke-silver, weaving itselfe into artificiall workes, and arriving in the plaine beneath, itwas there receyved into a small Channell, swiftly running through themidst of the plaine, to a place where it stayed, and shaped it selfeinto a Lake or Pond, such as our Citizens have in their Orchards orGardens, when they please to make use of such a commodity.

  This Pond was no deeper, then to reach the breast of a man, and havingno mud or soyle in it, the bottome thereof shewed like small beatengravell, with prety pibble stones intermixed, which some that hadnothing else to do, would sit downe and count them as they lay, asvery easily they might. And not onely was the bottome thus apparantlyseene, but also such plenty of Fishes swimming every way, as the mindwas never to be wearied in looking on them. Nor was this water boundedin with any bankes, but onely the sides of the plain Medow, whichmade it appeare the more sightly, as it arose in swelling plenty. Andalwayes as it super-abounded in his course, least it should overflowdisorderly: it fell into another Channell, which conveying it along thelower Valley, ran forth to water other needfull places.

  When the Ladies were arrived in this goodly valley, and upon advisedviewing it, had sufficiently commended it: in regard the heat of theday was great, the place tempting, and the Pond free from sight ofany, they resolved there to bathe themselves. Wherefore they sentthe waiting Gentlewoman to have a diligent eye on the way where theyentered, least any one should chance to steale upon them. All sevenof them being stript naked, into the water they went, which hid theirdelicate white bodies, like as a cleare Glasse concealeth a DamaskRose within it. So they being in the Pond, and the water nothingtroubled by their being there, they found much prety pastime together,running after the Fishes, to catch them with their hands, but they wereover-quicke and cunning for them. After they had delighted themselvesthere to their owne contentment, and were cloathed with their garments,as before: thinking it fit time for their returning backe againe, leasttheir over-long stay might give offence, they departed thence in aneasie pace, dooing nothing else all the way as they went, but extollingthe _Valley of Ladies_ beyond all comparison.

  At the Palace they arrived in a due houre, finding the three Gentlemenat play, as they left them, to whom Madame _Pampinea_ pleasantly thusspake. Now trust me Gallants, this day wee have very cunningly beguiledyou. How now? answered _Dioneus_, begin you first to act, before youspeake? Yes truly Sir, replyed Madame _Pampinea_: Relating to him atlarge, from whence they came, what they had done there, the beautieof the place, and the distance thence. The King (upon hir excellentreport) being very desirous to see it; sodainely commaunded Supperto be served in, which was no sooner ended, but they and their threeservants (leaving the Ladies) walked on to the _Valley_, which whenthey had considered, no one of them having ever bin there before; theythought it to be the Paradise of the World.

  They bathed themselves there likewise, as the Ladies formerlie haddone, and being re-vested, returned backe to their Lodgings, becausedarke night drew on apace: but they found the Ladies dauncing, to aSong which Madame _Fiammetta_ sung. When the dance was ended, theyentertained the time with no other discourse, but onely concerning the_Valley of Ladies_, whereof they all spake liberally in commendations.Whereupon, the King called the Master of the Houshold, giving himcommand, that (on the morrow) dinner should be readie betimes, andbedding to be thence carried, if any desired rest at mid-time of theday.

  All this being done, variety of pleasing Wines were brought,Banquetting stuffe, and other dainties; after which they fell toDauncing. And _Pamphilus_, having receyved command, to begin anespecial dance, the King turned himselfe unto Madame _Eliza_, speakingthus. Faire Lady, you have done me so much honour this day, as todeliver mee the Crowne: in regard whereof, be you this night theMistresse of the song: and let it be such as best may please yourselfe. Whereunto Madam _Eliza_, with a modest blush arising in herface, replyed; That his will should be fulfilled, and then (with adelicate voyce) she beganne in this manner.

  _The Song._

  The CHORUS sung by all.

  _Love, if I can scape free from forth thy holde, Beleeve it for a truth, Never more shall thy falshoode me enfolde._

  _When I was yong, I entred first thy fights, Supposing there to finde a solemne peace: I threw off all my Armes, and with delights Fed my poor
e hopes, as still they did encrease. But like a Tyrant, full of rancorous hate Thou tookst advantage: And I sought refuge, but it was too late. Love, if I can scape free, &c._

  _But being thus surprized in thy snares, To my misfortune, thou madst me her slave; Was onely borne to feede me with despaires, And keepe me dying in a living grave. For I saw nothing dayly fore mine eyes, But rackes and tortures: From which I could not get in any wise. Love, if I can scape free, &c._

  _My sighes and teares I vented to the winde, For none would heare or pittie my complaints; My torments still encreased in this kinde, And more and more I felt these sharpe restraints. Release me now at last from forth this hell. Asswage thy rigour, Delight not thus in cruelty to dwell, Love, if I can scape free, &c._

  _If this thou wilt not grant, be yet so kinde, Release me from these worse then servile bands, Which new vaine hopes have bred, wherein I finde; Such violent feares, as comfort quite withstands. Be now (at length) a little moov'd to pittie, Be it nere so little: Or in my death listen my Swan-like Dittie._

  _Love, if I can scape free from forth thy holde, Beleeve it for a truth, Never more shall thy falshood me enfolde._

  After that Madame _Eliza_ had made an end of her Song, which sheesealed up with an heart-breaking sigh: they all sate amazedly wonderingat her moanes, not one among them being able to conjecture, what shouldbe the reason of her singing in this manner. But the King being in agood and pleasing temper, calling _Tindaro_, commaunded him to bringhis Bagge-pipe, by the sound whereof they danced divers daunces: And agreat part of the night being spent in this manner, they all gave over,and departed to their Chambers.

  _The End of the Sixth Day._