Read The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Page 13

  The Seventh Day.

  _When the Assembly being met together, and under the Regiment of_Dioneus: _the Discourses are directed, for the discoverie of suchpolicies and deceites, as women have used for beguiling of theirHusbandes, either in respect of their love, or for the prevention ofsome blame or scandal, escaping without sight, knowledge or otherwise._

  The Induction to the Dayes Discourses.

  All the Starres were departed out of the East, but onely that, whichwe commonly cal bright _Lucifer_, or the Day-Star, gracing the morningvery gloriously: when the Master of the household, being risen, wentwith all the provision, to the _Valley of Ladies_, to make everiething in due and decent readines, according as his Lord over-night hadcommanded him. After which departure of his, it was not long before theKing arose, beeing awaked with the noise which the carriages made; andwhen he was up, the other two Gentlemen and the Ladies were quicklyreadie soone after. On they set towards the _Valley_, even as theSunne was rising: and all the way as they went, never before had theyheard so many sweete Nightingales, and other pretty Birds melodiouslysinging, as they did this morning, which keeping them companythoroughout the journey, they arrived at the _Valley of Ladies_, whereit seemed to them, that infinit Quires of delicate Nightingales, andother Birds, had purposely made a meeting, even as it were to give thema glad welcome thither.

  Divers times they walked about the _Valley_, never satisfied withviewing it from one end to the other; because it appeared farremore pleasing unto them, then it had done the precedent day: andbecause the dayes splendour was much more conforme to the beautythereof. After they had broken their fast, with excellent Wines andBanquetting stuffe, they began to tune their instruments and sing;because (therein) the sweet Birds should not excell them, the _Valley_(with delicate Echoes) answering all their notes. When dinner timedrew neere, the Tables were covered under the spreading trees, andby the goodly Ponds side, where they sate downe orderly by the Kingsdirection: and all dinner while, they saw the Fishes swimme by hugeshoales in the Pond, which sometimes gave them occasion to talke, aswell as gaze on them.

  When dinner was ended, and the Tables withdrawne, in as jocond manneras before, they renewed againe their hermonious singing. In diversplaces of this pleasant _Valley_, were goodly field-Beds readilyfurnished, according as the Master of the Houshold gave enstruction,enclosed with Pavillions of costly stuffes, such as are sometimesbrought out of _France_. Such as were so disposed, were licensed by theKing to take their rest: and they that would not, he permitted them totheir wonted pastimes, each according to their minds. But when theywere risen from sleepe, and the rest from their other exercises, itseemed to be more then high time, that they should prepare for talkeand conference. So, sitting downe on Turky Carpets, which were spredabroad on the green grasse, and close by the place where they haddined: the King gave command, that Madam _?millia_ should first begin,whereto she willingly yeelding obedience, and expecting such silentattention, as formerly had bin observed, thus she began.