Read The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Page 37

  _Madame_ Usimbalda, _Lady Abbesse of a Monastery of Nuns in_ Lombardie,_arising hastily in the night time without a Candle, to take one of herDaughter Nunnes in bed with a yong Gentleman, whereof she was enviouslyaccused, by certaine of her other Sisters: The Abbesse her selfe (beingat the same time in bed with a Priest) imagining to have put on herhead her plaited vayle, put on the Priests breeches. Which when thepoore Nunne perceyved; by causing the Abbesse to see her owne error,she got her selfe to be absolved, and had the freer liberty afterward,to be more familiar with her frend, then formerly she had bin._

  The Second Novell.

  _Whereby is declared, that whosoever is desirous to reprehend sinne inother men, should first examine himselfe, that he be not guiltie of thesame crime._

  By this time, Madame _Philomena_ sate silent, and the wit of_Francesca_, in freeing her selfe from them whom she could not fancie,was generally commended: as also on the contrary, the bold presumptionof the two amorous suiters, was reputed not to be love, but meerelyfolly. And then the Queene, with a gracious admonition, gave way forMadam Eliza to follow next; who presently thus began.

  Worthy Ladies, Madame _Francesca_ delivered her selfe discreetly fromtrouble, as already hath bin related: but a yong Nun, by the helpe andfavour of Fortune, did also free her selfe (in speaking advisedly) froman inconvenience sodainly falling on her. And as you well know, therewants none of them, who (like bold Bayards) will be very forward inchecking other mens misdemeanours, when themselves, as my Novell willapprove, deserve more justly to bee corrected. As hapned to a LadyAbbesse, under whose governement the same young Nunne was, of whom I amnow to speake.

  You are then to understand (Gracious Auditors) that in _Lombardie_there was a goodly Monastery, very famous for Holinesse and Religion,where, among other sanctified Sisters, there was a yong Gentlewoman,endued with very singular beautie, being named _Isabella_, who ona day, when a Kinsman of hers came to see her at the grate, becameenamored of a young Gentleman, being then in his company.

  He likewise, beholding her to be so admirably beautifull, & conceyvingby the pretty glances of her eye, that they appeared to bee silentintelligencers of the hearts meaning, grew also as affectionatelyinclined towards her, and this mutuall love continued thus concealeda long while, but not without great affliction unto them both. Inthe end, either of them being circumspect and provident enough, theGentleman contrived a meanes, whereby he might secretly visite hisNunne, wherewith she seemed no way discontented: and this visitationwas not for once or twice, but verie often, and closely concealed tothemselves.

  At length it came to passe, that either through their owne indiscreetecarriage, or jelous suspition in some others: it was espied by one ofthe Sisters, both the Gentlemans comming and departing, yet unknowneto him or _Isabella_. The saide Sister, disclosing the same to two orthree more: they agreed together, to reveale it to the Lady Abbesse,who was named Madame _Usimbalda_, a holy and devout Lady, in commonopinion of all the Nunnes, and whosoever else knew her.

  They further concluded (because _Isabella_ should not deny theyraccusation) to contrive the businesse so cunningly: that the LadieAbbesse should come her selfe in person, and take the yong Gentleman inbed with the Nun. And uppon this determination, they agreed to watchnightly by turnes, because by no meanes they wold be prevented: so tosurprise poore _Isabella_, who beeing ignorant of their treachery,suspected nothing. Presuming thus still on this secret felicitie, andfearing no disaster to befall her: it chaunced (on a night) that theyong Gentleman being entred into the Nuns Dorter, the Scowts haddescried him, & intended to be revenged on her.

  After some part of the night was overpast, they divided themselves intotwo bands, one to guard _Isabellaes_ Dorter doore, the other to carrynewes to the Abbesse, and knocking at her Closet doore, saide. Risequickely Madame, and use all the hast you may, for we have seene a manenter our Sister _Isabellaes_ Dorter, and you may take her in bed withhim. The Lady Abbesse, who (the very same night) had the company of alusty Priest in bed with her selfe, as oftentimes before she had, andhe being alwayes brought thither in a Chest: hearing these tidings,and fearing also, lest the Nunnes hastie knocking at her doore, mightcause it to fly open, and so (by their entrance) have her owne shamediscovered: arose very hastily, and thinking she had put on her plaitedvaile, which alwayes she walked with in the night season, and used totearme her Psalter; she put the Priests breeches upon her head, andso went away in all hast with them, supposing them verily to be herPsalter: but making fast the Closet doore with her keye, because thePriest should not be discovered.

  Away shee went in all haste with the Sisters, who were so forward inthe detection of poore _Isabella_, as they never regarded what mannerof vaile the Lady Abbesse wore on her head. And being come to theDorter doore, quickly they lifted it off from the hookes, and beingentred, found the two Lovers sweetly imbracing: but yet so amazed atthis sudden surprisall, as they durst not stirre, nor speake one word.The young Nunne _Isabella_, was raised forthwith by the other Sisters,and according as the Abbesse had commaunded, was brought by them into theChapter-house: the young Gentleman remaining still in the Chamber, wherehe put on his garments, awaiting to see the issue of this businesse,and verily intending to act severe revenge on his betrayers, if anyharme were done to _Isabella_, and afterward to take her thence awaywith him, as meaning to make her amends by marriage.

  The Abbesse being seated in the Chapter house, and all the other Nunnesthen called before her, who minded nothing else but the poore offendingSister: she began to give her very harsh and vile speeches, as neverany transgressor suffered the like, and as to her who had (if it shouldbe openly knowne abroad) contaminated by her lewde life and actions,the sanctity and good renowne of the whole Monastery, and threatned herwith very severe chastisement. Poore _Isabella_, confounded with feareand shame, as being no way able to excuse her fault, knew not whatanswer to make, but standing silent, made her case compassionable toall the rest, even those hard-hearted Sisters which betrayed her.

  And the Abbesse still continuing her harsh speeches, it fortuned,that _Isabella_, raising her head, which before she dejected into hirbosome, espied the breeches on her head, with the stockings hanging oneither side of her; the sight whereof did so much encourage her, thatboldly she said. Madam, let a poore offender advise you for to mendyour veile, and afterward say to me what you will.

  The Abbesse being very angry; and not understanding what she meant,frowningly answered. Why how now saucy companion? What vaile are youprating of? Are you so malapert, to bee chatting already? Is the deedyou have done, to be answered in such immodest manner? _Isabella_ nota jot danted by her sterne behaviour, once againe said. Good Madam letme perswade you to sette your vaile right, and then chide me as longas you will. At these words, all the rest of the Nunnes exalted theirlookes, to behold what vaile the Abbesse wore on her head, wherewith_Isabella_ should finde such fault, and she her selfe lift up herhand to feele it: and then they all perceyved plainly, the reason of_Isabellas_ speeches, and the Abbesse saw her owne error.

  Hereupon, when the rest observed, that she had no help to cloud thispalpable shame withall, the tide began to turne, and hir tongue foundanother manner of Language, then her former fury to poore _Isabella_,growing to this conclusion, that it is impossible to resist againstthe temptations of the flesh. And therefore she saide: Let all of youtake occasion, according as it offereth it selfe, as both we and ourpredecessors have done: to be provident for your selves, take timewhile you may, having this sentence alwaies in remembrance, _Si noncaste, tamen caute_.

  So, having granted the yong Nunne _Isabella_ free absolution: the LadyAbbesse returned backe againe to bed to the Priest, and _Isabella_ tothe Gentleman. As for the other Sisters, who (as yet) were without thebenefit of friends; they intended to provide themselves so soone asthey could, being enduced thereto by so good example.