Read The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) Page 44

  _Two yong Gentlemen, the one named_ Melisso, _borne in the City of_Laiazzo: _and the other_ Giosefo _of_ Antioche, _travailed togetherunto_ Salomon, _the famous King of_ Great Britaine. _The one desiringto learne what he should do, whereby to compasse and winne the loveof men. The other craved to be enstructed, by what meanes hee mightreclaime an headstrong and unruly wife. And what answeres the wise Kinggave unto them both, before they departed away from him._

  The Ninth Novell.

  _Containing an excellent admonition, that such as covet to have thelove of other men, must first learne themselves, how to love: Also, bywhat meanes such women as are curst and self-willed, may be reduced tocivill obedience._

  Upon the conclusion of Madame _Laurettaes_ Novell, none now remained tosucceede next in order, but onely the Queene her selfe, the priviledgereserved, granted to _Dioneus_; wherefore, after they had all smiled atthe folly of _Blondello_, with a chearfull countenance thus the Queenebegan.

  Honourable Ladies, if with advised judgement, we do duly consider theorder of all things, we shall very easily perceyve, That the wholeuniversall multiplicitie of Women, by Nature, custome, and lawes,are & ought to be subject to men, yea, and to be governd by theirdiscretion. Because every one desiring to enjoy peace, repose andcomfort with them, under whose charge they are; ought to be humble,patient and obedient, over and beside her spotlesse honesty, which isthe crowne and honour of every good woman. And although those lawes,which respect the common good of all things, or rather use & custome(as our wonted saying is) the powers whereof are very great, and worthyto be referenced, should not make us wise in this case. Yet Naturehath given us a sufficient demonstration, in creating our bodies moresoft and delicate, yea, and our hearts timorous, fearefull, benigneand compassionable, our strength feeble, our voyces pleasing, andthe motion of our members sweetly plyant; all which are apparanttestimonies, that wee have neede of others government.

  Now, it is not to be denyed, that whosoever hath need of helpe, andis to bee governed: meerely reason commandeth, that they should beesubject and obedient to their governour. Who then should we have forour helps and governours, if not men? Wherefore, we should be intirelysubject to them, in giving them due honour and reverence, and sucha one as shall depart from this rule: she (in mine opinion) is notonely worthy of grievous reprehension, but also severe chastisementbeside. And to this exact consideration (over and above divers otherimportant reasons) I am the rather induced, by the Novel which Madame_Pampinea_ so lately reported, concerning the froward and wilfullwife of _Talano_, who had a heavier punishment inflicted on her, thenher Husband could devise to doe. And therefore it is my peremptorysentence, that all such women as will not be gracious, benigne andpleasing: doe justly deserve (as I have already said) rude, rough andharsh handling, as both nature, custome and lawes have commanded.

  To make good what I have said, I will declare unto you the counsell &advise, given by _Salomon_, the wise and famous King of Great Britaine,as a most wholesome and soveraigne medicine for the cure of such adangerous disease, in any woman so fouly infected. Which counsell(notwithstanding) all such women as have no need of this Phisicke, Iwould not have them to imagine, that it was meant for them, albeit menhave a common Proverbe, to wit.

  _As the good horse and bad horse, doe both need the spurre. So a good wife and bad wife, a wand will make stirre._

  Which saying, whosoever doth interpret it in such pleasing manneras they ought, shall find it (as you al will affirm no lesse) tobe very true: especially in the morall meaning, it is beyond allcontradiction. Women are naturally all unstable, and easily encliningto misgovernment; wherefore to correct the iniquity of such adistemperature in them that out-step the tearmes and bounds ofwomanhood, a wand hath been allowed for especiall phisicke. As in thelike manner, for support of vertue, in those of contrary condition,shaming to be sullyed with so grosse a sinne: the correcting Wand mayserve as a walking staffe, to protect them from all other feares. But,forbearing to teach any longer; let mee proceed to my purpose, and tellyou my Novell.

  In those ancient and reverend dayes, whereof I am now to speake, thehigh renowne and admirable wisedome of _Salomon_, King of GreatBrittain, was most famous throughout all parts of the world; foranswering all doubtfull questions and demaunds whatsoever, thatpossibly could be propounded to him. So that many resorted to him, fromthe most remote and furthest off countreyes, to heare his miraculousknowledge and experience, yea, and to crave his counsell, in matters ofgreatest importance. Among the rest of them which repaired thither, wasa rich yong Gentleman, honourably descended, named _Melisso_, who camefrom the City of _Laiazzo_, where he was both borne, and dwelt.

  In his riding towards _France_, as he passed by _Naples_, hee overtookeanother yong Gentleman, a native of _Antioch_, and named _Giosefo_,whose journey lay the same way as the others did. Having ridden incompany some few dayes together, as it is a custome commonly observedamong Travellers, to understand one anothers Countrey and condition,as also to what part his occasions call him: so happened it with them,_Giosefo_ directly telling him, that he journyed towards the wise King_Salomon_, to desire his advise what meanes he should observe, in thereclaiming of a wilfull wife, the most froward and selfe-willed womanthat ever lived; whom neither faire perswasions, nor gentle courtesiescould in any manner prevaile withall. Afterward he demaunded of_Melisso_, to know the occasion of his travell, and whither.

  Now trust me Sir, answered _Melisso_, I am a native of _Laiazzo_, andas you are vexed with one great misfortune, even so am I offendedwith another. I am young, wealthy, well derived by birth, and allowliberall expences, for maintaining a worthy table in my house, withoutdistinguishing persons by their rancke and quality, but make it freefor all commers, both of the city, & all places els. Notwithstandingall which bounty and honourable entertainement, I cannot meet with anyman that loveth me. In which respect, I journey to the same place asyou doe, to crave the counsell of so wise a King, what I should doe,whereby I might procure men to love me. Thus like two well-met friendlycompanions, they rode on together, untill they arrived in GreatBritaine, where, by meanes of the Noble Barons attending on the King;they were brought before him. _Melisso_ delivered his minde in veryfew words, whereto the King made no other answere, but this: Learne tolove. Which was no sooner spoken, but _Melisso_ was dismissed from theKings presence.

  _Giosefo_ also relating, wherefore he came thither; the King replyedonely thus; Goe to the Goose Bridge: and presently _Giosefo_ hadalso his dismission from the King. Comming forth, he found _Melisso_attending for him, and revealed in what manner the King had answeredhim: whereupon, they consulted together, concerning both theiransweres, which seemed either to exceed their comprehension, or elsewas delivered them in meere mockery, and therefore (more then halfediscontented) they returned homeward againe.

  After they had ridden on a few dayes together, they came to a River,over which was a goodly Bridge, and because a great company of Horsesand Mules (heavily laden, and after the manner of a _Caravan_ of Camelsin _Egypt_) were first to passe over the saide Bridge; they gladlystayed to permit their passe. The greater number of them being alreadypast over, there was one shie and skittish Mule (belike subject tofearefull starting, as oftentimes we see horses have the like illquality) that would not passe over the Bridge by any meanes, whereforeone of the Muletters tooke a good Cudgell, and smote her at the firstgently, as hoping so to procure her passage. Notwithstanding, startingone while backeward, then againe forward, side-wayes, and every wayindeed, but the direct Road way she would not goe.

  Now grew the Muletter extreamely angry, giving her many cruellstroakes, on the head, sides, flancks and all parts else, but yet theyproved to no purpose, which _Melisso_ and _Giosefo_ seeing, and being(by this meanes) hindred of their passage, they called to the Muletter,saying. Foolish fellow, what doest thou? Intendest thou to kill theMule? why dost thou not leade her gently, which is the likelier courseto prevaile by, then beating and misusing her as thou dost? Contentyour selves Gentlemen (an
swered the Muletter) you know your horsesqualities, as I doe my Mules, let mee deale with her as I please.Having thus spoken, he gave her so many violent strokes, on head,sides, hippes, and every where else, as made her at last passe over theBridge quietly, so that the Muletter wonne the Mastery of his Mule.

  When _Melisso_ and _Giosefo_ had past over the Bridge, where theyintended to part each from other; a sudden motion happened into theminde of _Melisso_, which caused him to demaund of an aged man (whosate craving almes of Passengers at the Bridge foot) how the Bridge wascalled: Sir, answered the old man, this is called, The Goose Bridge.Which words when _Giosefo_ heard, hee called to minde the saying ofKing _Salomon_, and therefore immediately saide to _Melisso_. Worthyfriend, and partner in my travell, I dare now assure you, that thecounsell given me by King _Salomon_, may fall out most effectualland true: For I plainely perceive, that I knew not how to handle myselfe-will'd-wife, untill the Muletter did instruct me. So, requestingstill to enjoy the others Company, they journeyed on, till at thelength they came to _Laiazzo_, where _Giosefo_ retained _Melisso_ stillwith him, for some repose after so long a journey, and entertained himwith very honourable respect and courtesie.

  One day _Giosefo_ said to his Wife: Woman, this Gentleman is myintimate friend, and hath borne me company in all my travell: such dyettherefore as thou wilt welcome him withall, I would have it ordered(in dressing) according to his direction. _Melisso_ perceiving that_Giosefo_ would needs have it to be so; in few words directed her sucha course, as (for ever) might be to her Husbands contentment. Butshe, not altring a jote from her former disposition, but rather farremore froward and tempestuous: delighted to vexe and crosse him, doingevery thing, quite contrary to the order appointed. Which _Giosefo_observing, angerly he said unto her. Was it not tolde you by my friend,in what manner he would have our Supper drest? She turning fiercelyto him, replyed. Am I to be directed by him or thee? Supper must andshall bee drest as I will have it: if it pleaseth mee, I care not whodoth dislike it; if thou wouldst have it otherwise, goe seeke both yourSuppers where you may have it.

  _Melisso_ marvelling at her froward answere, rebuked her for it in verykind manner: whereupon, _Giosefo_ spake thus to her. I perceive wife,you are the same woman as you were wount to be: but beleeve me on myword, I shall quite alter you from this curst complexion. So turningto _Melisso_, thus he proceeded. Noble friend, we shall try anone,whether the counsell of King _Salomon_ bee effectuall, or no; and Ipray you, let it not be offensive to you to see it; but rather hold allto be done in merriment. And because I would not be hindered by you,doe but remember the answere which the Muletter gave us, when we tookecompassion on his Mule. Worthy friend, replyed _Melisso_, I am in yourowne house, where I purpose not to impeach whatsoever you doe.

  _Giosefo_, having provided a good Holly-wand, went into the Chamber,where his wife sate railing, and despitefully grumbling, where takingher by the haire of her head, he threw her at his feete, beating herentreamely with the wand. She crying, then cursing, next railing,lastly fighting, biting and scratching, when she felt the cruell smartof the blowes, and that all her resistance served to no end: then shefell on her knees before him, and desired mercy for charities sake._Giosefo_ fought still more and more on head, armes, shoulders, sides,and all parts else, pretending as if he heard not her complaints, butwearied himselfe wel neere out of breath: so that (to be briefe) shethat never felt his fingers before, perceived and confessed, it was nowtoo soone. This being done, hee returned to _Melisso_, and said: Tomorrow we shall see a miracle, and how availeable the councell is ofgoing to the Goose Bridge. So sitting a while together, after they hadwashed their hands, and supt, they withdrew to their lodgings.

  The poore beaten woman, could hardly raise her selfe from the ground,which yet (with much adoe) she did, and threw her selfe upon the bed,where she tooke such rest as she could: but arising early the nextmorning, she came to her Husband, and making him a very low courtesie,demaunded what hee pleased to have for his dinner; he smiling heartelythereat, with _Melisso_, tolde her his mind. And when dinner timecame, every thing was ready according to the direction given: in whichregard, they highly commended the counsell, whereof they made such anharsh construction at the first.

  Within a while after, _Melisso_ being gone from _Giosefo_, and returnedhome to his owne house: hee acquainted a wise and reverend man, withthe answere which king _Salomon_ gave him, whereto hee received thisreply. No better or truer advise could possibly be given you, for wellyou know, that you love not any man; but the bountiful banquets youbestow on them, is more in respect of your owne vaine-glory, then anykind affection you beare to them: Learne then to love men, as _Salomon_advised, and you shall be beloved of them againe. Thus our unruly Wifebecame mildely reclaimed, and the yong Gentleman, by loving others,found the fruits of reciprocall affection.