Read The Demon Hunter (The Hunter Series) Page 24

“Not well, but she’s getting there,” Rose explained. “Merely need another week… perhaps two.”

  “It’s too late,” a familiar voice called out.

  And just like that all his hopes were squashed by the very man who had once been his best friend.


  At the sudden sound of Devon’s familiar voice, Ellie spun around. He stood in the shadows along the tree line, Camile at his side as if they’d only just appeared out of thin air. Even as she started toward them, Ellie realized there was something off in the way he stood, arched slightly toward his left side, his face tense. Camile stood with her arm around his waist…. a little too close to the proper Victorian man who only this morning had been annoyed with the witch. They couldn’t have made up that quickly.

  Devon stumbled away from Camile and into the sun that managed to pierce the thick, gray clouds above. Light hit his body, making him practically glow. Ashley reacted first and it was only at the sound of her horrified gasp, that Ellie managed to tear her gaze from Devon’s handsome face and noticed the blood soaking the side of his shirt. So much blood on that white t-shirt.

  Ellie blanched. “My God, what happened to you?” Ellie started toward him, but Ashley got there first. She reined in her annoyance, focusing on Devon’s injury instead of her jealousy.

  “I’m fine. It will heal soon. You know how quickly we repair.” He settled on the stone bench near the wood’s edge. “Ashley, good to see you…again.”

  Ellie stiffened, startled by his grin. He was wounded, avoiding eye contact with her, yet he could find it in himself to smile at Ashley. Although he swore he wasn’t in love with the woman, Ellie couldn’t help but wonder if he lied not only to her, but to himself.

  “Ah have things to do.” Rose waddled off, disappearing into the trees, but no one seemed disappointed to see her go. Especially not Ellie.

  Ashley sat next to Devon. “You idiot. What did you do?”

  Her hazel eyes had gone soft. So, this was the Ashley, tall and elegant with her dark hair and pale features. She was like some Victorian goddess come to life. It wasn’t surprising that Devon liked her. A fellow American, yet Ellie felt anything but connected to her.

  Ellie crossed her arms over her chest, forcing herself not to shove the woman aside. Ashley, who’s boyfriend, Cristian, pretty much looked like Ellie felt.

  “Enough,” Cristian finally demanded. “Give him room to breathe, for God’s sake.”

  He grasped Ashley’s hand and pulled her from the stone bench. Devon frowned, obviously annoyed by Cristian’s interference, but Ellie couldn’t have been happier. Unable to resist, she started toward him.

  “Are you okay?”

  He nodded and lifted the hem of his shirt. “Fine.” Although there was blood, his skin had already repaired. There were no cuts, not even a bruise. She pressed her hand to her heart, her knees weak with relief.

  “We were attacked on our way back from town. Werewolves,” he spoke to Cristian and Ashley, avoiding Ellie’s gaze.

  Yeah, they’d been annoyed with each other, but this was ridiculous. A low rumble of thunder shook the sky, yet no breeze swept through the trees and cooled the oddly hot day.

  “How many?” Cristian asked.

  “Two, but there were more. A pack.”

  “Fortunately, this new spell I’d been working on proved to be a success,” Camile said.

  Cristian raked his hands through his black hair. The large man looked uneasy. “He’s near.”

  Devon nodded.

  Ellie watched them, attempting to keep track of the conversation and understand their words, but it was like they spoke their own language. They finished each other’s sentences, knew what the other was thinking. They were all freaking soulmates. She tapped her foot impatiently.

  “The town was empty,” Camile added. “Everyone gone. Either scared away, or taken.”

  “So then, we wait?” Ashley asked.

  No one said a word because obviously no one had any idea what to do. Ellie frowned. She’d put this ragtag group upon a pedestal, but they didn’t seem to know much more than she did. For one long moment, no one spoke, they all merely stared at each other.

  “We can do nothing else,” Cristian said.

  Devon stood. “I should clean.” He started toward the house without word to Ellie.

  “We need to talk,” Ashley said, going after him. “We need to make a plan.”

  Cristian reached out, grasping onto her arm. “Let him go.”

  She frowned. “But…”

  He shook his head, then looked pointedly at Ellie. Ashley followed his gaze and dawning spread across her pretty face. “Oh, right.” A knowing smile lifted the corners of her lips, as if they understood something Ellie didn’t. “Yeah, sure. Ellie should check on him.”

  Ellie had to stop herself from rolling her eyes. They knew. Just freaking great. They knew that she and Devon had some sort of relationship going on. Or maybe she just looked like a jealous girlfriend.

  “I’ll… go.” Ellie started toward the house, eager to get away from their watchful attention. More than eager to see that Devon was all right. She pulled open the kitchen door, but he’d already made it into the hall.

  “Devon, wait. What happened?”

  “I told you, we ran into werewolves,” he said, not bothering to slow.

  Ellie gritted her teeth, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to hug him, or slap him. She caught up to him on the stairs. “Werewolves?” Christ, just when she thought she’d heard it all, some new supernatural being would pop to life. “You’re not going to… turn into one?”

  He smiled, although he still avoided her gaze. “No.”

  As they reached the second floor, he went into the small bathroom next to his bedroom. Ellie wasn’t about to let him escape.

  “Let me help.” Before he could reject the idea, she slipped into the room with him. He’d already pulled off his shirt and stood at the sink. She could see the look of surprise in his reflection on the mirror. Ellie closed the door, trapping them together. He wasn’t getting away that easily. She grabbed a washcloth from the wire shelf above the tub, glancing at those beautiful wing tattoos across his back.

  “You’re sure you’re fine?” She reached around him, turning on the hot water and tried to ignore the spicy male scent that permeated the quarters, making her knees weak.

  He took a step back. “Quite well.”

  Was it her imagination, or did his voice come out breathless? She didn’t dare look him in the eyes as she wrung the washcloth and faced him. If she looked him in the eyes, he’d know how much his close proximity affected her. She pressed the warm cloth to his rippled stomach and his muscles jumped, a slight quiver that almost made her smile. So, he wasn’t as immune to her as he liked to pretend.

  “You’re trembling.” She swiped the blood away. His blood. If he had been human, he’d be dead, or a werewolf. The thought left her queasy.

  “Yes, merely aftereffects of the spell.”

  Liar. “Spell?”

  “Camile did a spell which made us transport to the garden. She saved us, really.”

  “Does that mean you’re friends once more?”

  “I’m not sure.” He reached out, grabbing the washcloth from her hand and stepping away from her.

  Her heart squeezed painfully, her teasing nature gone. “Don’t shut me out.”

  He lifted his head, meeting her gaze. “What do you mean?”

  She swallowed hard, refusing to back down now. “Don’t shut me out. I need you.”

  He closed his eyes, those long lashes resting against his cheeks. “You don’t. Hell, Ellie, you’re stronger than I am. You just need to believe in yourself.” He opened his eyes and the heat there stunned her. “You sure as hell can bring me to my knees.”

  Her heart slammed wildly against her rib cage. “I try.”

  “Oh, Ellie,” he whispered, leaning forward and resting his forehead to hers. “What will happen in the end when I must le

  When, not if. When.

  Her heart plummeted, but she smiled anyway. “I’ll survive.”

  “I don’t know if I will.”

  He dropped the washcloth into the sink and cupped the sides of her face. There were no more secrets, no more games. Devon molded his lips to hers, his tongue plunging into her mouth for a heated kiss. A tingling ache spread down her body like a wildfire. This is what she’d wanted, what she’d needed. Ellie moaned, sinking into his hard form. He could make her forget everything with a mere kiss. Make her believe in true love. In life. In happiness.

  She slid her arms around his neck and stood on tiptoe, crushing her breasts to his chest. How she loved the feel of his body, the stark contrast of her form against his. How she needed to forget, for a moment, the hell they would soon face.

  Devon groaned and tore his lips from hers.

  “Don’t stop,” she panted. “Please.”

  He grasped her wrists and pulled her arms from his neck. “Ellie, we shouldn’t.” His face was fierce with determination, but his eyes… his eyes told her the truth. He wanted her desperately.

  “Last time, Devon,” she whispered. “It could be our last time.”

  His jaw clenched, his eyes growing soft. “Don’t say that.”

  She crushed her mouth to his once more. Devon groaned as his hands moved down her body to her bottom. That ache turned into deep desire. He cupped her ass and drew her up hard against his erection. He might not want to admit he wanted her, but he couldn’t hide his attraction. Each kiss, each stroke of his fingers, each moan, sent her pulse racing, her need flaring. Devon’s hands found the hem of her skirt. So good. So damn good.

  “God, you’re beautiful.” His mouth moved to her jaw line, lower to her neck, while his hands…his hands moved up her smooth thighs, sliding underneath her skirt. There was no hesitation on his part. He slipped his finger inside her panties and between her sleek folds. Ellie cried out, arching into him.

  “So wet for me,” he mumbled against her collarbone.

  She needed no foreplay. She only wanted him inside her…now. Wanted to be as close to him as possible. He pulled her underwear down, letting the cotton briefs drop to her ankles. Without pause, he spun her around and settled her on the edge of the sink. Her hands went to the waist band of his shorts as he nuzzled her neck. There was a frantic need to have him inside of her, to have him completely. She felt that same desire within the tremble of his hands. His shorts gave way and his erection sprung free, brushing against her legs. Devon nudged her thighs apart, stepping closer, surrounding her with his presence.

  “I want you, Ellie.”

  She felt the thick tip of his erection press against her entrance. Ellie leaned back, bracing her hands against the cold porcelain sink. How she wanted him.

  “I need you.” He thrust forward, sinking fully into her.

  Oh, how she needed him. Ellie groaned, closing her eyes. He surrounded her, all of her. Kept her firmly in his grasp, his heart. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer. She wanted to kiss him, to taste him, breathe in his essence.

  Her mouth on his, she slid her tongue between his lips as Devon thrust into her over and over, the movement of his body driving her crazy. It was fast and desperate. He filled her completely and she felt weak with sensations she didn’t quite understand. She knew this could be their last moment together, perhaps their last moment alone. She wouldn’t regret her actions. Not ever.

  Frantic, she ran her hands over his muscled shoulders, further up, her fingers sinking into the cool strands of hair at the nape of his neck. She wanted to memorize every inch of the man.

  How she loved him. Damn it all. She knew that now. At the same time, she realized she couldn’t tell him. She would not put that added pressure upon their relationship.

  She ran her hands down his back, cupping his tight ass and pulling him closer. He plunged into her and her body quivered, trembling with the need for release. Their lovemaking was frantic, his hands all over her at once. She couldn’t get enough of this man.

  Hot tears stung her eyes as her body tightened.

  “Yes, Devon.”

  He thrust into her and her body burst into a million stars. She lost control, control of her heart, her mind and soul. Devon groaned as he plunged into her one last time. His head fell to her shoulder, his breathing harsh against her neck. The entire world disappeared in that moment and only she and Devon floated in bliss. For one brief time, everything was as it should be…perfect.

  Neither of them spoke, but they didn’t need to. The moment surrounded them in a warm cocoon that nothing, no one, could invade. Ellie pressed a kiss to the side of his temple, her arms still around his neck, her legs still around his waist, Devon still inside her. She didn’t want to let go. Didn’t want their time together to end.

  “Someday we will actually make love on a bed,” she whispered.

  He didn’t respond. She knew what he was thinking. Someday most likely wouldn’t come. Not in this lifetime anyway. To her dismay, he pulled out of her and stepped back as much as the small bathroom would allow. She felt cold, alone, empty.

  “I don’t think Camile messed up the spells on purpose.”

  Their lovemaking was over, already it was back to business. But this is what she’d signed up for; she would not expect more from him when he had never promised anything.

  Ellie resisted the urge to sigh. “I could have told you that.” She jumped from the sink, her legs so wobbly she was forced to lean back. “I trusted her the moment we met.”

  He buttoned his shorts. “I suppose, I just don’t understand how anyone could be so inept so often. Christ, she was able to bring us through time and space into the back garden only fifteen minutes ago. That’s only something a powerful witch could do.”

  Ellie shrugged, stepping into her panties and smoothing down the skirt she’d borrowed from Miranda. She doubted her friend would want the clothing back now. “Maybe the demon is more powerful than even we can understand.”

  “He is, but that’s not it.” Devon tossed his bloodied shirt into the small trashcan next to the sink. “Something’s off. Something was off on that day we did the spell almost seven months ago. I just don’t know what.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest, his biceps bulging, and leaned against the wall, next to the forest green towels. A beautiful man indeed. She couldn’t help but admire the way his body practically glowed.

  “Who was there that day?” Ellie asked, settling on the edge of the sink. It was a silly place to have a conversation, yet who knew when they’d be alone together again. She was in no rush to leave.

  He shrugged. “Us. All of us. The town, but they were outside the entire time, on the outskirts of the property.” He rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “It was me, Cristian, Ashley and Camile.”

  Ellie didn’t dare respond, for she didn’t want to imply that one of his friends was a traitor, but she was pretty much edging toward Ashley. “Maybe the spell was wrong. Maybe… maybe the demon knows something we don’t. You’ve done all you can, Devon, you can’t blame yourself.”

  He nodded, albeit reluctantly. When he spoke no further, she realized their moment was over. Most likely their last time alone together. She would not make their parting emotional. She would be the soldier that he was. She jumped from the sink and reached for the door.


  She paused, glancing back.

  “There was someone else there that day.” His blue eyes had grown bright with some emotion she didn’t dare identify. “Someone who helped Camile prep the spell.”

  A shiver of unease whispered over Ellie’s skin. “Who?”

  “I don’t think…” He took in a deep breath. “It couldn’t be…”

  Ellie released the door handle, stepping closer to him. “Devon, who?”

  He met her gaze. “Rose.”

  Chapter 19

  The eerie howl of wolves pierced the quiet night. The sou
nd echoed from the woods and bounced against the pub walls in a crescendo that would have been the perfect soundtrack for a horror movie. Ellie shivered, nudging aside the curtain in the parlor, the lace stiff and old under her touch. The garden was dark, but she swore she could see yellow eyes glowing amongst the trees along the property line.

  Earlier, Camile had drawn a protective line of salt around the perimeter of the house. It would hold the monsters back…for now. But as they gathered strength from the full moon and the energy of the salt wore off, they’d break through and whether they were ready or not, the war would begin.

  It was time. A full moon when powers were heightened. But for Ellie the full moon represented something else… it had been a month, a whole month, since she’d met Devon. Yet, she felt like she’d known him forever. Perhaps she had.

  Ellie rubbed the back of her neck, the muscles tense and knotted. She’d woken up with a headache that was only getting worse as the night wore on. Too much stress. She so needed a vacation, if she survived. If not, well then she’d be taking a long vacation to the afterlife. Despite her hooded sweatshirt, jeans and the warm temperature, a chill raced up and down her spine.

  Surely the wolves couldn’t see her. The lights were out, the parlor dark. But she felt watched. She released the curtain and stepped back, wrapping her arms around her waist. Too late to leave now. Their enemies had found them. God help them, they were surrounded. Devon’s plan had gone awry. She was stuck, truly stuck smack dab in the middle, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Like hell she was going to shuffle off in defeat, leaving her friends to clean up this mess alone. And they were her friends. Perhaps she hadn’t known them long, and perhaps she didn’t have much experience in socializing, but she cared about them all, deeply. Hell, even Ashley had grown on her in the last couple days.

  “You all right?” Miranda asked softly, hesitating on the threshold.

  “Yeah, fine. Just…waiting.”

  The floorboards underfoot creaked, the sound unnaturally loud, each step like gunfire as Miranda started toward her. “Sounds creepy, huh? The howling.” She wrapped her arms around herself. “Definitely the most unsettling thing I’ve ever heard. Almost like the sound of…”