Read The Demon Hunter (The Hunter Series) Page 25

  “Death?” Ellie whispered.

  Miranda nodded, pausing next to her. She was scared, it was obvious, but she was doing her best to pretend she wasn’t. Even with only the moon to light the parlor, Ellie could see that her friend was pale, too pale. Poor Miranda had nothing but her pathetic human abilities to keep her safe. She’d have to rely completely on others.

  “Sounds like they’ve surrounded us,” Miranda said, turning her attention to the windows.

  Ellie didn’t respond. What could she say? They had? And there were probably more than wolves out there. Things much stronger, things much deadlier. They were merely sitting ducks, waiting for the first attack, waiting to uncover who had betrayed them.

  “Are they still arguing?” Ellie asked, deciding to change the subject.

  Miranda shook her head. “No. I think they’ve finally accepted the fact that the only person who could be the traitor is Rose. I’m relieved, as I’m sure everyone is, that Camile is no longer a suspect. On the other hand, I can’t help but feel for Camile. She hasn’t told anyone else, but she’s devastated by her aunt’s betrayal. I think a tiny part of her believes it must be a mistake.”

  “I bet she’s upset. Who wouldn’t be?”

  Damn, but she should have listened to her instincts. She hadn’t trusted Rose from the moment they’d met. If only… Ellie sighed. She’d learned long ago to never regret the past and she wouldn’t start now.

  “I’m upset and I barely knew her. But…” She grinned at Miranda. “It’s the perfect time to offer Camile a little comfort.”

  Miranda rolled her eyes and Ellie laughed. It was a bit manic, that laugh. Was it obvious she was attempting to force a jovial normalcy upon them? Yep, everything was totally normal.

  “So, have you admitted your feelings?”

  She swore even in the dark she could see Miranda blush. “Maybe.”


  She flashed her brilliant white teeth.

  At least there was a bright spot in this horror movie. “I told you she was gay.” Ellie reached out, taking her hand. “And I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks.” Miranda laughed, the sound catching with an emotion that showed Ellie a whole new side of her tough as nails friend. While Ellie felt like she was growing stronger every day, Miranda seemed to be crumbling in this place of monsters and magic. She worried about her friend.

  “Figures, I finally find someone and the world will probably end.”

  Ellie wrapped her arm around Miranda’s shoulder. “I totally understand the feeling.”

  Miranda hugged her back. “I know.”

  For one long moment they were silent, merely taking comfort in each other’s embrace. In the distance, a bonfire burst to life. Ellie shivered and turned her friend away from the windows.

  “So,” Ellie continued. “No one has found Rose?”

  Miranda shook her head and started to the sofa nestled snuggly near the empty fireplace. “She’s long gone and it’s not worth it to go after her. We’d have to head straight into the fray. Why waste the energy?”

  Ellie nodded, sitting next to her.

  “I’m going to help Camile bind the house with a protection spell.” She picked at a loose thread on the sofa. “She said it won’t be super strong, but it will do some to help hold them off.”

  Them. Werewolves. Vampires. Demons. Who knew what else. At least she’d known there was something off about the world. Poor Miranda had just recently been thrown into the craziness.

  She rested her elbow on the arm of the sofa and sighed. “You’re going outside with her? Isn’t that dangerous?”

  “It’s okay, Camile will protect me.”

  Truth was Camile’s powers were no match against her aunt’s. They all knew it, although no one admitted as much. “You sure?”

  “I have to do something. Just sitting here is driving me mad.” Miranda stood, rubbing her palms against her jeans. “It’ll be fine. Besides, Kipps is going with us.”

  She watched Miranda leave the room, wondering how much protection Camile and Kipps could possibly offer against a pack of werewolves. Or vampires. Or demons. Cristian and Ashley weren’t much better. Cristian was human now, his powers less than what they had been. And Ashley, well, she saw ghosts for God’s sake. What good would that do in battle?

  Still, she couldn’t deny the power of their romance. Even humans could feel the aura of Cristian and Ashley’s love. There was an energy that pulsed between them when they were together, an energy that strengthened them. Ellie glanced toward the dark windows once more. If given the choice, would Devon choose to lose his powers so he could stay with her? Would she even want him to, knowing how hard it would be for him to be human?

  Murmured conversation drifted into the parlor from the foyer. The small group of supernatural misfits. For some reason it brought her comfort, hearing their voices. She hadn’t known them long, yet she felt a kinship with Cristian, Ashley and Camile.

  She stood, starting toward the foyer when a shiver of unease whispered over her skin. A warning that she was no longer alone. Ellie spun around, frantically searching the dark room. A shadow in the far corner brought her up short. Ellie’s hand went to the crystal at her neck, feeling the cool reassuring comfort of the mineral. She’d know that hunched shape anywhere.


  What the hell was the witch doing here and how had she gotten inside? Ellie glanced briefly at the open door. Dare she yell for help? Or could she handle Rose on her own? “What the hell do you want?”

  The old woman stepped from the shadows, her long dark dress only adding to the eeriness of the situation. The moonlight coming through the windows hit her form, making her practically glow with power.

  “Ye need tae listen and listen well,” she whispered. “I’m not here tae hurt ye. I’m here tae warn ye.”

  “Liar,” Ellie snapped.

  “Shhh!” She shuffled toward Ellie, the floorboards underfoot creaking. “The only way they can defeat the demon is with ye. Yer destined tae help.”

  Oddly, she wasn’t surprised. Didn’t she know deep down they needed her? Hadn’t she always known?

  The murmured voices were growing, Devon, Ashley and Cristian coming closer. She needed to keep the witch talking until they arrived. “Why should I believe you? You’re a traitor.”

  “Ah had no choice,” she hissed, thumping a gnarled fist against her sagging chest for emphasis. “I’m here now telling ye the truth in order tae make amends.”

  “Make amends?” Ellie released a wry laugh. “I think that ship has sailed.”

  “Listen well.” Her beady gaze flickered toward the door, then back to Ellie. “The only way tae beat him, is tae take his powers.”

  “Ellie?” Devon called out. The thump of his footsteps echoed in the foyer, coming closer… closer.

  “He’s here,” Rose whispered, her voice almost frantic.


  “The demon. He’s in the house.”

  A shiver, hot and cold, tiptoed down her back. Her skin practically crawled, unease wrapping it’s tight fist around her throat. She didn’t know if she could trust Rose, but one thing was sure… she knew the woman wasn’t a complete liar. Damn it all, she’d sensed his arrival hours ago, but had chalked the sensation up to nerves.

  “Ellie?” Devon called again, the impatience evident by his hard tone.

  “In here!” Ellie said, turning toward the door.

  Devon stepped across the threshold and flipped up the light switch. The room burst to life, chasing away the shadows. “You all right?”

  “Rose…” She spun around. Rose was gone. “No.”

  Ellie raced to the middle of the room, searching the dark corners. Nothing. The only door was the one to the foyer. The windows were tightly closed, the curtains drawn. With only the sofa and two chairs, there was nowhere to hide. Unless Rose was freaking Santa Claus and had shimmied herself up the chimney, the woman had just… disappeared.

d. Gone. It didn’t make sense. Ellie raked her hair from her face. Maybe it had been a mirage. Maybe something conjured by one of the beasts that had invaded the property. It didn’t matter because she knew in her heart, Rose was right. There was only one way to get rid of the demon. Cristian, Ashley and Camile had tried to kill him twice now without success. If she could absorb his powers, and turn them back on him…

  “Is everything all right?” Devon asked.

  She met his worried gaze. Devon, who was doing everything in his power to see she wasn’t part of this battle. Devon who would see her gone, if he could, away from this very country and to some place he deemed safe enough. What would he say if she told him the truth, that only she could destroy that demon? Would he relent and allow her to tag along, or would he still deny her and they would end up dead because of his stubbornness? She knew the answer.

  She forced herself to give him her full attention, forced her lips to lift slightly at the corners. “Is there a plan yet?”

  “Not much of one.” He sighed, but seemed to relax, shifting his stance and crossing his arms over his chest.

  He wore jeans and a black t-shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders. How she wanted to spread her hands over his body, wrap her arms around his neck and never let go.

  “We don’t have enough allies or powers to attack them. Heading off property at this point would be like strolling straight into our own demise. We can only wait until the demon arrives. If we kill him, they’ll scatter.”

  Her heart warred with her mind. They were sitting ducks and they had no clue. Damn it all, as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t lie to Devon. “He’s already here.”

  For one long moment he didn’t speak. Nothing flashed across his face, no fear, no surprise and she wondered if he’d even heard her. “What do you mean?”

  He didn’t react in any other way, but she could practically hear his heart pounding even though he was a good ten feet from her. “He’s here. The demon.”

  Devon stepped closer to her, his hands fisting at his sides. “And how do you know?”

  He was annoyed with her. She knew him well enough by now to know his moods. And most likely it was because he didn’t want her involved. But as he now understood, he didn’t have a choice. “I know.”

  Cristian appeared in the doorway, his sword across his back, another sword in hand. He made an imposing figure, a Scottish warrior come to life. His broad chest was covered with a tight, gray t-shirt, his face fierce. But he was still human…only human. And humans could easily be killed.

  “He’s here,” Cristian said. “I can sense him.”

  How odd it must be to have to kill your own father. Would Cristian truly go through with it? God, she was becoming as paranoid as Devon.

  “I know he is,” Devon stated, his hard gaze still piercing her as if he knew she was keeping something from him. Ellie shifted, crossing her arms over her chest and looking toward Cristian who was moving into the room, every bit as determined as Devon.

  “Ye ready then?”

  Devon finally looked away from her, facing his fellow angel. “As much as I can be.”

  The finality of the situation settled heavily into her gut. Hell, the war was truly starting. Cristian lifted his right arm, holding the silver and gold sword toward Devon. “Ye’ll be wanting this.”

  He didn’t immediately take the weapon, merely stared at the sword as if seeing some long lost friend. Devon’s sword. The very thing he had been searching for.

  Cristian grinned. “I was keeping it safe for ye.”

  “I’ll never understand the connection between a man and his sword, no pun intended,” Ashley muttered, coming into the room, looking kickass in jeans and a leather jacket that hugged her lean shape.

  The moment Devon wrapped his fingers around the sword, a tingle of awareness whispered up Ellie’s arm, through her body as if she felt his powers. It faded as soon as it arrived, but she swore Devon looked different. His back seemed straighter, his gaze more intense. The Victorian gent was gone and in his place, a man of steel, a warrior.

  Her heart skipped a beat. Confused, she reached for the necklace, cold against her chest. She shouldn’t have felt any powers from Devon or the weapon. Was the crystal losing its ability? Or was their connection so great?

  “Camile is binding the house,” Ashley stated, slipping the strap of a small pouch over her shoulder. “Miranda and Kipps are with her. Hopefully this time it will work.”

  “Ye have everything ye need?” Cristian asked his girlfriend.

  She patted the satchel and smiled. “Holy water, salt, even a dagger or two.”

  “Where do you think he is?” Ellie asked.

  “I can hazard a guess,” Kipps said, strolling into the room. He wore his cap low over his eyes, his face as unreadable as always. Despite the mystery surrounding the vampire, she trusted him. “The one place where he’ll be able to restore his power.”

  “Wonderful,” Ashley muttered, resting her hands on her hips. “My basement.”

  “Why there?” Ellie asked as Camile and Miranda came into the room, arm in arm. Everyone seemed to be drawing strength from each other. Unwillingly, her gaze went to Devon. She didn’t want to need him. She didn’t want to desire him. But she did.

  “It’s where there’s the most energy. It used to be a church, therefore has years of stored power he can harness.” Ashley glanced at her boyfriend. “Cristian will open it, as he was the one to close it all those years ago.”

  “It’s not truly a home until ye have yer own evil dungeon,” Cristian said.

  “It’s a basement, thank you very much.” Ashley turned toward Camile. “It’s done?”

  Camile nodded. The young witch was pale, her eyes red-rimmed as if she’d been crying. Ellie didn’t blame her, but her emotions would weaken her. Did no one else worry that the witch might not be able to perform?

  Miranda rubbed Camile’s back, offering her comfort. “How long do you think the demon has been down there?”

  “It’s recent,” Ellie interrupted. The words had slipped out, yet she didn’t dare take them back. Too much was at stake. Yet, she wasn’t ready to divulge Rose’s warning that Ellie was the key to killing the demon.

  They all turned toward her, suspicion in their gazes.

  “And how do you know that?” Cristian asked.

  Ellie flushed. “Because a while ago I felt odd, off balance, almost… ill.”

  “You’re feeling his powers?” Cristian asked.

  They were deathly still, awaiting her answer.

  Ellie nodded. The interest turned, the energy in the room almost tangible. Confusion and leeriness switched to excitement and eagerness.

  “Why didn’t you say something,” Devon demanded.

  “I didn’t know what it was. I thought it was nerves. I’m wearing the necklace.” She lifted the silver chain. “I didn’t expect his powers to influence me.”

  Camile stepped close to Ellie and took the mineral in hand. “It’s working. It’s real.” She dropped the necklace, frowning. “Which means he’s too strong, his abilities are more powerful than your necklace.”

  “Which is why you need to stay out of this fight,” Devon stated. “Kipps will be here to protect you.”

  She almost laughed. Wasn’t Devon the one who had said she was more powerful than any of them? Now she needed protection like some toddler? “Devon, you can’t be serious,” she said, trying one last time. “You need me.”

  He seemed annoyed by her statement. “I am quite serious. His powers will destroy you. They’ll be too much for a human body. As amazing as you are, your body is still human, and it’s obvious the necklace won’t be much help.”

  She gritted her teeth, knowing better now than to tell the truth about Rose’s visit. How she hated being told what to do. How she hated the fact that she hadn’t learned to control her powers.

  He cupped the side of her face and she resisted the urge to slap his hand away. “Someday I h
ope you’ll understand.”

  She didn’t say a word, too afraid she’d say something she’d regret, knowing this may very well be the last time she’d see him. The idiot was going to get himself killed.

  “Guess we’re ready then,” Devon stated, his gaze lingering on Ellie, as if he expected her to say something, anything. Perhaps he wanted her forgiveness, and perhaps someday she’d give it to him. When she didn’t speak, he turned and started toward the door. Ellie’s fingers curled as she resisted the urge to call out to him. It was better this way. There was only one person in the group she could trust to be rational about the situation.

  “Time to confront my father.” Cristian reached behind his back and pulled the sword from his scabbard, the sound of metal swooshing against leather impressive indeed. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “As if we have any other choice,” Ashley muttered, turning on her heel and heading into the foyer, following Camile and Miranda.

  As Cristian started to go, Ellie reached out, grasping onto his arm. He paused, glancing back at her with a gaze full of curiosity. She shook her head, praying he’d keep quiet until the others left. She knew she only had moments before they’d come looking for him.

  “She was here,” Ellie whispered the moment the room was empty.



  The confusion cleared, instantly replaced with a dark fury that hardened his gray eyes to steel. For a moment, Ellie almost regretted telling him.

  “She said that only I can beat the demon,” she rushed to explain.

  “She’s a liar and the Rose ye saw was most likely a mirage. He’s tricked us before.” He pulled away from her grasp and started toward the door. “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of this once and for all.”

  Desperate, Ellie raced after him. “Cristian, you know the truth, deep down. Twice you’ve failed. The only way to stop him is if I absorb his powers and then we’ll have a fighting chance.”

  They paused near the door. “Ellie, ye absorb his powers and it will most likely kill ye. Rose was a mirage, conjured by the demon to plant doubt in yer mind.”