Read The Destiny of Matthew Page 22

  Chapter Twenty Two

  Matthew was sweating and had just had a nightmare where his parents were being tortured by the Baron. He thought he could save them by using the Spear but something told him he should not do this. He then woke up. He quickly looked around him in the dark forest, realising that he was no longer in his dream. It was some hours after nightfall, he thought. He felt a little chilly, as he saw that Hannah was still sleeping. She also looked like she was having a bad dream. He roused her with his hand. ‘Hannah,’ he said softly. ‘It’s late. We’ve got to go.’

  She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up. ‘Yes, you’re right,’ she said. ‘I just dreamt that they were attacking the Castle without us.’ They got up, stretched, had some water, and got their belongings ready. They then left going a little faster than their usual fast pace; Hannah evidently believed her dream, thought Matthew who still struggled to keep up with her. Then, after about two hours, they slowed down as they came to the clearing near the Castle. Matthew looked at Hannah, who then made the sound of an owl twice.

  Matthew heard the same noise in response and they both entered the clearing. Matthew saw that Hannah was relieved, as Tobias, Curt, and at least thirty other men emerged from the trees. Curt then waved away his men and took Matthew and Hannah to one side. Tobias joined them. ‘You two are just in time. We soon begin the attack,’ said Curt. ‘So what did the old witch say about the Spear?’

  ‘Before I tell you what the “Wise woman” said, you’ll have to tell me about my grandfather,’ said Hannah.

  ‘Oh, don’t worry about him,’ said Tobias. ‘He’s hidden away in the forest. He wanted to come but we convinced him he would just be a hindrance. You’ll see him when it’s all over, hopefully.’

  Hannah then told them what the “Wise woman” said and what happened to them since. Curt and Tobias listened with great interest and approval, particularly after Hannah told them about the attack by the soldiers near the Clearing.

  After she had finished Curt said ‘Let’s have a look at this Spear, Matthew’

  Matthew felt a little reluctant to do this for some reason but got it out and showed it to Curt and Tobias.

  ‘Not much use without a pole to throw it with,’ said Curt, ‘though from what you’ve told us, its use is not as a conventional spear.

  ‘But it certainly looks the part,’ said Tobias.

  Matthew then put it back into his rucksack.

  ‘I think I’ve an idea where the Baroness might be,’ said Curt. ‘There’s a part of the Castle that was closed off soon after the Baron returned. I think this is where she and the old Baron are. But I’m concerned about taking the Spear into the Castle. If the Baron gets hold of it and you, Matthew, we’ll all be finished.’

  ‘But what choice do we have?’ asked Matthew

  ‘We could rescue the Baroness and bring her to you,’ said Curt.

  ‘We could but if you think about it, we might need to use the Spear in the battle, or we might lose it,’ Tobias interjected.

  ‘He’s right, Curt,’ said Hannah. ‘We have to use all the weapons we have in this battle.’

  Matthew then said ‘I’ve got to agree with Hannah and Tobias on this one. I still don’t know exactly how the Baroness can use the Spear against her brother and how I will be part of this. But I don’t see the point of playing it too safe and me waiting for you to rescue the Baroness. You might not succeed in this or the battle, in which case what will I do? Go back to my own world with the Spear and hide it?

  This will go against everything we have learnt so far and my own experiences in the Land: being cautious will achieve nothing.’

  ‘Very well. It is risky, but I can’t go against the judgement of the one who has been the catalyst for this rebellion against the Baron, and whose judgements and actions since he returned from his own world have proven to be correct. I’m not sure I believe in the stuff of the old witch, sorry Wise woman,’ Curt said as Hannah gave him a look of disapproval. ‘But it is now obvious that what you think and do are important to the result of this struggle, Matthew

  Right, many of the Castle’s soldiers are in the surrounding villages looking for you and us, Matthew. This will the best time to attack. When we get in I will take you to the part of the Castle where the Baroness should be.’

  Matthew felt happy that he was now respected in the Land but had got past the stage of feeling too good about this. He knew that until the Baron was defeated, he would not feel comfortable returning to his own world; he had to see the experience through to this ideal conclusion.

  Curt went over to his men to ensure they were ready. Tobias told Hannah and Matthew about their plan. It was for fifty or so of them to try to storm the main entrances like a conventional attack. One of Curt’s old officers who had also had enough of the Baron would lead this. But the thirty men here led by Curt and Tobias would enter another secret passageway. Hannah and Matthew would go with the latter group, where Curt would take them to the Baroness.

  ‘Right. Let’s go,’ said Curt from the end of the clearing. Hannah, Tobias, and Matthew then joined Curt’s men as they left to go down to the Castle.