Read The Destiny of Matthew Page 23

  Chapter Twenty Three

  The Castle came into view below, with its now dark towers and buildings, bridge, and road in the cloudless night but with only a crescent moon. Matthew wondered if they would be successful in defeating the Baron. He had more soldiers than they, even though most of the men against the Baron were, according to Tobias, experienced soldiers who had been dismissed or left service soon after he returned from exile. The Baron also had his magic. Moreover, how could the Baroness suddenly go from being a prisoner to a wielder of the apparently powerful Spear? And this if they found her in the first place?

  There were too many things that could go wrong. Matthew wondered what his parents would think about his being in such a situation. He was scared but he knew that whatever happened he would at least be doing something with his life rather than just thinking about it.

  They went a different way down to the Castle this time because the other secret tunnel was on the other side. About half way down, they crossed over the road leading to the Castle, and when they got near the bottom Curt gestured for them to stop. He then made the familiar owl noise twice and it was answered twice in return. Matthew could see someone dressed like Curt come forward from some bushes. They spoke briefly then the other man disappeared back into the forest.

  Curt returned to them. ‘That was one of the men from the main attack. They’re hidden in the forest around the castle and will hit the bridge and river entrances at the same time. But first we must open both of the gates for them. Come on. We don’t have much time.’ They then moved around the river until they came to the other secret tunnel.

  This one’s entrance was in the rocky side of a small cliff. This reminded Matthew of Martha’s cottage, and he then thought about how according to her what he did affected the Destiny of the Land. Well, I suppose I do have the Spear of Destiny in my rucksack, he said to himself, almost smiling. But he then realised that he was in no funny situation and was feeling tenser and tenser.

  They entered the small cave, with Curt at the front and a couple of his men. They had their swords drawn in case there was anyone waiting for them in ambush. But Hannah told Matthew that most of the present soldiers were not knowledgeable about the castle and its secret ways, so they should get in without any trouble. Tobias was behind them in the queue getting in. When they had all entered and gone a little way, Curt lit some torches and handed them out.

  In front of them there were some rough stairs going down under the river. Curt whispered for them to be careful. Matthew noticed that this tunnel was much wider than the other, at least three people could walk through it side by side. But it still had the same problem with water, he noticed, as some dripped onto his head. Instead of bricks, though, its walls were all made of rock. It was obviously a very old tunnel, thought Matthew, as they walked through it, being careful not to slip on its wet floor.

  Just over ten minutes later Matthew could see some stairs going up, though not as many as there had been coming down. Curt gestured for them to be as quiet as possible before they climbed them. At the top there was a small landing, which they could all just about fit on. At the end of this, there was some kind of narrow door made of wood. Curt then extinguished his torch and the others did the same. It was now pitch dark in the atmospheric, echoey tunnel.

  ‘This door leads to the cellars,’ whispered Tobias. ‘There shouldn’t be anyone in them but you never know.’ Curt then pushed open the door. It opened with a creaking noise but Matthew could hear nothing else from the other side, as they all went through it. Nor could he see anything when he was in the cellar. But he felt it was very big. Curt led them to some nearby stairs. He and two of his men went up with their swords to see if there were any soldiers outside the door.

  There were not and Curt returned to them. ‘Right, we will now go our separate ways. Myself and Johan here will lead you and Hannah to where I think the Baroness might be. Tobias will take the rest of the men to open the gates. Good luck to you all,’ Curt finished as Matthew looked at the old-looking Johan.

  Tobias then touched Matthew and Hannah goodbye with a little smile before leading Curt’s men away to the left. Curt and Johan then led them in the other direction. Curt thought that the sister and maybe her father would be in the rear smaller tower where in the old days important prisoners were held.

  Matthew looked at Hannah. He was a little worried about her being here, but she like him had a Travelling stone. She was also, thought Matthew probably a better fighter than he. They began to move down the corridor with the usual torches lit at intervals. After passing a few meeting ways, they came to some stairs, which led up the small tower. They were half way up the stairs when they heard some noises behind them. ‘They must have opened the gates and let the men in,’ said Curt. ‘Quick. Let’s hurry.’

  They went a little faster. Suddenly two soldiers came rushing down the stairs. Curt and Johan soon despatched them with their lethal skills, one with a stab to the neck, another to the stomach. Johan was old but obviously a very skilled fighter, thought Matthew. Matthew could now hear the noise of fighting behind them. The main attacking force of fifty men should be well into the Castle by now, he thought. They climbed further up and got near a landing. But they could hear more footsteps coming from a corridor leading off it towards them, though not just two soldiers, more like five or six.

  Curt and Johan got to the landing before them and had their cross bows ready. The soldiers ran towards them with their swords. Curt and Johan killed two instantly. They then got their swords out and attacked. Matthew watched as Curt skilfully took on two of the soldiers on his own while Johan struggled with the remaining one who seemed to be getting the better of him. Matthew then got the dagger Hannah had given him and went to help. He was scared but knew he could not just allow Johan to be killed. But Curt beat him to it and stabbed him in the neck.

  Matthew could see there were more soldiers coming from the direction of the others and could hear some coming up the stairs behind them. There was no way they could beat them all, thought Matthew, breathing heavily. It looked like their rescue mission would fail. Their only hope was the main attacking force succeeding, he thought, as he looked at Curt and the soldiers got nearer.