Read The Destiny of Matthew Page 24

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Curt shouted for them all to run up the stairs. They got to another landing. Curt stopped. ‘Johan,’ he said. ‘Take them the rest of the way. I’ll hold them as long as I can.’ He then reloaded his crossbow and waved them upwards.

  Matthew and Hannah ran behind Johan. A soldier appeared in front of them with a sword. A minute later he was dead on the floor. They continued until they got to a final landing. Johan led them down a corridor leading off it then up a final staircase. They went up and came to the first room. They looked inside but there was no one. Then, a single soldier surprised them, injuring Johan in the side. Hannah screamed as Matthew stabbed him in the back. Matthew felt shocked after this as he saw did Hannah, as the soldier fell down. But he was now more used to action and wasted no more time dwelling on it.

  Johan sat on the stairs. ‘Go on. Don’t worry about me. I’ll cover your backs. Matthew and Hannah went on and came to two other, also empty rooms. ‘Come on, she must be here somewhere,’ said Matthew He was out of breath and exhausted but his adrenalin was running high in his body; likewise with Hannah. They continued upwards and came to the final room. It was dark and they approached it with caution in case there was anyone there. They went towards it with Matthew leading.

  Suddenly a soldier came out of the shadows and jumped on Matthew who fell backwards. The soldier had a knife and was about to stab Matthew when Hannah stabbed him first in the neck a couple of times. Blood sprayed everywhere, he trembled, then was still. Matthew pushed the soldier off him. ‘Thanks again, Hannah, he said, though he could see she was still disturbed by her violent side.

  He then got up and went to open the door to the final room. But it was locked. Matthew reached for the Lock Opener in his pocket and tapped it three times. Hannah looked on with interest as it clicked. Matthew then opened the door but they could not see inside it; it was too dark.

  They entered the room carefully. It smelled of dirt and damp. Matthew asked ‘Anybody here?’ He then heard a weak female voice say ‘I’m over here. Who are you?’ She was on the floor, which had the window which Matthew remembered from his vision but not much else. They went over to her. ‘We’re here to rescue you. Is it you, Baroness?’ Hannah asked.

  ‘Yes, but I’m not in good shape. You’ll have to help me.’ Matthew and Hannah lifted her up and gave her some of their water. Matthew could see she was quite small and skinny at about five feet tall. She also had blonde short but curly hair. But she was very dirty. They then helped her out of the door. Down below in the Castle they could hear much fighting.

  When they reached the bottom of the staircase, they found Johan who was nursing his side. There was a lot of blood but he said it was only a flesh wound. He looked at the Baroness with deference.

  He got up holding his side but also his sword. They continued back down the staircase, past the first room and then down the corridor to where they had left Curt. There were some bodies on the landing of soldiers, though there was no sign of Curt. But there were more bodies.

  They continued to move down, the noises of battle now getting louder. They reached the second landing, and continued past it. They could not go very fast with the Baroness and Johan’s injury. They then got to the bottom of the staircase and headed back down the corridor towards the escape tunnel. There were more dead bodies on the way but still no sign of Curt.

  After they had passed a couple of meeting ways, The Baroness then spoke with an effort. ‘Where is my brother? He’s very dangerous.’ There was then a big explosion from the middle of the castle, followed by lots of flashes. The Castle trembled and they fell down. They then heard people running towards them. It was Tobias and Curt and some of his men. ‘Quick. Down to the escape route. The Baron has used some of his magic and the soldiers have returned from the villages!’ Curt shouted to them.

  Curt and Tobias helped them up and they then went as fast as they could down the corridor to the cellar. They could hear some pursuing soldiers behind them. But there were also some in front of them now. Curt and his men rushed to meet them with their swords but there were too many and more were coming. Behind them they could hear more of the Baron’s destructive magic. They could not get to the escape route and every other way was becoming full of soldiers – they were trapped.

  Hannah looked at Matthew ‘Get the Spear out! We have the Baroness now. We can use it against the Baron,’ she demanded.

  ‘You have the Spear, the Spear of Destiny?’ the Baroness asked weakly but excitedly.

  ‘Yes,’ said Hannah, ’and Matthew is from its world. Quick, before it’s too late!’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ began the Baroness with an effort, ‘but I’m not strong enough to use the Spear now. It requires too much energy, which I don’t have. It will take me some time to recover it, time which we evidently don’t have,’ she said and looked in the direction of the soldiers. ‘That is unless I can get to the Clearing, which will enhance my remaining energy.’

  They were all now surrounded by soldiers and would soon be captured. Then, Hannah took her Travelling Stone out and gave it to the Baroness. She looked at the girl and understood. ‘No. I cannot take this. You must save yourself. It is partly my fault my brother is in power,’ said the Baroness.

  But Hannah said ‘You and Matthew are now the only ones left who can stop the Baron. You must take it. It will take you to the Clearing.’

  ‘You know that I’d rather die than leave you,’ Matthew said.

  ‘Don’t be silly,’ said Hannah. ‘If you die then all our hopes are gone. Quick. You must go.’ She put her Stone into the hand of the Baroness, who took it reluctantly. Matthew then saw Eustace down the corridor. He shouted ‘Surrender or you will all die.’

  ‘All right,’ Matthew said to Hannah and quickly hugged her before holding onto the Baroness as they both rubbed their Travelling Stones three times.