Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 48

downstairs. “Who is calling this late?” She looked at the clock and saw it was 1:30 AM.

   A few minutes later, Anthony came upstairs and got into bed beside her. Kristen was very groggy and mumbled “Anything wrong?” He snuggled into her neck and whispered “Everything is alright! We are going to have a beautiful life together baby. You are safe now.”



   When Kristen woke up the next morning, a rose from the garden was lying on the pillow next to her. Anthony left her a note that he had to leave town again for business. It did not say where he was going. She figured it was New York again and thought “Was he insane? He’s never going to have time to get ready for the wedding on Saturday!”

   Kristen was overwhelmed, there was just too much to do. Some of the guests would be arriving from out of town tomorrow. She took her pillow, covered her head and went back for more sleep. She was awakened a few hours later when she heard knocking on the front door.

   She looked out the bedroom window and all she could see was the head of a tall man that was standing below. She quickly brushed her hair back and dressed in a summer cocktail dress. She felt a sense of excitement and ran down the stairs barefoot. She thought she had an idea who it was and glanced nervously at the mirror to the side of the door. All was good. Kristen closed her eyes and slowly turned the door handle.

   She then opened them wide and was now looking through the eyes of a sixteen-year-old. It was Michael! She felt like she couldn’t breathe when she saw him standing there and smiling at her.

   He reached out for her, taking both her hands. She felt faint as he slowly pulled her into his arms for a light embrace. He quietly said “It is so wonderful to see you again. So, you’re getting married in a few days. How exciting is that?” Kristen beckoned to them, “Come on into the house.” Michael looked at the exterior and the imported hand-sculpted Italian statues near the door. He kept nodding his head “Wow, this is pretty impressive.” He followed Kristen into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator and handed him a Heineken. Michael sipped at his beer and apologized to her for his surprise visit. “My cell phone signal isn’t strong enough here. I couldn’t get in a call to you. I came a day early to work on my tan so I can wear shorts again. It is still pretty cold back at home.” He stuck out his arm. “I’m pasty!”

   She gave him a big smile. “Well, I am very glad to see you. Every time I ran into you I never had the chance to get a good look at you.” She laughed, “You seemed to have ripened very nicely.” He was still very muscular and even more handsome. His blue eyes were so trusting and sweet. They both gazed at each other. Michael came closer to her and Kristen felt her heart pounding against her chest!

   The phone in Anthony’s study suddenly rang. Kristen looked in that direction and said “I am sorry. I have to go see who that is.” She was gone for five minutes. When she came back she looked apologetic and said “I am sorry to cut this visit short Michael. That was Anthony and he needs me to go into town and do some bank business for him right away. Is it alright if you stop by again later this week? Maybe you can meet him them. I forgot to tell him you were here.”

   Michael quickly replied “Of course, Kristen. I need to get over to a golf game I set up anyway. I will give you a call.” He then lightly brushed her cheek with a kiss and went out to his rental car. Kristen smiled as she watched him walk down the driveway. She was sad to see him go.

   The wedding week flew by. Just one more day! All the guests started trickling into town. The rehearsal dinner was coming up in a few hours and Anthony was still not back from New York yet with his two brothers. His sisters and mother had already called and left a message that they were poolside at The Colony with a pitcher of Margaritas and a bunch of cousins. Kristen was thinking of joining them, but still had too many things to do, and alcohol wouldn’t help with that. It was nice that Anthony had so many relatives.  

   Kristen’s sisters were not coming because they were off on a trip to South Africa together with their husbands. They were a bit annoyed that Kristen didn’t plan her wedding more in advance. Kristen didn’t even worry about her brother John, she had no clue where he was since she saw him on the island, and she didn’t really care. He knew she was getting married and made no attempt to contact her about it. She had no other immediate relatives. Her Godfather, who now lived in Naples, and well into his eighties, would be walking her down the aisle. 

   It was Kristen’s best girlfriends that were her real family. Her three bridesmaids and Ashley, who was her Maid of Honor, were ready to go. Melanie and Linda were also flying in from the West Coast.

   Kristen spent the rest of Friday in meetings with her make-up and hair stylist. Anthony finally called her from the airport and said that they had just landed and that he would see her over at the rehearsal. He was headed over to The Colony first to meet up with his relatives. Kristen said she would pop over as soon as she was able. 

   She made one more call before getting ready. It was to Michael. He was still over at his hotel and had just finished playing tennis. He was walking off the courts when he answered her call. Kristen was pacing her living room and straightening it up while half-holding her cell to her ear.  

   “Michael, I hope you are enjoying the island. I am sorry I haven’t had the time to get back to you. It doesn’t look like there is going to be anytime to meet Anthony. He just flew back into town and we have to go to our rehearsal soon.”

   Michael laughed “Don’t worry Kristen. I know you are probably overwhelmed.” Kristen was happy that he was so understanding. He then said “I am going to come over and see you today because I know you will be too busy for good-byes tomorrow. I need to talk to you. Are you going to be at the house?” Kristen replied “Yes, for a little while, so please come by now. Then I have to get over to the church. I will see you soon. Bye!” She put down the phone and was excited about seeing him again. She was glad they could be alone.

   She waited for him out on the front walk. A half-hour later, the rental pulled up. Michael pulled his 6’3-foot frame out of the tiny sports car. He looked fantastic and was fully dressed in a dark business suit.  He was carrying a bouquet of exotic flowers and walked up to her, then kneeled down to present them to her.

   He bowed his head and said “Only the best for such a beautiful woman.” He rose and placed them into her hands. Kristen giggled. “Thank you, sir! How lovely.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek, his cologne was heavenly.

   Michael looked around and immediately asked “Is Tony here?” Kristen said “No. He is meeting me at the rehearsal. He is busy rounding up his family.” Michael looked relieved “Great! Can we drive over to the beach?” Kristen said “That will be nice.”

   He opened the door of the car for her and held her hand to guide her in. As he got in next to her, Michael gave a long look into her eyes. Kristen gazed back at him for a moment, and then cocked her head curiously, before pulling her eyes away. She was starting to feel a little warm.

   He started the car up, drove past the beach that was by the house, and kept going. Kristen watched the side of his face and thought about how chiseled his profile looked. He kept driving until he reached a magnificent stretch of road overlooking the finest views of the ocean that Palm Beach had to offer.

   He backed the car into a parking spot across the street. With the excitement of a child, Kristen asked “Do you want to walk along the shore? We can’t access any beach here.” She pointed “I know of a little pathway off the side down there.” Michael said “I’m game” and stood up outside the car taking off his suit coat. He reached down and untied his shoes. Kristen got out and walked around the hood. She put a hand on his back while she steadied herself removing her sandals. Walking carefully over the hot cement, Michael helped her down a small incline which led to a very narrow, long strip of sand.

   They were now hidden from the street above. The ocean majestically laid itself before them. It was a
windy day and the tide was in. Large waves rolled by and splashed up against the gray and weathered boulders. Kristen could feel the mist in her hair and loved the salt spray on her face.

   The two of them walked along the shore while Kristen poked nonchalantly at the tiny sea shells, sorting them with her toes. Michael paused and sat down on a wide rock halfway in the water. He rolled up his pant legs and reached for Kristen to sit next to him. The surface was soft and they let their feet dangle in the water. She felt like they were teens again back on Lake Michigan

   Michael said slowly “I can see why you want to live here. It is so peaceful.” She nodded and smiled. He continued “Kristen, I have missed you greatly for all these years. I can’t believe that I didn’t try harder to talk to you when I ran into you. But you were always with someone and I was afraid to get you alone. I feared that you didn’t share that need to be with me. You need to know this now.” He paused and looked nervous. “I think I have always been in love with you ever since that kiss on the yacht back when we were kids.”

     She looked at him in total surprise. He put his arm around her and pulled her closer whispering “I have always wished that it had led to something more.” Kristen touched