Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 49

his arm “I never thought you cared.” Michael kissed her gently and looked at her. Then, he kissed her again deeply. Kristen fell into his strong arms and became lost in the past. For the first time in such a long while she felt the dark veil lift off of her and she rejoiced in the feeling of how wonderful it was to love someone! It was overwhelming how fast her old feelings re-surfaced. They clung to each other for minutes.

       She felt so special and protected being with Michael. He kissed her harder and passionately started in on her neck. She arched her back while his firm hands moved across her. He sweetly laid her on the rock with his arm for her pillow and smiled lovingly down at her as he began to explore her body with his lips. He began to slowly unbutton the front of her dress. Always the helpless romantic, she could only think of Michael now. She wanted him to make love to her and be as close as he could…

       A giant cold and angry wave crashed on top of the couple and pulled them violently away from each other, and off the slab. Kristen was submerged under the water and struggled as her back scraped along the coral bottom. She started choking as the water filled her lungs.

     Michael managed to pull himself up as he trudged through the churning waist-high currents looking for Kristen. He finally spotted her and swiftly reached down to help her. He held onto her tightly as he carried her to the beach and carefully sat her down. She coughed for a while and shook the water off her head. Their moment had been swept away.

   “Oh, damn! My hair is ruined.” They both laughed. Kristen looked down and started adjusting her dress “I need to get back to the house and get myself fixed up. I only have an hour.” Michael was concerned “Are you sure you feel alright? I can bring the car closer to the hill.” Kristen said “I’m OK, how are you?” His expensive suit pants were sopping wet and sandy. Michael said “It’s going to be a drag getting the car all wet.” Kristen added “Yeah, and in this humidity, it will never dry!” Holding hands, they ran up the hill to the lot. 

   When they got back in the car, it was like leaving a time tunnel. Kristen pulled her hand back from his and started looking at her nails to see if her polish chipped. Michael turned to her smiling and said “Well…?” Kristen seemed withdrawn.

   She was now obviously back in the present with a myriad of responsibilities facing her and her love for Anthony still intact. She cut him off, “Honestly, Michael, I think that all this has ever been about was that “ancient kiss” looking for a resolution.” Businesslike, she wiped some more sand off her neck. “You should have looked for me sooner and maybe if that had happened, things could have been different. I really need to get over to the rehearsal.”

   She looked down at the door handle. She knew she was avoiding some heartfelt issues, because Kristen did feel strongly for Michael. But she couldn’t let him know it or he would stop her plans. Even though Anthony seemed to be distant at times and more interested in being in New York, he was still the one she wanted unless something else changed everything.  She couldn’t sabotage her life any longer for a moment that couldn’t easily define its outcome.

   Without saying anything more to him, Michael understood what she was thinking. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed back to Anthony’s to deliver his bride.

   Kristen was running late and rummaged through her closet to grab her special dress that she was wearing to the rehearsal and dinner. She was very upset that the water wrecked her hair. There was no time to get a hair dresser over there. She was tempted to go look for an old wig she had for just this reason, but feared it was in an unmarked box somewhere. She heavily moussed her ends and holding her head upside down, she voraciously blew it with a dryer as she saturated it with styling spray. The results made her look a bit wild and rough around the edges, instead of the sophisticated look that her dress called for.

   Anthony had arranged for a limousine to pick her up. She had just finished slapping on her make-up when the driver pulled up and called on her cell. She hurriedly applied her lipstick as she went out to the driveway.

   As they made their way along the ocean, the water was darkening and Kristen turned to her right to see the sun setting to the west over the treetops. It was a beautiful night. She calmed down a bit and was looking forward to meeting everyone. She was especially anxious to see Anthony again.

  The church was dark, but the altar area was lit up. Anthony had a special agreement with the priest to enable them to come there this late instead of the afternoon. All of the wedding party was standing up there watching the door. As Kristen walked through it, they looked relieved. Anthony walked down the aisle with a frown on his face to greet her. He gave her a quick and worried kiss on her forehead.

   Pulling hard on her arm, he said “You look like you’re ready to hit the clubs. What’s with the hair?” Kristen felt a bit annoyed “I had some disasters trying to get ready.” Anthony snapped, “I really need you to make a good impression. My family doesn’t think I’ve known you long enough.” Kristen was wondering where this nasty attitude came from. She teared up a bit and just looked steadfastly ahead. She then took her first look at his three sisters standing in the front. She couldn’t help but be amused and thought, “He’s worried about what I look like?”

   As Marco had told her, they were very tall! The oldest of the girls had big hair, a low-cut orange top, and a very tight purple mini skirt with tiger stripes on it. Kristen swore she could hear her popping her gum. The other two were a little more toned down, but definitely not by Palm Beach standards, not even Long Island’s. His two brothers were standing off to the side with his mother and some unidentified “hot girl”. Kristen looked again. She definitely was not in the family. She was beautiful with a super model look. She had very straight long blonde hair and was wearing a chic outfit.

   Kristen nudged Anthony in the ribs. “Who’s that?” He said quietly “That’s Antonia, my ex-fiancée, she flew down with us.” Kristen said “Are you kidding? I thought she died?” Anthony dismissed her “Not the time to discuss.” He walked off to talk to the priest.

   Kristen really couldn’t believe how he was acting. Was this all show for his group? Kristen went up to say hello to his brothers Marco and Vincente. They were both wearing pin stripes and wide ties and looking at her like wolves. Marco leaned over and whispered something in Vincente’s ear and they both grinned. Like Marco, he also wore his hair slicked back. They had the gangster look that Kristen loved.

   As she came closer, she could tell Marco had a very large gun in a holster inside his suit coat. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and handed her a small jewelry box. He was on his best behavior now. With his thick New York accent he said “Kristen, it is great to see you again! Here’s something blue for my new sister.” Kristen opened it up. It was a beautiful sapphire necklace. “It’s wonderful Marco, just like the ocean. I love it!” He was very happy and gave her a big hug.

   Vincente raised himself up on his toes and gave her a light embrace. He said warmly “Welcome to our family.” Kristen said “Thank you! I look forward to getting to know my other new brother-in-law. I hope we can find the time during dinner.”

   Marco eagerly brought her over to his mother Sophia. She greeted her in Italian and they conversed for a short while. Kristen then kissed her on the cheek and held her hand while they waited for the rehearsal to begin.

   The quasi-ceremony went without a hitch. While they were waiting for the limos to take them to the dinner afterwards, Ashley was now acting quite dishonorable with Marco. They were sitting on a bench outside with his hand under her dress and well above her knee. She had her eyes closed and looked a little too relaxed.

   Anthony helped stuff Kristen, three bridesmaids, her Godfather, his mother and sisters into the first stretch car that pulled up. Kristen watched as the other limo filled up with his brothers, Ashley, and Antonia. His ex-fiancée slid in very close to Anthony.

   Anthony’s car started to follow behind. Then it did a U-turn and tore off
in another direction. “What the hell!” Kristen said out loud. She couldn’t restrain it. One of his sisters laughed and said, “He probably forgot something at the house. I think they are all a little drunk, it was a long flight.”

   Kristen picked up her cell while stating “New York is not that far away.” She dialed Anthony, but it went to voicemail after a few rings. She didn’t leave a message. He knew it was her calling and she angrily forced the phone back into her small clutch.

   Kristen and the women waited at the restaurant’s bar for over an hour before Anthony showed up disheveled looking, with his shirt hanging out, obviously more drunk and laughing with his limo party, minus Marco and Ashley. Antonia was right by his side. Her hair was now clipped back.

   The bridal party had a private dining room reserved and the Maitre d’ was getting anxious. Anthony made a grand gesture to encourage them all to go into the table. He pulled Kristen behind. She said “Where were you? Where are Ashley and Marco?” Anthony chuckled “Where do you think? They’ll be here sooner or later. We dropped them off at Marco’s room at The Colony.”

   Kristen said with contempt “That’s just great. You know Ashley is engaged,