Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 6

You still want me, don’t you? My name is William, and you are Kristen. Am I correct?” Kristen looked a bit puzzled. She had never seen him before or she would have remembered. She wondered how he knew her name. The bartender came sheepishly back up to him. “Excuse me, Mr. Bensinger. Can I get you some strawberries?” William replied “I’m alright, but you better go check up on our other guests who are still left at the end of the bar.”

   Kristen inquired “You own this place?” The mystery thickened. William smiled at her without an answer. He had turned his head away and Kristen saw that he was looking toward a matronly, jewel-soaked, and overbearing woman who she knew was Liz, a regular. Liz walked over and pushed her way in between them. She shoved her ample chest in his face and said “I think it’s time to go now William, I’m tired!” He replied “You go on. I’ll be there in a bit.” He refused to say another word or even look at her. She gave Kristen a murderous look and huffed out.

   William administered another glass for himself and quickly gulped it down. He said “So much about me. What about you?” Kristen smiled. He reached over for her hand and said “Let’s dance.” The piano player was tapping out a romantic tune. William put his arm around her, drawing her very close. With her head resting on his shoulder, she knew this was the beginning of a long acquaintance. They danced and talked for the rest of the hour. 

   Kristen could see out of the corner of her eye that the place was slowly emptying out. Soon the lights were turned even lower and they were the only ones left. The ice was melted and the piano became quieter. He kissed her on the forehead, gave her his business card, and led her to the front of the lounge area. She stumbled a little as she walked and pulled out her valet ticket.

   William looked concerned and said “You’re not driving. Cabaret keeps a suite at the Hilton for our favorite patrons.” Kristen quickly replied “I am not drunk. I am just very tired and trying to break in these new shoes." William smiled “I’ll have my driver take you over there and one of the boys will drop your car off in the hotel lot so you’ll have it in the morning.” William added “Actually, I can come and fetch you for lunch.” Kristen said “Thank you; it is a long drive home. I would rather do it in the afternoon.”

   The limo pulled up. William opened the door for her and gave her a long and meaningful kiss as he placed her inside.   As they drove off, Kristen could see that he was still watching her. She looked back at him as he walked across the street from Cabaret and into one of the ultra-luxury high-rises that had just been built in the neighborhood.

   Kristen leaned forward from her seat and knocked on the driver’s privacy window. He slid it open. “Who is he?” The chauffeur politely told her that he had no information to offer. She realized she still had his business card clenched in her hand and looked at it. William was the CEO of one of the larger international corporations. It also sunk in that he was “The” William Bensinger who played golf with U.S. Presidents and was the benefactor of many. He was very well known and was always in the papers.  Susan saw that he had written down his private number at work and his cell phone. She smiled as she secured this treasure in her purse.

   The limo pulled up to the Hilton. The night manager came out and personally escorted her up to her suite. She collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.

   When she woke, she opened the curtains and could tell the sun was high in the sky. She guessed it must have been around noon. She noticed the message light on the hotel phone was blinking, so she pushed it to listen.

  “Good morning Kristen.” It was William! He said “I am hard at work right now and I am sure it is late in the morning by the time you are listening to this. When you are ready, just go to the front desk and they will bring your car around. Feel free to get some lunch first and charge it to my account.”

   Kristen showered and dressed. She was embarrassed that she was still wearing nightclub garb and it was obvious she had stayed out all night. The fact it was a week-day made it all look even worse. She went to the front lobby pulling her coat around her to hide her sparkly dress. 

   Her car was brought quickly to the front and she got in. She took another peek at William’s business card. She noticed his office building was close-by, so in a bold move she pulled up in front of it and dialed his cell. Surprisingly, he answered it. “Hi, it’s Kristen. I’m in front of your building. Why don’t you come and have lunch with me like you said you wanted to last night?” William laughed “Tell you what. Let’s get a liquid lunch over at the Palmer House. Just pull your car into our parking garage and I’ll meet you at the door there.”

   As she waited for him, Kristen felt even more embarrassed as she stood on the busy business district street in her four inch heels. She felt like a hooker and wished that night would come again so she would feel more comfortable. She pulled her hair over to the sides to hide her dangling earrings.

   A black limousine pulled up. The tinted back window lowered a few inches and two fingers stuck out wiggling at her. William and the driver both emerged to let her in the back door. William waved him off, and with a sweeping grand gesture, he opened it himself. He gave her a little pinch on the rear as she climbed in. It felt very cozy being with him on the spacious leather seats. He eased her shoulders back down and climbed on top of her passionately smothering her with kisses.   

    Kristen pushed him away. “Whoa Cowboy! You’re going to have to wine a dine me first. A lot!” He gathered himself together and sat back away from her laughing. “Oh, come on, you’re not an easy girl?” Kristen laughed and answered quickly. “Not until I get a lot of money and some jewelry out of you first. Just kidding. You know it’s all about the pursuit. Right?”

   He looked at her wisely. “It’s all too true” He nodded his head with a mocked sadness and then dropped it to his chest, like he ran out of air. He then popped up and started tickling her. “Come on fun girl. Let’s go!”

   They had now pulled up in front of the Palmer House. He put his arm around her as they walked downstairs to the world famous Tiki Bar. As they sat down, Kristen glanced around at the tropical setting. William said “What will it be? Food or Booze?” She answered “How about both? I’ll take a steak sandwich and a Mai Tai.” “I concur” he said and summoned the waiter.

   William seemed very relaxed. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned it off saying “I guess the world will have to wait.” He took a long sip of his drink, drew Kristen closer, and began kissing her neck. They seemed to be the only ones in there now. The lunch hour rush was over.

   They sat there for hours pounding down island drinks one after another. William was getting loose and started telling her about his earlier years in the Air Force and about his rise in the business world. He told her that he had his wife safely tucked away in the distant suburbs and that she was completely aware of both his business dealings and his philandering. He said she didn’t mind that he kept his penthouse in the city and was only home a few days a week. It usually bothered Kristen if someone was married, but William had a long track record and it was obvious his wife didn’t care in the least. She really liked him and hoped they had a future together.

   They talked for a long time just holding hands and had a great time. People slowly started streaming back into the Tiki Bar for the after work Happy Hour. William took this as his cue to get out of there. Kristen wondered if he thought he would be noticed by someone. It would be great fodder for the tabloids. William was pretty buzzed and was staggering a bit. He leaned on Kristen for support. “Let’s go to my place”, he whispered in her ear and gave a little chew on her lobe. They plopped into his limousine and headed towards Michigan Avenue. He had one of the most prestigious addresses in town.

   They kissed as they went into the elevator and the attendant produced a key card, shooting them up non-stop to the top. She was surprised when the door opened onto the foyer of his actual residence. He owned the entire top floor.

   Kristen’s heels clicked on th
e exquisite marble floor. It was buffed to perfection. She gazed up at the dramatic cathedral ceilings and the carved woodwork. The walls were mirrored and Kristen thought of the Palace at Versailles when she saw them. She felt very small amidst this great opulence as she gazed at the antique furnishings. It felt like she was in an exclusive museum. “Please remove your shoes” William said as he worriedly looked down at her pointy heels. He surveyed the path she had taken across the floor to see if she had scratched it up yet.  

   Kristen took her shoes in hand and tiptoed over to the couch. “Not in here,” William said. He quickly grasped her arm and led her through to his bedroom. Kristen looked around at the very seductive setting. She wagered his wife had never been to William’s sex hideaway in the city. His boudoir was quite the opposite from the motif of the rest of the residence.

  William embraced her and bent his neck down to engage her lips as she weakened in his hold. He slowly loosened her clothing and massaged her skin filling her with sensation and longing. He kissed her even more strongly as she stood on her toes to reach him. Keeping his arms around her, he walked her over to his majestic bed.

   He laid her