Read The Devil's Intended-Love & Evil In Palm Beach Page 7

down without ever leaving her mouth and then draped himself over her body as he caressed her until she begged him to take her. He was a world-class lover and Kristen was entranced in his passion. When it ended, she lay still as he slowly pulled himself from her and went into the other room.

   William came back with a glass of water and stood above her looking down. Kristen looked fondly up at him and smiled. He leaned down and gave her a brief kiss. “We have to go; I have a business dinner.”

   The magic was over! Kristen looked disappointed. William thought “It would be nice if you came with me, but you can’t wear those clothes.” He handed her six hundred dollars. “Neiman Marcus is near-by. Go over there and spend this on something you love. Then meet me at The Italian Village. I’ll be there at 7:30 PM.” Kristen was worried. “Is it alright for you to be seen with me? You are married.” William chuckled “I am? That is never an issue. I’ll see you then.”

   William walked off to his study. Kristen enjoyed the luxury multi-head shower and quickly dressed. She walked out rubbing her hair with a towel. William didn’t look up from his papers and said “You can go get your locks styled too.” He held out two hundred dollars. He then turned in his chair “Make sure you are not late.”

   Kristen knew that it might be hard for William to fit her into his schedule. In between his mistress, his family, and his business, it left him with little time. Kristen knew that Liz had more pull on him than his wife and she was identified to be the only obstacle in the way to her goals.

   Kristen had a lovely dinner that evening. His two clients enjoyed her company and didn’t act like it was strange that she joined them. Before dessert, William took her downstairs and said “Don’t you think that dress is kind of short?” He stood her in front of a hall mirror and pointed. Her tight dress had worked its way up and was sitting at the top of her thighs. “Whoops” she said and pulled it down.

   William admonished her “You need to dress better than that if you wish to be seen with me.” He smiled and gave her rump a pat. “My fault, I guess I should have given you more money for the dress. Why don’t you go over to Cabaret, I will see you in one hour. I need to talk business now.” He handed her cab fare. “Thanks Daddy” Kristen said. William frowned at her.

   William showed up two hours later and had Kristen return with him to his Penthouse. They sat in his living room enjoying cocktails. His land phone kept ringing. After, the third time, he unplugged it from the wall. Kristen knew it was probably Liz calling and she obviously knew exactly who William was entertaining. She was afraid that any minute she would hear knocking on the door. It made it hard for her to enjoy William when he began making love to her again.

   When they were finished, Kristen decided that she did not want to get murdered in her sleep and told William that she was going home. He had his driver take her in the limousine back to her car. She was glad to see it. She needed her mobility.

   Kristen saw William frequently for the next two weeks. He always chose the finest restaurants and introduced her to several politicians and friends.

   Another steamy Wednesday night made its appearance. The city was always scorching compared to the suburbs. Once the sun set it just seemed like the humidity became even more overpowering. Kristen was in Cabaret where even the air conditioning in there was struggling to keep up. She was posed at a table with her summer drink displaying an abundance of orange slices hanging off the sides. Since it was mid-week, it was mostly only business parties and a few tourists present.

   Kristen was waiting for William to show up to take her out to a formal gala somewhere. She was wearing a sequined evening gown and had her hair in a low chignon. She looked quite dignified and about ten years older because her bangs weren’t hanging in her eyes. She knew that William would like this new look. She still wondered why he risked his reputation being seen with young women and old Liz when everyone knew he was very married.

   She thought about his relationship with Liz.  She doubted the old bag accompanied him all that much. She had that spent, cheap hooker look with that awful blonde dye job and fake eyelashes. She wasn’t one to show off to others.

   The businessmen went back and forth from their tables and gave Kristen a grin as they walked by her. They were down to their shirt sleeves and working themselves up on the dance floor with the few girls that were in there. Kristen chose to remain cool and turned down a few offers to whoop it up.

   She twiddled her ice cubes around with her straw and was feeling impatient. She thought “How long is William going to be?” She wanted to get out of there before Liz came in. She felt that there would be a confrontation if Liz knew where William was taking her. Usually, Liz just ignored her. Kristen wondered why she still wanted William when he was obviously falling for Kristen. If, Kristen truly wanted William, it would only be when he was ready to leave his wife for her. Right now, she was fine with their situation.

   A tall man with dark blonde hair wearing a suit strode past her and Kristen gave him a smile. The man almost reached the table where his work companions sat, when he did a double-take and came back toward her. “Kristen? Kristen Stratford?” She answered “Yes, I am. Do I know you?” He looked excited and sat next to her “Sure, you do. It’s me! Michael Hansen, your childhood friend. Come on. It hasn’t been that long.”

   She said happily “Of course it is. I was being spacey. I didn’t recognize you in a suit. Michael, you look great! How are you?” He said “I’m doing very well. I am here with some of my company’s executives for dinner.” He pointed over toward them. He pushed her drink slightly out of his way and kissed her on her cheek. “Yum, Yum, you smell delicious. And you look gorgeous! Going out with your husband after this?” Kristen said “I’m not married, just waiting for my boyfriend, he owns this place.”

   Michael looked confused and said “William Bensinger is your boyfriend? Isn’t he kind of old for you? He looks kind of like your father.” He then laughed “Do you have some kind of Daddy complex going on?” Kristen was very annoyed by his comment. “He’s not that old. He’s a wonderful man.” She said sarcastically “So, Michael, where’s your wife?” He answered “Never married, still can’t find the right woman.” He gave Kristen a sad look like she should understand what he meant. Kristen looked him over and said politely “Well, you are quite a catch, and still young, shouldn’t be long.” He looked into her eyes. “Kristen, there is something I need to ask you…”

   One of his dinner friends came up and interrupted him. “Mike. I’ve got Pittsburgh calling on my cell. You need to come over and talk to him.” Michael looked at him and nodded his head. “Kristen, I have to go, it’s an important call.” He leaned closer to her “I really need to talk to you. I will be right back.”

   Kristen started to finish up her drink. She wondered what Michael had to say to her that was so important. He looked very handsome and very successful. She was curious what business he was in. She had a faraway look in her eyes when William finally came up to her.

   “You look marvelous! Are you ready to go?” Kristen managed a weak “Oh. Hi William. Of course, I am ready. I’ve been waiting for a while.” William looked apologetic. “Sorry. I am having business problems. Let’s vamoose!” William was wearing his black tuxedo. “Well, don’t you look handsome” Kristen said as she looked him over and perked up. “This must be some special place we are going to.”

   She glanced over at Michael. He was still on the phone and with his other hand he was lighting the cigarette of a lanky brunette wearing a crimson Dior number. Kristen speculated “That’s probably his girlfriend. What’s he doing with a smoker? He is too much of a jock.” Kristen was surprised that she felt jealous.

   She was looking forward to going out with William, but also did not want to leave Michael. He still made her heart pound out of her chest and she needed to resolve these unfinished feelings for him. She wanted to give him her number, but there was no easy way to do it, and she knew William w
ould not like that at all.

   She took William’s arm and they went outside to his waiting limousine. Kristen inquired “So, come on! Where are we going? What’s the big mystery?” William chuckled at her “My princess, you are going to meet royalty tonight!” Kristen’s eyes grew wide! “Are you kidding? We’re going to that ball at the Field Museum?” William said “That’s right! Are you excited?” Kristen nudged his shoulder “Of course I am! That gala is one of the most happening events this year. You are such a Schnook not to tell me.” She laughed “I would have worn a tiara.”

   William said “I’m hoping to get a private dance with one of the royals that should be there. I am one of the biggest contributors to the charity and our table is right by the main one.” Kristen squeezed his hand and exclaimed "This is going to be fantastic William! Thank you.

   Unknown to Kristen, Michael Hansen noticed her leaving Cabaret and abruptly hung up on his important business call. He ran out after her, but was too late! Michael stood sadly in the middle of the street watching as Bensinger’s limousine headed off towards the east. Michael wanted her to know he always had special feelings for her since they were young, and that he