Read The Devil In Disguise (Bad Things #1) Page 2

Tall, probably around six foot two or six foot three, the guy totally dwarfed her. And he was strong—not in a bursting-at-the-seams body builder kind of way, but…with wide shoulders. A broad chest. And, the way that shirt was sticking to him as the wind battered against them…looks like a twelve pack going on there.

  His hair was thick and black. And his eyes—they were so dark and deep. When she’d first looked into them, she’d almost forgotten to breathe. He had a little cleft in his chin, a slightly hawkish nose, and lips that should have looked a little cruel but…

  Sexy. He just comes across as sexy. His appeal seemed to fill the very air around him.

  Yes, so she’d seriously miscalculated when it came to that part of the equation. The plan had been for him to want her. For him to be putty in her hands, but when Luke had kissed her…

  She’d wanted to jump his bones.

  Mina cleared her throat and tried to focus. She’d come too far to screw this up now. “Not many men have their own islands.”

  “I’m not many men.”

  Well, technically, she didn’t think he was a man. He was a whole lot more.

  “How big is the island?” But she already knew. The place was—

  “Just over a hundred acres. It’s the biggest private island off the coast of the Keys.”

  It was a freaking billion dollar island and she could see it—right up ahead. A massive house was illuminated on the island, full of glass windows that shined out light. Gorgeous. Like something right out of a magazine.

  Who would have thought hell would be so pretty?

  The captain hurriedly secured the vessel and then Luke was walking her toward the dock. She scrambled out of the boat quickly, mostly because she didn’t want him putting his hands on her again, not yet, anyway. She needed to think.

  Step one…a very, very big step one had been getting to the island.

  Step two…that would be getting him alone. Convincing him that he had to give her a very special prize that she knew he kept inside his home.

  A treasure, of sorts. Though some said it was supposed to be more of a curse.

  “What’s the rush?” Luke asked as he moved behind her. The guy’s steps were perfectly steady on the dock. “We have all night.”

  No, they didn’t have all night. Because if he found out that she was working him, the guy would—well, she didn’t know what he’d do. But it wouldn’t be good.

  “I just want to be alone with you,” she said, turning to look at him from beneath her lashes. She made sure to inject power into her voice. No one had ever been able to resist her before, and he was showing signs of being just as susceptible as other men. So much for the all-powerful Luke Thorne. “Take me into your home.”

  “Of course.” He offered his arm to her. Very gentlemanly-like, but she didn’t think there was anything at all of the gentleman in him. It was his eyes that gave him away. They stared at her with a predatory intensity.

  He slowed his steps to match hers. A good thing considering the heels she wore should have been lethal weapons. She’d been focusing with all her might on not wobbling in them. Men liked sexy shoes, right? So she’d upped the sexy ante in order to catch Luke’s attention. But, since that first glance at the bar, he really hadn’t looked at the high heels again.

  But he did keep staring into her eyes, and…

  He opened the door to the house. Mansion. It is more of a mansion than anything else.

  “You don’t keep it locked?” she blurted. Seriously, what in the hell?

  He laughed. “I own the island.” And, with his left hand, he gestured around him. “I know every person who comes and goes.”

  Right. Got it. “You have security cameras in place.”

  He leaned toward her. His scent—masculine, crisp, and with the faintest hint of the ocean—teased her. “Even better. I’ve got the best guard dogs on earth.”

  Guard dogs? She tensed. Her voice wasn’t going to do anything to help charm guard dogs. Her power didn’t work on animals. “They’re locked up right now, aren’t they?” She wasn’t able to control the nervous hitch that broke through her words.

  He pushed open the door. “Um.”

  Um wasn’t an answer. She hurried in after him, nearly tripping, dammit, in her shoes. Ridiculous heels. “Tell me…are the dogs chained up?”

  His dark head angled back toward her. He had the most gorgeous, golden hued skin. “Of course not. If they’re locked up, how would they protect my island? Besides, beasts like to roam free.”

  A shudder worked along her body. She hadn’t come prepared for the dogs.

  Immediately, Luke wrapped his arm around her and drew her closer to his body. “You’re cold.”

  No, she was terrified. Big difference.

  “I can warm you up.” His voice was low and seductive and she had no doubt that the guy could probably warm every woman on the planet. Luke Thorne was pure sex appeal, and she was not immune to him at all. When he’d been kissing her, Mina was pretty sure that her toes had been curling. Unacceptable. Wrong. Because he was wrong.

  They were in the foyer of his home. A glittering chandelier was overhead, and she was standing on gleaming white marble. The place even smelled expensive.

  “How about I take you up to my bedroom?” Luke offered. “I’m sure you will be plenty warm there.”

  His touch was pretty much already singing her. As close as she was to his body, there was no way for Mina to miss Luke’s arousal. And if she went up that curving staircase with him…She swallowed. “A tour,” Mina blurted.

  His brows rose.

  So she tried again, injecting as much power into her voice as she could. “Take me on a tour of your house. Show me everything. All your secrets.” Because she had to find one secret item in particular, and she figured it was probably hidden in a very sturdy safe some place.

  He blinked at her. For a moment, Luke looked confused. She figured the confusion was probably due to two reasons. Reason one…

  No woman had ever turned down an invitation to his bedroom.

  Reason two…

  Is this the first time you’ve ever been under someone else’s control?

  She was willing to bet it was. After all, Luke was a very, very powerful being. He was rumored to control the darkness in the world. To control all the creatures that used that dark…

  Vampires. Werewolves. Demons.

  And even people like me. Because despite her efforts—all her life—Mina knew the truth about herself. She wasn’t good. No, she was far, far from good. That was why she was there…about to literally rob the Lord of the Dark.

  She just hoped her plan didn’t go to shit.

  He was still staring at her. She smiled at him and let her body lean into his. Mina ran her index finger over his chest. “I’d love to know everything about you…please show me your home.”

  His jaw locked. “I know just where we can start.”

  If he said the bedroom again…

  He backed away. Offered her his hand. “Did you know the back wing of the house used to be a prison?”

  A what now? Her fingers linked with his. “N-no, I didn’t.”

  “Dry Tortugas isn’t far from here.” He looked back at her. “Ever been there?”

  “No.” This was her first trip to the Keys. But she knew about Dry Tortugas. “That’s the National Park, right?” She tried not to gawk as he led her through the house. She could practically smell the money in the air. Giant pieces of artwork were perfectly hung, expensive vases gleamed, thick rugs cradled her heels…apparently, it paid very, very well to rule the dark.

  “Dry Tortugas is a National Park now, yes, but during the Civil War, the fort on Dry Tortugas was used as a prison.” His fingers tightened around hers. “What most people don’t know is that a prison was also built on this island, too. But the prison here wasn’t for Union deserters. It was for people who committed much, much darker crimes.”

  There was a door up ahead. Only it wasn’t fancy like the o
thers in the house. It seemed to be a big, heavy metal door. A keypad was near the doorknob. Luke paused a moment and typed in a code. There was a little beep and then the door opened.

  He waved her forward.

  She didn’t move. Mina gave a nervous laugh. “I’m not like…walking through the doorway to hell or anything, am I?” She asked the question just to be safe.

  His head cocked as he studied her. “This is the second time you’ve mentioned hell to me.” He paused a beat. “Any particular reason why?”

  Mina swallowed. “No. Sorry.” And she squared her shoulders and walked through that doorway. Immediately, the world grew darker. There were no more fancy rugs. No more glittering chandeliers or beautiful artwork. She was in a rough, carved stone tunnel. Old, so old…the air itself felt stale. The door clanged shut behind her and Mina jumped.

  “Hope I didn’t scare you,” Luke murmured.

  You do. You scare me a whole lot. I just can’t let that fear stop me. “Don’t be silly,” she said, tossing her hair over her shoulder—Mina thought that was a rather nice touch. “What’s frightening about you?” Only everything.

  His body slid past hers in that narrow tunnel. There were lights on the stone floor—faint lights that seemed to just come out from the stone itself. Because those lights were down so low, shadows filled the area. It felt tight, too compacted and—

  He was leaving her. Never, ever let it be said that Luke Thorne was a gentleman. Behind him, she glowered, then Mina’s heels clicked as she double-timed it to keep up with him.

  Soon the tunnel was ending. Another door waited, with another keypad. Only this door was thicker than the one before. Once more, she gave a nervous laugh when he typed in the code. “Just what kind of criminals needed to be kept here, exactly?” And why was there a modern key code set up at an old prison?

  Because, obviously, he still uses this place.

  She’d been looking for a safe that hid his most valuable possessions. She’d used her power to compel Luke to show her his secrets. So maybe he used the old prison as his safe now. Excitement had her heart racing.

  The door swung inward but Luke had turned to face her. His gaze—hooded—swept over her. “Very, very bad criminals.” His voice was even rougher now. “The kind of criminals that needed to be locked away from the rest of the world.”

  Her goosebumps were huge. Every instinct she had screamed for Mina to run. She felt as if she were in the scary movies she’d watched so much as a teen. She was the heroine, about to make a seriously stupid move. She should run away. Run, run but…

  I can’t leave. I need that treasure too badly. More than just her life was at stake.

  So she pasted a broad smile on her face and stepped right up to him. Her breasts pressed to his chest and her fingers skimmed down his arm. “What do you know about being bad?” She injected just the right note of flirtation in her voice. Just the right hint of sly seduction that would whisper through his mind and control him.

  He leaned toward her and she felt his body tense. “Everything,” he told her, his voice so dark and sinister.

  And she believed him.

  Her heart stuttered in her chest for a moment, but she rose onto her toes. Mina pressed a light, teasing kiss to his lips. “Then maybe you can show me.”

  His eyes—they seemed to change. To shine. His stare hardened with promise. “I will.”

  She licked her lips, a quick, nervous swipe of her tongue, and he gave a little growl.

  I am so out of my depth.

  She had to keep her control, for just a little bit longer. He was blocking that doorway. She needed him to move. “Take me inside,” she said.

  His head inclined. “Only if you promise the same for me.”

  He had not just said that to her—she barely stopped her jaw from dropping but he was…laughing now. A rough, almost sinister chuckle and he’d turned to step through that doorway. His fingers had locked around her wrist, and he pulled her after him. Her eyes widened, straining to see in the darker room. Only…it wasn’t just a room.

  It was a massive space. Big, wide and not filled with the treasures that she’d hoped. Dammit.

  There were cells in that room. Prison cells. The bars were thick and heavy, gleaming as if they were made of silver. Her frantic gaze swung around but, luckily, no one was in those cells.

  They were empty, as if they were just waiting.

  And, quite suddenly, she had an idea. A wicked one, for a wicked man.

  “Your turn,” Luke said.

  Her turn? She looked over her shoulder at him, and the desire on his face told her exactly what he wanted.

  Only if you promise to do the same for me. His words rang through her head once more.

  Tricky devil. But Mina had her town tricks. She thrust back her shoulders and walked inside the nearest cell. The door was wide open. No furniture was inside the cell—it was empty and yawning and being inside was creepier than all hell but she walked right to the middle of the cell. She turned to face Luke. She smiled at him and then she crooked her finger.

  He raised one dark brow.

  “Oh, come on…surely you have a…dark side,” Mina said.

  Luke didn’t smile. “You have no idea.”

  Oh, she had plenty of ideas. But he wasn’t coming forward. She needed him to get his ass in there. “Come kiss me,” Mina invited. No, an invitation wouldn’t work. “Come and kiss me,” she ordered him.

  He stalked toward her, moving with a slow, dangerous grace. His gaze never left hers, and there was no missing the hunger in his stare, a wild desire that would have terrified her, if she hadn’t thought that she could keep controlling him. But she could keep up that control. For just a little while longer, anyway.

  His hand lifted and sank into her hair, tipping her head back. His other arm curled around her waist, pulling her forward.

  And he kissed her.

  He nearly devoured her.

  In all of Mina’s twenty-eight years, she’d never been kissed quite that way. With a passion that burned through her whole body. With a need that made her ache. He wasn’t careful or gentle. Luke was rough and domineering and the guy could just use his tongue so, so well.

  Her fingers curled around his shoulders. The plan had been to distract him but…surely, kissing him just a little longer wouldn’t hurt.

  Just a little…longer…

  He knew how to kiss. How to use his tongue. How to lick. How to make her body ignite. He pulled her closer and she barely felt it when his fingers trailed down to the hem of her shirt. She was just—lost to that kiss. Enjoying him, letting herself go when she shouldn’t.

  Then she felt the quick touch of air on her skin. He’d lifted up her shirt. His fingers—warm and slightly callused at the tips—were on her bare skin and she—she liked his touch. She wanted his fingers to keep rising. She wanted his fingers on her breasts, wanted her whole body naked while he touched her and—


  She pushed against his chest. Stared into his eyes. In that gleaming stare, she saw her own desire staring back at her, and Mina wondered just what sort of powers Luke truly possessed. Because he was certainly making her lose her reason.

  All for a kiss.

  She had to stop him. No, she had to stop herself. “Strip,” she said, and there was more than seduction and power in her voice. There was desperation because she was losing herself. So very fast. “Strip for me, Luke.”

  He smiled. Oh, that smile was trouble. Slow and seductive, it stretched his lips. Then he said, “Only if you promise to do the same for me.”

  The same words he’d given her before. She didn’t speak, mostly because she didn’t trust herself to lie right then. She did manage a stumbling nod.

  He moved away from her, circling around her body, putting himself in just the position that she’d wanted.

  Now she stood between him and the cell door. So close…

  His hands went to the buttons on his shirt. Staring at her, he slowl
y began to unbutton them.

  She took a step back.

  More golden skin was revealed. Strong muscles. That definite twelve pack she’d suspected. Her mouth got very, very dry.

  The shirt hit the floor.

  And his hands went to his pants.

  “Keep going.” The order was for him and for herself. Because this was her chance. His head tilted down as he started to unhook his belt.

  She bolted for the cell door.

  “Mina?” Her name was a question.

  She slammed the door shut. The key was still in the lock—she’d seen that when she first walked into the cell. A shiny new key and lock on a cell that shouldn’t have even been there. But it was—it was a prison in a modern-day paradise and she was going to use that cell to her advantage. Cell. Cage. Same thing right now.

  “Mina!” Now her name was a roar—an infuriated bellow. He ran for the door.

  She yanked the key to the side, locking the cell and she jerked that key back, tumbling away even as his hand shot through the bars. He came inches away from grabbing her shirt-front. She fell, landing hard on her ass as she stared up at him.

  Rage poured from his eyes. Hot and scorching. “Unlock the cell.”

  She shook her head, honestly too terrified to speak in that moment. Power seemed to crackle in the air around him.

  His hand slid back through the bars. He stared at her, his rage just deepening.

  “Sweetheart,” the word was a growl, not an endearment. “You don’t want me for an enemy.”

  Too late, she was pretty sure he already was her enemy. She backed away from him, moving like a crab until she hit the wall. Then she started hauling herself up, hoping her trembling knees would straighten up. Her hand slammed into some kind of—of button on the wall. A button she hadn’t even seen but she felt the depression beneath her fingers.

  A slow stream of gas spread into the cell that caged Luke. He looked up at the gas. “Fucking hell.”

  Uh, oh. She started to choke on the gas. It was burning her eyes, her mouth, her—

  “Get out, sweetheart. Get the fuck out now,” he ordered her. His eyes still gleamed. “When I wake up…I’m coming for you.”

  She stumbled toward the heavy door, that gas was still burning her, and when she looked back at him—