Read The Devil In Disguise (Bad Things #1) Page 3

  Luke had sunk to his knees in that cell. “Get out,” he gritted at her.

  She frowned. He was…protecting her? No, no, that didn’t make any sense. She covered her mouth and ran to the doorway. She entered that little tunnel and felt the rush of cool air around her body. Air was being pumped into the tunnel—she could feel it. Not stale air, not any longer. Fresh and clear. She gulped it greedily.

  Then she thought about Luke.

  And she wondered just what she’d done to him. Careful now, Mina tip-toed back into the area that held all of those cells. She didn’t hear the hiss of the gas any longer. But her eyes started to burn and…

  Luke was in his cell. On the floor. Not moving.

  Did I just kill the Lord of the Dark?

  She raced toward him, only realizing right then that her left hand still clutched the key to his cell. She shoved the key in the lock, she started to open that cell.

  And his body began to jerk.

  Mina froze.

  Chapter Three

  “Are you okay?” The voice floated to Luke. Worried, scared.

  Most people were scared when they talked to him. If they were sane, anyway.

  He wasn’t so sure she was sane.

  “Please don’t be dead. I mean, I know you’re not dead, I can see your body moving but…don’t die. That’s what I meant. Please don’t die on me. I need you.”

  Did she? How very interesting. He put his hands down on the stone floor. Hands that still belonged to a man, not a beast. For the moment.

  “You’re moving again,” she said, relief thickening the words. “That’s good.”

  Good for him. Not so good for her. Luke opened his eyes and stared at her through the bars. He was on his hands and knees, crouched like an animal. And she stood there, so dangerously close to the cell, her eyes wide and worried. Her face was still as beautiful as before, a face made for seduction, and her body was the best fucking temptation he’d seen in ages but… “Your voice is different.”

  She blinked at him. Her eyes weren’t shining with power right then. Because I’d been unconscious? Because she hadn’t needed to work her magic on me when I was out fucking cold?

  Her lips parted. She was about to speak—and he strongly suspected the woman was about to try and control him again. Sorry, sweetheart. Not happening.

  In an instant, he’d sprung across the cell. She cried out in surprise—the only sound she was able to make—before his hands shot through the cell. One hand locked around her waist. That’s what happens when you stand too close. And the other slapped over her mouth, smothering her cries.

  She stared at him in absolute horror, her eyes wide and desperate. “I had two options,” he told her. “I could have locked my fingers around your throat and just squeezed…that would have stopped you from talking, too.”

  At those words, her gaze wasn’t just desperate, it was horrified.

  His jaw locked. He…didn’t like that look of horror, not from her. Despite the shit the woman had pulled, he didn’t want her looking at him as if he were the monster. Even if he was. “I didn’t go with that option,” he muttered. “Obviously.”

  She twisted in his grip. He laughed. He had enhanced strength. Even the strongest shifters in the world couldn’t beat him when it came to raw power. She wasn’t getting away.

  But, because of the way he held her, Mina’s left hand was free—and just out of his reach. That left hand held the key. A key he needed.

  His strength was great but the cell he was currently trapped inside of had been built—by fucking him—to hold all sorts of paranormal predators in check. He couldn’t break the bars. He needed… “The key,” he snapped. “Give it to me, now.”

  Over his hand, her wide eyes jerked to the left, as if she’d just remembered the key. Her fingers twitched when her hand moved.

  “Good girl,” he said, “that wasn’t—”

  She threw the key—threw it far out of his reach.

  “Bad girl,” he snarled. His hold on her tightened. “Very, very bad.”

  She was trying to mutter behind his hand. He shook his head. “You think I don’t get it? The power is in your voice. Despite what you think, I’m not the type normally led around by my dick.” Though she’d sure done that to him, before the gas. “So to fix this…I can just make sure you don’t speak again.”

  That horror deepened in her stare. He growled again. She needed to stop looking at him that way. His gaze raked her. “Maybe it was the drinks…I’m not normally susceptible, not to any damn one, but you caught me on an off night.” And he needed to test himself…that was why he was easing his grip on her. That was why he was moving his fingers away from her mouth. Just that reason and not because he wanted to ease the horror and fear in her stare.

  Her breath heaved out. She stared at him, and…she didn’t make a sound.

  Now she gets quiet?

  “Who are you?” Luke demanded.

  “I-I told you…I’m Mina. Mina James.”

  So he’d asked the wrong question. “What are you?”

  She stumbled away from the cell. If he went by her expression, he would have thought the question hurt her. He rubbed his chest. His naked chest. Luke glanced around. Right. She’d told him to strip and he’d just tossed off his shirt for her.

  “What do you think I am?” Her voice was husky, sexy, but it didn’t ring with the note of power he remembered. The power that had been there before he’d gotten knocked out by the gas.

  The gas had been another one of his inventions. A bit of magic and science. Only he’d never expected to be on the receiving end of that dosage.

  “Luke,” she bit off his name. “What am I?”

  Curious, he looked back at her. Maybe she didn’t know. He wasn’t one hundred percent sure himself, but he still guessed, “A siren?”

  Her lips parted but no denial burst from her.

  He nodded. “Makes sense. Sexy face, sexy body. Built to tempt.” Once more, his gaze swept over her. Damn. “Every single part of you. Especially the voice.” But if that were the case, then she would be under his dominion. Sirens were dark creatures. Her power shouldn’t have worked on him. “I had too freaking much to drink,” he groused. His hand rubbed over his face. And another thought struck him. “How long was I out?” Because he didn’t feel even a little drunk any longer. Sure, he had an extremely fast metabolism—a nice paranormal bonus but—

  “A-a while,” she said. “I don’t know exactly…I was afraid to leave you but…” She pulled out her phone. Stared at the screen a moment, then said, “Had to be at least two hours.”

  Two hours wasn’t so bad. Most paranormals would have been knocked out for at least twelve. And with two hours…I’d be able to push the alcohol out of my system. His hands curled around the bars. “What do you want from me?”

  She sucked in a sharp breath, as if gathering courage, then she looked him right in the eye again. Her eyes brightened with her power and Luke knew she was getting ready to use her magic on him. His hold tightened on the bars, his hands turning white as she said—

  “I want the jewel. I need the Eye of Hell.”


  She swallowed. “You will give me the Eye of Hell.”

  His right hand slowly unfurled from the bar. He lifted his hand.

  She stepped toward him.

  He curled his finger at her, the same way she’d done for him.

  She inched closer. “You have it on you?”

  “No, sweetheart, I don’t.”

  Her shoulders fell. “But you will give it to me. You’ll tell me where it is. How to use it. You will give me the Eye—”

  Luke started laughing.

  “Uh, want to share what’s so funny?”

  It took him a moment to quell his laughter. And, damn, but the woman was even sexy when she was mad. When she had that little furrow between her brows and her plump lips tightened and a hint of red touched her cheeks.

  “Share,” she blasted at

  “You’re what’s funny.”

  The red in her cheeks deepened.

  “I’m not drunk anymore.”

  “Yes, so?”

  “So…” Luke drew out the word. “Your sexy little power doesn’t work on me any longer. Not when I’m sober.”

  She backed up a step. A quick back-up.

  “It worked when I was drunk because I’d let down my guard.” Luke shook his head. “I’ll make sure not to make that mistake around you again.”

  Her breath was coming faster. He could see the frantic jerk of her chest. “Yes,” he said, considering. “You probably should be afraid. After all, if you are a siren, well, then that means you’re mine.” Part of the dark world that he commanded.

  “I’m not yours,” she whispered.

  We’ll see about that.

  “Just give me the Eye,” Mina said, almost pleading. “And you don’t ever have to see me again. I’ll leave you alone, I promise.”

  “Who said I wanted that?” Now his gaze dipped over her. “I believe there were…promises exchanged.” He smiled at her, and he knew his grin would be evil. “Besides, do you truly think I’ll just let you walk away from me now? You imprisoned me. You drugged me—”

  “The gassing was an accident! I didn’t mean to hit the button!”

  “Like you didn’t mean to lock me in this fucking cage?”

  She bit her lower lip. A waste. He could do that for her.

  After a moment, she gave a long exhale. “That part wasn’t an accident,” Mina admitted. “The whole locking-you-in thing was deliberate.”

  He would not let her charm him. But…most others would have been cowering before him in that moment. She was scared, he could smell her fear, but she was still standing up to him.



  His head cocked. “Why do you want the Eye?”

  She didn’t speak. Always a bad sign when a siren doesn’t speak.

  “Did I ask the wrong question?” He rolled back his shoulders. “Fine, let’s try again…who is it that you want to destroy? Because that’s what the Eye does. I don’t know what stories you’ve heard, but the Eye doesn’t give power. It takes it away.” Mostly true.


  He’d always been good at bending the truth. One of his specialties.

  “I know that,” she said, but she backed up another step.

  “Then you’re bloodthirsty.” Luke nodded. “I find that trait very attractive in a woman.”

  Her eyes narrowed on him. “I’m pretty sure you find every trait attractive in a woman,” she fired back.

  He laughed. Dammit, she was fun. If he weren’t currently caged…

  “Why are you looking at me that way?” Mina asked, nervously tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Because I want to fuck you.”

  Another quick back step. “That isn’t happening.”

  It so will.

  “This is what’s going to happen.” Her chin notched up. “You’re going to tell me where I can find the Eye or I am going to leave you in that cage.”

  He shrugged. “Leave me here.”

  The furrow between her brows deepened.

  “You think I don’t have help coming?” He winked at her. “I do. We aren’t the only ones on this island. Back-up will be here by dawn.” Since he’d already been unconscious a few hours, dawn wouldn’t be far away. “Then I’ll be free and you…you will be mine.”

  She hurried toward the wall and her hand hovered over the button that would dispense that drugging gas once more.

  He tensed.

  “Tell me where the Eye is,” Mina ordered him, her voice shaking just a bit. “Or you will go down.”

  He didn’t relish another face slam into the stone. “Another dosing will kill me.”

  Her fingers trembled, a small, but telling movement. Interesting.

  “Is that what you want?” Luke pushed her. “To kill me? If I’m dead, then I guess you can search my whole house for the Eye.” But you won’t find it.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” Her fingers hovered over the button. “I just need that Eye. Please, give it to me. Give it to me.”

  The power was back in her voice and this time, he could feel the push against him. But…Sorry, sweetheart. I’m in control now. “That Eye is mine. I don’t give up what’s mine.” You’re mine, too. You just don’t realize it yet.

  I do.

  She stared at him and he could have sworn tears gleamed in her eyes. Odd, most of the Dark Ones didn’t cry, at least…not until after they’d suffered a whole lot of pain. “Who hurt you?” Luke asked and his own voice had gone cold and hard.

  “They’ll keep hurting me,” she said, her voice soft now. “Unless I have the Eye. Give it to me. Please.”

  He couldn’t. It was far more dangerous than she realized. And only he could control it. “Get me out of here. Now.” Because he didn’t like her tears.

  She glanced at the button.

  “Mina…” he growled.

  Her hand jerked back. “It was my last hope. I-I was desperate.” Her hand raked through her hair. “I didn’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt anyone! That’s the problem—don’t you see?”

  He saw that she was on the edge. “Open the cell.”

  But Mina shook her head. “When you get free, I know you’ll want your pound of flesh, but I can’t give it to you.” She turned away from him. “Forget me.”


  She was heading for the tunnel.

  “Stop!” Luke roared and yes, that was fear inside of him. Unusual. Unwanted.

  She looked back.

  “You can’t escape the island. Marcos left with the boat right after we walked away from the dock. He’ll only come back when I call him.” And he wasn’t planning to make that call. “There’s nowhere for you to run. I’ll be out of here soon and you—”

  “I’m one hell of a swimmer,” she told him, even giving him a weak smile. One that made his chest ache. “I’ll take my chances with the water.”

  His body tensed. “Going for the deep blue sea instead of the devil, huh? Bad choice.” A choice that might just kill her.

  She wasn’t looking at him any longer. She was heading through the tunnel.

  “You won’t make it if you swim! The water’s too rough! It’s too far from shore!”

  She wasn’t stopping.

  “Mina!” Luke roared her name. “Mina!” But she didn’t look back. And soon, the sound of her footsteps had faded.

  Fucking hell.

  He grabbed the bars—bars that were made of silver so they’d burn werewolves, bars that had been reinforced so that even a vampire’s strength couldn’t break them. He grabbed those bars and he bellowed as he fought to pull them apart. Caught in my own trap. An inescapable hell.

  Or at least…it should have been inescapable.

  He pulled up more power and his roars echoed around him.

  Chapter Four

  Luke’s roars and bellows followed Mina as she ran through the tunnel. She ditched her shoes because those heels were just slowing her down. She needed to run and she needed to run fast.

  He said there were guard dogs on the island. The last thing she wanted was for one of those beasts to tear into her. No, actually, the last thing she wanted was for Luke to get her. She didn’t even want to imagine what sort of punishment the Lord of the Dark would hand down to her. Probably the killing kind.

  She staggered to a stop before the second metal door, the one that blocked her frantic exit from the tunnel. It was locked and the keypad blinked at her. It must have locked automatically when it had shut after her and Luke. Good thing she’d been paying attention to the code when he typed it in…

  Her fingers flew over the keypad. A moment later, the lock disengaged and she was racing through the mansion. Her bare feet slipped on the marble floor, and she hurriedly steadied herself by grabbing for a big, nearby vase.

y that vase staggered and toppled beneath her clumsy grip. It fell, shattering into a hundred pieces. Her eyes squeezed shut. Oh, please, don’t be as expensive as I think you are. Another reason for Luke to be pissed at her.

  She hopped over those broken chunks. Mina rushed to the foyer and her hand curled around the banister. Maybe she should run upstairs and search through the rooms up there for the Eye. Maybe she should search the whole house.


  That roar was louder—loud enough to reach her as she stood in the foyer.

  Maybe I should cut my losses for the moment and get the hell out of here while I still can. She’d come up with another plan once she was safe. Once she was far out of Luke’s range.

  She yanked open the front door. It was still dark outside, but she could see the faintest edge of red in the sky. The sun would rise soon. Luke had said his back-up was coming at dawn, so she didn’t have much time left.

  She knew just one destination on that island—the dock. She knew how to get there and she wasn’t about to leave the well-lit path. Thick vegetation was on the island, and she feared the guard dogs might be lurking in there.

  Besides, there was always the chance that Luke had been trying to trick her. The boat could still be docked. She could hop on it and get away. Easy.

  Hopefully. Maybe.


  A sudden growl reached her. Low and rough, and sounding way, way too close.

  Mina immediately froze.

  The growl came again.

  This is not my night.

  Her head turned, just a few inches, and she found herself staring into a pair of green eyes. Glowing green eyes. Those eyes stared at her from the dark vegetation.

  “G-good boy?” Mina stuttered, lifting a hand in what she hoped was a let’s-be-friends-doggy type of way.

  But then the beast came from the dark and she saw that she wasn’t dealing with a dog. Her breath heaved out.

  It’s a wolf. A giant, white wolf with massive fangs, saliva dripping from those fangs—and powerful muscles that were bunched and ready to attack.

  “You’re not a guard dog,” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

  Another rumble came…only this time, the sound was from behind her. Another wolf? Slowly, because she sure didn’t want to make any fast movements that might lead to an attack, her head turned to the left.