Read The Devil Of Oz Page 13

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  As Annabelle was peering over the stable doors admiring his horses Lucifer had reached the creek which snaked through his property.

  “Whoa,” he said quietly as he pulled back on the reins.

  The cheek straps flapped against the bit as the stallion shook his head and skidded to a halt. Running his long fingers up through the horse’s crinkly mane Lucifer playfully ruffled his forelock and swinging his leg over he slid off, his bare feet sinking into the grass. Giving the horse a slap on the rump he walked along the riverbank, his eyes searching the water.

  “This will do,” he murmured and undoing his jeans he peeled them off and slipped into the water. It sizzled around his legs as he waded into the deepest part and laying back he gazed up at the clear summer’s sky, contemplating his close shave.

  He’d been so absorbed in working the huge stallion that Annabelle’s presence at the stables had taken him completely by surprise. He’d never been caught unawares before and he stretched his arms above his head feeling the heat of seeing her drain out of him into the surrounding waters.

  “Fuck. That was close.”

  For some reason which he couldn’t understand he didn’t want her to come face to face with him just yet. Even though he was practically imploding with his desire for her he wanted to draw it out. During their brief meeting in the rest stop he knew that in spite of her fear she’d desired him, even if she’d had no idea why. So he knew that when they finally did meet again, the sexual tension would cause fireworks.

  He smiled, he’d have no trouble wooing her, she’d come to him willingly. Memory returned or not, she wouldn’t be able to resist him. Hell, after last night he was having trouble keeping away from her, it was a constant battle, her naked body when he’d undressed her had nearly tipped him over the edge.

  He’d wanted her so badly, but he hadn’t touched her, not that way. Not yet.

  Making his way to the grass he sat and reaching into his pockets he pulled out his smokes. Holding one between his fingers he paused as he recalled the scene back at the stables.

  He’d sensed the hot need in her, the way her body had leaned towards him and peeking into her mind he’d nearly given in and ridden over to her. She’d wanted him as much as he’d wanted her, he’d smelt her desire.

  He groaned and from under the trees his horse whinnied. Even now, recalling the scent of her delicious musky perfume he had to fight himself not to go back and snatch her from Salomè’s careless babysitting. His lips turned down. He’d definitely be speaking to her tonight about that.

  Bending his leg he drew the other up and lazily draped his forearm across the knee. Flicking his thumb and forefinger together he leant forward and touched the wavering flame to the end of his smoke. Noisily dragging on it he narrowed his eyes.

  Salomè couldn’t fool him, he’d seen the lust in her black soul when she’d been sitting with Annabelle earlier, he growled and an answering roll of thunder rumbled overhead. She needed to remember her place, Annabelle was his and he wouldn’t abide any of the other Fallen coveting her.