Read The Devil Of Oz Page 14

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  As the thunder peeled overhead Salomè stomped off -- her stilettos tiny Elves’ hammers on steel -- mumbling something about ‘the boss’. Annabelle looked towards the open doorway following her exit and raised her gaze upwards, the sky was clear, nary a cloud to distract from its endless blue.

  “Where’d the thunder come from, I can’t see any storms brewing? Where are you going?” she asked Salomè’s lithe designer-clad back.

  “I won’t be long Annabelle,” Salomè said tightly over her shoulder, ignoring her questions. “What now?” she whispered to herself. Running through a thousand reasons for his anger, she could only come up with one. Bringing Annabelle here when she knew that he would be working Ember, his horse. “Is it my fault he was still here and not off riding around Dis’s outskirts? No, it’s not. He’s all powerful why didn’t he sense us coming and just scat?” Pausing she nodded and touched her nail to her lip. “Hmm, maybe he wanted to be seen even if he didn’t realise it? That makes sense,” she said, as her womanly intuition’s alarm-bell rang out.

  Shrugging Annabelle turned back to the stall and distracted by the beautiful animal which was leaning over the gate soaking up her attentions, she didn’t hear the footsteps come up behind her. Stroking her fingers down the horse’s silky muzzle she jumped when the hand touched her shoulder. Into her ear poured liquid music and as her belly tightened she closed her eyes.

  “Hello lovely, and who might you be?”

  Fingers stroked up and down her bare arm and she felt the fine hairs rise in response.

  Behind her eyelids colours swirled and spun and as her legs started to tremble she opened her eyes and whirled around. Sucking back a breath she stared up at him, lost in the soundless bubble which now enveloped the both of them.

  Facing her with a quirky smile on his full lips and a twinkle in his impossibly green eyes was another god. Where am I? The wondrous world of tall, good-looking blokes? she thought and covering her mouth she stifled a nervous giggle.

  Strangely enough she felt no fear at the sudden appearance of this man. Maybe I’m letting his gorgeousness override my common-sense? Or, I’m just getting desperate in my old age?

  Taking a half step back she felt the stable door press against her back and letting out her breath she realised that she was trapped. Handsome stranger in the front and snickering horse behind her.

  Leaning forward he placed his hands either side of her head and tilting his head he gazed into her eyes. He recognised her now and he was going to take advantage of this golden opportunity. With both Salomè and Lucifer occupied she was his for the taking, and he wouldn’t take long either. He smiled lasciviously as he studied her.

  She was helpless to look away, through the veil of his shoulder length chestnut curls his eyes drew her in, captured her. In their mossy depths she saw swirling mists, cool alpine lakes and bright green flashes which flared up and just as quickly disappeared, leaving her wondering if she’d seen them at all.

  Her head filled with a gentle buzz a little like a radio station on the incorrect frequency, it was annoying and soothing at the same time and she saw his lips twist up.

  “Samuel!” roared a powerful male voice from outside, the sound reverberating around and around the stables. From every stall echoed the sound of horse’s neighing and sticking their heads over the doors, they looked towards the voice’s owner, their ears pricked forward in excitement.

  Instantly the handsome stranger jumped back as if he’d touched an electric fence and clasping his hands before him he bowed his head, his springy curls bobbing up and down.

  Cocking an eye he gazed up at her and said in a low voice, “I humbly apologise Annabelle. I didn’t realise who you were. Please forgive me.” He didn’t blink at the lie. After all he was Fallen; they lied to each other all the time, it was an ingrained habit.

  Instantly the stranger’s spell was broken and the world returned to normal. Her ears filled with ordinary sounds: restless hooves on sawdust strewn floors and soft snickers and whinnies, while from outside came the harsh calls of corellas and galahs as they wheeled overhead.

  Annabelle stepped sideways and taking three steps backwards she looked from the man in front of her to the tall menacing silhouette stalking towards her.

  “Shit,” murmured Samuel feeling the agony of Lucifer’s rage burning into his soul, setting his veins afire. Despite the spiritual pain Lucifer was making him feel, he was determined to stand his ground. It was always Lucifer that got this woman, no one else had ever got a look in. It wasn’t fair, they’d both seen her at the same time all those millennia ago.

  It had only been luck that Lucifer had got her, she’d seen him first and neither Samuel nor anyone else had ever stood a chance after that.

  The closer he got to her, the more breathless Annabelle became. Her heart fluttered like a trapped bird and she clasped her hand to her breast feeling its wild beating beneath her palm. As her surroundings faded away to pinpoint only him, she saw a halo of dazzling light -- a little like the purple afterglow of lightning -- surround his broad frame. He exuded an omnipotent power and as her hearing became sensitised she heard the snap of crackling static and smelt the faint electrical scent of a violent storm.

  Finally his features emerged from the shadowy dimness and he stopped next to the one who’d snuck up on her. No. The blood rushed from her head in a deafening whoosh and stepping to the side her flailing hand grabbed onto the cool metallic handle of the stall’s door. Her knuckles whitened as she squeezed it in an effort to keep upright while her legs trembled beneath her, threatening to give way.

  Willing herself not to faint she could only gape at the impossibly beautiful and familiar man who now faced her, legs spread and arms loosely crossed over a bare chest. Her eyes skimmed over his closely cropped black hair down to his face, seeing him with a clarity that was akin to looking through a spy-glass. As he blinked the long, long lashes that framed smouldering espresso coloured eyes softly brushed the curves of his cheeks and each individual dark hair that shadowed his jawline was visible.

  His lips quirked up and as she gazed into his eyes she felt herself drowning in a maelstrom of desire. Madly she had the sudden urge to leap into his arms and beg him to take her, on the floor, against the stalls she didn’t care. Deep in her belly a bushfire roared into life and she felt herself moistening at his nearness. Squirming she pressed her thighs together and the scent of her arousal drifted up. Blushing madly she saw his nostrils flare and as his eyes darkened, tiny flames blazed hotly in his pupils. Tearing her eyes away she noticed the pulse in his neck jump and the rapid rise and fall of his chest.

  Without turning his head or taking his eyes from her he commanded, “Fuck off Samuel, we’ll talk later.”

  “But….It wasn’t my fault. Fuck, I didn’t know she’d be here,” argued Samuel feeling his temper rising. Narrowing his eyes he spat, “You selfish bastard. It wouldn’t hurt you to share just this once.” Standing tall he stuck his chin out and spinning about he swiftly swung his fist at Lucifer’s head and found himself on his back looking up into Lucifer’s furious face.

  As he straddled him, his hands fisted and his eyes flashed dangerously with his ire. “What part of ‘fuck off’ don’t you understand you arrogant prick?” he growled. “And, I don’t share. Ever.”

  Samuel grunted and jumped up. Throwing Lucifer a black look he stalked out saying over his departing shoulder, “You’ll keep. You can’t be everywhere all the time you high and mighty turd.”

  From the front doors came a high feminine gasp and tipping his head back the tall dark god in front of Annabelle released an exasperated sigh.

  “Go away Salomè. Go and find Samuel and see what you can do. He’s got the shits with me because I won’t share my special toys. Put him straight for me before I have to come out there and kick his fucking teeth down his throat. And if I have to do that he will regret it as I have other things I’d much rather be
doing at the moment.”

  As he talked he stared hotly at Annabelle and she nearly expired at the lust showing on his face.

  When Salomè didn’t move he spun around and raising his hand he pointed furiously, hissing through clenched teeth, “Do I need to reprimand you as well? I’ll speak to you later. Now piss off.”

  Turning to Annabelle he smiled and shoving his hands down into his pockets, he pushed the waistband down, exposing his lower belly’s hidden silky skin. Her eyes were immediately attracted to his movements, like a cat to a ball’s hypnotic swaying. Licking her lip she traced the muscular length of his arms down to where they disappeared into the faded denim of his jeans. With a sharp intake of breath she noticed the bulge which he made no effort to hide, and her mouth watered up.

  She wanted to bite him. She ached to straddle him and run her tongue all over his hard stomach, tracing the outline of his sculpted torso. She burned to slide her fingers through the dark hair which dusted his chest and beckoned to her to touch. And she craved to follow the delicious fluffy line which snaked down like a magical-pathway from his chest to the orgasm-heaven hidden in the depths of his jeans.

  With that thought a switch flicked on deep in the abyss of her psyche and instantly the floodgates of her memories overwhelmed her. With tears streaming down her cheeks she remembered everything.

  She knew every curve and dimple on his naked body as intimately as she did her own. She knew how it felt to run her hands over him and how it felt when he pressed himself onto her, the heat of his body and the scent of his delectable unique perfume.

  A smell like no other man. She smelt it even now, it enveloped her and her head swam with his nearness.

  Closing her eyes she let go off the handle and wiping away her tears she hugged herself and breathed, “Lucifer, I remember you. Us. Everything.”