Read The Devil Of Oz Page 17

  Chapter Eight

  Annabelle leaned towards the mirror and forming an O she applied a coating of red to her mouth. Smacking her lips together she stood back and tilted her head from side to side, studying her reflection nervously.

  “Oh well, that’s the best I can do. Time to go,” she told her mirror image.

  Leaving the lipstick on the vanity she stepped into the bedroom and froze, her mouth dropping open.

  Lucifer leaned casually against the door-jamb staring at her, his sultry dark eyes hooded and his arms loosely folded. Dressed in fitted black pants and a silky looking black shirt, she swallowed as she stared helplessly at him.

  He was outrageously good-looking and her heart leapt into her throat.

  The corner of his lip quirked up and he chuckled. Straightening, he unfolded his arms and with his smouldering eyes burning into her he slinked closer, his ragged breathing a steam-train in her ears.

  As Annabelle watched him come closer, her hands fluttered like plucked petals to her sides, the trembling fingers worrying the cool satin. He was on her in two strides and she gulped back a strangled breath as his arms reached out and wrapped around her waist. Lacing her fingers behind his neck she buried her face into the open V of his shirt and breathing in his scent she rubbed her nose against his silky skin, smiling as the springy hairs tickled her face.

  Kissing the top of her head he tilted his head and resting his cheek on her hair he spoke, his voice rough, “Annabelle my sweet, you look simply exquisite in that gown and if I’m not mistaken you look better underneath it.”

  His hand skated down her lower back sliding effortlessly over the cool slippery material and with infinite slowness his fingers passed over the curve of her naked buttock and down the back of her thigh. He groaned low in his throat. “Mmm. You are a rare delicacy, best enjoyed slowly I think.”

  In the room’s silence she heard the harsh sounds of his breathing as it rumbled deep in his chest and against her burning cheek his chest rose and fell rapidly.

  “Thank you for your gift. For all your gifts. They’re beautiful,” she murmured into his shirt. Her wandering fingers lightly caressed the skin on his nape as she spoke and she was rewarded with his sharp hiss. Emboldened she ran them up over the back of his scalp feeling the bumps and dips which lay concealed beneath the bristle-like cut of his hair.

  “When did you cut your hair? I remember it being so much longer. Although, I do like you with short hair as well, it’s rather…fetching. A man’s head, yours in particular, is such a sexy thing to touch,” she said, laughing softly.

  “Is that so?” He laughed. “My hair’s been this way for many, many years now, I find it much more comfortable in this country’s oven-like heat. Oh sweetness, I could think of a few other things I’d prefer you to touch.” Running his fingers in lazy circles over her back he said softly, “As to the gifts, you’re welcome. They are such small, trifling things. I can give you the world Annabelle if you desire it.” Clearing his throat he stepped back and dipping his head he extended his bent arm.

  “My lady. Shall we be off, our dinner awaits us?”

  Looking up she saw his eyes twinkle mischievously and as she linked her arm through his, her throat tightened, and dozens of butterflies flitted deep in her stomach.

  Waiting for them on the verandah, panting loudly was Bedlam. At the sight of Lucifer he wagged his tail and the noise of it banging on the wooden floor reverberated through the evening quiet.

  Reaching down Lucifer ruffled his peaked ears and the dog gave a low growl.

  Annabelle shrank back into Lucifer’s side and eyed the huge hound with apprehension. Looking back she checked to make sure that Percival hadn’t followed her and exhaled with relief when all she saw was empty hallway.

  “Annabelle meet Bedlam.” He glanced back at her and the corner of his mouth tilted up as he noticed her worried expression. Grabbing her hand in his he rubbed the dog’s snout with the other saying to her, “He won’t bite you, honest. Don’t be frightened.”

  Bedlam pushed his muzzle onto their joined hands and Annabelle felt her heart soften as his wet velvety nose rubbed against her. Tentatively she extended her free hand and lightly touched it to the top of his head, wriggling her fingers between his sail-like ears. He gave a low woof and dropped down resting his massive head on his shovel-sized paws.

  Lucifer beamed at her. “I told you, he loves you because I do.”

  Annabelle felt her legs weaken as she walked into Lucifer’s cosy dining room. The doors leading out to the verandah were open allowing the jasmine’s potent perfume to drift in. Small lamps placed around the room cast their magical glow onto the focal point, the dining table. Covered with a gleaming white cloth it had been set for two, and placed in the centre -- like a jewel in a ring’s setting -- sat a bowl of floating gardenias. The scent of the blossoms as they mingled with the jasmine was intoxicating and inhaling dreamily, she squeezed his hand.

  Standing tall on either side of the flower-bowl were silver candlesticks set with rich red candles, their wavering flames casting dancing shadow puppets onto the walls. At both settings was a large white plate covered with a shining silver-dome. As the smell of the food beneath reached her, her belly rumbled and with a start she realised it had been hours since she’d eaten. Chewing her lip she felt more squiggles as her stomach prepared for the feast to come. She was ravenous and her mouth watered up in anticipation of what was hidden beneath those covers.

  He turned to her and leaning in he planted a kiss on the end of her nose.

  “Do you like it? I prepared all the foods you enjoy.” He rattled them off, and Annabelle giggled as she saw how happy he was and how much he was enjoying himself.

  His face was animated with his excitement, his eyes twinkling brightly. It was infectious and smiling at him she raised her hand and stroked her fingers down the sides of his face. Closing her eyes she felt the soft regrowth of his beard tickle her palm.

  His sultry voice tore her out of the delicious fantasy that she’d lost herself in momentarily.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I should have shaved, but to be honest, I’m lazy like that. I don’t usually give a fuck if I don’t have a shave for weeks on end. No one around here cares if I’m a hairy arsehole or not.” He led her towards the table and pulling out her chair he moved to his.

  Waiting until she sat before he did, he steepled his fingers and resting his chin on them he said, “Did you find my other gift? I hope you like soft-centres? I have a soft spot for moist centres myself.” His lips curved up in a wicked smile and Annabelle felt her body catch on fire.

  “The chocolates? Yes I found them, and your note.” She looked down and lacing her fingers together she rolled her thumbs over and around each other. Raising her head she said, “You planned all of this didn’t you?” At his wide eyed look of innocence she smiled and continued, “My old job, the fake offer of a new one? Everything?”

  “In my defence….” For a second a flush crept across his face and quickly recovering he winked. “I have no defence to tell you the truth. I wanted you and this was the best option I had to get you to come to Dis.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand. Couldn’t you have come to me like you’ve always done?”

  He rubbed one long finger over his lip as he considered his answer.

  “Yes I suppose I could have, but I didn’t want to. This lifetime you have been born into a land which is actually in the same country as my home. By bringing you here…under false pretences I do admit to, it enabled me to have you for longer than the fucking three months I’m allowed. You see, here I make the rules. This is my turf, to use a modern term, and no one dictates to me. Do you understand?”

  She nodded, mesmorised by the low sexy timbre of his voice. It turned her bones to jelly and she was glad she was sitting.

  “Please go on. One question though.” She frowned and bit her top lip.“ What happens when I age? Die? Will you still find me desi
rable as a dried up old lady? I somehow doubt it.” She looked away, her bottom lip trembling, and cast her eye over the very masculine room, studying it. Distracting herself.

  Rich, dark-wood panelling lined the bottom of the neutrally painted walls. In here, as in her room, tasteful native-bird lithographs had been hung. Following the walls around she saw in the top half of the L shaped room, a pool table, the green felt already stacked with a neat triangular formation of coloured balls.

  The long fringed fluorescent hanging above cast a cheerful pool of light down onto the pristine surface, spilling onto a tall bookcase behind. The polished shelves were neatly lined with books, the spines all sitting at equal length from the edge, the books carefully placed in order of height.

  He placed his hands behind his head and throwing his head back he sighed.

  “Oh my sweet. I’d love you no matter how you look. But there is something I’m keeping from you for the moment. Suffice to say it will put your mind to rest.” Clapping his hands together he said brightly, “Now shall we eat? Are you hungry?” He removed the silver covers and licking his lips he gazed at her murmuring, “I’m fucking starving.”