Read The Devil Soldier Page 41

  31. Hope: in “Commander Hire’s Report Relative to the Recent Desertions at Shanghai,” May 1, 1861, Admiralty 125/7 (hereafter ADM 125/7).

  diplomatic officer: Forrest to Bruce, April 20 and May 1, 1861 (enclosures 1 and 2 in Bruce to Russell, May 23, 1861), BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  32. Alabaster: “Notes by Chaloner Alabaster on a Meeting Between Hsueh Huan, Wu Hsu and Commander Hire, April 22, 1861,” ADM 125/7.

  33. Alabaster’s quoting of the mandarin: Alabaster to Medhurst, April 23, 1861, ADM 125/7.

  Ward’s pass: “Ward Pass No. 2, April 22, 1861,” ADM 125/7.

  Ward’s residence: Alabaster to Medhurst, April 23, 1861, ADM 125/7.

  Hire: Hire’s Report, ADM 125/7.

  34. the consuls: Hire’s Report, ADM 125/7.

  Ward: Commander Henry W. Hire, “Memorandum of a Question Put by Commander Hire to the Person Calling Himself Ward, April 25, 1861,” ADM 125/7.

  Cleary: Nicholas Cleary to Commander Hire, April 25, 1861, ADM 125/7.

  35. the second interview: Chaloner Alabaster, “Interview Between Commander Hire R.N. and H.E. the Taotai with Reference to the Capture of Colonel Ward,” ADM 125/7.

  Hire: Hire’s Report, ADM 125/7.

  the Shanghai Municipal Council: William Howard to Walter Medhurst, April 26, 1861, ADM 125/7.

  36. Hire: Hire’s Report, ADM 125/7.

  the Herald: NCH, June 8, 1861.

  Medhurst: Medhurst to Bruce, May 29, 1861, FO 228/311.

  37. Forester: Edward Forester, “Personal Recollections of the Tai-ping Rebellion,” Cosmopolitan, vol. 21 (1896), p.629 (hereafter Forester).

  38. Forester: Forester, p.629.

  39. the Herald: NCH, June 8, 1860.

  40. Forester: Forester, p.629.

  41. Bruce: Bruce to Russell, May 23, 1861, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  Hope: Hope to Bruce, May 24, 1861, FO 228/300.

  42. Alabaster: enclosure 1 in Medhurst to Bruce, May 29, 1861, FO 228/311.

  Dew: Dew to Hope, June 18, 1861, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  Hope: enclosure 3 in Dew to Hope, June 18, 1861, BPP, vol. 63, 1862; Hope to the Admiralty, June 27, 1861, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  43. Bruce: Bruce to Russell, June 23, 1861, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  Compton: NCH, January 12, 1861

  Bruce: Bruce to Russell, June 23, 1861, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  44. Bruce: Bruce to Russell, July 3, 1861, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.


  1. the T’ien Wang: Curwen, p.122.

  the Kan Wang: Lay, p.7.

  2. Schmidt: Schmidt, P.C., p.7.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, p.119.

  3. Wilson: Wilson, pp.129–132.

  Wu Hsü: WHTA, pp.125–127; Smith, Dissertation, pp.75–76.

  4. Harry Ward’s purchases: Smith, Mercenaries, p.90.

  5. two passes: The passes are contained in the Frederick Townsend Ward Collection at Sterling Library, Yale University (hereafter Ward Collection, Yale).

  6. Macgowan: Macgowan, p.105.

  7. Russell: Russell to Bruce, August 8, 1861, FO 17/349.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, p.105.

  8. Burlingame: Frederick Wells Williams, Anson Burlingame and the First Chinese Mission to Foreign Powers (New York: Scribner’s, 1912), p.12

  (hereafter Williams).

  Seward: Williams, pp.22–23.

  9. the imperial decree: Warner, p.73.

  10. Burlingame: Burlingame to Seward, November 30, 1861, Dispatches of U.S. Ministers to China (hereafter DUSMC), R.6.59, microfilm 92, National Archives.

  Lindley: Lindley, vol. 1, p.358.

  11. Roberts’s report: BPP, vol. 63, 1863.

  12. the Herald: NCH, December 14, 1861.

  the Herald: NCH, December 21, 1861.

  one missionary: NCH, January 4, 1862.

  13. British consul: Gregory, pp.109–110.

  Hope: BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  14. Bruce: Gregory, p.119.

  Palmerston: Gregory, pp.108–109.

  15. British consul: Smith, Dissertation, p.127.

  Bruce: Bruce to Russell, March 26, 1862, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  16. Willes: Capt. George O. Willes to Admiral Hope, January 20, 1862, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  17. Macgowan: Macgowan, p.105.

  18. Wu Hsü’s letters to Ward: Ward Collection, Yale.

  19. Hsüeh: IWSM, TC 4, pp.25–28.

  the Herald: NCH, January 18, 25, 1862.

  Daily Shipiing and Commercial News: in BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  20. the Herald: NCH, February 15, 1862.

  21. Hayes: Hayes, “Soldier,” p.196.

  22. Tseng: Smith, Dissertation, p.87.

  23. Gordon: Smith, Mercenaries, p.214.

  24. Hayes: Hayes, “Chapter,” pp.522–524.

  25. Hope: Smith, Mercenaries, p.49.

  26. Hope: Hope to Paget, February 21, 1862, ADM 125/104.

  27. Alabaster’s account: BPP, vol. 63, 1862, enclosure in May 2, 1962.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, p.107.

  Forester: Forester, p.34.

  28. Macgowan: Macgowan, p.107.

  29. Hope: Hope to Paget, February 21, 1862, ADM 125/104.

  30. Burlingame: Burlingame to Seward, March 22, 1862, DUSMC, R.6.59, microfilm 92, roll 21, National Archives.

  the Herald: NCH, February 22, 1862.

  Lindley: Lindley, vol. 2, p.450.

  31. Sykes and the Times: Sykes, pp.23, 33.

  Hope: Hope to Bruce, February 22, 1862, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  32. Michel: Michel to Bruce, February 28, 1862, BPP, vol. 63, 1862.

  33. Burlingame: Burlingame to Seward, March 7, 1862, DUSMC, R.6.59, microfilm 92, roll 21, National Archives.

  Hope: Hope to the Admiralty, March 5, 1862, ADM 1/5790.

  34. Hsüeh: IWSM, TC 4, pp.25–26.

  35. the imperial decree: Smith, Dissertation, p.91.

  36. the Times: London Times, June 4, 1862.

  the Herald’s account of Hsiao-t’ang: NCH, March 8, 1862.

  p.204: Lindley: Lindley, vol. 2, p.451.

  Alabaster’s account: BPP, vol. 63, 1862, enclosure in May 2, 1962.

  38. Hsüeh’s account: IWSM, TC 4, pp.49b–51b.

  39. the Herald’s account of Ssu-ching: NCH, March 22, 1862.

  Hsüeh’s account: IWSM, TC 5, pp.5b–7b.


  1. Abend: Abend, pp.149–150.

  2. edict on foreign troops: IWSM, TC 4, p.52a.

  Hsüeh on Ward: IWSM, TC 5, p.6b.

  3. edict questioning Ward: IWSM, TC 5, p.8a.

  4. Smith: Smith, Mercenaries, p.52.

  5. Ward: Ward to Burlingame, August 16, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  Wilson: Wilson, pp.123–124.

  6. Wu Hsü: His letters to Ward can be found in the Ward Collection at Yale.

  7. one Western witness: William Mesny, cited in Abend, p.160.

  Abend: Abend, p.151.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 3, p.22.

  8. another early Ward biographer: Cahill, p.165.

  one early-twentieth-century scholar: Hosea Ballou Morse, in his fictionalized In the Days of the Taipings (Salem, Mass.: Essex Institute, 1927). Yang’s letter: This letter can be found in the Ward Collection at Yale.

  9. Cahill: Holger Cahill, A Yankee Adventurer (New York: MacAulay and Co., 1930), p.166 (hereafter Cahill).

  Wu Hsü on Ward’s embarrassment: IWSM, TC 5, pp.51–52.

  10. the chop: This object can be found among the personal effects belonging to Ward that have been stored at the Essex Institute. There is also a collection of Chang-mei’s jewelry, as well as Ward’s mandarin’s cap (the blue button is missing).

  11. Shen Chu-jeng’s biography: A copy was graciously supplied to me by Richard J. Smith, who deserves sole credit for its discovery.

  12. Burlingame: Burlingame to Seward, March 7, 1862, DUSMC, R.6.59, microfilm 92, roll 21, National Archives.

  13. Burgevine supplying Burlingame with lemonade and soda water: as related i
n a letter from Burgevine to Burlingame dated May 1863, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  14. Burlingame: Burlingame to Seward, March 22, 1862, DUSMC, R.6.59, microfilm 92, roll 21, National Archives.

  Ward’s letter: Ward to Burlingame, August 16, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  15. Burlingame: Burlingame to Seward, October 27, 1862, DUSMC, microfilm 92, roll 21, National Archives.

  Hope: Hope to Bruce, October 8, 1862, FO 228/321; Hope to Forester, October 12, 1862, FO 228/321.

  16. Schmidt: his memo on Ward’s character can be found in record group 59, DUSCS, microfilm 112, roll 5, National Archives.

  Hayes: Hayes, “Soldier,” pp.196–197.

  17. Hope: Hope to Forester, October 12, 1862, FO 228/321.

  18. Feng Kuei-fen: quoted in Smith, Dissertation, p.149.

  Hsüeh: IWSM, TC 5, pp.56–76.

  Wu Hsü: WHTA, pp.138–141.

  19. Tseng: quoted in William J. Hail, Tseng Kuo-fan and the Taiping Rebellion (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1927), p.260 (hereafter Hail).

  20. Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 2, p.119.

  21. Hayes: The comment is contained in a memo concerning Ward’s estate dated August 30, 1864, that can be found in the bound DUSCS (record group 84), p.849, National Archives.

  Hope: Smith, Dissertation, p.345.

  Hayes: Hayes, “Soldier,” p.197.

  Tseng’s biographer: Hail, p.259.

  22. imperial edict on foreigners: quoted in John K. Fairbank, ed., The Chinese World Order (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968), p.267 (hereafter Fairbank).

  Fairbank: Fairbank, pp.262, 269, 272–273.

  23. Hsüeh’s doubting memorial: IWSM, TC 5, pp.33–36b.

  24. Ward to Harry: the letters can be found in record group 84, Legation Archives, Consulate Records, Shanghai, vol. 34, p.803, National Archives.


  1. the Chung Wang: Curwen, pp.133–134.

  2. Bruce: Bruce to Russell, March 26, 1862, BPP, vol. 63, 1862, p.220.

  Bruce: Bruce to Hope, March 26, 1862, FO 17/371.

  3. the Herald account: NCH, April 12, 1862.

  4. Lindley: Lindley, vol. 2, p.505.

  the Herald: NCH, April 12, 1862.

  5. the Herald: NCH, April 12, 1862.

  Borlase: Borlase to Hope, April 6, 1862, BPP, vol. 63, 1862, p.226.

  the Herald: NCH, April 12, 1862.

  6. Borlase: Borlase to Hope, April 18, 1862, BPP, vol. 63, 1862, p.225.

  7. Shanghai Daily Shipping List: quoted in Lindley, vol. 2, p.507.

  Wilson: Wilson, p.134.

  8. Wilson: Wilson, p.131.

  9. Li Hung-chang on Wu, Yang, and Hsüeh: in J. C. Cheng, Chinese Sources for the Taiping Rebellion, 1850–1864 (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1963), p.92 (hereafter Cheng).

  Peking to Li: Cheng, p.94.

  Li on Ward: Cheng, p.96.

  10. Ward on Li: Ward to Burlingame, August 16, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  the Allied agreement: BPP, vol. 73, 1863, p.410.

  11. Gordon: Charrier, Gordon of Khartoum, pp.41–42.

  Lindley: Lindley, vol. 2, p.510.

  12. Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 2, p.121.

  Schmidt: quoted in Macgowan, vol. 2, p.121.

  China Mail: quoted in Lindley, vol. 2, p.512

  14. Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 2, p.121.

  British Foreign Office: the Foreign Office to the Admiralty, May 6, 1862, FO 17/382.

  15. Ward: Ward to Burlingame, August 16, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  16. Dew: Wilson, p.102.

  17. the Herald: NCH, May 17, 1862.

  18. Smith: Smith, Dissertation, p.177.

  the Herald: NCH, May 24, 1862.

  19. Lindley: Lindley, vol. 2, p.517.

  20. the Herald: NCH, May 24, 1862.

  Lindley: Lindley, vol. 2, p.519.

  Overland Trade Report: quoted in Lindley, vol. 2, pp.519–520.

  Staveley: Staveley to Sir G. C. Lewis, BPP, vol. 73, 1863, p.396.

  21. Forester: Forester, p.36.

  22. Staveley: Staveley to Bruce, May 23 and May 26, 1862, BPP, vol 73, 1863, p.421.

  23. Hope: Hope to the Secretary of the Admiralty, May 31, 1862, BPP, vol. 63, 1862, p.253.

  24. Montgomerie’s account: Montgomerie to Hope, June 7, 1862, BPP, vol. 73, 1863, p.402.

  the Chung Wang’s surrender demand: in Franz, Michael, The Taiping Rebellion: History and Documents (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1966–71), vol. 3, p.1018.

  25. the rebel general’s surrender demand, and Forester’s reply: BPP, vol. 73, 1863, pp.404–405.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 2, p.123.

  Forester on mutiny: Forester, p.36.

  26. Li Hung-chang: Cheng, pp.95–96.

  27. Forester: Forester, p.39.

  28. the Herald: NCH, June 14, 1862.

  29. the Chung Wang: Curwen, p.136.

  the T’ien Wang: Curwen, p.136.

  30. Li Hung-chang: Cheng, pp.96, 98.

  imperial edict: Smith, Dissertation, p.98.

  31. Hope: Hope to Bruce, June 14, 1862, FO 228/321.

  Ward: NCH, January 10, 1863.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 3, p.23.

  Kung on Ward: IWSM, TC 6, p.17.

  32. Bruce to Kung, and Kung’s reply: BPP, vol. 73, 1863, pp.448–452.

  33. Li Hung-chang: Cheng, p.99.

  34. Ward: Ward to Burlingame, August 16, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  35. Tseng Kuo-fan: quoted in Smith, Dissertation, p.190.

  Wu Hsü to Ward: Ward Collection, Yale.

  36. Peking Gazette account: NCH, October 4, 1862.

  Forester: Forester, p.213.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 2, p.124

  37. Li Hung-chang: Cheng, p.100.

  Ward: Ward to Burlingame, August 16, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  Li Hung-chang: Cheng, p.101.

  38. the Herald: NCH, July 26, 1862.

  39. Li Hung-chang on the free city movement: Cheng, pp.100–101.

  Ward: Ward to Burlingame, August 16, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  Li Hung-chang on Wu and Yang: Cheng, p.101.

  40. Ward on accounts: Ward to Burlingame, August 16, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 2, p.124.

  41. Thomas Lyster: in E. A. Lyster, ed., With Gordon in China: Letters from Thomas Lyster, Lieutenant Royal Engineers (London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1891), p.79 (hereafter Lyster).

  Lyster: Lyster, pp.84–85, 86.

  42. Hayes: Hayes, “Chapter,” p.521.

  Li Hung-chang: Cheng, p.103.

  Ward’s letter: Ward to Burlingame, September 10, 1862, Burlingame Papers, Library of Congress.

  43. Hayes: Hayes, “Soldier,” p.197.

  44. Schmidt: His memo can be found in record group 59, microfilm 112, roll 5, National Archives.

  45. Wilson: Wilson, pp.107–108.

  Ward: Macgowan, vol. 3, p.24.

  Forester: Forester, p.212.

  46. Bogle: Bogle to Dew, September 21, 1862, BPP, vol. 73, 1863, p.482.

  Ward’s will: Bogle’s statement can be found in record group 84, Legation Archives, Consulate Records, Shanghai, vol. 34, no. 225 (bound), p.763, National Archives.


  1. Ever Victorious Army officer: see Hayes, “Soldier,” p.199.

  Cook: his deposition can be found in record group 84, Legation Archives, Consulate Records, Shanghai, vol. 34, no. 225 (bound), p.797, National Archives.

  2. Dew: Dew to Hope, September 27, 1862, BPP, vol. 73, 1863, p.481.

  Hope: Hope to the Admiralty, October 1, 1862, BPP, vol. 73, 1863, p.480.

  Hope to Burlingame: Rantoul, p.42.

  Gordon: Smith, Mercenaries, p.79.

  3. the Herald: NCH, September 27, 1862; January 3, 1863.

  Schmidt: DUSCS, 1847–1906, R. G. 59, microfilm 112,
roll 5, National Archives.

  4. Li Hung-chang’s memorial: Rantoul, pp.47–48.

  5. imperial decree on Ward: Rantoul, p.45.

  second imperial decree: IWSM, TC9, p.3b.

  6. Schmidt: DUSCS, 1847–1906, R.6.59, microfilm 112, roll 5, National Archives.

  Shen Chu-jeng’s biography: see note for p.222.

  Lyster: Lyster, pp.96, 113.

  7. Burgevine on command: Smith, Mercenaries, p.108.

  8. Hope on Ward’s Chinese: Hope to Bruce, October 29, 1862, FO 228/321.

  9. Burlingame: Burlingame to Seward, October 27, 1862, DUSMC, microfilm 92, roll 21, National Archives.

  10. Alabaster on Burgevine: an undated memorandum to Medhurst, BPP, vol. 63, 1864, p.26.

  Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 3, p.47.

  Hope: Hope to Bruce, October 29, 1862, FO 228/321.

  a veteran officer: quoted in Macgowan, vol. 3, p.48.

  11. Hope: Hope to Bruce, October 29, 1862, FO 228/321.

  Li Hung-chang on Burgevine: Smith, Mercenaries, p.113.

  12. Wilson: Wilson, p.116.

  Wilson: Wilson, p.118.

  13. Macgowan: Macgowan, vol. 3, p.49.

  the Friend of China: Friend of China, February 18, 1863.

  Lyster: Lyster, pp.128–129.

  14. the Herald: NCH, January 10, March 10, 1863.

  Schmidt: Schmidt, P. C., p.10.

  Schmidt: Schmidt, P. C., Vincente, pp.6–8.