Read The Dome Page 6

still without saying anything.

  She knew that she could talk, but she was saving her words for a moment when she would have something to say that would be worthy for people to hear.

  She saved her words hoping that the right day would arrive soon, and felt that the day was close.

  On a usual morning when she was waiting for the school bus to arrive, she got hit by a drunk driver.

  Her mother saw everything and desperately tried to help her.

  The time had come.

  That was her only chance.

  Three words to her mother came out from the girl’s mouth,

  “I love you.”

  Day 44 – Saturday “The Walking Star”

  The walking star:

  Frances was a creepy and depressed guy.

  He used to be unnoticeable everywhere he was.

  He wished to be noticeable.

  That was his deepest desire.

  One night, while he was looking up to the sky, he saw a shooting star and wished the people to notice him. Consequently, the star gave him its sheen, making him a glowing guy.

  Amazing light beams started coming out from his skin.

  He was constantly being stared by people everywhere he would go.

  He had spent a long time unable to sleep, because his self-enlightenment was bleaching his eyes.

  He experienced many long, sleepless nights.

  He couldn’t stand that for very long and threw himself from the tenth floor of a building.

  The walking star, then, turned off. Forever.

  Day 45 – Sunday “Inconvenient Fleas”

  Inconvenient fleas:

  In a concrete cave, situated in a concrete jungle, there was a shaved hermit.

  He used to spend his days inside his cave entertaining himself with little rocks.

  One day, the wind brought a flea to his house, which laid hundreds of eggs all over the place.

  The hungry junior fleas hatched from their eggs craving for blood, so they attacked the only resident of that cave.

  The guy, playing with the rocks, preferred to endure the attack instead of lifting a finger to do anything about it.

  The fleas multiplied. They tripled, quadrupled!

  The hermit’s body became all covered with fleas.

  He couldn’t see his face in the mirror any longer, but he was feeling so lazy to deal with the situation, that he just stayed put on the floor.

  He got eaten to the bones.

  He was totally consumed by the fleas;

  Or maybe by laziness.

  Day 46 – Monday “The Multiple Personality Man”

  The multiple personality man:

  When David was a kid, he came to the conclusion that life was too short for being everything he wanted to be, and decided that he would keep changing his personality during his life.

  Each year, he would choose twelve different personas to play each month of the respective year.

  This way, he could get characteristics from the chosen personalities that would add to his own.

  One month, he was a selfish mean, guy; another, he was shy and would make excuses before getting into any person’s house. He was later a painter, a rebel, a worker, a seller, and following, a bunch of other things.

  After a few years, his options were getting scarce.

  He had been a lot of things.

  The time had come to incorporate a suicide.

  After getting extremely numb from drug-using, he jumped from a bridge and died upon hitting the ground.

  That was his last day, playing a suicide role.

  Poor David, for a bit he could still be alive.

  Day 47 – Tuesday “The Fallen Angel Lucifer”

  The fallen angel Lucifer:

  A long time ago, a supreme creator, who would be known as God by us later, created everything we know and much beyond: Limitless races, billions of planets, and millions of galaxies.

  Among all races, the most powerful and great race created by Him were the Humans.

  Such was their power, that they evolved extremely quickly towards perfection and total control of all kinds of existing energies.

  God felt threatened by that race that could become stronger than Him pretty soon and grew concerned about the probability of losing His omnipresent throne.

  God, then, resolved that the Humans should be punished, cursed, repressed, and controlled for their imprudent evolution before they could become a hazard.

  So He took advantage of his little superiority over the Humans and cast His plague on them, shrinking their mental capacity to less than one quarter of what they had, making them pathetic creatures that often would run after self-destruction.

  Lucifer, the angel created by God, whose only reason of existence was watching over Humans evolution, got really revolted about God’s decision and tried in many different ways make God reconsider His act.

  Lucifer was sure that if God was against the Humans, so he would be against God.

  He fought God in order to free the Humans, even knowing that the loss was imminent.

  As expected, Lucifer lost. The creation alone couldn’t beat the creator.

  Lucifer was banished from Heaven as a punishment and sent to Earth as a horrible creature. God knew this would be a burden much worse than death for Lucifer, and challenged him, “If you love the Humans more than you love yourself, I want to see you reverse their retardation while living among them. They are mentally atrophied now, and will never believe in such terrible creature like you.”

  God also made Lucifer an immortal, but left him able to feel pain, thirst, hunger, cold, and heat.

  When the Humans saw Lucifer, they ran after him, beating him with wood poles and throwing rocks at him. Consequently, Lucifer found an underground den to hide in, a place impossible to survive in if you were a mortal due the insanely high temperature.

  Waterfalls of blood would pour from the cracks that would open on his skin while he was under unbearable pain, but he couldn’t die because he was cursed forever with immortality.

  The unstoppable pain and constant high heat made him ignore thirst and hunger completely, but would also make him refrain from thinking clearly enough to find a solution for the Humans’ mental issue.

  For thousands of years, Lucifer meditated in that aggressive environment and mastered the pain until completely ignoring it.

  Then, he reached a supposed flawless plan.

  He came out of his secret den in the darkest hour of the night and wandered between us, Humans; seeded his profane DNA into the pregnant and went back to his hidden place to wait for the right time to come out again.

  His spawn was born and got matured.

  Now they have conscience about who they are and their mission on Earth.

  They have three opened eyes, never sleep, and are covertly infiltrating us.

  They’re gathering an organized army that will break into your house to claim your kids.

  Armed with poetry, and verses so sarcastic, that if those were spelled close to a lime tree, its limes would get so sweet that would bring diabetes to those who dare to ever try even a drop from its juice.

  Human freedom is about to become true.