Read The Dragon Cycle Page 2

  Some people say that you don’t have any dreams or memories while you are in a coma. I had dreams the entire time, but they were more than just dreams, they were universes of infinite possibilities.

  In my universes, time passed by much quicker. I was able to see every decision that would be made and then the consequences of that decision. I was unable to go back and fix the mistakes of the few people who made them.

  The biggest mistake that I saw when I was there was you announcing to the public about that event four months ago. It will have unimaginable ripples in the universe.

  I don’t know if I am making any sense, but I hope that you can understand this. Don’t tell the public about the event that happened four months ago. It will not end well for any of us.

  If you make this decision, I know what will happen, and truly, I say to you, if you do tell them, all hell will break loose.

  From a concerned citizen,

  Pollock Drake

  The President of the United States never received this letter.

  Chapter 4: 6/15/???1

  The following is the transcript of a speech given by then President of the United States George Alvaross.

  Ladies and gentlemen of our great United States of America, the land of the free. I have an announcement to make, and it is with a heavy heart that I must tell you.

  Four months ago, two entire cities were wiped off the map. At 11:00am on January 22, the federal government lost contact with the town of Drake. Within a half hour, we lost contact with another city called Naga. When we sent fighter jets to determine what happened, we found smoldering ashes where buildings used to be and lives used to be led.

  Of these two attacks, there was only one survivor. We interrogated him to try and determine whether he was a terrorist or not. Before the interrogation was completed, a virus attack occurred and destroyed all technology in a 15 mile radius around the base where the survivor was being interrogated.

  This survivor then went into a coma immediately after the virus attack and we were unable to talk to him. Until a few weeks ago when he woke up. Before we could talk to him again, he vanished and is at large. The survivor’s name is Pollock Drake and he is believed to be working with a very powerful terrorist organization.

  Since then, events like this have still been occurring. We, as a government, have kept them as much of a secret as possible for the safety of the United States of America. It was in consensus that if we told the American people, we may be creating more problems than we would be solving. Vandalism and lawlessness may bound if we had told you.

  You may logically be asking yourselves now, “Why are you telling us this, then?” I am telling you this because of a particular event that has just happened just under a week ago.

  Our nuclear weapons were destroyed in the most recent attack. We have nothing to fight with anymore, we have no weapons. And, I am afraid to say it, we have no hope of fighting an enemy who we do not see and whose motives are completely unknown. One moment the buildings are standing there, the next, they are up in flames destroyed. Sometimes, they are not even in flames, they are just automatically ashes.

  We don’t know what we are facing, but we are America, and we can be strong in this our hour of weakness. Even though there does not seem to be any hope, we are America and we will get through this together. We need to come together and live as community, we must not lose hope.

  Chapter 5: 6/16/???1

  The following are from the newspaper Daily Manchu in the day after the president’s speech.

  Mysterious Pollock Drake on the Loose

  An international manhunt has taken place under one common theme. To find Pollock Drake, the suspected terrorist who is behind the death of over 250 thousand lives, will help save the country fear from this unknown enemy. Nothing is known about Pollock Drake because he lived in Drake and Drake was destroyed by Pollock Drake assumedly.

  The president stated in his speech that he and others were worried about how the public would react to the news of all of these attacks on United States soil. Americans have decided to put two feet forward and find this mysterious survivor. The president gave a speech today saying, “I appreciate the understanding and level-headedness of the American public and I must apologize for my misconceptions.”

  Where is the mysterious survivor? How is it that with people from all 50 states looking for him, we are unable to find him? Could he be receiving help from someone? Could he be receiving help from your neighbor?

  Or is it even possible that, assuming that we would try and find him, he is seeking shelter from the federal government? All of these theories are possible, but which one is right?

  One fact remains; Pollock Drake is dangerous and should be apprehended at all costs.

  Chapter 6: 6/18/???1

  Man Lynched because he Looked Like Pollock Drake

  Tragedy struck today as a mob thought that they had found the mysterious Pollock Drake. They brought him to town square to be tried, the judge, out of fear of the mob, said that that was him, and they hanged the man on a tree that is now known to the police department as the Drake tree.

  According to the sheriff in the town, this is the third man to be hanged since the president’s speech. It makes one have to wonder if he is still proud of how well the people are taking the news.

  I think that we are going back to a McCarthy age where we accuse people of being Communist. Only, this time it has to do with one person, Pollock Drake.

  I have to ask the question to those readers who care about this world, is Pollock Drake that big of a deal to kill three innocent men who just looked like Pollock Drake. Is Pollock Drake a scapegoat?

  I am and always will be here to tell the truth and ask the hard questions, I am Sally Humking and I am signing off.

  Chapter 7: 6/19/???1

  Obituary: Sally Humking

  Sally Humking died late last night. She lived a long and good life, that is until she began to be a Draker. A Draker is one who thinks that Pollock Drake, the terrorist behind all the recent attacks, is just a scapegoat that the government is using. These are lies, and Sally Humking is better off dead than filling American mind’s with such horrible and evil nonsense.

  Chapter 8: 6/27/???1


  Our sources inside of the federal government have given us insurmountable proof that the government is sheltering Pollock Drake. Do we have a government who is okay with killing thousands of innocent people just because they could? No, we should demand that the current government step down. If they don’t, then we make them step down.

  Chapter 9: 6/28/???1

  Journalists: Reporters of LIES or Reporters of TRUTH?

  I joined the profession of journalism because I believed wholeheartedly that to write is to help others be free. Free to know about information that is important. But we as a nation are slowly becoming fiction-tellers. I read an article recently where the author (because I will not give them the title of journalist because they write lies) claims to have “insurmountable proof that the government is sheltering Pollock Drake.” The author does not go on to provide this insurmountable proof and yet at least half of the country’s newspapers are reporting that the government is hiding Pollock Drake.

  One thing I have to say for him is that he is a very good hider. In the weeks that have followed the presidential speech which made him public enemy number one, no one has caught him yet. There have been thousands of lynchings throughout the United States. Some were based on the mob mentality that the person they are lynching is Pollock Drake. The other mentality is that they are what Americans are calling “Drakes,” people who believe that Pollock Drake is innocent and is just a scapegoat.

  I am asking people to return to journalism and walk away from the lies. My name is Richard Pinkerton and I am begging you to return to journalism.

  Chapter 10: 6/29/???1

  Richard Pinkerton Remov
ed from Post and Killed upon Leaving

  Richard Pinkerton, who wrote in an opinion column attacking journalists was removed from his post this morning. The newspaper that he was working for commented saying: “Mr. Pinkerton was a bad employee and said some negative things in his opinion column. We, as a newspaper, are definitely still supporters of truth, and he was attacking us saying we only report lies now. He was bad for business.”

  As Pinkerton was leaving the office with his supplies, a man came up to him in broad daylight and called him a Draker. The man proceeded to pull out a knife from his pocket and stab Pinkerton repeatedly. According to several witnesses, Pinkerton’s last words were “Fucking dumb-nuts, I die for the truth.”

  The man was given a medal for his, according to the mayor, “service to the community by removing Pinkerton’s scandalous and unacceptable beliefs that could have destroyed this fine city.” In attendance at the ceremony was Iggy Olman, a senator, who stood up and said that he wants to take action against these heathens who think that it is okay to question everyone’s beliefs. He says he will call it the Anti-Draker Bill.

  Chapter 11: 7/5/???1

  Anti-Draker Bill Passed through Senate, House, and President in Remarkable Time

  The Anti-Draker Bill was proposed on June 30 by Senator Iggy Olman. On that day, it passed the senate with no nays to it. It was then off to the house of representatives, they met about it and discussed it for 2 days and then voted on it. Again, there were no nays to it. The president looked it over for 3 days before he had a ceremony where he signed it.

  The ceremony was grand, there were pictures of Pollock Drake all over. Attendees were asked to do whatever they wanted to the picture. Some people reportedly (We needed something fun to do at home) took the picture home and put it on the dartboard. I made many bullseyes that day.

  The Anti-Draker Bill says that anyone who shows any ties to a Draker at all will be investigated by the police and if it is determined that they are indeed a Draker, they will be put in jail, deported, or executed if they have spread their message to others.

  Chapter 12: 7/7/???1

  Government Overthrown

  Citizens had been crying out for many days now to remove the government. The government apparently thought that with their recent Anti-Draker Bill passage that they could win favor with the public. This was not the case at all.

  Police, now having the power to do this, began investigating all of the politicians after an article said that there was insurmountable proof that the government was sheltering Pollock Drake. The police determined that there was proof that the government was sheltering Pollock Drake, and all of the senators and congressmen have been deported and sent to Mexico. “If they should ever return,” says police chief inspector Robert Klause, “They will find a gun pointed at their heads with the trigger ready to go and have their heads blown off. To do a thing like shelter such a horrible terrorist who has done such bad things is unforgivable. For that, they will live in exile or die trying to get back in.”

  The President of the United States, according to the police report was the leader of the sheltering of Pollock Drake. He was executed on public television for the country to see. His last words were: “I’m sorry Pollock Dra...” Before he could finish what he was saying, he was gagged and executed. They proceeded to execute all of the president’s cabinet.

  It is hoped that our lives can be free from terrorists such as the former President of the United States. He is a terrorist because he sheltered a terrorist. Let us go henceforth to elect a better president, one who will not be a terrorist.

  Chapter 13: 8/10/???1

  The following is a diary entry from Pollock Drake.

  I am innocent. I am innocent. I have done nothing wrong. I survived when there were no survivors, that is not a crime. I know that the only way to prove that I am innocent is to kill the creature that did this to me. It was so big, I don’t know how to kill it.

  Stop thinking like that. You can do this because you must do this. You want to start living a normal life again, I know, and killing the beast is the only way.

  But how do I kill it?

  We will figure out once we find it. But we have to find it first.

  I’m scared. I know it is pathetic, but I am so scared.

  It is okay to be scared. You have an entire country after you and you need to kill a beast that apparently doesn’t exist. So, it is okay to be scared, it’s okay to be afraid, it’s what you do when you feel that fear that shows you whether you have courage.

  I can’t do it. I’m not good enough. I’m not strong enough.

  Then lay down and die. Is that what you want?

  No, of course that is not what I want.

  Then what do you want?

  I want life to go back to the way that it was.

  You and I both know that isn’t going to happen until you kill it. Even then, things will not be the same. You saw a beast that doesn’t exist destroy your home. I want you to do something for me. It will also help you.

  What do you want me to do?

  I want you to say the name of the beast.

  I’m too scared. You remember what happened the last time.

  Look around; there aren’t any humans, airplanes, or any other type of electronic equipment around here for miles. Say its name.

  I can’t.

  Say its name.

  It is not a good idea, it might hear it again.

  Say its name.

  I don’t...

  Say its name.



  Okay. Dragon.

  Say it again.







  As soon as I said that multiple times, a flame rose into the sky from where I was laying on the ground. It was the most awe-inspiring flame I had ever seen. It was a rainbow of fiery colors. There was the blue, it was such a pure blue that I almost wept at its beauty. The red, orange, and yellow was too bright to even behold and look at. I was scared because I thought that the dragon had come back for me. I was also scared because someone might see it and come investigating it, and subsequently find me.

  Go to the fire. I walked over to the fire. Put your hand in it.

  I was worried that I would burn my hand off. But my voice had not been wrong yet. It always had its reasons. I had learned that in my 4 month coma. I closed my eyes and shoved my hand into the flame. I was expected to feel a burning sensation and smell burning flesh, but I didn’t feel anything or smell anything either. I opened my eyes and saw that my hand was still in the fire, still intact and fine. Sometimes we see things that we do not understand and so we are afraid, look at everything and do not be afraid. To kill the beast, you must become like him. He loves fire, you fear it, learn to love it and fire becomes your ally, not his.

  I knew then that I will forever be a changed man. Never would I walk around scared of every shadow, of every bump that goes in the night. I needed to do what I needed to do. There can be no one who will stop me, not especially me. I am my own worst enemy, I am my own worst stumbling block. I am the fire in which I fear. If I embrace the fire, I embrace my worst enemy and we become allies.

  And so I will spend as long as it takes in this desert embracing my enemy and becoming allies with it. I will fight with it, for it, and against it. But I will emerge victorious. I will not be writing until this is done.

  I am a boy no longer, even though I am 15, I will live as a man from now on because I am a man.

  Chapter 14: 10/12/???1

  The following are newspaper articles from the Arach Kelakona.

  4 Months and No Pollock Drake

  It has been four months since the Draker President announced that Pollock Drake was a terrorist who was behind the destruction of two cities and a nuclear facility. W
e obviously had a setback in finding him because the government at that time was sheltering him. Since July 10, we have had a president, congressmen, and senators from the Anti-Draconia party. The party’s platform is finding Drake and finding out things that have happened that Drake has been involved in.

  According to records released by the government, Drake has been involved in at least half of the executions of innocents. He planted seeds in the minds of people making them think that one of their neighbors was Drake.

  It has been reported by the government that Drake is now the killer of millions of people, up from thousands a few months ago based on the findings of the government. He is clearly still active and dangerous because he continues to do terroristic actions.

  One thing is certain, this government is after him and the American people are still after him and we will find him.

  Chapter 15: 11/21/???1

  Has Drake Moved On?

  Sources from Germany tell us that two cities in central Germany were destroyed this week. The names of the two cities were Drache and Lindwurm. The German government lost contact with Drache at 11:00am on November 19. A person reported from the town of Lindwurm that they saw a great ball of fire in the direction of Drache. At 11:45am, the German government lost contact with Lindwurm. They sent in troops to try and determine what happened.

  When the troops arrived, they found both cities in ashes. The government reported that it was accidental.

  It is doubtful that it was anything accidental, as these are almost the same circumstances as when this happened in America. Two cities destroyed within an hour of each other. This is clearly the work of Pollock Drake, who is now not just a North American terrorist, but an international terrorist.

  Chapter 16: 11/30/???1

  Survivor of Drache and Lindwurm Destruction Dies

  There was one survivor of the destruction of Drache and Lindwurm. Her name was Agnes Zweck and she was questioned after she was found walking outside of Lindwurm. Police reportedly were asking what happened to the cities when she went into a coma. A few days later, she died while in the coma.