Read The Dragon Cycle Page 3

  Doctors do not know what happened to her. They said that there were irregularities in her brain structure, and that may have been the cause of her premature death.

  Many in America are saying that this is the work of Pollock Drake. The German government does not give much credence to this rumor as they reportedly believe that Pollock Drake doesn’t even exist. The German government doesn’t believe that the attacks were attacks, and they were just accidents. They have told the citizens lies that it was an accident that happened, and that it was being investigated. They did not even mention Pollock Drake in their address to the citizens of Germany.

  The German government is clearly in denial of the fact that Pollock Drake is an international terrorist.

  Chapter 17: 12/12/???1

  The following is an e-mail sent to Bethany Anguloce, a meteorologist.


  I am writing this e-mail because I don’t know how much time I have. If my calculations are correct, we will all be dead in about 35 minutes. I am in Tatsu, China. I am not being attacked by the government, don’t worry about that. They still think I am here covering a sporting event.

  You were right, Beth, about 10 minutes ago, there was a sound that seemed to be coming from everywhere. I dropped everything that I was doing and ran outside to find out what was going on. You had told me that it was possible that it would happen, but I still wasn’t expecting it.

  I walked out and I saw a giant fire rising to the sky across from the river. A river divides us from the city of Liung, China. It is almost like that story in the book of Exodus from the bible about a column of fire. The fire has so many different colors, it’s almost like a rainbow of fire. The blue makes me almost want to weep because it is such a pure blue. I can’t even look at the red, yellow, and orange because they are too bright. It’s beautiful, and honestly, it’s a beautiful way to go.

  There’s no point in trying to leave, the other survivors of this haven’t survived for long or they go crazy. I just wanted to let you know that you were right. Don’t give up on your theory, Bethany. You were right.

  I am going outside to look at the column that will be the cause of my death. I’m also going to do something for you to document. I would record this if I were you, I’m turning on my webcam and am just going to leave it here.

  I love you,

  Bruce Jamal

  Chapter 18: 12/13/???1

  The following is a description of what was seen on the webcam as written by Bethany Anguloce.

  I see Bruce stepping away from the camera. He says, “I hope this is working, because I don’t know if it is.” He leans up close to the camera and says, looking straight into it, “I love you Beth, don’t ever forget that. I don’t want you to ask me for forgiveness when we meet again because this is beautiful. Goodbye.” He walks out of the room and that is the last I see of him.

  The room is clearly in a run-down hotel which has a red tint to everything in it. It’s walls are painted a dark red, almost the color of blood. How anyone can sleep in a room the color of blood, I don’t know. There is a double bed straight across from where I am watching. The bed is not made and the sheets are halfway on the floor. I guess the maids hadn’t cleaned up yesterday, understandable because of the explosion.

  Some of Bruce’s clothes are lying on the lamp next to the the bed. He had always been a slob, so that wasn’t too much of a surprise. 10 minutes into the video, everything went black. The video was still going, so that meant that it was just dark in the room. How could it have gotten that dark so soon? There is a voice that is starting to whisper something, but I can’t make it out. The voice keeps repeating it over and over, I realize that it was whispering something in Chinese.

  I don’t speak Chinese, so I call a friend I know who speaks Chinese fluently and is an interpreter of Chinese. When I call him, I ask him if he speaks Chinese just to make sure that I had the right person. I am heartbroken when he says, “I don’t speak Chinese because Chinese is not what the language is called. The language is called Mandarin.”

  I beg him to come over as soon as possible because it is very possibly the most important thing in the existence of mankind. He him haws and acts like he isn’t going to come, but then I say, “You could receive awards if you come right now.” My friend is an award hungry person, if he can poop to get an award, he would do it in front of a crowd if he had to.

  He was over to my office in five minutes. I asked him to translate what the voice was saying. He listened multiple times and said, “It translates roughly to: The fire is rising, and it will never stop destroying.”

  I felt then what I had only heard of before, I felt a chill run down my spine. Those were the same words that the citizen from Naga had said that the citizens had heard after the explosion.

  The video ends in a light so bright that it breaks the monitor that I use. The colors on my monitor don’t work anymore. It turns my monitor into a black and white monitor.

  I killed him, I didn’t think that it would really happen. It was just a hypothesis that shouldn’t have actually happened. The hypothesis said...

  Chapter 19: 12/14/???1

  Obituary: Bethany Anguloce

  A fire began in the office of Bethany Anguloce at the national meteorological institute. The fire was so intense that no remains were found of Anguloce. Anguloce specialized in odd weather patterns. She was the first to postulate that there were such a thing as firestorms, although they have not been proven as no one has seen one and lived to tell the tale.

  Chapter 20: 1/22/???2

  The following is a speech given by the President of the United States on the first year anniversary of the destruction of two cities.

  My fellow Americans, on this day, we mourn the many lives that we have lost since beginning this war on Drake terror. Pollock Drake is a menace in our society, one constantly pops his head up in the evilest of places. Today, I start a campaign to end all terror in the world, I vow to end all Pollock Drakes out there. Today, I declare a war on Drakers against the world.

  No longer will we sit back when there are those in the world who need our help from terrorists. A terrorist is a person who inspires terror in the hearts of people, and I propose that that is the very definition of a Draker.

  We will end genocides, we will end anyone who rules with fear. We will fight them, and we will win. I will tell you how I know we will win, because we are Americans. We always win because we never give up. To never give up is to win, and we need to win for all of our sakes and the whole world’s sake.

  I declare on this day, the day of January 22, Isaiah Plinkton, the dictator, a Draker. We will stop you now, because you inspire terror in the hearts of your people. We will no longer allow you to be a ruler because you inspire fear, you need to inspire love and commitment, not fear. We are coming after you, and we will end your reign of Drake.

  Long live the Anti-Drakers, and long live the Anti-Drakonian America.

  Chapter 21: 3/24/???2

  All Quiet on the Western Front

  It has been relatively quiet for a while now. There have been no attacks for the past 4 months. We have to ask the question, is this terror over now? We hope so.

  But we can never be sure if, indeed, it is over. We have been in a war for almost a year now against one man, Pollock Drake, who has been elusive and unseen. We can only hope that he has died and will no longer terrorize us.

  If, indeed, he has died, what does that mean for our future? We elected officials one year ago whose platform is to catch this elusive man who has been quiet for a while. Are we done, and if we are done, will our officials change their platform?

  They have already begun a War on Drakonianism, is that enough for the party? The President of the United States declared Isaiah Plinkton a Draker. He also declared that Drakers are not safe anymore.

  Chapter 22: 5/21/???2

  The following is a report given to the Preside
nt of the United States

  At 3:00 this morning, we received an anonymous tip that there was a legitimate sighting of the international terrorist Pollock Drake. According to the report, he was seen wandering outside of the city of Smok. We brought in SWAT teams from every possible area to track him down and bring him in.

  This, I don’t have to mention to you, is the very first sighting of him in your term as a president. It would be very good public relations for you to catch him and you would most definitely be reelected.

  We are awaiting further orders from you as to whether to go ahead with this operation and bring him in or to kill him on sight.

  This was the response to the report:

  As president of the United States, I have the authority to tell you no. Do not kill him and do not bring him in. You, being a good soldier that you are, will not question my decision. If you do, my government will have no choice but to brand you a Draker, and I think you know how that will end for you.

  In the past half year since the passage of the Anti-Draker Act, there have been only a few deportations. We have chosen the severe road in order to deal with a severe act of instilling Drakonianism philosophy into the minds of people.

  Now, you may say to me based on what I just said, “Well, then we should capture Drake.” Well, we should not capture Drake, that would be negative for our administration.

  My answer is no, and I will explain nothing to you because you do not need to know.

  The following is the transcript of a phone conversation between the President and the Secretary of Defense

  President (Henceforth called P): My good friend, apparently, there has been a sighting of Drake outside of Smok. I want you to make sure that this does not leak out to the press. I don’t want to catch this man.

  Secretary of Defense (Henceforth called SD): Why don’t you want to catch him, Mr. President, that is one of the platforms of your campaign.

  P: I am aware that that is one of my platforms, but it would be bad for the country.

  SD: I do not follow.

  P: If we capture this guy, who is the very reason that I am the president of the United States, then I have to change my platform.

  SD: Then you have to change your platform.

  P: Negative, are you an idiot?

  SD: No, I don’t believe so.

  P: Right now, we have complete authority and support from the people of the United States of America. If we capture him, we lose that authority. We lose it because they think that they are safe.

  SD: Don’t we want them to feel safe?

  P: No, because if they feel safe, then we are not needed in office anymore. There is already talk in the newspapers about how Drake has been dormant for a while.

  SD: What’s the problem?

  P: (Sighing angrily) The problem is that they are already talking about us changing our platform. If we change it, we go back to a bipartisan fighting government where people sometimes support the people in power.

  SD: So you want to stay in power.

  P: Yeah.

  SD: How long do you want to stay in power, then?

  P: Honestly, until I die.

  SD: There is a constitution that we still have to support. The constitution...

  P: True, but have you ever heard of the prohibition part of the constitution? They took that out, just like they can take out the part about the two term maximum rule.

  SD: How are you going to be president forever?

  P: Change the constitution and kill rivals...reputation.

  SD: Mr. President, can I ask you a question.

  P: Depends on the question. You can ask it, but I may not be able to answer it.

  SD: Is Drake really a terrorist?

  P: Yes, he instills terror in the hearts of the people of this great country.

  SD: Let me rephrase the question. Did he cause all of those fires?

  P: Yes, somebody did do it and he did it.

  The previous transcript was taken from a recording that the secretary of defense took from this conversation with his phone. He released it to the general public and was attacked for being a Draker by the president. However, the public determined that he was not a Draker, but the president was a Draker.

  Chapter 23: 7/14/???2

  President Imprisoned Today Under the Anti-Draker Act; Secretary of Defense says “Shift in Politics is Coming”

  In the leaked phone conversation between the president of the United States and the secretary of defense, the president said that he was going to stay in power forever. Americans across the country were enraged by their perceptions that he despised them for their stupidity. Americans were even more enraged when they found out that he had decided not to go get the international terrorist known as Pollock Drake.

  In response to the president’s imprisonment, the vice president and everyone except for the secretary of defense stepped down. They stated the reason of “Two presidents in a row have been killed by the American public, I’m not going to be the third..”

  To combat this, the secretary of defense, now the president of the United States has said, “We will not be executing the former president. We need to go back to the way things were. Trial by a jury of peers to determine whether he is guilty or not. There will be a change in politics the way we have been doing it. Since the destruction of those two cities, we have lost what it means to truly be American. We need to stop fearing for our safety and start living life like there is no tomorrow. No more killings, no more lynchings of people who may or may not be Drakers. We need to to live as we once lived, we need to be America, the land of the free and brave again. And we will. God bless America, and long live an America free from fear of Drakonianism.”

  This shows a complete shift in politics, to imprison the president, instead of what we have been doing in the past year and a half of killing first and asking questions later. We are in a brave new world now and we will live in hope and not fear.

  Chapter 24: 8/10/???2

  The following are diary entries from the diary of Pollock Drake.

  I have been in the desert for a year. I have died to myself and resurrected the parts of me that are necessary to defeat the dragon. I am one with the voice now. I know where to go.

  How do I know where to go is a logical question that I can feel you asking me. Well, in the past year, I have become one with all parts of nature. Fire is my servant, all of nature is my servant and I control them. They show me the paths to places where none exist yet.

  The dragon is in Drake where all of this started. I must be careful, and I know it, because I am still hunted by everyone in this country. I must stay away from places of humans. They are all afraid of me, and truthfully, they should be. I am more of a terrorist now than I have ever been.

  My old government took my sheep, little did they know that the sheep was the last thing holding me to staying human. I am still human, but only just. I know the sacrifice that I must make in killing the dragon. I am saving the world and sacrificing myself, but the world will only rejoice because I am dead. They do not understand, they will never understand.

  I am lost in a sea of nothingness, and that is what this world now has to offer me. I am innocent, and yet they have convinced themselves that I am evil. I have gone from a suspected terrorist to an evil menace that an entire government has chosen to hunt.

  They do not understand the meaning of truly hunting. You cannot know what it is to truly hunt for something until you are alone and abandoned in this cruel world. They may call me evil, but it seems to me that I am more innocent than all of them combined. Look at the things that they have done in fear of me, an innocent. They have lynched their lovers, their friends, their children, all because they think that those follow me. I am followed by no one, the world has abandoned me to the evil of the world.

  I will find this dragon, and I will die trying. My sacrifice, my choice, their world. Irony in its fullest extent.

Chapter 25: 11/26/???2

  I haven’t gotten very far. I started on the West coast and have only gotten to the central United States. I am going, and I plan on killing that dragon. I know that the world will never think that I am innocent. They will always look at me as a villain, no matter what news and information is vomited into their brains.

  I have had one close call that I turned into a good thing; back at the beginning of this month, I was walking through South Dakota when someone almost ran me over with a car. It was nighttime, and they stopped just in time to not hit me.

  I just want to say that all of my pictures were destroyed in the fire that the dragon started in Drake, but apparently, the authorities who interrogated me took a picture of me. Since then, that picture has been used for the smear campaign that the media has used against me.

  The driver got out to find out if I was okay, as soon as he saw my face, he went ghostly white as if I had threatened to kill him. Perhaps that is what he thought because I am apparently a terrorist, I, for my part, looked like a deer in the headlights. So we just stood there looking at each other in horror, me because I had not been in contact with anyone in at least a year and a half; he because I am a terrorist according to the sources that he reads.

  He took off running in the other direction, I, because I felt bad, yelled, “I’m not going to hurt you, please come back to your car and I will run away.” He stopped running, and appeared to consider it. Then realized that he was thinking about a proposition coming from a terrorist. He started running again, and I yelled out, “I would come back here if I were you, or else you never know what might happen to you.” I admit, not one of my best moments, but I needed to get to Drake fast before the dragon attacked another two cities.

  I guess it was his turn to look like a deer in the headlights, and he started walking back like a person who is the walking dead. I said politely, “Could you please hurry up, you’re kinda walking like a zombie.” He walked faster after I said that, once he had gotten back, I asked him, “Could I get a ride back to my hometown? I have some unfinished business there.”