Read The Exception Page 19

  “Sorry, bro, or should I say sis? It was too good of an opportunity to pass up.” I laughed.

  “How did it go with Jill?”

  Staring at him, I couldn’t seem to hold a conversation while he was wearing all that makeup. The bright red lipstick was really bugging me.

  “You need to take that makeup off, dude. I just can’t talk to you like that.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Soph, go get the face wipes.”

  “Okay, Uncle Liam.” She giggled.

  Sophie returned with the face wipes and Liam started to wipe off the makeup.

  “Okay. Go on. I want details.”

  “Lia said she could tell Jillian was upset.”

  “Okay. That’s good.”

  “Not really. I didn’t want to upset her and I’m sure I made matters worse when we danced together and I sang in her ear.”

  “Nice one, Drew.” He smiled.

  “Then why do I feel like a complete dick?”

  “Listen, bro. You did what you had to do. I mean, sometimes we have to hurt the people we love in order for them to wake up. Trust me, she’ll be back in your life soon.”

  “And if she isn’t?”

  He stopped wiping his face and looked at me with confusion.

  “Well, I don’t know. Then maybe I was wrong about her, but I doubt it. Have a little faith.”

  “I’m going to head home. Thanks again for watching the girls. Are you taking Sophie home?”

  “Nah, she’s spending the night. But no more makeup!” He pointed at her and she giggled.

  I chuckled as I headed to the door.

  “Good night, Miss Sophie.”

  “Good night, Mr. Drew. Be careful walking home.”

  “Yeah, try not to trip over any bushes,” Liam yelled.

  After stripping out of my suit, I put on my pajama bottoms, poured myself a drink, and climbed into bed. Now what? I thought to myself. Seeing her in that long strapless plum-colored dress with her hair pinned up in curls really did me in. The minute she walked down that aisle, I was even more captivated than the first time I had ever laid eyes on her. I never knew that I needed stability. I mean, I did have some stability in my life with my company, but I needed more in my life. A woman who would stand by my side that I could hold and take care of. That was what I never realized I needed until I met Jillian. She was all the stability I needed.



  My aching fucking head. Shit. I drank way too much last night. The struggle was real trying to get out bed. When I finally managed it, I stumbled into the kitchen, where I found Kellan leaning over the counter, drinking his coffee.

  “Morning, Miss Hangover.” He smiled.

  “Shut up,” I growled.

  “Be nice or you won’t get any coffee.” He poured some into a cup and handed it to me.

  “Ugh. Why did you let me drink so much?” I laid my head down on the counter.

  “If you recall, I tried to stop you, but you weren’t hearing it.”

  “What time does your flight leave?”

  “In about four hours. So sober up.”

  “I don’t want you to leave.” I pouted as I looked up at him.

  “I don’t want to go either. I miss you, Bean. Maybe I’ll move here. I can get a job anywhere.”

  “Don’t toy with me, Kel.”

  “Seriously, Jill. I’m being serious. I’m over Seattle.”

  “What about your parents?”

  He smiled. “What about yours?”

  “Good point.”

  “I’m sure there’s a company on Wall Street that would hire me with my financial background. I’m going to start looking as soon as I get back to Seattle.”

  “I would love for you to move here.” I wrapped my arms around him.

  “You stink like alcohol. Go take a shower.” He kissed the top of my head.

  As the hot water streamed down me, the first thing that came to my mind was Drew. I vaguely remembered having a dream about him last night. We were in Hawaii on the beach and the sun had just set. I sank down on the shower floor and brought my knees up, hugging them tight as the water beat down on me. I was fighting with myself. Fighting to detach myself from the man I was in love with. But the fight in me was quickly leaving, and the strength I thought I had, wasn’t there anymore. All I kept picturing in my head was him and Lia and wondering if they had sex after she put her kids to bed. The thought of him with another woman made me sick. I blew it. He’d moved on because I was too selfish and only thought of myself. He’d given up on me. Just like I had given up on myself all those years ago.

  After managing to finish my shower, I got dressed, and Kellan and I headed to the airport.

  “Call me as soon as you land.” I hugged him goodbye.

  “I will, Bean. Do me a favor.”


  “Hurry up and find yourself so you can be happy. I hate to say this because you know how much I love you, but I think this whole self-journey thing is destroying you. You’re a beautiful, intelligent, and independent woman, and it’s okay to fall in love with someone. When we’d talk while Drew was around, you were the happiest I’d ever seen you. I don’t want to sit back and watch you walk on the path of destruction again. Been there, done that, and I won’t let you do it again. You can find out who you are and loving someone isn’t going to change that.”

  “Don’t you have a plane to catch?” I wiped the tear that formed in my eye.

  He kissed my forehead. “I love you. Make some good decisions.” He winked.

  “I love you too. Don’t forget to call me.”

  “Who would ever forget to call you?” He smiled.

  Chapter Forty


  I needed to come clean about Lia to Jillian. Why the fuck did I listen to Liam? As I pulled out my phone, a text message from her came through.

  “Hey. Can we talk?”

  “Of course. When?”

  “In about an hour. I have to say goodbye to my dad first.”

  “Where at?”

  “My place?”

  “I’ll see you in an hour.”

  Seeing her text made me smile, yet I was nervous as to what she wanted to talk about. Maybe it was about us, or maybe it was about Lia. Either way, I was telling her the truth and I hoped she didn’t hate me for it.



  “There’s something I want to talk to you about,” my dad spoke as I took a seat on the couch in his suite.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t want to make your life more complicated than it already is, but I feel you have the right to know.”


  “When I get back to Seattle, I’m telling your mother that I’m filing for divorce.”

  I wasn’t shocked in the least. In fact, I felt they should have divorced years ago. Kids never want to see their parents get divorced, but in my case, I sort of welcomed it.

  “I understand, Dad.”

  “I lost the woman who I believed was the love of my life twenty-four years ago and I’m not about to live in a loveless unhappy marriage anymore. If there’s one thing you taught me, Jill, it’s that you don’t have to settle for anything in life.” He placed his hand on my cheek.

  “What about everything you worked so hard for? Mom will try to take you for everything you have.”

  “I know, but she won’t get everything.” He gave a small smile. “That’s not for you to worry about. I’ll be fine.”

  “And what about Kristen? What happened all those years ago will get out.”

  “And I’ll be the one telling it. Listen, I have to go now, sweetheart.” We both got up from the couch and I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him tight. “I like Drew, Jill. I think he’s a good man and I know he loves you. Don’t do what I did all those years ago. Don’t be afraid and just let life lead you in the right direction. It led you to Drew for a reason. I love you and I just want you to be happy.”

  “I know, Dad. I love you too.”

  “Goodbye, sweet girl.” He kissed my forehead. “Stay in touch with your old man.”

  “I will.”

  I gave him one last hug before he climbed into the limo and drove off. Hailing a cab back to my apartment, I nervously paced around the room, waiting for Drew to arrive. What if he didn’t want me anymore? After all, he did bring another woman to my sister’s wedding. The minute I heard the knock on the door, my heart started racing and the nervousness that I felt was at an all-time high. I stood there for a moment with my hand on the doorknob and took in a deep breath.


  “Hi.” Drew smiled as he stepped inside. “You wanted to talk?”

  “Yeah.” I began to pace around the living room.

  “Do you want to sit down?” he asked.

  “No. You sit. I’m just going to pace around. There are some things I need to say to you.”

  “Okay.” He took a seat on the couch.

  Taking in a deep long breath, I held it for a moment before letting it out.

  “I want to apologize to you for being a bitch.”

  “You aren’t a bitch, Jillian. Don’t ever say that.”

  Turning around, I held up my finger. “Yes. Yes, I am. I led you on. Made you think that there was something more between us than just friends. I let you have sex with me, multiple times. We did things together that couples do and then when you mentioned the word ‘us,’ I freaked out. And you want to know why I freaked out? Because as much as I wanted to be alone and be on my own with no distractions, I liked ‘us.’ I liked having sex with you multiple times a day. I liked going shopping for dishes. I liked going out to eat with you and I liked waking up to you every morning. I liked how you held me at night and made me feel safe, and I liked how you understood me and wanted to take care of me.”

  “I liked all that too,” he spoke.

  “No. No. Don’t speak yet until I’m finished.”

  A small smile crossed his lips.

  “I was lost, so lost in a world where I didn’t exactly know where I belonged. I was struggling to find myself and my place in this world. And then I met you, and suddenly, I didn’t feel lost anymore. Which, by the way, scared me because it wasn’t supposed to happen that way. When you left that night, I felt lost again and I hated the fact that I needed you so much in my life and not just as a friend. Now you’ve met someone else and, to be honest, I’m having a hard time handling it. There, I said it.”

  “Can I speak now?”

  Taking in a deep breath, I spoke, “Yes.”

  Getting up from the couch, he walked over to me and placed a tight grip on my hips.

  “Lia is my secretary. She’s not someone I’m interested in. I only brought her to the wedding to make you jealous and I deeply apologize for that. I know I’m a dick and I hope you can forgive me.”

  “So, she’s not someone you’re dating?”

  “No, Jill.” He smiled. “She’s my secretary and a damn good one. I’m not interested in dating anyone else. You’re the only woman in this world I want. You had me in the palm of your hand the minute you sat down next to me on that plane. I can’t explain it. I wish I could, but I can’t. I have never felt this way about anyone before. I am so in love with you, Jillian Bell, that sometimes it hurts. You’re all I think about every second of every day and you’re all I dream about at night. I love you, you crazy girl, and I don’t want to stop you from finding yourself, but I’ll be there for you every step of the way. I promise.”

  Tears rolled down my cheeks as our eyes stayed locked on each other’s and he took his thumbs and gently wiped them away.

  “You’re beautiful when you cry.” He smiled.

  “When I started my journey, nothing was getting in my way; there were no exceptions. Except you became the exception because I couldn’t help but fall in love with you.”

  “Do you know how happy that makes me to hear you say that?” Tears filled his eyes. “I love you, Jillian.”

  “I love you too, Drew, and if you’ll have me, I would like there to be an us.”

  “That’s all I ever wanted, baby.” His lips brushed against mine.


  “Good lord!” I exclaimed as Drew rolled off me.

  He chuckled as he sat up against the headboard and I snuggled into him.

  “Satisfied?” he asked.

  “Very.” I moaned as my lips pressed against his chest. “You?”

  “Very satisfied.” He kissed the top of my head.

  His fingers softly ran themselves up and down my arm as he held me.

  “My dad is divorcing my mom,” I spoke.

  “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “Don’t be. It’s for the best.” I sat up and ran my thumb across his lip. “I’m hungry.”

  “Want to grab a bite to eat somewhere?”

  “Yeah.” I smiled as I kissed his lips. “And then we can have dessert at your house.”

  Chapter Forty-One


  After grabbing some dinner, we headed to my townhouse. As I was helping Jillian from the car, Liam and Oliver had just stepped out his front door.

  “Hello there, neighbor!” Liam shouted as he waved.

  Here we go.

  “Hey, Liam. Oliver.” I waved back.

  “Hello, Jillian.” Liam smiled.

  “Hi, Liam.” She waved.

  They walked over to us and Liam introduced Jillian to Oliver.

  “This is my brother, Oliver Wyatt.”

  “Nice to meet you, Oliver.” She smiled as they shook hands.

  “Nice to meet you as well, Jillian.”

  “Why don’t you go in the house and put these leftovers in the refrigerator. I’ll be in shortly,” I spoke.

  Jillian went into the house and I prepared myself for Liam.

  Placing his hands in his pocket, he spoke, “So, what’s going on?”

  “Okay. Okay.” I put up my hand. “It seems your little plan worked. We are officially a couple now.” I grinned.

  “Congratulations.” Oliver placed his hand on my shoulder.


  “Yep. Told you it would work. I think I may start my own business,” Liam spoke.

  “And what business would that be?” Oliver asked as he rolled his eyes.

  “A company that helps a man or a woman get the person of their dreams.”

  “You’re an idiot.” Oliver smacked him upside the head.

  “Why? Something like, uh, what’s it called, a wingman service. I could be the wingman and help people out in the love department.” He grinned brightly.

  I laughed and Oliver stood there shaking his head. “Like I said, you’re an idiot.”

  “You say that now, but you won’t be when I start raking in the millions, dear brother.”

  Oliver sighed. “You already rake in the millions. Come on, we’re going to be late. Congrats, Drew. I’m happy for you, man.”

  “Yeah. Congratulations, bro. The six of us need to do dinner. Call me!” He pointed at me as they headed to the car.

  “I will, and thanks again.”

  Liam held his arms out. “That’s what a wingman does, bro.”

  Chuckling, I walked into the house and found Jillian in the kitchen, pouring us a glass of wine.

  “I’ve been thinking,” she spoke. “I’m going to take the bar exam.”

  “Really? I thought you didn’t want to be a lawyer?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

  “I worked my ass off in college and law school and it would be waste at least not to take the exam.”

  “I think it’s a good idea. I’ll tell you what, you can come work for me as my company lawyer if you want to. I’d hire you on the spot.”

  “Don’t you have a lawyer already?”

  I shrugged. “A firm. But they can easily be replaced by someone as sexy as you.” I smiled as I kissed her lips.

  “We’d have to work together every day. We’
d see each other all the time. Don’t you think we’d get sick of each other?”

  “I could never get sick of having you by my side all day long.”

  A smile graced her beautiful face. “Good, because I could never get sick of you either. There’s something else I need to do.”

  “What’s that, baby?”

  “I need to go see Grant and my mom. It’s part of my journey. For closure purposes.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “Yes. If you wouldn’t mind.”

  “I would be happy to go with you.”

  “Thank you. I love you.”

  “And I love you. Now about that dessert you promised me.” I grinned as my hand traveled up her short skirt.

  “Where would you like to eat it, Mr. Westbrook?” The corners of her mouth curved upwards.

  “I was thinking right here in the kitchen.” I lifted her up on the counter.

  “The kitchen is the perfect place for dessert.” Our lips met with passion.



  As Drew and I stepped off the plane, I thought I’d feel nervous, but I wasn’t. Which was weird. When I turned on my phone, a message from Kellan came through.

  “Douchebag is at Bar Louie and he’s here with some chick. I’m sitting at the bar trying not to gag.”

  “Thanks. Did he see you?”

  “Yeah. When he was on his way to the bathroom. He just gave me a dirty look. Idiot.”

  “We’re on our way.”

  “You sure you want to do this, Bean?”

  “I’m sure. See you soon.”

  “He’s at Bar Louie with some girl,” I spoke as I held Drew’s hand.

  “Don’t you think you should wait and talk to him at his house?”

  “And risk seeing his parents? Um. No thanks. A public place is better.”

  When we reached Bar Louie, I took in a deep breath as I walked through the door and saw Kellan sitting at the bar. Walking over, I gave him a big hug.

  “So where is he?” I asked.

  “Well, he’s walking over to us as we speak. Shit. Are you sure about this?”

  “Look who decided to pop back into town,” Grant spoke as he approached me.

  I swallowed hard. “Hello, Grant.”

  Drew took a seat on the stool and ordered a scotch.