Read The Exception Page 18

  “Hi, Drew.” Her voice was unsure.

  “I just wanted to tell you that I’m sorry about the other night. I didn’t mean to walk out like I did and I want you to know that I fully understand.”

  “It’s okay. I understand why you left.”

  “Listen, Jillian. We’re friends and I don’t want that to end.”

  “I don’t either, Drew.”

  “Good. I also want you to know that I’ll always be here for you if you need someone to talk to, whether it be about your parents, Kristen, or anything about yourself. I’m just a phone call away.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it. I really do and it means a lot to me to hear you say that.”

  “You’re welcome. I have to hang up now. I have a meeting to get to.”

  “Okay. We’ll talk soon. Bye, Drew.”

  “Bye, Jillian.”

  I let out a deep breath as I hit the end button on my phone.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I set my phone down and looked at Kristen, who was sitting across from me.

  “Well? What did he want?” she asked.

  “He said he wants us to be friends.”

  “Good man. Is that what you want?”

  “Yes. Of course.”

  “Well, then you can’t sleep with him. Because you can’t have a friends-with-benefits type of relationship.”

  “I know. He told me to call him if I ever need anything.”

  “Is he coming to the wedding?” She bit down on her bottom lip. “Because I just assumed he was.”

  “I don’t know. Did you invite him?”

  “I thought you already did.” She frowned.

  “We never really talked about it.”

  Rolling her eyes, she sighed. “Give me his number. I’ll ask him. After all, he is the one who got us that wonderful room. He should be there.”

  “I agree,” I spoke and then rattled off his number to her.

  Drew calling me and wanting to still be friends meant a lot to me. Maybe someday, once I discovered who I was, we could be more. But for now, friends were what we had to remain, even though I missed him like crazy. I couldn’t use him to fulfill my own needs. It wasn’t fair to him. Truly loving someone before you love yourself wasn’t an option. No exceptions.

  “He said he’d love to come.” Kristen grinned.

  A small smile crossed my lips. “Good. I’m happy he can make it.”


  Kristen and my father met later that night. Noah wasn’t thrilled, but he put on a happy face for Kristen because this was what she wanted. I stood there and watched my father cry as he hugged her and the two of them sat down on the couch and talked for a few hours. It made me wonder that if Kristen wasn’t dying, would she have wanted to meet him.

  “I have to ask you a question and I don’t want you to get mad at me,” I spoke.


  “If you weren’t dying, would you have wanted to meet Dad?”

  “Yes. I still would have wanted to meet him.”

  “Why?” I asked in confusion.

  “Because I’m strong enough to know that people make mistakes. There’s not one person on the face of this Earth that hasn’t made a mistake or two in their life. It’s not healthy to hold grudges and my mother always taught me that. Believe it or not, she forgave him a long time ago.”


  “Yes. I wish you could have met her. She was the most beautiful person you’d ever meet. She was so full of wisdom and knowledge.”

  “No wonder Dad stayed with her for over a year.”

  “She told me that she couldn’t hate him because he gave her the most precious gift anyone could ever give someone: me.”

  Tears started to fill my eyes. “Didn’t she ever meet anyone else?”

  “She dated a lot. But she said no one could ever fill the shoes that were Dad’s.”

  I reached over and placed my hand on hers as we both sat there and let the tears fall freely down our cheeks.



  Being invited to Kristen and Noah’s wedding thrilled me because then I would get to see Jillian again. Remembering what Liam had said, I called Lia into my office.

  “Yes, Drew.” She smiled as she walked in.

  “Have a seat. There’s something I would like to ask you.”

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t know how to ask you this without sounding like a complete dick.”

  She laughed. “Just come out with it.”

  “Would you attend a wedding with me on Saturday evening at the Harmonie Club?”

  “Is Jillian going to be there?”

  Clearing my throat, I spoke, “Yes. She’ll be there.”

  “She hasn’t met me yet. So if we walk in together, she may think we’re seeing each other.” Her eye narrowed at me.

  “Perhaps.” I folded my hands. “It’s a dick move, I know. You can thank Liam for that.”

  She laughed. “I get it. I really do. And yes, I will attend the wedding with you.”

  “Really? You don’t think I’m an asshole for doing this?”

  “No. I don’t think that at all.”

  “Thanks, Lia. Go buy yourself a new dress on me. Put it on the business account and Liam will babysit Gretchen and Gigi for you.” I smiled.

  “Really? That’s great because my babysitter is out of town this week and won’t be back until Monday.”

  “Consider it done.”

  “The girls will be excited. They like Liam and Avery.”

  I gave her a smile as she walked out of my office. Picking up my phone, I dialed Liam.

  “What’s up, bro?” he answered.

  “Lia is going with me to Jillian’s sister’s wedding on Saturday night and you’re babysitting Gretchen and Gigi for her.”

  “Dude, I have tickets to the playoffs for that night and Avery is going out with her girlfriends.”

  “Looks like you’re going to have to watch the game from home. Your idea, man. Your idea.”

  He sighed. “Fine. I just didn’t think you’d do it so soon. I’ll have Sophie come over so she can keep the girls entertained and I can watch the game. Man, you really suck right now.”

  I let out a laugh. “Thanks, Liam. I’ll talk to you soon.”



  Cupping my hands over my mouth, tears filled my eyes as I stood and stared at my sister in her wedding dress.

  “Stop it. I’m warning you.” Kristen pointed at me.

  “You look so beautiful. Oh my God, wait until Noah sees you.”

  “You’re not going to disappear, are you?” She grinned.

  I laughed. “No. I’m not going anywhere.”

  The door opened and my father walked in. Walking over, he kissed my cheek. “You look beautiful, Jillian.”

  “Thanks, Daddy.” I smiled.

  Reaching over and taking hold of Kristen’s hands, he spoke in a low voice.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah, Dad. I’m more than ready.”

  Kristen had asked our father the night they met if he would do the honor of walking her down the aisle on her wedding day. He was in shock and it took him a few seconds before he could answer her. He never left New York and told my mother that he was tied up on emergency business and that he’d be flying back home on Sunday. She asked him if he had spent time with me and he was truthful and said yes. He also told her that he met Kristen. My mother wasn’t happy about that. If anyone needed to go in search of themselves, it was her. Things between the two of us still weren’t settled and I wasn’t sure if they’d ever be.

  The music started to play and I took my place to walk down the aisle first. Glancing at the guests as I slowly walked to the music, I spotted Drew sitting next to a woman. Perhaps she was one of Kristen’s friends. Yeah. That was who she was; she was a friend of my sister. I wasn’t giving it a second thought because there was no way he’d br
ing someone to her wedding.

  Tears fell as I watched Kristen and Noah exchange vows, and you could hear the sniffles of the guests throughout the room. As happy as I was for them, it broke my heart. Once the ceremony was over and the guests were leaving the room to go up to the reception, I saw Drew and the woman he was sitting next to get up, and he placed his hand on the small of her back. A sick feeling erupted in the pit of my stomach. He did bring someone with him. What the fuck!

  “What’s wrong?” Kellan asked as he walked over to me.

  “Nothing. Why?”

  “You look really upset all of a sudden.”

  “Who me?” I pointed to myself. “I’m not upset at all. Now come on, we have some celebrating to do.” I smiled.

  “You can’t fool me, Bean. I know you all too well.” He hooked his arm around me.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  I wasn’t going to give it another thought. Nope. Not one. This was Kristen and Noah’s big day and my focus had to be on them. While the two of them walked around greeting their guests, Kellan and I went over to the bar for a much-needed drink. Just as the bartender handed me a glass of champagne, I turned around to see Drew and the girl he brought standing in front of me.

  “Hi, Jillian.” He smiled.

  “Hi, Drew.”

  “I would like you to meet Lia. Lia, this is my friend, Jillian.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” She smiled as she held out her slender hand.

  “Nice to meet you too, Lia.” I flashed my perfected smile.

  “Nice to finally meet you in person, Kellan.” Drew grinned as they shook hands.

  “Good to meet you too.”

  “I see your father is here,” Drew spoke as he placed his hand in his pocket and held a glass of scotch with the other.

  “Yes. We had a long talk and Kristen asked him to be here tonight.”

  “Good. I’m happy to hear that you two worked things out. What about your mother?”

  “Nah. She’s back in Seattle. I haven’t heard from her. Which is okay.”

  “Well, we’re going to head back to our table. Talk to you later?”

  “Yeah. Sure. Enjoy the wedding.” I smiled.

  I couldn’t even begin to tell you the feeling that washed over me. It was a mixture of different emotions. Sadness, anger, surprise, shock, just to name a few.

  “You can’t be mad or upset, Bean,” Kellan spoke. “You did tell him that he’s only a friend.”

  “I know that, Kel, and I’m not upset.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Have you forgotten that you can’t hide anything from me?” He kissed the side of my head.

  “Hey, sweetheart. What’s going on with you and Drew? I see he’s here with someone,” my dad asked.

  “Drew and I are just friends, Daddy. Nothing more.”

  Confusion set in as he looked at me. “I thought you two were dating.”

  I swallowed hard. “No. We’re just friends.”

  “Jillian, what’s—”

  “Come on, Dad. They want everyone to sit down for dinner.”

  Taking my seat next to Kristen at the bridal table, I couldn’t help but glance over at Drew and Lia, taking notice of how the two of them were talking and laughing. For someone who wanted more than just friendship, it didn’t take him too long to move on to someone else. Was I really surprised? Not a bit. Look at how fast he moved from Jess to me. Fucking douchebag.

  “I know that look and I know right now you’re angry,” Kristen spoke in my ear. “But you can’t be and you have no right to be. You made it very—”

  Putting my hand up, I interrupted her. “I know. I made it very clear that we’re only friends.”

  After we ate, it was time for Kristen and Noah to take their first dance as husband and wife. Kellan walked over and hooked his arm around me.

  “Your dad apologized to me.”

  “He did?”

  “Yep. You know I never had anything against him. But Patricia.” He shuddered and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  After their dance ended, it was an open floor for all the guests to dance the night away. The song “All of Me” by John Legend started to play. Kristen and my dad were the first on the dance floor while other couples followed behind.

  “Come on, Jilly, let’s dance.” Kellan smiled as he led me to the dance floor.

  As we were dancing, I looked over to see Drew and Lia on the dance floor. My heart started to rapidly beat and I buried my face into Kellan’s shoulder.

  “It’s okay,” he whispered.

  “I’m not sure it is.”

  Just as the song ended, the DJ announced to switch partners with the couple dancing next to us as he played “Stay with Me” by Sam Smith.

  “Oh hello, darling.” Kellan smiled as he took Lia’s hand.

  Shit. Shit. Shit, I thought to myself as I took in a deep breath and placed my hand in Drew’s.

  “We’ve never danced together,” he spoke.

  “No. We haven’t.”

  His hand wrapped around my waist felt good as did our hands that were locked together. His lips were inches from my ear. I could feel myself trembling.

  “I like this song,” he whispered in my ear. “I don’t want you to leave will you hold my hand,” were the next words whispered.

  I tightened and I knew he’d felt it.

  “Relax, Jillian,” he spoke as he continued singing in my ear. “Oh won’t you stay with me, ‘cause you’re all I need.”

  “I am relaxed.”

  “But, darling, stay with me.”

  On that note, the song ended and I couldn’t get away from Drew fast enough.

  “Thanks for the dance.” He smiled as he turned to Lia and they both headed back to their table.

  I couldn’t breathe. Something was wrong and I needed air. Kellan sensed it, so he grabbed my hand and led me outside on the balcony for some fresh air.

  “I can’t breathe, Kel. I feel like I’m going to pass out.”

  He gripped my shoulders tight.

  “Look at me. Calm down. Take in a slow deep breath. Come on, Jill. You can do it. Slow, deep breath.” He stared into my eyes.

  Suddenly, my heart started to calm itself and my breathing returned to normal.

  “Good girl.” He gave a small smile. “You, my darling, just had a panic attack.”

  “It’s just everything that’s going on.”

  “You mean it’s Drew. You were fine until you danced with him.”

  I smacked him on the chest. “Why the hell would you let me dance with him?”

  “Ouch. Because he and Lia were the couple standing next to us and he’s your friend. Just like us. You didn’t freak out when we danced.”

  “And you didn’t sing to me either!”

  “Oh.” His lips formed the letter. “He sang in your ear? How romantic, Jilly.”

  “Ugh! He’s with someone. What an asshole.”

  “Did you ever stop to think that maybe that woman he’s with is just a friend?”

  “No! You can’t just be friends with Drew Westbrook.”

  “Come here.” He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him. “We need to go back inside before people come looking for us. You can feel sorry for yourself in the morning, but tonight, you need to stay strong for Kristen.”

  “You’re right.” I broke our embrace. “And I’m not feeling sorry for myself. I need a drink,” I spoke as I walked back inside.

  As I headed over to the bar, Drew followed me.

  “Are you okay, Jillian? I saw you and Kellan outside.”

  “Yeah. I’m great. I just needed some fresh air. It’s a little warm in here.”

  “It is warm.”

  “Lia seems really nice,” I spoke as the bartender handed me a glass of wine.

  “She is. She’s really sweet.”

  Sting. Burn. Stab.

  “Kristen and Noah are leaving tomorrow for Italy,” I spoke out of nowhere.

sp; “Good for them. Italy is beautiful. I love it there.”

  “I’ve never been.” I sipped my wine. Okay, I gulped down my wine.

  “You should try to get there someday. I think you’d love it there.”

  “Maybe I’ll head there on my next adventure.”

  “Let me know what you think,” he spoke.

  “I will.”

  “I think Lia and I are going to head out. Her kids are with the babysitter and she needs to get home.”

  Kids? Was he serious?

  “She has kids?”

  “Yeah. Two beautiful little girls.”

  “That’s nice.” I gave my perfected smile.

  “Have a good night, Jillian.”

  I gulped. “You too, Drew. Thanks for coming.”

  “It was my pleasure. Oh, and by the way, the bill is already taken care of. My gift to the bride and groom.”

  “Drew, you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know. I wanted to.” He winked as he walked away.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  As soon as Lia and I climbed into the Bentley, I looked over at her.

  “I feel like a total dick for doing this.”

  “Don’t, Drew. She was upset I was there with you. She kept staring at us all night.”

  “You think?”

  “I know. I’m a woman. I can read other women. She was definitely not happy.”

  I sighed.

  We pulled up to Liam’s townhouse so she could get the girls and then Roland was going to drive her home. Upon walking into Liam’s house, the girls came running and gave Lia a hug.

  “Where’s Uncle Liam?” I asked them.

  “In the family room.” They giggled.

  Walking into the room, I saw Sophie standing in front of Liam with what looked like makeup brushes.

  “What’s going on in here?” I smiled.

  Laughter ripped out of me when Liam turned around and his face was all painted with makeup.

  “Shut up, Drew.”

  “But you look so pretty.”

  “Ha ha, very funny. Little smarty pants Sophie over here made me sign a piece a paper that I would let her put makeup on me if she let me watch the playoff game.”

  Pulling my phone from my pocket, I quickly snapped his picture.

  “Damn you, Drew!” he yelled.