Read The First Book of Demons Page 39

Alexandra giggled and clapped her hands together as she watched the acrobats flipping and flying around the room. It hadn’t taken very many glasses of sugared wine to get her drunk. The sweet, smooth taste of it was deceptive. It actually had an alarmingly high alcohol content. Most demons could only drink a few glasses before they were completely wasted. Alex had already had three and she was working on her fourth. Tavi sat next to her utterly entertained by her inebriated state. He found her amusing in general, but with her guard down like this, she was even more fun to watch. Carolina was definitely not pleased with him, judging by the looks she was shooting him, but the Sultana’s anger was well worth the show.

  Balthazar sat on his throne, sipping casually at his glass of wine. It was supposed to be a joyous occasion, and for most in the kingdom it was, but he was the only one who knew the true extent of the problems that were facing him. He simply couldn’t relax and enjoy himself. Being anointed only solved the problem of his younger brothers trying to steal the throne out from under him. The neighboring lands would still be looking for any weakness to strike. He’d managed to keep his attention mostly off Alex, though the way she bounced and laughed with her drunken rosy cheeks made it a little harder. He drained his glass, the only cup of wine he’d allowed himself for the evening, and rose from his cushioned throne. The Taj festival was over for him, but the other attendees would likely be partying late into the night.

  “My Lord,” Darius said, stepping up on the dais beside the throne. He didn’t need to say anything. Balthazar knew what he was expecting. He’d been trying to think of a way to avoid this all night, but he knew it was inevitable.

  Balthazar’s peripheral vision was fixed on Alexandra. As he saw Alex laughing with Tavi he felt his anger begin to rise. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that Tavi could sit by her and laugh with her and he couldn’t. For a split moment, he thought he would summon her to his chambers. Its what he really wanted to do, but he knew he couldn’t do that. For so many reasons. To deny Azira the chance to join him would put her father against him, and the last thing he needed was more dissention in his kingdom. Alexandra was also just a girl. She was of age to be made into a woman, but it wasn’t something he could call on her tonight to do. He wanted to growl. Try as hard as he could, he couldn’t make himself forget about her.

  “Azira,” Balthazar said finally, “and her younger sister, Nila. Send them both to my chambers.”

  Darius smiled happily and bowed to him, then shuffled off to tell the two demonesses the good news. As Alexandra’s alcohol hindered mind registered what was happening her heart fell into her stomach. The smile on her face faded. She didn’t know why she felt so hurt. It wasn’t like she was expecting, or even wanting him to call on her, but it still made her feel sad that he would choose Azira. Carolina picked up on the shift of her energy.

  “I believe we’ve all had too much wine,” Carolina said, standing from her cushion and giving Tavi one more pointed look. “Let’s go for a walk in the garden before we retire for the evening. Lady Adira, would you join us?”

  “Of course,” Adira said, her words only slightly slurred. It had been a long time since she allowed herself to cut loose and have a few drinks. It was a wonderful occasion, and she no longer had the responsibilities of being the Khaja, so she had happily indulged herself. She helped Carolina gather up Alexandra and bid Tavi a good night before the three of them made their way out to the royal gardens.

  The gardens were always an amazing sight to behold, but on a crisp night such as this it was a special pleasure to stroll through. A cold breeze ghosted over Alexandra’s wine-heated skin as she stumbled behind the two demonesses leading her down the pebbled trail that wound throughout the gardens. Alex breathed in the cold night air in heavy gulps trying to clear her mind and regain some sobriety. Now that she was away from the festivities and entertainment, it wasn’t so much fun being drunk.

  There was a large artificial pond that occupied a small portion of the gardens and the three women sat down on a stone bench at the water’s edge. Carolina waved over the only servant that remained in the gardens during the night. He scuttled nervously up to her, bowing before the Sultana. It was a rare event for her to be out of the harem quarters and he had never seen her in person.

  “Go to the kitchens,” Carolina said, “I want a snack brought to my apartments. Nothing of the festival food. Bring me something fresh.”

  The servant bowed and hurried to carry out the task. Adira sat beside Carolina, wondering what she was up to. She couldn’t possibly be hungry after all the food from the festival. There was another reason she wanted to occupy the only servant that would be in the gardens that evening.

  Lady Carolina stood up suddenly. Alex and Adira unconsciously mimicked her, but Alex waivered at the sudden movement she had forced on her intoxicated body. Carolina stepped closer to her and pushed her gently back down onto the bench.

  “Alexandra,” she said softly, “you’ve had entirely too much sugar wine. I think it would be best if you remained here for a moment longer. The fresh air will do you well. Return to my apartments once you’re feeling better.”

  Carolina turned to walk away before there was any time to protest. Alex didn’t want to argue anyway. The cold, fresh air of the evening felt good and she really kind of wanted to be alone anyway. She so rarely had time to herself around here.

  “Oh,” Carolina stopped and turned back towards Alexandra, “Follow this path to the fork, and go to the right. That will bring you back to the harem.”

  Adira looked quizzically at her. Taking a right wouldn’t bring her back to the harem. Understanding clicked in her mind and she forced back a smirk.

  “Yes, remember to go to the right,” Adira said as they both turned away and walked off into the darkness of the gardens. They shared a knowing giggle once they were far enough away from Alex.


  “Nila,” Azira said, grabbing her sister by the shoulders and shaking her slightly, “you will not ruin this night.”

  “But I don’t want to mate Lord Balthazar,” Nila said, a tear threatening to fall down her cheek.

  “You’re not mating him,” Azira said, narrowing her eyes as she let go of her sister. “I’m the one that’s mating him. You’re only there to please him.”

  “I don’t want to do that,” Nila said, stomping her foot in emphasis. Azira slapped her hard across the face. A red palm print was quickly forming on her cheek as Nila rubbed at the spot. She wasn’t surprised. Azira had been bullying her their entire lives.

  “Who could you possibly rather make you a woman?” Azira fumed at her sister’s ignorance.

  “Prince Kaveh,” Nila said, dropping her hand, “I love him.”

  Azira narrowed her eyes at her younger sister. It was as she had suspected. There was a rumor floating around the nobles that Nila was cavorting with the prince. Normally it would be a good thing, except when there was a Lord Sultan involved.

  “Forget about prince Kaveh,” Azira said, turning her back to her sister as she prepped herself in the mirror, “all that matters now is that we please Lord Balthazar. Just do what he says and shut your mouth or I’ll shut it for you permanently.”


  Balthazar paced in his chambers. His mind was haunted by images of Alexandra. The way her big eyes sparkled with awe at the festival. Her innocent curiosity. Her trusting naivety. Her scent that still lingered in his nostrils, delicate and mingled expertly with the perfumed oils of the harem. He wished he was waiting for her instead of the demon sisters. Nila was still a girl, and in some twisted way he wanted to imagine her being Alex. That’s the only explanation he could think of for telling Darius to summon her as well as her older sister.

  A growl bubbled in his chest. Why was he still thinking of her? She was a tool to achieve his goals, nothing more. He wished that was true, but he couldn’t lie to himself. In the short time that she’d been here, she had become so much more to him than a way to control his b

  The doors to his bedchamber cracked opened. Azira and Nila stepped in, their heads bowed in respect as they waited for Balthazar to acknowledge their presence.

  “Disrobe,” he said, not caring to look in their direction as he seated himself on a pile of white silk cushions. He leaned back against a triangular cushion. The sisters stepped further into the room and reached behind them to unlatch their tops. Their bare breasts, round and perky, finally grabbed his attention. Azira walked closer, swaying her hips as seductively as she could manage, but Nila was shy. She stayed behind her sister and avoided looking up at Balthazar.

  “Continue,” he said, his eyes following Azira’s hips.

  Azira turned to her sister and reached for the ties that held the silk skirt at her hips. She pulled Nila closer to her as the garment dropped to the ground, pooling around her feet.

  “Isn’t she beautiful, Lord Balthazar?” Azira asked as she guided her sister in a twirl, displaying her naked body to him.

  “I didn’t tell you to speak,” Balthazar said. He was annoyed. This just didn’t feel right at all. He was barely aroused, and the little bit that he had managed was only because the thoughts he had of Alex. Nila’s scent carried her innocence, but it wasn’t as powerful as Alexandra’s. It wasn’t as enticing. She would make a poor substitute.

  Azira bowed her head in apology and removed her own skirt. Her body was undeniably perfect. She was beautiful, and the arousal in her scent was palpable as she moved closer to him. Balthazar couldn’t help but think he should have been more aroused.

  The utter lack of challenge in these females was just so off-putting. His entire life had been this way. The most noble and beautiful ladies had been on their knees before him since the day he was born, hoping to gain his favor. There was no challenge. These two were no different.

  “Are you not excited, Lord Balthazar?” Azira asked, her eyes drifting to his less than noticeable arousal. She couldn’t help but be angry at the thought that Balthazar was still thinking about that human girl. She hadn’t forgotten the way he had been looking at her. It was the same way he should have been looking at Nila and her right now.

  “Excite me,” Balthazar challenged, leaning further back and picking at a bowl of Anouri fruit that sat on the table next to him. It was a bit of an insult, considering they were already completely naked and willing in front of him. He was hoping to provoke them. He wanted them to yell at him. He wanted them to tell him no, the way Alexandra invariably did.

  Azira moved closer to Balthazar, her eyes heavy with lust. Her sister followed close behind her, but there was a hint of hesitation that intrigued Balthazar. Was she thinking of disobeying him? This would be the perfect opportunity for him to test them. They had been conditioned to do anything he told them, but he wondered how far they would go to please their Lord Sultan.

  “Taste her,” Balthazar said. He leaned his chin against his upturned palm as he watched the two sisters. There was a moment of hesitation and his excitement rose minutely. Nila’s eyes shot to Azira, wide and questioning. Azira seemed to be processing the order. These were sisters, and what he had just told them to do was extremely taboo. He didn’t actually want to see them pleasuring each other. He just wanted to push them to their breaking point. Surely, he thought, they would not agree to such a thing.

  Any intrigue that he might have felt quickly diminished as the sisters complied with his demands. Their bodies splayed wantonly across the white marble floor of his bedchamber. Azira trailed kisses down her sister’s body, lingering at her most sensitive parts, her tongue swirling in caressing kisses. Azira brought her sister to the brink of ecstasy and pulled herself away to crawl over to Balthazar while Nila recovered from the flood of pure pleasure.

  Balthazar wasn’t aroused before, and after that display he was entirely limp. Their mindless compliance had only served to degrade the sisters and further put him off. Azira slid her body between Balthazar’s legs and grabbed a piece of fruit. The sticky juice trailed down her chin as she bit into it, dripping onto her bare chest. She trailed a finger along the drip, bringing it into her mouth and sucking seductively on the tip. Her other hand reached into Balthazar’s lap. Her lips puckered in disappointment when she felt the lack of his arousal.

  “Aren’t you hungry, Lord Balthazar?” she said, raising an eyebrow at him seductively.

  The only thought going through Balthazar’s mind was how much better Alexandra’s arousal smelled than Azira’s when mingled with his favorite fruit. Balthazar had had enough. He stood up and pushed Azira off of him.

  “You failed to arouse my appetite,” Balthazar said with little emotion as he turned away from her. “Get out. Both of you.”


  Alexandra’s shoulders slumped forward as she dangled her feet in the cool water of the garden pond. Her heart hung heavily in her chest. Balthazar was with the demon sisters right now. She didn’t know why that bothered her so much, but it did. It shouldn’t bother her. It wasn’t like there was anything between her and Balthazar. She would never admit it, but she wished there was. The things his presence did to her body were downright embarrassing, especially knowing that he could smell it. If he had any desire for her, he would have acted on it, but he hadn’t. He’d only teased her a few times, his intention only to antagonize her. And with so many beautiful women at his every beck and call, she couldn’t blame him for not showing any interest in her.

  The effects of the wine were beginning to wear off, but Alex was reluctant to return to the harem. Lady Carolina was very kind to her, but Alex really just wanted to be alone. She pulled her feet out of the water and slipped on the soft leather and gold sandals that Carolina had picked out for her. They matched her outfit perfectly. She walked through the royal gardens, still lost in her thoughts, until she came to the fork in the little pebbled path.

  Alex looked down the path in both directions with her lips pursed in thought. She chewed lightly on the inside of her cheek, struggling to recall the way back. It was the left, she finally concluded as she turned to continue down the path.

  She took two steps before stopping suddenly and whirling around. No, it wasn’t the left. It was the right. She remembered clearly now. They had told her to take the path to the right.

  She continued on the garden trail until she came to the entrance gate of the massive harem apartments. The two story doors were closed and there wasn’t a soul in sight. She reached out and knocked softly on the door, hoping someone inside would hear. When there was no response, she beat her balled fist against the doors with a bit more force. The sound echoed back at her, but there was still no response.

  She pushed on the heavy door. It creaked softly but refused to open. Alex leaned her shoulder into the door, pushing her entire body weight into the carved wood. Her face flamed at the exertion as it inched open, parting just enough for Alex to slip through.

  A few steps into the columned entrance hall, Alex realized something was not right. She stopped dead in her tracks. The usually pink marble that decorated the harem walls and floor were missing. Instead, a dazzling white marble brightened the dark room. Her eyes fell upon a tall figure standing in the shadows and her breath caught in her throat. This was definitely not the harem.

  “Are you lost girl?” Balthazar asked. There was a hint of amusement in his deep voice as he took a step towards her.

  Alex felt her heart rate begin to rise as he came closer. His torso was naked and her eyes drifted over his incredible body. A heavy blush stained her round cheeks as she watched the well-toned sinew twitch with every step. Balthazar exuded power and masculinity and Alexandra found it impossible to tear her eyes away from the sight of him. Her body heated as he closed in on her. She took a step back from him.

  Balthazar watched her as she scanned his body. He felt a swell of male pride as a very faint scent of arousal lifted into the air.

  “I was…um,” Alex sputtered, swallowing hard and trying to regain her composure, “I was
trying to get back to the harem…I didn’t mean to—“

  “So you’re obviously lost,” Balthazar said suddenly closing the distance between them with his speed.

  She jumped at the sudden movement, stepping backwards and trying to put a comfortable distance between them. Alex became embarrassingly aware of her less than modest dress. Her arms came up to cover her bare midsection as if it would hide her nervousness.

  Balthazar could hear Alexandra’s heart beating wildly in her ribcage. His mind was clouded with the smell of her arousal, but he could still detect a faint odor of fear mixed in with it. He hated that. It drove him to the brink of insanity because all he wanted to do was take her upstairs into his bedchamber. He wanted to take that fear away. He never wanted her to be afraid of him.

  He watched her with barely cloaked desire as she tried to back away from him. Her exposed skin contacted with the cold marble wall behind her and elicited a delicious little gasp. He wanted to hear her gasp like that over and over while she lay beneath him. He rested his hand on the wall next to her, trapping her between his body and the wall.

  “Balthazar,” Alex questioned breathily, “I…I …”

  She officially couldn’t speak. His face inched closer to hers. His cheek grazed hers as he brought his nose into the crook of her neck and inhaled deeply. She couldn’t think. All she could do was surrender to the desire he conjured deep inside her.

  Her innocence washed over Balthazar like a tingling wave spiked with a delicious after smell of the Anouri fruit. She quivered as her arousal increased. Balthazar couldn’t help but smile, knowing that his touch elicited such a reaction from her. He reached an arm around her waist and pulled her into him. A rumble of pleasure began to quake in his chest as his own desire began to rise. This was all he’d been able to think about the entire night, and now that she was here, he couldn’t make himself pull away.

  Alex squeaked as his hand moved down to grasp her backside, but she didn’t push him away. She didn’t want to. He towered over her and engulfed her. His presence was so complete, so encompassing and his touch made her skin burn everywhere he touched her. She could smell the sugared wine on his breath as his mouth hovered so close to hers. His body felt unnaturally hot as he pinned her between himself and the cold wall. Heat pooled between her legs, and her stomach tingled. She squeezed her thighs together, hoping that it would stop, and knowing Balthazar had undoubtedly already picked up on her arousal. His other hand cupped her cheek and he moved her face so that his lips were lined up with hers. Alex sucked in a sharp breath before a hiccup escaped her lips and broke through the moment.

  She slapped a hand over her mouth and wanted to curse. The one hiccup was followed by a succession of uncontrolled convulsive hiccups. Balthazar reluctantly stepped back from her. She struggled to get her hiccups under control.

  Balthazar gently gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger and pulled her face up to meet his.

  “Alexandra,” he said, his voice surprisingly tender as he brushed the back of his knuckles across her cheek, “Did you know you could be severely punished for entering my chambers uninvited?”

  “I’m hcup… I’m sorry,” Alex said, through her persistent hiccups. “I could have sworn hcup…I could’ve sworn I took a right at the fork in the garden.”

  “You did,” Balthazar said softly. His eyes searched her face as he pushed a curled lock of black hair behind her ear.

  “That’s the hcup… way that Carolina told me to go,” Alex said, her voice shaking with nervous tension as Balthazar continued to run his fingers over her skin.

  “Of course she did,” Balthazar said, finally dropping his hand to his side. “The harem apartments are to the left. You should return there now.”
