Read The First Book of Demons Page 40

“Stop meddling mother,” Balthazar said as soon as he saw her coming out of the harem. She had requested an audience with him and he thought it would be best to take her for a walk through the royal gardens. Going to her apartment meant that he would see Alexandra. After the night before he thought it was a good idea to avoid her for now. Eventually he would need to see her, and get her started on a training regimen, but for now it was best to let their emotions cool.

  “Meddling?” Carolina asked, feigning ignorance as she placed a hand to her chest. “I have no idea what you mean.”

  “Spare me the act,” Balthazar said. He held his arm out for his mother to take. “You sent Alexandra to my chambers last night. I know what you're trying to do.”

  “Yes, and imagine my disappointment when she came back still a girl,” Carolina said, a smirk on her pink painted lips as she gave her son a sidelong glance. “I thought for sure you would have—“

  “She could have been very severely punished,” Balthazar said with a heavy sigh. He led them onto one of the paths that ran through the gardens “She pushed her way into my private quarters.”

  He wasn't surprised at all that his mother was trying to influence things. She always did. He wasn't surprised that she had taken such a liking to Alexandra either. He felt the same way, but there were things she didn't understand and things he just couldn't discuss with her.

  “I do hope she didn't interrupt something,” Carolina said as she eyed her son, the smile on her face broadening. Balthazar may be the Lord Sultan, but he was still her son, and she knew him well. She knew when he liked a female, which wasn't very often, and she could see very clearly the way he felt about Alexandra.

  “Why did you request an audience with me?” Balthazar asked, wanting to get off the subject of Alex and the night before. He meant to scold his mother for what she had done, but the woman was cunning and she always managed to turn things around to her own advantage.

  “I have a request,” Carolina said. She stopped by a bush of blooming flowers and turned her back to Balthazar.

  “What might that be, mother?” Balthazar asked with a sigh. She plucked one of the prettier blooms and brought it to her nose.

  “Alexandra,” Carolina said turning to him as she stuck the flower behind her ear. “I thought that since she will be staying with us for a while, she should have her own apartments.”

  “Mother, stop it,” Balthazar said, clenching his jaw as she took his arm again.

  “Stop what?,” Carolina said, batting her lashes in a gesture of innocence. “I'm merely suggesting—“

  “Your merely meddling in my affairs,” Balthazar said. They continued walking through the gardens at an easy pace.

  “I would never do such a thing,” Carolina said with a chuckle.

  Balthazar fought the urge to roll his eyes. His mother was always meddling. She didn't need to push his interest in Alexandra. There was plenty already there. Balthazar wanted her and only her, but he was the Lord Sultan now and he couldn't afford to be so selfish. He couldn't afford to make more enemies than he already had.

  “I can't give her an apartment,” Balthazar said with regret in his voice. His eyes were focused on the ground in front of him. “The first apartments must be given to the future Sultana. You know this better than anyone. If I gave her an apartment in the harem, the gesture could be misconstrued. Someone else must get one first.”

  “The Delshad daughter,” Carolina said with a sneer. “You don't even like her.”

  “It doesn't matter,” Balthazar said. His entire body was rigid at the thought of what had happened the night before. He didn't ever want to see the Delshad sisters again, but he knew that he was expected to mate the elder one. Until Alexandra could help him to control his beast, and obtain a higher level of power, he just couldn't make any more enemies. His kingdom depended on it.

  “There's something else that's bothering you,” Carolina said, picking up on the worry in her son's aura. Balthazar remained silent as they walked for a while longer.

  “Lord Krishna sent word,” Balthazar said, finally. He'd gotten the correspondence this morning and it was less than pleasant. Lord Krishna was demanding that he mate his daughter immediately or there would be war between them. It was harder to deny him that when he hadn't chosen any female to mate yet.

  Carolina understood the bigger picture. The position of Balthazar’s first mate was highly prized. The lady he chose would replace her as Sultana. Even if he did care for Alexandra, she could never be his mate without upsetting alot of people.

  “I'm sure you'll work everything out,” Carolina said, giving him a small pat on the arm. It was the best she could offer. He had advisors that could tell him how to handle the threats of war. The best she could do was offer moral support, and perhaps a loophole to one of his problems. “As for the Lord Enchanter's daughter, protocol only requires they be mated to royalty. Any royal son will do.”


  Arastoo stormed into the Lord Sultan's office. His eyes burned in outrage as he glared down at Balthazar. By now he had probably heard of what had happened the night before with his daughters. Balthazar had meant to pacify him by informing him that Azira would soon be named as the future Sultana, but then he had spoken with his mother. There was thankfully a way around his mating with the Delshad daughter. Perhaps Arastoo wouldn't be as happy about it as he would be if Balthazar was going to mate her, but at least this way he wouldn't make an enemy out of him.

  “I believe we have something to discuss,” Arastoo said. He was trying to be intimidating, but his lanky build and high-pitched voice just made him look ridiculous. He stood up straighter and tried to use his height to look fierce.

  “Yes, we do,” Balthazar said, his voice calm and pleasant. He motioned to the cushion on the other side of his desk. “Sit, Lord Enchanter.”

  “You expect me to sit after what you did to my daughters?” Arastoo asked with his lips pulled into a thin line. “You were supposed to choose Azira as your Sultana.”

  “Your daughters were found wholly unsatisfying,” Balthazar said flatly. “And I have no intention of mating with Azira. She's a spoiled bitch and you know it as well as I.”

  “,” Arastoo's face lit up bright red as he tried to form words to counter the insult. “How dare you! First you disgrace my daughters and now—“

  “Your daughters did an excellent job of disgracing themselves,” Balthazar said with a little chuckle as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  “You just wait, you arrogant boy,” Arastoo shouted, pointing his finger at Balthazar in an attempt to be menacing. “I'm going to—“

  “You're going to sit down and listen to me,” Balthazar said, his voice turning more authoritative. He leaned forward and motioned again at the empty cushion.

  “Why would I ever sit down in front of you after what you did?” Arastoo asked. His entire body was shaking in outrage. Balthazar didn't blame him for being so upset. Any father would be. He loved his daughters and he only wanted the best for them.

  “Because, I am the Lord Sultan,” Balthazar said calmly. “ And I have a solution that I believe will make everyone happy. Or, you could storm out of here, declare a personal vendetta against me and we could go about destroying each other politically to the detriment of our kingdom. I would choose to sit and listen if I were you.”

  Arastoo narrowed his eyes at Balthazar as he processed the ultimatum. He didn't really have much of a choice. Balthazar was right. Technically, he had enough power and influence to make his reign a living hell, but that wouldn't benefit anyone. Arastoo sank down on the cushion with a huff and crossed his arms.

  “Now,” Balthazar said, placing his hands on the desk in front of him. “I understand your anger. It wasn't my intention to disgrace your daughters. And I also agree that they should be married into royalty.”

  “Azira is too strong to be pawned off to one of your younger brothers,” Arastoo said, lifting his nose in the air.

sp; “She's not going to be the Sultana,” Balthazar said, leveling a gaze at Arastoo that told him it wasn't up for discussion.

  “It's the human, isn't it?” Arastoo asked, his voice suddenly small. His eyes focused on his hands as they crossed in his lap. “I've heard rumors about your feelings for her.”

  “That's...,” Balthazar was about to tell him it was none of his business, but he had come to a conclusion after his discussion with his mother. If he could get Arastoo on board with his decision it would make things go smoother. “Yes. I intend to make her my Sultana.”

  “She's not even—“

  “Her magic is vastly more powerful than even yours,” Balthazar said. “I'm sorry, but she will make a far better mate than your daughter. Surely you can see this.”

  “That may be so,” Arastoo said, “but where does that leave my daughter. And me? I'm your Lord Enchanter.”

  “You will always retain that position,” Balthazar said. “Don't mistake my intentions. You have been a valuable asset to the council and to my father's reign since you took the position centuries ago. Alexandra may have powerful abilities, but she knows nothing about running a kingdom or matters of state. I intend for her to be my Sultana and nothing more.”

  “And my daughter?” Arastoo asked. His voice had lost its edge now that he knew his position was secure, but Balthazar could still hear the hurt from his daughter's rejection. “Is she to be passed off to some younger prince that hasn't the power nor inclination to make her happy?”

  “Of course not,” Balthazar said, raising a hand to placate him. “She will mate one of the royal princes, but I recognize that it will take more than the title of prince to satisfy both you and her.”

  “Well besides Sultana, what else is there?” Arastoo asked throwing his hands in the air.

  “Did you forget that there is a royal prince on the council? Certainly, being the mate of a council member is prestigious enough?” Balthazar said. Arastoo leaned back a little.

  “He was born of a concubine,” he said, his eyes narrowing. Balthazar could see that there wasn't much argument left in him. He was satisfied by the notion of Azira mating with Tavi, there was just something else he wanted so he was going to try and hold out until he got it.

  “He's got more power and influence than any of the full blooded princes,” Balthazar said. “Don't be evasive. What is it you want?”

  “Both Azira and Nila,” Arastoo said. “I want them both mated to Lord Tavi.”

  “A Lord Sultan is the only one who can take more than one mate,” Balthazar said.

  “You've already made so many changes to the way things are done, surely you can make one more,” Arastoo said. He stood from his cushion and stepped toward the door. “You have my support on the issue.”

  “Then consider it done,” Balthazar said as the Lord Enchanter left. He felt an immense weight lifting off his chest knowing that the issue had been taken care of. Now there was essentially nothing stopping him from being with Alexandra. The thought was one of the few happy ones he'd had since his father died. It was tempered only by the fact that now he had to tell Tavi the news.
