Read The Fourth Dimension Page 4


  When I heard the gunshots, I knew that something was wrong. My mind started whirring and I looked outside. British, American, and French troops were rapidly destroying my small amount of Nazis that were stationed at my castle. I heard cheers and knew that my forces were defeated. I had something they didn’t though Matt Smith. He was one of the boys who found the other time machine. As the two boys were trying to sneak up on my fortress, I hypnotized Matt because he seemed the likely one to be the leader of the pair. I made the guards aware of the boy and they knocked him out and brought him to my tower. He is strapped to the bed in the corner and I will interrogate him until he tells me what I want to know. If need be, the other boy will be taken and the Matt boy will be dealt with. My castle has many defenses, but at the moment, they are no use against the three thousand man army outside. The walls have targeting missiles, now useless. The towers have flamethrowers, now useless too. My personal tower is my favorite. My tower is the safest place in the castle. It is equipped with weapons no other human being has ever seen before. Traps are also set up all around the stairs that lead up the the main chamber. The doors are all specially locked and electrified and any air strike can be taken down with the long range missiles. I took those from the future. Over three thousand years of technology in the future have made this tower the safest place in the world. Am I afraid of some stupid boys, no. I am fearless. About a day ago though, I experienced a great pain. That had to be the pesky boys time traveling. I found out that the more people that travel, the more the curse works. I have to be careful if they leave. I am already weak even if it doesn’t seem like it. I will perish if they go one more time. I have to capture the other boy. I must. My ancestors will be avenged! I have an army that no one knows of. An army that could destroy cities. Prepare Pedro to face my robots.


  When I finally came to my senses, I knew one thing. Pain. Unimaginable amounts of it coursing through my body. Before I was knocked out, I remember being unable to control my movements. Soon enough, I was at the gate and was greeted by getting knocked on the head. I wake up and find myself in a chamber. Weird. The only other person i n the room is a man with black hair and a black moustache. He seemed, different. All of the people that we had met so far, had been pleasant people and carried around a happy aura. This man was different. He carried a dark aura and whenever he came close, a shiver ran down my spine. When he finally talked, I saw the true horror of him. There was a large scar running down the side of his face. I remember hearing something about a recent fight and Hitler, but not much.

  “So, I hear you have acquired a certain time machine that I have been hunting for centuries.” he said with a smile.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You know very well what I mean Matt. I, as you probably know have immense power and the capability to destroy many precious things to you.” he sneered.

  “How do you know my name?”

  “I have my ways. One way or another, I know everything.” he said.

  At that moment, I heard a rumbling and saw on a video monitor Pedro leading a troop of at least a hundred troops up the stairs of the castle. I knew the place was rigged so they had to be very careful. Hitler just smiled .

  “I will give you the chance to tell me everything before your friend there is destroyed by my traps.”

  What he didn’t know is that Pedro is a thief. Thieves have very good senses and can dismantle traps, big or small. I kept my mouth shut and smiled to myself.

  “Suit yourself. Prepare to watch your friend there die.”

  I smiled as Hitler’s smile morphed into a look of pure horror. On the video monitor, Pedro was pausing every step and taking down all of Hitler’s traps. He took some with him. I watched him approach the door and he expertly dismantle the electrifying mechanism and smash the lock. He then used one of the flamethrowers he took from the traps and seared his way through the door. When he entered the room, he held up the flamethrower and kept it leveled at Hitler.

  “Release the boy Nemesis.”

  “Fine. “

  He held his hands up and all of the soldiers came to try to help. Pedro came over and all of the soldiers stepped back to watch him expertly take off all of the chains. When the gag was finally taken off, I screamed.

  “Stop him!”

  At that moment, we all turned and saw him fleeing down the stairs. One of the soldiers took out a radio and alerted the others waiting downstairs. We charged down the stairs and radioed to the ground troops. Hitler would have probably been there by now. They delivered that he hadn’t come down yet. I was devastated that he disappeared. I looked around and saw Pedro coming down the stairs and slipping something into his pocket and he got to work looking for him. We searched the tower and went outside. We were there and all of a sudden we heard a shaking. Some soldiers fell to the ground. I looked behind me and began to run. I dragged Pedro with me because he didn’t look to see the oncoming menace.